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LOGS : 09 - 15 DEC. 2013

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 22:47 pm
by Ray Lalleu

Much lines in green on week days, mainly because the quick logs were very scarce. In green also an early time tip.

Strange situation on saturday, with very different logs from all Europe, many stations on the air, and jamming on saturday afternoon. With stations trying to escape from the jamming, Tango Italia playing leapfrog and Artem relayed by how many stations, it was not easy to keep up with the events, nor it was easy to cross check the logs!

About the same thing on Sunday, but I was away most of the afternoon. Look at the strange leapfrog near 6200 from 1140 to 1155 UTC. By comparison, I'm quite polite by nicknaming the jammer "Goose Brain".

About the jamming, a het 1 kHz off or so is quite easy to identify as such. I'm less easy with the white noise, not so different from the Stanag transmissions (except when it follows the station trying to escape on an other frequency).

To be clear, I use the inverted slash "\" to introduce the disturbances (QRM, noise, fading...). I use "traffic" for SSB voice communications from fishermen, freebanders, etc...

Now for the logs, hope there are no typos...

* * * * * MON. 09 DEC. 2013 * * * * *

6324,9 1053-1223 UNID, e.weak \PLC, mx, tk at times, 1221 -- -- SW,

6290,0 1121-1140 R. RAINBOW INT, mx, 1122 ID, tk: Ukraine Eurovision winner, time check, 1128 Beatles"Birthday"

6285,0 1311-1356 UNID, strong peaks, mx, D folk singer, mx parts, "Please don't go", 1332 parts, messing with audio level, \traffic 6280u, synthe-club mx, 1349 jazz patchwork, salsa. (1412 gone)

6207,0 1326-1328 UNID, v.weak, AC/DC ?, 1328'48" jumps to 6210 (under a stronger ut.), 1330 still flattened

6299,9 1340-1348 UNID, e.weak/trace, mx, 1342 R&R with piano, pop, deep fade, 1346 tk: - - SW- - Radio - - 1348 end?

6324,45 1400-1400'25" UNID, mx and s/off
6324,4 1410-1410'36", UNID, strong peaks, mx, and s/off
6324,4 1459-1502* UNID, BZN ?, 1500 long blank and off.

6306,95 1401-1455 GROENTE BOERTJE, (1357,1400:blank). synthe-booms mx (parts), 1413 accordeon, ID+g's (sounds like 6325 Sun 8 Dec at 1750), 1420 I can't stand the rain, rock, 1426 hello Doc, BZN, 1429 IDs (D over techno-transe mx...), c'/d, more IDs+c'/d, 1451 JM.Jarre mx, c'/d, bye-bye (drifted a bit, to 6306,85)

6290,0 1427-1427 UNID, v.weak, pop. (1428 gone)

6285,0 1427-1448 UNID, strong, parts of various mx kinds, tchac-tchacs, The wall, Dust in the wind (full), Hundred miles (modern v.), also rock, soft rock, polka... (1456 gone)

6305,0 1456-1458* R. ZEEWOLF, v.weak \noisy ut. mx, ID and off.

6305,0 1503-1504* UNID, some mx (mix of sounds), 1503'55" sudden s/off.

6305,0 1509-1511* R. PLUTO ?, v.weak\noisy, fading. tk in D (ment' Pluto, no mx), bit of mx before s/off.

4026,0 2053-2106 LASER HOT HITS, strong peaks > v.weak. Silly love songs, StarWars medley?, Laser, M.Andrews..

* * * * * TUES. 10 DEC. 2013 * * * * *

6324,9 1130-1215* UNID, e.weak \PLC, occ.stanag,traffic.. pops, D mx, tk at times. 1141 Hello Marylou, 1151 ID+@ (no copy), gd bye, more mx,

6305,6 1215-1221 R. VERONA INT, v.weak\PLC, mx, ID, "..way of life..", IDs+@, some mx. (1230 gone)

6070,0 1233-1355 R.CHANNEL 292 %, e.weak \PLC, carrier beating, Goodbye my friend, 1305 Wonderful world
6070,0 1607-1610 R. CHANNEL 292, \under splashes from Firedrake jammer. Man of action, ID in G, Troggs.

6284,8 1611-1615* R. ALTREX, v.weak + peaks, f'/up. mx, 1615 MOOH !, bit of rock track, off at 1615'40"

6205,0 1616-1623* R. TINA, weak \noisy, mx, said going to 6285 in a few min, ID by e-mail - - studio1A- -, tnx Klaus

6285,0 *1624-1647 R. TINA (ex 6205), weak, mx, M+child singers in G?, drumboxed medley incl' "Guantanamera", allo test, c'/d (in E+G), 1644 50 watts, bye-bye, ID Radio TINA, g's, still same medley

6746,9 1648-1651 UNID, good \fading, crooner in E, more mx. (1657 gone ? or under ut. ?)

6920 L 1652-1821 R. PLUTO, weak \e.weak fades, BZN, IDs+@ (reverb), mx, 1740 "I was made for loving you"(reprise), 1749 techno \Morse, techno, Merry Xmas, mx, ads for KBC Import, Scarborough fair.

6920 L 1915-2121 R. PLUTO, \much ut.QRM, mx, IDs, 1937 "96 tears", after 2100: mx from Africa ?

6305,0 1703-1727 UNID, e.weak, mx, tk in D, nl, 1711 Lene Lovitch?, 1721 R. Agency(??) \spitting ut. .. NL .. gd ev' .. radio station .. 5kHz, 1722 \het on 6302, ut. bursts.. lost at 1727

4026,0 1926-2051 LASER HOT HITS, \RTTY 4020, tk: firewoks, Laser Int, hello to LHH DJ's, 2049 IDs, slogan

6933 L 2204-2236 UNID, v.weak \ut. bursts, mx (Latin Am.), tk, blanks

4005,1 2340-2350 UNID, v.weak \machine Morse, hard to hear, mx - - [ cf YEVROPA / EUROPE ]

* * * * * WED. 11 DEC. 2013 * * * * *

6284,85 1005-1025 UNID, e.weak \deep fades,PLC, mx, 1008 Booker T, 1016 All you need is love. Also 1115: R&R, end.

6324,85 1653-1850 R. NORTON, > strong, D songs (incl' "piraat" song), 1722 ID, 1843 quick f/down

6745,9 1704-1734* UNID, good\some fading, pops-D-euro mix. 1728 Azuro-Volare medley, JM.Jarre, off(no annt)

6734,9 1707-1709* BLUEMAN R., maybe with Cool AM, v.weak \noisy, 1709 ID, s/off at 1709'30"

4025,9 1828-2146 LASER HOT HITS, mx, ID, "Vous écoutez l'univers entier"(in F), FSN, 2049 ID, 2130 f'/down

* * * * * THURS. 12 DEC. 2013 * * * * *

6240,7 0931-0950 UNID, v.weak \PLC, het 6239,3 (local??). JM.Jarre"Oxygene", 'klaxon' ut. every 4s.

6209,7 1057-1122* UNID, mx, impossible to hear: quite on a ut. fq (or was it jamming?)

6289,9 1126-1132 UNID, on/off with some mx heard (1131 rock), lost. (more on/off carrier later)

6324,9 1538-1547 R. PLUTO, mx, IDs, g's, 1545 We love the pirate stns, ID+@, 70W, almost c'/d. (1557 gone)

6282,9 1548-1630 R. ALTREX, v.weak +good peaks. Smoke on the water, Elvis, B52's(?), Paranoid, Highway to hell, Sweet home Alabama, 1618 IDs, soon c'/d, 1623 Romeo &Juliet, 1628 c'/d,..dinner.. (1633 gone)

6324,8 1749-1842 R. NORTON, good, 1752 suddenly e.weak, ID, D and G songs, f'/back slowly and down again

4026,0 1824-1834 LASER HOT HITS, strong, mx, tk, IDs+stream. Also 1953 \fading, 2412 mx.

3910,0 2413-2440* UNID, var. mx, tk in G(?), 2419 Beethoven 5th as intro, 2423 comedy?, 2436 speech, beer ad mx.

* * * ** * FRI. 13 DEC. 2013 * * * * *

6795,8 1237-1752 PINK PANTHER R., Everly Bros, D song.. tk, 1323 Monkees, 1600 ID+@, strong peaks, then f/down

6974,6 1325-1338 R. RONALISA, v.weak\fading, Mungo J., tk, D mx, 1337 movie theme, ID+@, .. ost NL

6950,0 1509-1521 TRANSEUROPE R., strong, mx, Hollywood mx, 1521 ID, "Stop the cavalry" (1534 gone)

6939,8 1510-1540 R. COAX, e.weak, mx, many IDs (no copy at first), polka, Kiliwatch, 1525 f/up, IDs+@ at last, g's..

6982,5L 1535-1539 UNID, tk then mx \hard to clarify the SSB signal, then lost at 1539

6747,0 1542-1646 PIONEER R., fair/strong \fading, D mx, pops, 1604 Santana, Beatles, 1614 ID+@. (1749: e.weak)

6240,5 1626-1630 R. TANGO ITALIA , usual IS/ID loop
6240,5 1736-1740 R. TANGO ITALIA %, 1950s songs, lost
6265,4 1746,1821 R. TANGO ITALIA %, tango (not at 1919)
6205,4 1927-1932 R. TANGO ITALIA %, v./e.weak, tango

6240,4 2258,2304 R. TANGO ITALIA %, v./e.weak, tango

4026,0 1725-2308 LASER HOT HITS, mx, 1730 ID +annt in F, 2132 ID+hl+POB!

3910,0 1822-2307 UNID, weak>soon fair/good, rock, C&W, carrying D songs, CCR, reggae... [ cf SKYLINE INT ]

* * * * * SAT. 14 DEC. 2013 * * * * *

6949,8 0815-0935 R. COAX, e.weak, clear IDs+@, spelling, low power 5W, mx, 0907 Earth &Fire

6070,0 0854-0903 R. CHANNEL 292 %, v.>e.weak \bad fading, mx. (also 1142 e.weak, mx)

6095,0 0910-0933 KBC, v.strong, late start (still not at 0902), Rosko's Coast to coast country. (also 1141 pop)

6324,8 1130-1145 UNID, fair\fading, D songs, tk in D. (1156 gone)

6305,0 1134-1145 R. ALTREX, e.weak \ut.QRM, F fishers 6307,5u. mx, ID only by MOOH's, lost under QRM

6255,05 1136-1156 R. MERLIN INT, weak \het 6250, pop, Black Betty, 1146 ID

6250,0 1137-1138 R. CASANOVA, ID over "Sugar baby love"

6205,0 1140-1155 R. UNDERGROUND, v.weak\ut.QRM, Xmas mood, D or G songs, tk in E (and G ?), 1154 ID

6190,0 1140-1140 HAMBURG LOKAL R. %, fair, in AM-USB, pop mx

6380,0 1156-1201 UNID, v.weak \fading, W singer in E, more mx. - - - - [ cf ALTREX ]

6384,9 1402-1406* NMD R., v.weak \ut.6380a, Can't go home, ID, 1405 ID over accordion.

6385,0 *1407-1415* UNID, fair+peaks, mx, tk in D+G+A, rep to NMD, no other name copied - -[ cf VOTN ? ]

6385,0 *1415-1420 UNID, weak, accordion, tk to NMD, rpt, ment' Baken 16 - - - -[ cf NMD ]

6450,1 1420-1421* UNID, tk in D, bit of mx and off.

6700 L 1422-1428 UNID, jazz, "Petite fleur"?, part of Chostakovitch waltz and off.

6974,6 1432-1436* R. RONALISA, \traffic, tk in D, "Ronalisa" song, ment' Pluto, c'/d, 1435 cartoon mx, IDs+@

11401,1 1447-1455 R. WAVES INT %, e.weak \traffic, mx.

6314,5 1455-1456* UNID, "OK, good afternoon...", and off.

6315,0 1456-1504 R. TIDAL WAVE, v.weak \het 6315,5v. JAMMING !, tchacs mx, ID in E+D, g's, mx.

6285,3 1504-1507 UNID, JAMMED (het 6284a), mx, then off and the strong carrier switch off too.

6305,0 1511-1517 UNID, JAMMED (het 6305,8), "Radar love", OK Michael Fox, mx [ cf TIDAL WAVE ]

6300,1 1513-1513* UNID, e.weak, instrum mx and s/off

6324,1 1519-1530 R. UNDERGROUND INT, JAMMED (var. hets), mx from Brasil, ID, Asian mx, tk in E (+G?)
6324,0 1543-1557 R. UNDERGROUND %, JAMMED (het 6324,9), mx, tk: Xmas song from Frysland, bit of sp., "Feliz navidad", ID?, 1549 tk in Czech?, a "Carabiniers" translation, 1552 prob. Artem tk' in E \one more het 6323,4 till 1554.
6324,3 1607-1609* UNID, Xmas programme \het with 6324,0. (stn and het : all s/off at 1609)

6323,4 1522-1524 UNID, 1522 : music box (maybe not Tango Italia), 1524 : trace and lost.

6306 a 1531 : v.strong carrier on 6305,7. 1615 : strong carrier on 6306,0 with stn underneath.

6300,05 1532-1559 BLAUWE PANTER ?, \ut. L-side, Sultans of swing, rock, ID(?), mx QRM?, rock, J.Cash

6285,2 1600-1607* R. UNDERGROUND, strong \soon JAMMED, pop, Xmas g's (prob. Artem in E+etc), Xmas song, 1604 Underground ID, Xmas g's, 1605: het s/on on 6286,0 then mx, s/off a few seconds before 1607 (the jammer s/off too)

6280,4 1606-1606 R. TANGO ITALIA %, tango
6265,4 1632,1658 R. TANGO ITALIA %, v.weak \het, 1632 : not tango, then tango. 1658 : tango
6280,4 1705-1709 R. TANGO ITALIA %, not tango, then tango again.
6240,4 1813-1815 R. TANGO ITALIA %, \'tut-tut' ut..QRM, tango,
6245,4 1945-2247 R. TANGO ITALIA %, tango : 1945-1948, 2006, 2035 f/down, 2050 strong, 2247 weak

6285,0 1610-1614 UNID, JAMMED (het on 6284 till almost 1612), then clear, X mas mx

6294,0 1613-1658 UNID, strong \1624 JAMMED (het 6293a, then clear, then 6295a). 1614 Dylan"Like a rolling stone", 1630 g's, Beach boys, Mamas &Papas, 1648 Clapton?. (1704 gone) - - - -[ cf MUSTANG ]

6306,95 1618-1702 UNID \JAMMED (on/off het 6306-6308v), also F fishers!, transe techno, 1659 c'/d, JM.Jarre [ cf GROENTE B. ]

6255,0 1635-1637* R. CASANOVA, "Witch queen of New-Orleans", ID+@, OK Artem, c'/d.

= = = At 1704, the 48 mb is emptied, with the jammer alone on 6307,8 (till 1708) = = =

6255,0 1710-1816 R. MERLIN INT, v.weak, rock, JID, mx, IDs, \PLC here from 1750.

6218 L 1714-1721 UNID, v.weak \ut.QRM, mx, tk like Artem (no copy)

6210,0 1721-1725 UNID, v.weak \big Iran splash, instrum mx - - - - - -[ cf TINA ]

4026,0 1731-2246 LASER HOT HITS, \hum (ut. underneath), 2007 R.Stones, ID, 2016 traffic 4030u, 2243 medley, JID

6244,9 1752-1755 UNID, \splash, instrum mx, 1755 slogan??, mx

6306,7 1759-1820 UNID, strong carrier \bit muffled audio, 80s synthe mx, tk in D [ cf GROENTE B. ]

3906,05 2009-2243 R. ALICE, strong \het L-side, 2009 ID over "Maybe tomorrow", mx, mx..

6290,0 2021-2050 UNID, some mx 'heard' at first, then only a trace.

6325,0 2035-2050 UNID, e.weak, 2037 tk : - - - - dot com.

1386,0 2252-2302 UNIDs, mixed stations : retro jazz, pops

6304,9 2457-2503 UNID, some talking 'heard', never better.

* * * * * SUN. 15 DEC. 2013 * * * * *

6265,05 0801-0806 R. NORA, mx, IDs, 0801 J.Cash?, 0806 James Brown"I feel good"

6255,0 0802-1159 R. MERLIN INT, v.>e.weak, pops, 0916 ID, 1046 ID.

6204,4 0803-0838 R. ORANG UTAN, weak \fading,ut.noise. pops, yodl, hard to hear, 0834 ID.

6215,2 0836-1047 UNID, weak>e.weak \it.6212u,stanag 6220. mx, rock, 0846 tk,jingle, 1047 Spirit in the sky [ cf KING ]

6290,8 0851-1015 UNID \noise bursts, 0911 JAMMED: het 6289,8 (still at 1015). D songs.

6450,0 0854-1037 UNID, \noise bursts right on (all around:clear), 0856 I fought the law, 0933 Jailhouse rock, 0943 good\fading, All right now, 1017 ZZ Top"Gimme...", 1032 "Hey Joe". - - - -[ cf UNIVERSE ]

7265,0 0858-0900* EMR, strong, c'/d, instrum mx, end.
9480,0 *0900-0958 EMR, strong, AM-USB, via MV Baltic, s/on, ID, Tremeloes, ID++. 0905 Kinks, then OEM plug, pop..

6045,0 0957-1000* EMR / EUROPEAN MUSIC R., powerful, "Stop the cavalry" // 9480, c'/d ID, end

6240,0 0917-1015 TECHNISCHE MAN, \long stanag(?), mx, ID, mx, 1007 ID \stanag burst, Casanovas instrum

6910,0 0949-0956 PREMIER R., e.weak \stanag 6905, ID, Dexys MR"Geno". 0953 \OTH woodpecker

9480,0 *1000-1052 GERONIMO SW, strong\fading,het 9475, 1000 s/on, mx, IDs, plugs British DX Club, 1050 Stanag(?)

6095,0 1011-1015 KBC, v.strong, mx, Trucker Radio, ad for truckers.

6282,0 1041-1045 UNID, \stanag, hip-hop in G, choir in E, singer in E.

6795,8 1053-1120 UNID, v.weak\fading, Doors "Riders on the storm", more mx - -[ cf PINK PANTHER ]
6795,8 1401-1406 PINK PANTHER R., ID, "The hippy hippy shake"
6795,8 1846-1849 UNID, e.weak \ut.noise, tk (no copy), 1848 "Video killed.. [ cf PINK PANTHER ]

6915,0 1059-1102 UNID, v.weak\ut.QRM > trace, mx. (1117 a trace next to 6915, s/off)

6305,0 1120-1158 UNID, \noise bursts, mx, 1158 accordeon.

6265,1 1134-1158 R. NORA, v.weak \noise bursts, 1136 ID, 1137 Mancini?, 1138 ID

6190,2 1140-1141* UNID, mx switch to 6185,1
6185,1 1141-1142* UNID, same mx, "woohoo" jamming
6190,1 1142-1143* UNID, mx, a few seconds later "woohoo" jamming, op insulting the jammer

6149,2 1144-1145* UNID, part of techno mx, off.
6208,1 1146-1152* UNID, messing with techno, break, back, techno, 1151 \stanag-like noise, switch
6195,5 1153-1155 UNID \"woohoo" jamming, same expletives, parts of mx.

6324,2 1155-1200 R. UNDERGROUND, \stanag? noise, mx, ID, tk ..jammed yesterday.., mx.

6319,9 1310-1318* UNID, Last train to Clarksville, more pops, 1318 sudden s/off

6304,9 1313-1346 UNID, strong, songs in G (D taste), 1344 accordeon, brass. - - [ cf TECH MAN ]

6290,0 1322-1400 UNID, mx, duo tk (in G??), 1347-1400 non stop D songs - - [ cf WITTE REUS ]

6265,7 1329-1400 UNID, v.weak, mx, 1336 ID no copy, ment' DrTim - - - -[ cf DR TIM relay ]

6255,0 1337-1400 R. TELSTAR SOUTH, \hum,het 6250. typ. Golden Boys tk+background mx, "memory from Wolfman Jack", Doors"Light my fire",retc. Maybe hum right on and Telstar S. about 50Hz higher.

6284,9 1850-1856 UNID, e.weak \splashes, mx - - - - - - [ cf RONEX ]

4026,0 1945-2230 LASER HOT HITS, \carrier hum, mx, tk, Laser, 2102 trace only, 2228 fair\noisy

3930,05 1950-2104 SLUWE VOS, e.>v.weak, mx, IDs. 1953 Rivers of Babylon, 2010 c'/d+@ \sp.traffic 3930u, 2036 "Rocking the world" ID again, 2046 fair peak, etc...

mx=music, tk=talk, D=Dutch, E=English, G=German, F=French, it.=Italian, rpt=report, v.=very,
e.=extremely w.=with, ', c'/d=closing down, M/W=man/woman, g'=greeting, ut=utility, SM=summer meeting ad
ID+@=ID+e-mail address, J=jingle, PLC=PowerLineComm'(noise), \=but, %=guess, hl=hotline
> =becoming/then, bb=boom-boom mx, bpm=beat per min, [ between sq. brackets : best fit ID, thanks quick logs ]
Please note that c'/d is a period from a few seconds to well more than an hour before the real switch off !
"Strength" notes (from e.weak to V.strong) are rather S/N notes by ear, not S-meter levels.
