LOGS : 23 - 29 DEC. 2013
Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2014 23:45 pm
Hard to crosscheck such a week ! Still a lot of UNIDs with no tentative ID from any quick log. Also tips with nothing alike in any quick log, and they are almost evenly spaced along the week. Two stns from America on Wed.25th but very hard to hear (IDs from HF Underground). On Sun.29th, look for "Crisis"(??) on 6220 (heard as UNID by Franja DX and Caroline Team).
On late evenings, a lot of stations on 48m also heard far away in NFL (or UKR), unexpected at short distances in that season. Of course, times like 2435 and 2505 are meaning 0035 and 0105 of the next UTC day.
It looks like Radio Marabu made a marathon on 24-25-26th of Dec. (and more?) on his own TX (6304,9 kHz), and maybe also relayed by Channel 292 on 6070 ? (but not checked enough). Maybe R. Mistletoe also made a marathon, but playing leapfrog, and that was nothing easier than on previous years.
* * * * * MON. 23 DEC. 2013 * * * * *
6255,0 0749-0900 R. MERLIN INT, e.weak\noisy >v.weak, Xmas time mx, IDs (0918 gone)
6245,0 0843-0848* R. CASANOVA, \kind of QRM ?, mx parts, Id, blank and s/off
6240,0 0854-0856* R. CASANOVA, fair\slight fading, "Knock on wood", ID, c'/d, bye-bye, g's, s/off
6305,0 0905-0916 UNID, e.weak \fading,PLC. mx, v.low (on/off?) mod, 0914 fair, normal mod. (0917 gone)
6290,0 0916-0929 R. PLUTO, \bad fading, mx, IDs, H.RisingSun, 0928 test trn, c'/d now, ask for rpts.
6305,0 0933-0947* UNID, v.weak\PLC, "Sound of silence", "Roxane", deep fade, sudden off [ cf OMEJAN ]
6070,0 1010,1400 R. CHANNEL 292 %, 1010 v.weak\PLC, "Strangers in the night", 1400 \PLC, mx
6304,9 1401-1500 UNID \PLC, mx, Xmas time mx. - - - - - - - - - -[ cf MARABU ]
6294,9 1404-1417 UNID, e.weak \PLC, tk (in D?), song (in D?).. - - - - [ cf VERONA ]
6289,9 1405-1405 UNID, D? mx. (1418 nothing)
6285,1 1406-1649 FOCUS INT, \hum from D stn, mx, DJ duo, 1420 Message to you Rudy, 1500 ID+contacts
6285,0 1406-1649 UNID, D stn under Focus, 1418 tk in D, hum all along, still both carriers at 1701.
6265,0 1410-1424 UNID, v.weak\PLC, mx, D mx. - - - - - - - - - - - - [ cf DIGITAL ? ]
6324,9 1414-1437 UNID, v.weak\PLC, D mx (maybe Norton?) - - [ cf NORTON ]
6275,0 1424,1435 UNID, e.weak, mx. (1451 gone) - - - - - - - - - - - -[ cf TINA ]
6210,0 1425-1503 UNID, v.weak \PLC, instrum mx, D mx, f'/up - - [ cf TELSTAR ]
6265,85 1436-1436* UNID, accordion and off. - - - - - - - - - -[ cf DIGITAL ]
6290,0 *1439-1443* R. PLUTO, blank, mx, ID by W voice, mx, off (or to 6295? but blank?)
6323,9 1457-1500 R. PLUTO, e.weak \PLC, undermod, tk, ID, mx.
6304,9 1651-1700 UNID, e.weak, mx, tk, deep fade - - - - - - - - [ cf MARABU ?]
3905,0 1920-1954 UNID, e.weak/trace \v.noisy, atmos. mx barely audible on peaks.
4029,0 1940,1955 LASER HOT HITS, 1940: \RTTY on U-side, then on L-side, mx, ID. 1955: barely a trace
* * * * * TUES. 24 DEC. 2013 * * * * *
6304,6 0813-0934 R. MARABU, \fading.PLC. mx, IDs (also 1402-1423: v.weak\PLC, mx)
6304,9 1530-1643 UNID, mx, incl' G song. 1641 : some hum. (1713 trace only)
6285,1 0815-0941 FOCUS INT, good, pop-rock, DJ, IDs
6285,1 1357-1434 FOCUS INT, ID+POB, KISS"I was made..", \PLC > e.weak\PLC
6285,1 1549-1648 FOCUS INT, strong again \strong hum (from Asia?), mx, 1624 ID. (1715 trace)
6255,0 0816-0934 R. MERLIN INT %, DJ: J. Frost ?, Lil'drummer boy, AC/DC, Free Mandela, odd deep fade
6255,0 1417-1623 R. MERLIN INT, v.weak \deep fades, Rocking all over the world, 1552 M DJ, ID, 1623 She's not there
6200,3 0843-0906 CRAZY WAVE R., (0817 under Stanag), v.weak\PLC, mx, tk, at last a clear ID \QRM6195. (0935 on)
6190,0 0845-0907 HAMBURG LOKAL R. %, AM-USB, clear \bit PLC. Jazz, tk. 0907 now tk in G \6195 QRM
6070,0 0856,1423 R.CHANNEL 292 %, weak\fading, mx
6298,6 1359-1434 MAGIC AM, Merry Xmas song, tk, mx, g's, R.Stones, 1423 D.Springfield, ID, 1434 ID
6920,0 1404-1433* UNID, v.weak \muffled, rock, pops, sudden off. - - - - - - [ cf TRANS EUROPE ]
6245,3 1420-1615 UNID, v./e.weak\PLC, pop show in E, 1525 "Veronica story" song, 1556 J.Dutronc, Mungo J. [CWR ]
6210,0 1438-1440 UNID, v/weak \fading, mx, mx. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [ cf LUXEMBURG ]
6295,95 1532-1603 R. ODYNN, Venus, No milk today, Hippy shake, ID+hl+@, 1603 P4P plug+@, Give peace a chance
6289,9 1544-1548 UNID, e.weak \splash both sides, mx, islands' mx, pop.
6289,9 1605-1610 R. NMD, v.weak\PLC,splash. Jingle bells(accordion), g's, IDs, rpt from France, bye-bye
6289,9 1611-1613 R. RONEX, ID+@, then off.
6200,0 1617-1620 UNID, \6195 splash, c'/d ID+@ (no copy), W voice, news?, from E.Europe ??
6290,9 1625-1714 R. NORTON, v.weak, IDs, then D songs
6295,0 1629-1632* UNID, kind of D song, sudden off.
6299,55 1633-1647 R. UNDERGROUND, good\fading, mx, ID, JID, "OK...", Asian mx, Ring my bell, more IDs, f'/down
4029,0 1638-1714 LASER HOT HITS, strong \noisy,RTTY, mx, ID, 1714 duo tk:Ireland, Laser. (also 2333, tk')
6265,4 1649,1715 R. TANGO ITALIA, ID/IS loop
6285,4 1739-1739 R. TANGO ITALIA %, tango, \hum from 6285,1
6240,4 2335-2340 R. TANGO ITALIA %, tango
* * * * * WED. 25 DEC. 2013 * * * * *
6304,9 0734-0859 R. MARABU, trace at first, 0746 Elvis?, Xmas show in G: Santa Klaus, 3 Kings. 0843 ID.(also 1528)
6292,1 0735-0842 UNID, e.weak\fades,splash, then PLC. mx, 0842 end? - - [ cf EXPERIENCE ]
6285,1 0741-0859 FOCUS INT, trace>good+peaks, IDs, mx, tk
6285,1 1529-1536 FOCUS INT %, duo tk, mx \QRM (from China?)
6255,0 0742-0905 R. MERLIN INT, weak/v.weak\PLC, rock, 0743 ID, mx, 0905 ID, wishes
6255,0 1531-1537 R. MERLIN INT, v.weak\het, mx, ID
6199,6 0744-0858 R. ACTION, weak\PLC, Xmas and D mx, IDs+@
6289,9 0835-0842* UNID, e.weak \squeezed(6292,1 and 6285,1), mx, 0842 s/off - - - - [ cf RONEX ]
6265,1 0844-0924 UNID, e.weak\PLC, mx, 0900 Bzn ?. - - - - - - [ cf EXPERIENCE ]
6244,8 0854-0923 UNID, \PLC, 6240,3 het. Xmas mx. 0905 \het, OTH. 0923 Funky town. - - [ cf RONEX ]
6240,3 0906-0921 UNID, e.weak\fading, Jingle Bells(in a loop?), tk (no copy) - - - -[ cf RKNW ]
6240,3 1531-1547 UNID, e.weak\PLC, mx, 60s trumpet, tk (muffled)
6210,7 1533-1550 UNID, v.weak\PLC, mx, 1550 ID+@ by W (no copy). - - [cf JINGLE BELLS ]
6297,9 1543-1552 MAGIC AM, mx, 1551 tk, ID, mx
4029,0 1745, 2223 LASER HOT HITS, 1745 good \fading, mx, ID, ment' Skyline Int. 2231: Weinacht tk', mx, IDs..
6070,0 2102-2404 R. MARABU, ID over R.MiAmigo song, mx, tk in G
3930,1 2107- 2131 SLUWE VOS R., mx, "Boys boys boys", 2116 ID+@, \noise burst, IDs+@, mx, H.Rising Sun.
3938,0 2108-2133 RKNW, ID+hl, Merry Xmas, pops, \noise burst, 2128 ID, still noisy. (2222 UNID, mx)
6949,0 2138-2205 UNID, e.weak \side RTTY, mx, tk (no copy), 2204 " ---- dot-com". [ cf BOOMBOX ]
6300,0 2208-2234 UNID, tchac-boom, Reveille rock, polka, D song... - - [ cf BOOMERANG ]
6925,6 2237-2357 UNID, e.weak \hiss,traffic6925L. mx. [ cf TCS BUBBLEGUM EXPRESS ]
6304,9 2246-2328 UNID, (after trace), e.weak\PLC, mx, soon Powerliner QRM [ cf MARABU ]
6304,95 2446,2514 UNID, e.weak/trace, mx (maybe Marabu marathon)
6300,0 *2256-2513 R. POWERLINER INT, strong +peaks, CD player hickup, 2309 J.Cash, 2315 ID,g's, 2333 Bus stop, Do wah Diddy, 2404 Feliz Navidad, Mr Bluesky, Whiter shade of pale,etc. 2450"c'/d", goes on
6238,0 2259-2325 R. BLACK BANDIT, strong, mx, ID, "dusty discs"messing, songs, g's, C&W, "about 1 K double U"
6208,9 2301-2442 CRAZY WAVE R., v.weak > fair+strong peaks, rock, many live IDs, 2319 Red Chili Hot Pepper"Give it away", ID, "on channel 76 and 6209 kHz", mx, IDs (2523 e.weak)
6290,0 2406-2505 R. MISTLETOE, fair +peaks, Xmas mx show, 2417 ID+@
6295,0 2412-2439 R. VERONA ?, \squeezed, undermod. D mx, tk (no copy), 2439 ID+@ (not sure)
6930,0 2452-2530 R. AC-DC ?, e.weak, mx, tk in E, ID (not sure), rock, hard rock.
6285,1 2518-2523 UNID, e.weak \PLC, mx, tk (no copy)
* * * * * THURS. 26 DEC. 2013 * * * * *
6969,9 0754-0827 R. PLUTO, mx, tk in D, IDs in E, 0826 in LSB.
6304,9 0755-1634 R. MARABU, good\fading,occ.PLC. mx, 0829 ID, 1544 ID, tk in G, 1620 ID, Marcel Fisher
6304,9 2246-2403 R. MARABU %, e.weak, occ.traffic, mx
6285,1 0756-1637 FOCUS INT, mx, 0849 tk:weather, ID+@+hl, mx, mx... 1548 \hum(QRM)
6285,1 2247-2402 FOCUS INT, v.weak, mx, 2251 ID
6255,05 0757-1608 R. MERLIN INT, v.weak\PLC, mx+W DJ, repeat?+added?"Boxing day" by M, pops
6210,0 0758-1154 TIP & ELVIS SHOW, strong, rock, DJ, 0835 bit of het (6205,1), 0903 ID, etc..
6210,0 1315-1626* TIP & ELVIS SHOW, strong\some noise, rock, DJ, 1445 jammed?, 1623 c'/d ID
6190,0 0759-0945 HAMBURG LOKAL R. %, in AM-USB, jazz, later magazine in G
4029,0 0759-0824 LASER HOT HITS, mx, ID, tk.
4029,0 1600-1752 LASER HOT HITS, fair \fading, mx, ID, rpt, \het then ut.QRM. (also 2115: v.e.weak)
6300,0 0830-0830 UNID, weak, mx. (0845 gone) - - - - - - - - - - [ cf OMEJAN ]
6070,0 0839-0842 R. CHANNEL 292 %, weak, mx, tk(mushy)
6070,0 2126-2150 R. CHANNEL 292 %, e.weak\strong PLC,splash..(hard to hear). mx, 2135 Feliz Navidad, 2150 in G.
6324,9 0842-0954 R. NORTON, weak\PLC, D mx, 0843 ID.
6240,0 0853-0952 UNID, v.weak\PLC, D songs. - - - - - - - - [ cf OMEJAN ]
6205,1 0851-0858 UNID, e.weak at best \QRM 6205, mx. (tiny tiny trace at 0904, 0954) [ cf KING SW ? ]
6250,0 0942-0945 UNID, Little drummer boy, ID+@ no copy, Xmas song. (0951 trace) [cf CASANOVA ]
6380,3 0955-1137 UNID, e.weak\PLC, mx, tk, ment' Odynn, ID no copy, 1056 Stille nacht (in a medley) [ cf SWCH ]
6380,3 1335-1619 SW COMB. HOLLAND, L.drummer boy, tk, mx, 1618 clear ID at last.
6450,0 0958-1057 UNID, weak+peaks\PLC, "Radio gaga", 1057 ID+@ no copy - - - -[cf TRANS-UNIV.]
6795,8 1000-1000 UNID, mx much disturbed by a kind of RTTY - - - - [ cf PINK PANTHER ]
6242,0 1020-1152 UNID, D song, tchacboom, Come on Eileen, 1040 R. -- -- Int. \strong PLC now [ cf TELSTAR ]
6235,0 1023-1047 UNID, e.weak<v.weak\PLC, mx, tk, 1027 IDs+@ no copy, f'/down [ cf RODE ADELAAR ]
6746,9 1059-1145 PINK PANTHER R., v.weak \PLC, mx, IDs+@
6746,9 1341-1620 UNID, weak \noisy, mx, D mx. - - - - [ PINK PANTHER ]
6265,1 1104-1151 UNID, Artem show?, mx, tk in E, 1150 ment' Sweden. [ R. Ukraine Int, acc. to a friend ]
6274,8 1127-1131 UNID, e.weak\PLC, samba, Suzi Quatro, "Major Tom" - - [ cf DIGITAL ]
6325,0 1133-1404 UNID, D songs, 1356 "Casanovas" instrum, Camouflage, Toreador, D mx - -[ cf QUINTUS ]
6390,0 1138-1138 UNID, e.weak\PLC, mx
6450,0 1139-1145 UNID, weak\PLC, 1142 ultra-modern"Besame mucho" 1145 Free electric band - - [cf RONALISA ]
6317,6 1147-1149 UNID (after blank), v.weak\PLC, mx - - - - - - [ cf WNKR ]
6310,0 1357-1639 R. TELSTAR SOUTH, typ. Golden Boys sound, IDs, 1543 D clip incl' Hava Nagila.
6289,8 1408-1431 UNID, mx, 1415 ID no copy, D songs, 1428 Merry Xmas song. - - [ cf GOUDENSTER ]
6265,7 1432-1437 R. JINGLE BELLS, mx, ID, SSTV, ID+@, mx.
6290,9 1517-1637* ODYNN R., mx, g's, ID, Nutbush City.., H.RisingSun, 1634 c'/d ID+g's
6325,8 1539-1633 R. CAROLINE INT, JID, mx, 1633 ID
3930,05 1551-1630 SLUWE VOS R., v.weak\noisy, mx, IDs, Merry Xmas
5800,5 1611-1632 R. TOWER, \noisy, Xmas time show, mix of mx, ID.
3900,0 2152-2235 UNID, e.weak \loc.noise, mx, W tk', duo. (China?)
3925,0 2156-2240 R. MISTLETOE ?, belfry bells (like last ev'), tk: Santa Claus,etc.. then mx, 2225 f'/down
3904,7 2218-2400 R. UNDERGROUND, blank, mx, "Fire", Moricone, On the road again, D mx, tango, Hocus Pocus, known voice, strong clear peaks, D waltz, Moonlight shadow, etc
* * * ** * FRI. 27 DEC. 2013 * * * * *
6070,0 0728-0903 R. CHANNEL 292 %, strong peaks !, rec. from Laser 558 incl' ID in F. later \PLC, RNI jingle.
6255,0 0809-1143 R. MERLIN INT, weak>v.weak \noisy, "Merry Xmas"(in song, jingle...) , player pb, IDs. (also 1636?)
6746,9 0835-1026 PINK PANTHER R., v.>e.weak \muffled, pops, M+W+child tk, 0845 ID+@, mx
6746,9 1655-1701 PINK PANTHER R., "Amarillo", brass mx, ID+@, mx.
6305,9 1141-1142 R. TELSTAR INT, fair\PLC, mx, ID
6274,4 1633-1635* R. TANGO ITALIA %, blank, it. anthem, off
6270,4 1635-1722 R. TANGO ITALIA, it. anthem in a loop, then tango, 1720 ID, more tango
6209,75 1637-1653 TIME R., mx, tk, 1646 clear ID+@, etc, rockabilly (1706 gone)
3905,0 2014-2031 UNID, trace, e.weak peaks, mx, tk (no copy) - - - - - - [ cf SNOWBALL ? ]
4029,0 2022-2215 LASER HOT HITS, weak \fades, sudden peaks. offshore clips, mx.
6299,9 2210-2234* UNID, e.weak, bpm mx, "short test .. from the NL", g's, 2232 c'/d no copy [ cf NACHT PIRAAT ]
6300,05 2235-2238 UNID, e.weak, mx, tk for? Z. Nacht? Piraat. (2238 end?)
6299,8 2244-2253 R. ZEEWOLF(?) INT, e.weak, mx, tk, ID (not sure), mx
6746,9 2354-2409 UNID, v.weak \PLC, 80s mx, 2409 Blue monday.
* * * * * SAT. 28 DEC. 2013 * * * * *
6070,0 0733-0850 R. CHANNEL 292 %, fair>weak \fading, rec' from RNI in E
4029,0 0742-0746 LASER HOT HITS %, strong peaks, pops, tk
4029,0 1655-1832 LASER HOT HITS , \fading, noisy. rec. from Caroline 319 (again), 1832 ID. (also 2100, \ut? 4028)
6746,9 0748-0948 UNID, good peaks, "Rain & tears", "AprÚs toi", Hair, adv. sketches, mx \now weak. [cf PINK P.]
6746,9 1149-1457 UNID, weak \fading, mx, non stop mix. - - - - - - [ cf PINK PANTHER ]
6284,8 0845-0952 R. GOUDENSTER, \bad fading, D songs, 0853 IDs+@ (SunnyRadio1 easier to copy), 0952 rock
6205,1 0856-0948 UNID, e.weak. mx, 0916 Sweet Caroline, jingle "Music", maybe an ID over next song [ cf KING SW ]
9510,0 0901-0945* EMR, huge signal !, "Proud Mary", mailbag, ID+@, plug English for kids, mx, wishes...
9510,0 *0945-0946 IRRS, own transmission, news in E by FSN
6254,9 0911-0947 R. MERLIN INT, mx, audio hickup, ID, Merry Xmas and Happy New Year.
6254,9 1153-1354 R. MERLIN INT, Bye bye love(reprise), 1201 multilingual ID, 1350 Sweet home Alabama, ID
6190,0 0921-0923 HAMBURG LOKAL R. %, in AM-USB, G version of "Dadoo ron ron", tk in G, more early 60s mx
6910,0 1150-1150* UNID, last seconds of mx, s/off
6245,0 1156-1157* UNID, \v.noisy ut., mx, tk (in D ?), off or shift to 6242 ?
6242,0 1159-1202 UNID, \v.noisy ut., not better. ID no copy, tk over mx, 1202 test-een-twe, Radio - - - , the NL
6284,8 1317-1327* DELTA R., v.weak \PLC, mx, 1322 JID, "music" jingle, fireworks, mx
6289,9 1328-1330 UNID, trace\PLC, some mx 'heard' at times
6306,4 1429-1600 R. MALIBU, D mx and IDs till 1440, then D mx only. (1611 gone)
7265,0 1400-1403 HAMBURG LOKAL R. %, in AM-USB, programme in spanish, mx, tk: Buenos Aires
6297,4 1440-1447 UNID, splashing over Malibu, "Get it on", more rock and quiet mx. (1459 gone)
6289,4 1459-1537 MAGIC AM, tk, IDs+@, mx, Mr Walkie Talkie
6319,9 1508-1519 R. PLUTO, e.weak tk and mx, ID (not sure), 1517: breakthrough, mx, clear ID, 1519 lost
6325,9 1522-1610 BLUEMAN R., v.weak\PLC, mx, IDs (but @ no copy),
6270,5 1539-1659 R. TANGO ITALIA %, tango (may play leapfrog)
6280,5 1825-2210 R. TANGO ITALIA %, tango (may play leapfrog)
6210,0 1541-1545 UNID, strong \noisy, mx, polka, long blanks
6299,9 1546-1551* UNID, trace/e.weak (already sooner) \undermod?, mx, couple of words, mx, sudden off.
6299,85 1600-1610 UNID, e.weak \het, static noise from local cloud. (some mx 'heard')
6305,0 1612-1623 R. PLUTO, row of IDs, mx (better heard in AM-mode)
6289,95 1625-1630* BLACK ARROW, c'/d in E, ment' Flying Dutchman, own ID, g's, Blue suede shoes, nice s/off
6210,1 1631-1633* FLYING DUTCHMAN, Troggs, Monkees, c'/d ID, off at 1633'30"
6798,6 1639-2052 PINK PANTHER R., weak\noisy, mx, 1640 allo, ID, g's. Then mx (few words at 1834).
6909,95 2037-2053 PREMIER R. INT, v.weak, mx, Fine Young Cannibals, ID, 2053 We love the pirate stns
6324,85 2043-2103 R. NORTON ?, weak\PLC, D mx, ID (not sure), D songs
3905,1 2054-2138* UNID \fading,noisy, pop, drums, rock, 2115 peaking "Alleluia", 2120 humfrom 3904,8, mx
3904,8 2129-2225 R. LIKEDEELER, (2120 trace), 2129 heard, mx, tk, IDs, 2138 clear, ID+hl, mx, tk in G, rock.
6305,0 2203-2215 UNID, v.weak \sticky PLC, mx.
* * * * * SUN. 29 DEC. 2013 * * * * * morning: weak signals, strong PLC
6205,1 0745-1020 UNID, v.>e.weak \mushy carrier, mx, 0757 In the year 25-25, 0824 \PLC, a few words? [ cf KING SW ]
6199,7 0745-0905 R. ORANG UTAN, mx, 0758 ID, later \PLC, 0903 het 6200,75, c'/d, off at 0905 approx.
6798,7 0755-0931 PINK PANTHER R., fair\fading, mx, later\PLC. 0930 canned ID+@
6798,7 1404-1641 UNID, e.>v.weak+peaks, mx, 1540 "We love the pirate stations". - - [ cf PINK PANTHER ]
6270,0 0826, 0848 UNID, e.weak\PLC. (still a trace at 0934, 0944)
6285,0 0826-0846 R. POWERLINER INT, weak \PLC, gd m', allo, IDs, g's, (repeat from Dec.25 ?), mx
6380,0 0831-0917 R. ALTREX, e.>v.weak \sticky PLC. mx, mooh, ID, v.gd m', mooh, mx. (0949 trace)
6200,75 0903-1019 UNID, v.>e.weak \PLC, het w.Orang-Utan at first, synthe mx (JM.Jarrre?), 0937 "It's a heartache", D v. of C&W, D song. 1016 "It's a heartache" again, tk over (no copy), D song. - - [ cf SUNFLOWER ]
6450,5 0918-0925* LOWLAND R., v.weak \sticky PLC, mx, gd m', ID, mx short annts.
6300,05 1022-1022 UNID, e.weak \PLC, mx. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [ cf RONALISA ]
6095,0 1027,1354 MIGHTY KBC, just v.strong, 1027: ads, ID. 1354: just strong, mx, KBC Import, 1400 Ron O'Quinn
6305,2 1401-1405 UNID, e.weak \PLC,ut. mx
6269,95 1402-1406 UNID, v.weak \PLC, mx (D way). - - - - - - - - [ cf TWENTANA ]
6199,9 1402-1615 UNID, v.weak \PLC, mx, blanks, messing, 1513 \het, later more and more QRM from Asia.
6324,5 1457-1458 UNID, weak-fair \fading. (1508 gone)
6290,1 1459-1524* R. RONALISA, e.weak +peaks, Mungo J., cartoon mx, (ID+@) w. mumbled name, mx, ID at last
6240,5 1510-1526 R. TANGO ITALIA, it. anthem, ID, tango
6260,5 1609-1609 R. TANGO ITALIA %, tango
6265,5 1632-1632 R. TANGO ITALIA %, tango
6240,5 2217-2331 R. TANGO ITALIA, tango, 2230 ID, tango (may hop elsewhere and back!)
6209,8 1512-1618 TIME R., mx, 1517 ID no copy, 1527 We will rock you, 1532 good ID+@, Rivers of Babylon, etc.
4029,0 1547,2316 LASER HOT HITS %, 1547: weak \loc.noise, mx. 2316: weak, mx, FSN, OEM, jingle, T.Turner ?
6308,0 1553-1659 XTC, weak \fading, hiss, mx, ID, ment' Focus, mx, tk... 1633 ID, long tk about SW
6220,05 1618-1631 CRISIS R.(??), Like a rolling stone, H.of the Rising Sun, IDs(not sure), tronic mx...
6304,3 1653-1653 UNID, mx, "What is love" . - - - - - - - - [ cf FRIENDS ITALY ]
6271,1 1654-1657 UNID, e.weak \PLC, mx, W tk', mx, messing? (better in AM mode)
6210,0 2217-2230 SLUWE VOS R., v.weak\fading,PLC. mx, 2222 gd aft', ID+@+hl in E, mx,"peewit" QRM, g's...
3905,1 2240-2325 R. WILSKRACHT, good, mx, ID, g's, non stop mx, 2313 Whiter sahde of pale
3930,0 2246-2312* R. BATAVIA, e.weak, mx, 2309 ID, new antenna, ID+@, tnx, c'/d, story of the name, web.
mx=music, tk=talk, D=Dutch, E=English, G=German, F=French, it.=Italian, rpt=report, v.=very,
e.=extremely w.=with, '=..ing, c'/d=closing down, M/W=man/woman, g'=greeting, ut=utility, SM=summer meeting ad
ID+@=ID+e-mail address, J=jingle, PLC=PowerLineComm'(noise), \=but, %=guess, hl=hotline
> =becoming/then, bb=boom-boom mx, bpm=beat per min, [ between sq. brackets : best fit ID, thanks quick logs ]
Please note that c'/d is a period from a few seconds to well more than an hour before the real switch off !
"Strength" notes (from e.weak to V.strong) are rather S/N notes by ear, not S-meter levels.
Hard to crosscheck such a week ! Still a lot of UNIDs with no tentative ID from any quick log. Also tips with nothing alike in any quick log, and they are almost evenly spaced along the week. Two stns from America on Wed.25th but very hard to hear (IDs from HF Underground). On Sun.29th, look for "Crisis"(??) on 6220 (heard as UNID by Franja DX and Caroline Team).
On late evenings, a lot of stations on 48m also heard far away in NFL (or UKR), unexpected at short distances in that season. Of course, times like 2435 and 2505 are meaning 0035 and 0105 of the next UTC day.
It looks like Radio Marabu made a marathon on 24-25-26th of Dec. (and more?) on his own TX (6304,9 kHz), and maybe also relayed by Channel 292 on 6070 ? (but not checked enough). Maybe R. Mistletoe also made a marathon, but playing leapfrog, and that was nothing easier than on previous years.
* * * * * MON. 23 DEC. 2013 * * * * *
6255,0 0749-0900 R. MERLIN INT, e.weak\noisy >v.weak, Xmas time mx, IDs (0918 gone)
6245,0 0843-0848* R. CASANOVA, \kind of QRM ?, mx parts, Id, blank and s/off
6240,0 0854-0856* R. CASANOVA, fair\slight fading, "Knock on wood", ID, c'/d, bye-bye, g's, s/off
6305,0 0905-0916 UNID, e.weak \fading,PLC. mx, v.low (on/off?) mod, 0914 fair, normal mod. (0917 gone)
6290,0 0916-0929 R. PLUTO, \bad fading, mx, IDs, H.RisingSun, 0928 test trn, c'/d now, ask for rpts.
6305,0 0933-0947* UNID, v.weak\PLC, "Sound of silence", "Roxane", deep fade, sudden off [ cf OMEJAN ]
6070,0 1010,1400 R. CHANNEL 292 %, 1010 v.weak\PLC, "Strangers in the night", 1400 \PLC, mx
6304,9 1401-1500 UNID \PLC, mx, Xmas time mx. - - - - - - - - - -[ cf MARABU ]
6294,9 1404-1417 UNID, e.weak \PLC, tk (in D?), song (in D?).. - - - - [ cf VERONA ]
6289,9 1405-1405 UNID, D? mx. (1418 nothing)
6285,1 1406-1649 FOCUS INT, \hum from D stn, mx, DJ duo, 1420 Message to you Rudy, 1500 ID+contacts
6285,0 1406-1649 UNID, D stn under Focus, 1418 tk in D, hum all along, still both carriers at 1701.
6265,0 1410-1424 UNID, v.weak\PLC, mx, D mx. - - - - - - - - - - - - [ cf DIGITAL ? ]
6324,9 1414-1437 UNID, v.weak\PLC, D mx (maybe Norton?) - - [ cf NORTON ]
6275,0 1424,1435 UNID, e.weak, mx. (1451 gone) - - - - - - - - - - - -[ cf TINA ]
6210,0 1425-1503 UNID, v.weak \PLC, instrum mx, D mx, f'/up - - [ cf TELSTAR ]
6265,85 1436-1436* UNID, accordion and off. - - - - - - - - - -[ cf DIGITAL ]
6290,0 *1439-1443* R. PLUTO, blank, mx, ID by W voice, mx, off (or to 6295? but blank?)
6323,9 1457-1500 R. PLUTO, e.weak \PLC, undermod, tk, ID, mx.
6304,9 1651-1700 UNID, e.weak, mx, tk, deep fade - - - - - - - - [ cf MARABU ?]
3905,0 1920-1954 UNID, e.weak/trace \v.noisy, atmos. mx barely audible on peaks.
4029,0 1940,1955 LASER HOT HITS, 1940: \RTTY on U-side, then on L-side, mx, ID. 1955: barely a trace
* * * * * TUES. 24 DEC. 2013 * * * * *
6304,6 0813-0934 R. MARABU, \fading.PLC. mx, IDs (also 1402-1423: v.weak\PLC, mx)
6304,9 1530-1643 UNID, mx, incl' G song. 1641 : some hum. (1713 trace only)
6285,1 0815-0941 FOCUS INT, good, pop-rock, DJ, IDs
6285,1 1357-1434 FOCUS INT, ID+POB, KISS"I was made..", \PLC > e.weak\PLC
6285,1 1549-1648 FOCUS INT, strong again \strong hum (from Asia?), mx, 1624 ID. (1715 trace)
6255,0 0816-0934 R. MERLIN INT %, DJ: J. Frost ?, Lil'drummer boy, AC/DC, Free Mandela, odd deep fade
6255,0 1417-1623 R. MERLIN INT, v.weak \deep fades, Rocking all over the world, 1552 M DJ, ID, 1623 She's not there
6200,3 0843-0906 CRAZY WAVE R., (0817 under Stanag), v.weak\PLC, mx, tk, at last a clear ID \QRM6195. (0935 on)
6190,0 0845-0907 HAMBURG LOKAL R. %, AM-USB, clear \bit PLC. Jazz, tk. 0907 now tk in G \6195 QRM
6070,0 0856,1423 R.CHANNEL 292 %, weak\fading, mx
6298,6 1359-1434 MAGIC AM, Merry Xmas song, tk, mx, g's, R.Stones, 1423 D.Springfield, ID, 1434 ID
6920,0 1404-1433* UNID, v.weak \muffled, rock, pops, sudden off. - - - - - - [ cf TRANS EUROPE ]
6245,3 1420-1615 UNID, v./e.weak\PLC, pop show in E, 1525 "Veronica story" song, 1556 J.Dutronc, Mungo J. [CWR ]
6210,0 1438-1440 UNID, v/weak \fading, mx, mx. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [ cf LUXEMBURG ]
6295,95 1532-1603 R. ODYNN, Venus, No milk today, Hippy shake, ID+hl+@, 1603 P4P plug+@, Give peace a chance
6289,9 1544-1548 UNID, e.weak \splash both sides, mx, islands' mx, pop.
6289,9 1605-1610 R. NMD, v.weak\PLC,splash. Jingle bells(accordion), g's, IDs, rpt from France, bye-bye
6289,9 1611-1613 R. RONEX, ID+@, then off.
6200,0 1617-1620 UNID, \6195 splash, c'/d ID+@ (no copy), W voice, news?, from E.Europe ??
6290,9 1625-1714 R. NORTON, v.weak, IDs, then D songs
6295,0 1629-1632* UNID, kind of D song, sudden off.
6299,55 1633-1647 R. UNDERGROUND, good\fading, mx, ID, JID, "OK...", Asian mx, Ring my bell, more IDs, f'/down
4029,0 1638-1714 LASER HOT HITS, strong \noisy,RTTY, mx, ID, 1714 duo tk:Ireland, Laser. (also 2333, tk')
6265,4 1649,1715 R. TANGO ITALIA, ID/IS loop
6285,4 1739-1739 R. TANGO ITALIA %, tango, \hum from 6285,1
6240,4 2335-2340 R. TANGO ITALIA %, tango
* * * * * WED. 25 DEC. 2013 * * * * *
6304,9 0734-0859 R. MARABU, trace at first, 0746 Elvis?, Xmas show in G: Santa Klaus, 3 Kings. 0843 ID.(also 1528)
6292,1 0735-0842 UNID, e.weak\fades,splash, then PLC. mx, 0842 end? - - [ cf EXPERIENCE ]
6285,1 0741-0859 FOCUS INT, trace>good+peaks, IDs, mx, tk
6285,1 1529-1536 FOCUS INT %, duo tk, mx \QRM (from China?)
6255,0 0742-0905 R. MERLIN INT, weak/v.weak\PLC, rock, 0743 ID, mx, 0905 ID, wishes
6255,0 1531-1537 R. MERLIN INT, v.weak\het, mx, ID
6199,6 0744-0858 R. ACTION, weak\PLC, Xmas and D mx, IDs+@
6289,9 0835-0842* UNID, e.weak \squeezed(6292,1 and 6285,1), mx, 0842 s/off - - - - [ cf RONEX ]
6265,1 0844-0924 UNID, e.weak\PLC, mx, 0900 Bzn ?. - - - - - - [ cf EXPERIENCE ]
6244,8 0854-0923 UNID, \PLC, 6240,3 het. Xmas mx. 0905 \het, OTH. 0923 Funky town. - - [ cf RONEX ]
6240,3 0906-0921 UNID, e.weak\fading, Jingle Bells(in a loop?), tk (no copy) - - - -[ cf RKNW ]
6240,3 1531-1547 UNID, e.weak\PLC, mx, 60s trumpet, tk (muffled)
6210,7 1533-1550 UNID, v.weak\PLC, mx, 1550 ID+@ by W (no copy). - - [cf JINGLE BELLS ]
6297,9 1543-1552 MAGIC AM, mx, 1551 tk, ID, mx
4029,0 1745, 2223 LASER HOT HITS, 1745 good \fading, mx, ID, ment' Skyline Int. 2231: Weinacht tk', mx, IDs..
6070,0 2102-2404 R. MARABU, ID over R.MiAmigo song, mx, tk in G
3930,1 2107- 2131 SLUWE VOS R., mx, "Boys boys boys", 2116 ID+@, \noise burst, IDs+@, mx, H.Rising Sun.
3938,0 2108-2133 RKNW, ID+hl, Merry Xmas, pops, \noise burst, 2128 ID, still noisy. (2222 UNID, mx)
6949,0 2138-2205 UNID, e.weak \side RTTY, mx, tk (no copy), 2204 " ---- dot-com". [ cf BOOMBOX ]
6300,0 2208-2234 UNID, tchac-boom, Reveille rock, polka, D song... - - [ cf BOOMERANG ]
6925,6 2237-2357 UNID, e.weak \hiss,traffic6925L. mx. [ cf TCS BUBBLEGUM EXPRESS ]
6304,9 2246-2328 UNID, (after trace), e.weak\PLC, mx, soon Powerliner QRM [ cf MARABU ]
6304,95 2446,2514 UNID, e.weak/trace, mx (maybe Marabu marathon)
6300,0 *2256-2513 R. POWERLINER INT, strong +peaks, CD player hickup, 2309 J.Cash, 2315 ID,g's, 2333 Bus stop, Do wah Diddy, 2404 Feliz Navidad, Mr Bluesky, Whiter shade of pale,etc. 2450"c'/d", goes on
6238,0 2259-2325 R. BLACK BANDIT, strong, mx, ID, "dusty discs"messing, songs, g's, C&W, "about 1 K double U"
6208,9 2301-2442 CRAZY WAVE R., v.weak > fair+strong peaks, rock, many live IDs, 2319 Red Chili Hot Pepper"Give it away", ID, "on channel 76 and 6209 kHz", mx, IDs (2523 e.weak)
6290,0 2406-2505 R. MISTLETOE, fair +peaks, Xmas mx show, 2417 ID+@
6295,0 2412-2439 R. VERONA ?, \squeezed, undermod. D mx, tk (no copy), 2439 ID+@ (not sure)
6930,0 2452-2530 R. AC-DC ?, e.weak, mx, tk in E, ID (not sure), rock, hard rock.
6285,1 2518-2523 UNID, e.weak \PLC, mx, tk (no copy)
* * * * * THURS. 26 DEC. 2013 * * * * *
6969,9 0754-0827 R. PLUTO, mx, tk in D, IDs in E, 0826 in LSB.
6304,9 0755-1634 R. MARABU, good\fading,occ.PLC. mx, 0829 ID, 1544 ID, tk in G, 1620 ID, Marcel Fisher
6304,9 2246-2403 R. MARABU %, e.weak, occ.traffic, mx
6285,1 0756-1637 FOCUS INT, mx, 0849 tk:weather, ID+@+hl, mx, mx... 1548 \hum(QRM)
6285,1 2247-2402 FOCUS INT, v.weak, mx, 2251 ID
6255,05 0757-1608 R. MERLIN INT, v.weak\PLC, mx+W DJ, repeat?+added?"Boxing day" by M, pops
6210,0 0758-1154 TIP & ELVIS SHOW, strong, rock, DJ, 0835 bit of het (6205,1), 0903 ID, etc..
6210,0 1315-1626* TIP & ELVIS SHOW, strong\some noise, rock, DJ, 1445 jammed?, 1623 c'/d ID
6190,0 0759-0945 HAMBURG LOKAL R. %, in AM-USB, jazz, later magazine in G
4029,0 0759-0824 LASER HOT HITS, mx, ID, tk.
4029,0 1600-1752 LASER HOT HITS, fair \fading, mx, ID, rpt, \het then ut.QRM. (also 2115: v.e.weak)
6300,0 0830-0830 UNID, weak, mx. (0845 gone) - - - - - - - - - - [ cf OMEJAN ]
6070,0 0839-0842 R. CHANNEL 292 %, weak, mx, tk(mushy)
6070,0 2126-2150 R. CHANNEL 292 %, e.weak\strong PLC,splash..(hard to hear). mx, 2135 Feliz Navidad, 2150 in G.
6324,9 0842-0954 R. NORTON, weak\PLC, D mx, 0843 ID.
6240,0 0853-0952 UNID, v.weak\PLC, D songs. - - - - - - - - [ cf OMEJAN ]
6205,1 0851-0858 UNID, e.weak at best \QRM 6205, mx. (tiny tiny trace at 0904, 0954) [ cf KING SW ? ]
6250,0 0942-0945 UNID, Little drummer boy, ID+@ no copy, Xmas song. (0951 trace) [cf CASANOVA ]
6380,3 0955-1137 UNID, e.weak\PLC, mx, tk, ment' Odynn, ID no copy, 1056 Stille nacht (in a medley) [ cf SWCH ]
6380,3 1335-1619 SW COMB. HOLLAND, L.drummer boy, tk, mx, 1618 clear ID at last.
6450,0 0958-1057 UNID, weak+peaks\PLC, "Radio gaga", 1057 ID+@ no copy - - - -[cf TRANS-UNIV.]
6795,8 1000-1000 UNID, mx much disturbed by a kind of RTTY - - - - [ cf PINK PANTHER ]
6242,0 1020-1152 UNID, D song, tchacboom, Come on Eileen, 1040 R. -- -- Int. \strong PLC now [ cf TELSTAR ]
6235,0 1023-1047 UNID, e.weak<v.weak\PLC, mx, tk, 1027 IDs+@ no copy, f'/down [ cf RODE ADELAAR ]
6746,9 1059-1145 PINK PANTHER R., v.weak \PLC, mx, IDs+@
6746,9 1341-1620 UNID, weak \noisy, mx, D mx. - - - - [ PINK PANTHER ]
6265,1 1104-1151 UNID, Artem show?, mx, tk in E, 1150 ment' Sweden. [ R. Ukraine Int, acc. to a friend ]
6274,8 1127-1131 UNID, e.weak\PLC, samba, Suzi Quatro, "Major Tom" - - [ cf DIGITAL ]
6325,0 1133-1404 UNID, D songs, 1356 "Casanovas" instrum, Camouflage, Toreador, D mx - -[ cf QUINTUS ]
6390,0 1138-1138 UNID, e.weak\PLC, mx
6450,0 1139-1145 UNID, weak\PLC, 1142 ultra-modern"Besame mucho" 1145 Free electric band - - [cf RONALISA ]
6317,6 1147-1149 UNID (after blank), v.weak\PLC, mx - - - - - - [ cf WNKR ]
6310,0 1357-1639 R. TELSTAR SOUTH, typ. Golden Boys sound, IDs, 1543 D clip incl' Hava Nagila.
6289,8 1408-1431 UNID, mx, 1415 ID no copy, D songs, 1428 Merry Xmas song. - - [ cf GOUDENSTER ]
6265,7 1432-1437 R. JINGLE BELLS, mx, ID, SSTV, ID+@, mx.
6290,9 1517-1637* ODYNN R., mx, g's, ID, Nutbush City.., H.RisingSun, 1634 c'/d ID+g's
6325,8 1539-1633 R. CAROLINE INT, JID, mx, 1633 ID
3930,05 1551-1630 SLUWE VOS R., v.weak\noisy, mx, IDs, Merry Xmas
5800,5 1611-1632 R. TOWER, \noisy, Xmas time show, mix of mx, ID.
3900,0 2152-2235 UNID, e.weak \loc.noise, mx, W tk', duo. (China?)
3925,0 2156-2240 R. MISTLETOE ?, belfry bells (like last ev'), tk: Santa Claus,etc.. then mx, 2225 f'/down
3904,7 2218-2400 R. UNDERGROUND, blank, mx, "Fire", Moricone, On the road again, D mx, tango, Hocus Pocus, known voice, strong clear peaks, D waltz, Moonlight shadow, etc
* * * ** * FRI. 27 DEC. 2013 * * * * *
6070,0 0728-0903 R. CHANNEL 292 %, strong peaks !, rec. from Laser 558 incl' ID in F. later \PLC, RNI jingle.
6255,0 0809-1143 R. MERLIN INT, weak>v.weak \noisy, "Merry Xmas"(in song, jingle...) , player pb, IDs. (also 1636?)
6746,9 0835-1026 PINK PANTHER R., v.>e.weak \muffled, pops, M+W+child tk, 0845 ID+@, mx
6746,9 1655-1701 PINK PANTHER R., "Amarillo", brass mx, ID+@, mx.
6305,9 1141-1142 R. TELSTAR INT, fair\PLC, mx, ID
6274,4 1633-1635* R. TANGO ITALIA %, blank, it. anthem, off
6270,4 1635-1722 R. TANGO ITALIA, it. anthem in a loop, then tango, 1720 ID, more tango
6209,75 1637-1653 TIME R., mx, tk, 1646 clear ID+@, etc, rockabilly (1706 gone)
3905,0 2014-2031 UNID, trace, e.weak peaks, mx, tk (no copy) - - - - - - [ cf SNOWBALL ? ]
4029,0 2022-2215 LASER HOT HITS, weak \fades, sudden peaks. offshore clips, mx.
6299,9 2210-2234* UNID, e.weak, bpm mx, "short test .. from the NL", g's, 2232 c'/d no copy [ cf NACHT PIRAAT ]
6300,05 2235-2238 UNID, e.weak, mx, tk for? Z. Nacht? Piraat. (2238 end?)
6299,8 2244-2253 R. ZEEWOLF(?) INT, e.weak, mx, tk, ID (not sure), mx
6746,9 2354-2409 UNID, v.weak \PLC, 80s mx, 2409 Blue monday.
* * * * * SAT. 28 DEC. 2013 * * * * *
6070,0 0733-0850 R. CHANNEL 292 %, fair>weak \fading, rec' from RNI in E
4029,0 0742-0746 LASER HOT HITS %, strong peaks, pops, tk
4029,0 1655-1832 LASER HOT HITS , \fading, noisy. rec. from Caroline 319 (again), 1832 ID. (also 2100, \ut? 4028)
6746,9 0748-0948 UNID, good peaks, "Rain & tears", "AprÚs toi", Hair, adv. sketches, mx \now weak. [cf PINK P.]
6746,9 1149-1457 UNID, weak \fading, mx, non stop mix. - - - - - - [ cf PINK PANTHER ]
6284,8 0845-0952 R. GOUDENSTER, \bad fading, D songs, 0853 IDs+@ (SunnyRadio1 easier to copy), 0952 rock
6205,1 0856-0948 UNID, e.weak. mx, 0916 Sweet Caroline, jingle "Music", maybe an ID over next song [ cf KING SW ]
9510,0 0901-0945* EMR, huge signal !, "Proud Mary", mailbag, ID+@, plug English for kids, mx, wishes...
9510,0 *0945-0946 IRRS, own transmission, news in E by FSN
6254,9 0911-0947 R. MERLIN INT, mx, audio hickup, ID, Merry Xmas and Happy New Year.
6254,9 1153-1354 R. MERLIN INT, Bye bye love(reprise), 1201 multilingual ID, 1350 Sweet home Alabama, ID
6190,0 0921-0923 HAMBURG LOKAL R. %, in AM-USB, G version of "Dadoo ron ron", tk in G, more early 60s mx
6910,0 1150-1150* UNID, last seconds of mx, s/off
6245,0 1156-1157* UNID, \v.noisy ut., mx, tk (in D ?), off or shift to 6242 ?
6242,0 1159-1202 UNID, \v.noisy ut., not better. ID no copy, tk over mx, 1202 test-een-twe, Radio - - - , the NL
6284,8 1317-1327* DELTA R., v.weak \PLC, mx, 1322 JID, "music" jingle, fireworks, mx
6289,9 1328-1330 UNID, trace\PLC, some mx 'heard' at times
6306,4 1429-1600 R. MALIBU, D mx and IDs till 1440, then D mx only. (1611 gone)
7265,0 1400-1403 HAMBURG LOKAL R. %, in AM-USB, programme in spanish, mx, tk: Buenos Aires
6297,4 1440-1447 UNID, splashing over Malibu, "Get it on", more rock and quiet mx. (1459 gone)
6289,4 1459-1537 MAGIC AM, tk, IDs+@, mx, Mr Walkie Talkie
6319,9 1508-1519 R. PLUTO, e.weak tk and mx, ID (not sure), 1517: breakthrough, mx, clear ID, 1519 lost
6325,9 1522-1610 BLUEMAN R., v.weak\PLC, mx, IDs (but @ no copy),
6270,5 1539-1659 R. TANGO ITALIA %, tango (may play leapfrog)
6280,5 1825-2210 R. TANGO ITALIA %, tango (may play leapfrog)
6210,0 1541-1545 UNID, strong \noisy, mx, polka, long blanks
6299,9 1546-1551* UNID, trace/e.weak (already sooner) \undermod?, mx, couple of words, mx, sudden off.
6299,85 1600-1610 UNID, e.weak \het, static noise from local cloud. (some mx 'heard')
6305,0 1612-1623 R. PLUTO, row of IDs, mx (better heard in AM-mode)
6289,95 1625-1630* BLACK ARROW, c'/d in E, ment' Flying Dutchman, own ID, g's, Blue suede shoes, nice s/off
6210,1 1631-1633* FLYING DUTCHMAN, Troggs, Monkees, c'/d ID, off at 1633'30"
6798,6 1639-2052 PINK PANTHER R., weak\noisy, mx, 1640 allo, ID, g's. Then mx (few words at 1834).
6909,95 2037-2053 PREMIER R. INT, v.weak, mx, Fine Young Cannibals, ID, 2053 We love the pirate stns
6324,85 2043-2103 R. NORTON ?, weak\PLC, D mx, ID (not sure), D songs
3905,1 2054-2138* UNID \fading,noisy, pop, drums, rock, 2115 peaking "Alleluia", 2120 humfrom 3904,8, mx
3904,8 2129-2225 R. LIKEDEELER, (2120 trace), 2129 heard, mx, tk, IDs, 2138 clear, ID+hl, mx, tk in G, rock.
6305,0 2203-2215 UNID, v.weak \sticky PLC, mx.
* * * * * SUN. 29 DEC. 2013 * * * * * morning: weak signals, strong PLC
6205,1 0745-1020 UNID, v.>e.weak \mushy carrier, mx, 0757 In the year 25-25, 0824 \PLC, a few words? [ cf KING SW ]
6199,7 0745-0905 R. ORANG UTAN, mx, 0758 ID, later \PLC, 0903 het 6200,75, c'/d, off at 0905 approx.
6798,7 0755-0931 PINK PANTHER R., fair\fading, mx, later\PLC. 0930 canned ID+@
6798,7 1404-1641 UNID, e.>v.weak+peaks, mx, 1540 "We love the pirate stations". - - [ cf PINK PANTHER ]
6270,0 0826, 0848 UNID, e.weak\PLC. (still a trace at 0934, 0944)
6285,0 0826-0846 R. POWERLINER INT, weak \PLC, gd m', allo, IDs, g's, (repeat from Dec.25 ?), mx
6380,0 0831-0917 R. ALTREX, e.>v.weak \sticky PLC. mx, mooh, ID, v.gd m', mooh, mx. (0949 trace)
6200,75 0903-1019 UNID, v.>e.weak \PLC, het w.Orang-Utan at first, synthe mx (JM.Jarrre?), 0937 "It's a heartache", D v. of C&W, D song. 1016 "It's a heartache" again, tk over (no copy), D song. - - [ cf SUNFLOWER ]
6450,5 0918-0925* LOWLAND R., v.weak \sticky PLC, mx, gd m', ID, mx short annts.
6300,05 1022-1022 UNID, e.weak \PLC, mx. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [ cf RONALISA ]
6095,0 1027,1354 MIGHTY KBC, just v.strong, 1027: ads, ID. 1354: just strong, mx, KBC Import, 1400 Ron O'Quinn
6305,2 1401-1405 UNID, e.weak \PLC,ut. mx
6269,95 1402-1406 UNID, v.weak \PLC, mx (D way). - - - - - - - - [ cf TWENTANA ]
6199,9 1402-1615 UNID, v.weak \PLC, mx, blanks, messing, 1513 \het, later more and more QRM from Asia.
6324,5 1457-1458 UNID, weak-fair \fading. (1508 gone)
6290,1 1459-1524* R. RONALISA, e.weak +peaks, Mungo J., cartoon mx, (ID+@) w. mumbled name, mx, ID at last
6240,5 1510-1526 R. TANGO ITALIA, it. anthem, ID, tango
6260,5 1609-1609 R. TANGO ITALIA %, tango
6265,5 1632-1632 R. TANGO ITALIA %, tango
6240,5 2217-2331 R. TANGO ITALIA, tango, 2230 ID, tango (may hop elsewhere and back!)
6209,8 1512-1618 TIME R., mx, 1517 ID no copy, 1527 We will rock you, 1532 good ID+@, Rivers of Babylon, etc.
4029,0 1547,2316 LASER HOT HITS %, 1547: weak \loc.noise, mx. 2316: weak, mx, FSN, OEM, jingle, T.Turner ?
6308,0 1553-1659 XTC, weak \fading, hiss, mx, ID, ment' Focus, mx, tk... 1633 ID, long tk about SW
6220,05 1618-1631 CRISIS R.(??), Like a rolling stone, H.of the Rising Sun, IDs(not sure), tronic mx...
6304,3 1653-1653 UNID, mx, "What is love" . - - - - - - - - [ cf FRIENDS ITALY ]
6271,1 1654-1657 UNID, e.weak \PLC, mx, W tk', mx, messing? (better in AM mode)
6210,0 2217-2230 SLUWE VOS R., v.weak\fading,PLC. mx, 2222 gd aft', ID+@+hl in E, mx,"peewit" QRM, g's...
3905,1 2240-2325 R. WILSKRACHT, good, mx, ID, g's, non stop mx, 2313 Whiter sahde of pale
3930,0 2246-2312* R. BATAVIA, e.weak, mx, 2309 ID, new antenna, ID+@, tnx, c'/d, story of the name, web.
mx=music, tk=talk, D=Dutch, E=English, G=German, F=French, it.=Italian, rpt=report, v.=very,
e.=extremely w.=with, '=..ing, c'/d=closing down, M/W=man/woman, g'=greeting, ut=utility, SM=summer meeting ad
ID+@=ID+e-mail address, J=jingle, PLC=PowerLineComm'(noise), \=but, %=guess, hl=hotline
> =becoming/then, bb=boom-boom mx, bpm=beat per min, [ between sq. brackets : best fit ID, thanks quick logs ]
Please note that c'/d is a period from a few seconds to well more than an hour before the real switch off !
"Strength" notes (from e.weak to V.strong) are rather S/N notes by ear, not S-meter levels.