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Logs from South West of France - April 4 to 6

Posted: Sun Apr 06, 2014 20:02 pm
by Toutatis
Hi to all,

Very good propagation this weekend.
Strong signal on high frequencies.

Friday 4th April

3905 1951 45544 Skyline Int. Radio
4029 2030 45444 Laser Hot Hits
6205 1938 45544 Horizon FM - Tenerife - Canaries

Saturday 5th April

4029 1944 45444 Laser Hot Hits
5805 1719 35322 Radio Joey
6095 0801 55545 The Mighty KBC - via Media Broadcast
6205 0731 45544 Horizon FM - Tenerife - Canaries
6215 1652 45444 Carmen Radio
6265 1750 45444 Radio Tango Italia
6280 0721 35433 Cosmic Radio (Many thanks to Ray !)
6295 1900 43443 Radio Klabautermann
6323 1728 34433 Radio Altrex
6325 2006 44544 The Ghoul
6395 1958 45444 Delta Radio
6425 1744 25332 Non Stop Radio - 2 W !
6485 1739 34433 Premier Radio Int.
11401 1928 44433 Radio Waves Int.
11410 1918 25432 Over 60 Degrees Radio - LSB
15490 1933 45544 Radio Black Arrow
21480 1709 35433 Baltic Sea Radio - LSB

Sunday 6th April

4029 1910 45444 Laser Hot Hits
6095 1007 55555 The Mighty KBC - via Media Broadcast - 1500 : end
6205 0620 44544 Horizon FM
6210 1609 35333 Big Podcast - via Sluwe Vos Radio
6285 1715 45444 De Rode Adelaar
6292 0930 45444 Radio Scotland
6300 0627 35433 Unid - test
6803 1622 45433 Radio Pink Panther
7300 0902 35433 U-Boat 66
7310 0802 44444 Atlantic 2000 Int. - via Radio 700 - Kall-Krekel - Germany - 0900 : end
7330 1003 55555 Radio Joystick - via Issoudun - France
7375 0914 35433 Unid
9485 0700 55544 Atlantic 2000 Int. - via MV Baltic Radio - Göhren - Germany
9485 0907 45544 MV Baltic Radio - Göhren - Germany
11401 1015 45444 Radio Waves Int.
12257 0935 45433 WR International - 1004 : end
13910 1725 45544 Radio Borderhunter - 1751 : end
15730 0958 35433 Radio Black Arrow
21480 0943 34433 Baltic Sea Radio - LSB

Good listening.

Re: Logs from South West of France - April 4 to 6

Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2014 23:18 pm
by Ray Lalleu
Hello Toutatis,

Your UNID on Saturday morning :

6280 0721 35433 Unid

was again COSMIC RADIO. IDs heard at 0726 (+ JID), 0748, 0810, 0842, 1044. That last ID was under the relay of R. Caroline North on the same frequency (a few Hz away), and they were still in "stereo" at 1225.

It seems I'm the only one to ID Cosmic Radio (and the only one never IDing King SW?).

I heard also your UNIDs on Sunday, but UNID here too.

Good listening,


Re: Logs from South West of France - April 4 to 6

Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2014 16:54 pm
by Toutatis
Hi Ray,

Thank you once again for your help.
King SW is really difficult to identify, but I heard sometimes identifications from them.
Their modulation is correct now, but a few months ago, they had a very bad modulation.
I have recorded the unid station on 7375 kHz. No identication heard, but this station plays Radio London (offshore)
memories during every transmission.
To listen on 7375 kHz, I had to use my Elektor SDR in USB mode, because there was a strong carrier on 7373 kHz.

All the best.