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"ARISING FM" relay on 5800 / 5805 kHz

Posted: Thu Feb 06, 2014 21:58 pm
by Ray Lalleu
"ARISING FM" relay on 5800 / 5805 kHz

Long relays of a station identifying as ARISING FM (or ARISIN FM ?),
with pop music (no oldies), some talk in native English every 2 records approximately,
longer announcements at times, particularly at top of the hour with ID, Internet address
(still only the end : .eu copied), 2 minutes of local news from England ( ? as far as I could
understand), but no time check heard.

Thursday evening, 6th of Feb. 2014 : on 5800 kHz (with whistles and audio breaks tonight)

Wednesday evening, 5th of Feb. 2014 : was on 5805 kHz (5805 also Thursday morning)

The frequencies announced are 102.5 and 104.5. On Wednesday evening, a second ID was Atlantis FM. Also mentionned "CIBC"(?) once, so maybe a link with Canada ?

Signal here (W. France) varies about weak / fair, but noisy, including sticky PLC (local!) noise.

Could not find anything about that with Google.

Please, help with the relay and/or the FM station. Thanks


Friday evening : on 5810 kHz.
About the location, just a 'big guess' : Italy ?

Re: "ARISING FM" relay on 5800 / 5805 kHz

Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2014 20:40 pm
by Toutatis
Bonsoir Ray,

I didn't listen on 5800 kHz, but this Sunday morning, at 1031 UTC and later, I received a station on 7375 kHz, playing pop songs with talks in English.
The signal was very weak here in SW France. I had to switch my Elektor SDR in USB mode, because there was a strong carrier on 7373,5 kHz.
The same station that you heard on 5800 ?


Re: "ARISING FM" relay on 5800 / 5805 kHz

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2014 03:04 am
by ulx2
Hello Ray and Michel,

Could be "Horizon FM" from Tenerife, Canary Islands (on 102.5 & 104.5 MHz in English)?

But their web-site is on ".fm" domain:

Re: "ARISING FM" relay on 5800 / 5805 kHz

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2014 20:30 pm
by Ray Lalleu
Hello Toutatis, ULX2 and everyone,

The station relayed on 5805 or around is well Radio Horizon (English pronounciation !).
It's an English language station for the tourists in Tenerife (Canary Islands). An other station of the same group is Atlantis FM, with more "Gold" format, according to their web page.

The relay is probably taken from the web stream, and can be anywhere else. I still know nothing about it.
Michel, I will try your other frequency.

The relay around 5800 seems now on afternoons, and ending around 19 UTC.

Thanks for replying,


PS. Horizon FM heard again :

Monday 10 : on 5840 at 2130-2455
Tuesday 11 : on 5780 at 1952-2025
Wednesday 12 : on 5780 at 1740-1836 (1913 gone)

Friday 14 : on 5780 (morning, evening, maybe day long but only a trace at noon)

Re: "ARISING FM" relay on 5800 / 5805 kHz

Posted: Fri Feb 14, 2014 11:44 am
by ulx2
Monday 10 : on 5805 - c/d at 1846.