LOGS : 2 - 8 DEC. 2013

Logs from pirates on shortwave.
Log van piraten op korte-golf. (Ned & Eng)

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Ray Lalleu
Hardcore Gold Piratear
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LOGS : 2 - 8 DEC. 2013

Post by Ray Lalleu »


Some activity on daytime, specially on Wednesday. Look for the short tests of Cosmic Radio, that station now doing long transmissions on 48m all along January 2014 with carefully crafted programmes (British way) and getting only a few UNID reports in the logs.
See also R. YEVROPA./R. EUROPE on 3905 or 4004 kHz, heard on late night (ID thanks to ULX2, also Terry/NFL). (There are more low power trials on 76m).
Warning : R. Tango Italia playing leapfrog on the 48 mb.
Bad news with oncoming attempts of jamming.

* * * * * MON. 02 DEC. 2013 * * * * *

6324,9 1427-1428* UNID, strong, D song and end.

6210,0 1434-1446* R. TINA, e.weak, Casanovas song, D mx, ID+@, c'/d, bye, boxed "now c'/d"

6725 a 1453-1614 PIONEER? comb. COOL AM R., \var.QRM, techno, IDs+contacts, 1512 Bad moon rising, 1525 Kinks, 1541 Black night, 1612 Dandy, Pioneer(?) & Cool AM.

6305,1 1546-1625* R. ALTREX, e.weak, mx, ID,g's, mooh's!, 1602 Doors"Light my fire", 1616 Hot stuff, Hard day's night

6285,0 1626-1822 R. TELSTAR INT, weak,f'up+strong peaks \occ.PLC, D mix of mx incl' 60s pops, unclear g's, 1706 clear ID at last, said c'/d, 1715 Paranoid, 1758 IDs+@, 1803 v.strong peak, 1817 sudden f/down, e.weak now.

4026,0 1930-1941 LASER HOT HITS, weak, \strong traffic on 4022u. mx, tk, ID+@. (2258 : good)

* * * * * TUES. 03 DEC. 2013 * * * * *

6070,0 0735-0748 R.CHANNEL 292 %, v.weak\hiss, rock, pop, 0747 "6-0-7-0, it's new,it's improved.. , jingles.
6070,0 2248-2255 R. CHANNEL 292 %, \splash from around, rock, pop.

6289,1 1316-1327* UNID, mx, "allo testing", So happy together, Staying alive, muffled tk over mx.

6424,1 1329-1336 UNID, rock, D version of "Lucille", song. (1345 gone)

6795,9u 1337-1341* RMGP %, v./e.weak \ut.,traffic. mx in USB, tk (sounds like RMGP), "c'/d now".

6305,6 1559-1605* R. VERONA ?, \PLC, ut. D songs, yodl. 1604 "allo .. Verona .." (ID or not?)

6285,4 1722-1750 R. TANGO ITALIA %, v.weak, tango (also at 1841)
6285,5 2125-2243 R. TANGO ITALIA %, good, tango

3905,0 1843-1850 R. ALICE, pop, rock, 1850 ID.

4026,0 1843, 2120-2037 LASER HOT HITS, weak+peaks \loc.noise, mx, tk, Laser Int.

* * * * * WED. 04 DEC. 2013 * * * * *

4026,0 0621-0625* LASER HOT HITS, \some noise, mx, tk, Laser Int, sudden s/off at 0625'07".

6070,0 0626-0730 R.CHANNEL 292 %, weak\squeezed(Vatican 6075, splashes from 6060), mx, 0729"These boots..

7265,0 0718-0740 HAMBURGER LOKAL. R. relaying DX news in E.

6005,0 0724-0728 R. BELARUS, news in G., ID.

7310,0 0730-0737 R. 700, song in G (Adamo?), songs in E, ID.

6724,9 0912-0926* COOL AM R., e.weak \PLC. rock, 0924 IDs.

6747,0 0927-0935 UNID, weak\PLC, "Route 66", ska, Elvis"Devil in disguise", pop. (1003 gone)

6245,0 0937-0955* UNID, v.weak\PLC, pop, polka, tk(in D?), C&W row. (switch to 6250 ?)

6285,1 0948-0950* R. PLUTO, weak\PLC, ID in D, "Ride my see-saw"

6285,0 0950-1004 NORA R., e.weak \traffic6220u, mx, tk in D, ID, rep to Pluto.

6250,0 0956-1132 UNID, ex6245 ?, v.weak\PLC, 0958 gd m', D mix incl' C&W, 1105 Dit ist..., 1109 Free electric band, 1111 het on 6251,5, also instrum mx, 1121 ID?, 1128 g's in E.

6320 u 1113-1117 UNID, song by Amalia Rodrigues ? in USB, then tk in Portuguese(?), prob. traffic channel.

6235,1 1611-1616 UNID, \strong stanag QRN, D or G song, M+W tk' (in G??), official stn ??

6280,1 1652-1655* COSMIC R., mx, "test transmission", IDs, c'/d, bye-bye.

3985,0 1702-1740 R. 700 & R. FIREBIRD(?), Don't bring me down, IDs, pops, 1740 ID, "It's my party"

4026,0 1940-1943 LASER HOT HITS, \RTTY4020, ID, Martin Scott !, rpt from Maine-USA. (also 2418: weather, mx)

3925,0 2154-2215 UNID, e.weak \noisy, quiet mx, tk in E, noise growing up (2224 trace)

3905,4 2219-2301 UNID, weak/v.weak \gurgling noise, pops, rock (in Russian?), parts, 2247 W tk : some internet address with RUS in the name. Then Little Richard, Jerry L.Lewis, Chuck Berry, 2255 Russian rock ? [ cf R. EUROPE]

3905,3 2409-2445 UNID, \noisy, hams. C&W, tk in Russian(?), rock... [ cf R. EUROPE]

6730 a 2424-2430 UNID, e.weak heard in USB mode, "-- -- ShortWave@gmail.com", W long tk, no mx. 2430 end?

* * * * * THURS. 05 DEC. 2013 * * * * *

6285,4 1050-1123 R. NOVA ?, tk in D, rock, synthe mx, 1120 Man of action, ID quite unsure under PLC

6285,4 1131-1136* R. PLUTO, \PLC, tk over mx, ment' Altrex and (mainly) PLUTO.

6284,9 *1136-1140* UNID, e.weak \PLC, mx, tk, bye bye, ID ~Pinabarofine ??

6284,9 *1140-1144* R. PLUTO, mx, giving rpt to Misti, 1143 ID +@

6280,1 1346-1440 UNID, v.weak \ut.6275. mx, instrum, pops, 1405 Mamas & Papas, , non stop mx.

4026 a 1840,1930 UNID, 1840 v.weak, 1930 trace, 1939 double carrier, some mod.

4026,0 2122,2306 UNID, e.weak mx and tk.

3905,0 1930-1942 trace, maybe no mod?

* * * ** * FRI. 06 DEC. 2013 * * * * *

6289,9 0759-0838* UNID, e.weak \fades, mx, tk?, 0834 tk ..SW.., mx incl' "Psycho killer"

6070,0 0850-0900 R.CHANNEL 292, v.weak, mx, ID+@ by M+W, more mx, \'toy mill' and stanag bursts

6305,0 1130-1400 R. ALTREX, v.>e.weak \fading, mx, mooh's at 1131, 1134 (no more IDs), 1156 I'll be there, 1310 Booker T, 1343 Jingle Bells, Little drummer boy (in ?). 1357 Iko iko.

6286,0 1132-1449 FOCUS INT, \fading, rock, T.Philips, ID+POB, 1424 now strong, "Golden oldies of the 60s"
6286,0 1631-2011 FOCUS INT, strong, duo tk, pops, then deep fading, back and f'/down after 1900

6265,0 1200-1320 R. TELSTAR INT, mx, tk, ID, Friday on my mind, S.Franciscan nights, Let's go to S.Fr.,1320 Apache

6245,9 1329-1348 UNID, e.weak, ID no copy, Xmas songs, 1340 -- -- Radio@hotmail.co, BZN ??

9930 L 1406-1420 BALTIC SEA R., \preacher QRM on 9930AM, pop-rock, IDs+@

6939,85 1456-1615 R. COAX, e.weak\fades, briefly on 6941,85 at 1501, 1520 S.African mx, many IDs+@, 1606 f/down

6980,0 1508-1513 MIKE R. %, rock, messing with records, no ID but jumps on 6975

6975,0 1514-1525 MIKE R., part of Silent night, D or G song, ID, mx.

6950 L 1554-1615 BALTIC SEA R., D songs, seagulls, 1612 ID

6324,8 1617-1650* UNID, \noisy, mix of mx, 1643 allo test test, s/off at 1649'52"

6303,6 1621-1630 BLACK ARROW, v.weak>fair \ut.noise. Bus stop, She's not there, g's, ID, bye-bye...

6291,9 1630-1704 ODYNN R., v.weak>weak \noisy ut., D mx, IDs+@, barrel organ mx then pops

6210,0 1632-1643* R. TINA, weak, Xmas song, c'/d ID, mx, more c'/d IDs, 50W, bye bye

6255,4 1632-1653 R. TANGO ITALIA %, tango. 1648 and 1653: het from blank carrier on 6255,1

6265,4 1709-1720 R. TANGO ITALIA %, tango.

6240,4 1934,1946 R. TANGO ITALIA %, tango.

6305,0 1639-1651 UNID, v.weak, mx, mx... (1704 gone)

6242,0 1657-1659 R. AC-DC %, \Cairo-like noise, R&R, Blues Brothers, lost at 1659.

3904,9 1714-1718 (trace, maybe some audio.)

4025,9 1824-2140 LASER HOT HITS, weak\fading, mx, tk, IDs, 1918 DJ schedule, 1951 FSN,OEM

3905,0 1919-1928 UNID, bumpy start, low audio, "We will rock you", rock, 1925 audio OK, mushy carrier...

3905,0 1949-2333 SKYLINE R., Jungle rock, Proud Mary, Loop di la, C&W, 2129 D mx, ID+g's, synthe, ID,hl,g's..

6324,8 1930-1944* R. NORTON, weak/v.weak \fading, traffic 6320u, mx, tk, 1938 IDs, instrum of 50s song,

6933 L 2337-2345 UNID, mx in LSB, \ut bursts, SSB traffic QRM. Seems from Brasil.

* * * * * SAT. 07 DEC. 2013 * * * * *

1386,0 0804-0809 UNIDs, 0804 "I fought the law", then 2 stns beating

6286,0 0810-0945 FOCUS INT, ID+@+hl++POB, mx, rock.. (also 1203 weak\fading)
6286,0 1336-1410 FOCUS INT %, v.bad strange audio, tech. problems ?
6286,0 1439-1653 FOCUS INT %, >>> JAMMED ! <<<

6215,3 0839-0945 UNID, weak, undermodulated, mx.

6939,9 0845-0914 R. COAX, e.weak \occ.spitting ut. mx (hard to listen to), IDs+@ (v.good for such a low power)

6095,0 0901-0906 KBC, v.strong, Emperor Rosko, C&W

6305,0 0906-0915 R. PLUTO, v.weak, mx, tk, IDs. "Psycho killer"

6305,5 0934-0942 R. VERONA, weak, D songs, 0939 ID+@

6265,1 0942-0946 R. NORA, mx, CCR ?, 0946 ID in D+E, mx

6305,6 1200-1218 UNID, weak \PLC, mx, 1218 AC/DC ?

6240,0 1204-1219 R. TINA %, v.e.weak \het 6239,3. tk over accordion, 1208 ID=?, Shadows? 1219 ID=?, Jingle bells

6204,9 1213-1215 UNID, weak \noise ut. on U-side. mx, 1215 rock - - - - [ cf GOUDENSTER ]
6204,85 1339-1345 UNID, accordion, then song in (G?) - - - - - -[ cf GOUDENSTER ]

6325,0v 1216-1219 UNID, mx, tk, Space(?) Radio ... hotmail.nl, mx, some drift

6303,0 1347-1423 TOP R., on/off audio most of the time, 1351 JID

6290,7 1354-1422 R. CAROLINE INT ?, v.weak near strong Focus, mx, R.Caroline jingles, 1415 distorted annt

6260,0 1403-1409 UNID, D mx, some tk. (1409-1523 : carrier only, 1441 other stn underneath)

6210,0 1417-1540 UNID, \noise ut., mx, 1444 Barbie girl, 1525 yodl, D songs. - - [ cf LUXEMBURG ]

6530,0 1424-1433* UNID, weak, X mas song, tk in E+D, jingle, ads incl' .nl addresses, FM relay ?

6240,0 1443-1525 R. FLYING DUTCHMAN, H.California, mx, 1450 ID, on/off mx, test-1-2, g's, \fading, pops

6305,1 1454-1542 R. ALTREX, mx, mooh's, 1504 ID, g's, 1542 "Help"

6324,1 1459-1615* R. MALIBU, ID in D, D mx, 1602 "piraten" song, 1614 g's to Rick.

6265,0 1506-1537 R. SUPERSOUND, rock, 1514 Stairway to heaven, 1522 SUPERCHANNEL, superstudio1a (at) gmail.de, 1534 Black night, 1537 Paranoid.

6300,0 1529-1531* UNID, hard \stanag 6298a. "Guantanamera". 1531 brass mx (QRM??), s/off15.31'42"

6292,1 1532-1532 UNID, blank, part of "What is love", blank again. - - - -[ cf MUSTANG ]

6290,9 1542-1658 R. NORTON, \slight 6292,1 het. Various D mx, 1605,1652 IDs, 1608 D version of Your tiger feet.

6279,8 1545-1613 R. TCHAKA ?, mx, singing DJ Martinez, pops, IDs(not spelled), 1600 Asi bonanga [ cf TJAKKA ]

6304,0 1602-1604 UNID, strong, parts of songs in E, then blank. - - - - [ cf MUSTANG ]

6375,0 1616-1619 R. CAROLINE (INT), weak \fading, faxL-side, mx, JID, pop

6425,1 1620-1659 STUDIO 52, \noisy ut. u-side, D song, Xmas(?) song, mx, 1644 ID in E, 1659 D song, ID

6725,0 1625-1706 COOL AM R., e.weak \strong hiss, some techno mx, IDs+@, mx, 1706 ID+@

6325,0 1638-1657 WITTE REUS, mx, tk, IDs, 1641 S.Blue"Never marry..", Born to be wild

6306,85 1642-1657 BOGUSMAN, strong, IS, mx, 1650 ID, rock, JAMMING ??, mx

3925,0 2138-2200* CRAZY WAVE R., \loc.noise, 2143 On the border, IDs, 2157 Hello goodbye, c'/d in G

4004,8 2210-2430 Russian stn ?, v.weak, rock, "If you're going to San francisco", "Echo Beach", rock, tk in Russian?, accordion, then messing with parts of mx, 2239 special J.Cash, 2315 J.Joplin \ut~RTTY? 2322 Stuck in the middle (alt. V.), more mx. - - - - [ cf R. YEVROPA / EUROPE ]

4026,0 2227-2413 LASER HOT HITS, Caroline on the Ross story, 2240 tk, ID, mx \fading. (already at 1655: mx)

* * * * * SUN. 08 DEC. 2013 * * * * *

4026,0 0753-0753 LASER HOT HITS %, strong, mx.
4025,9 1806-1918 LASER HOT HITS, mx, tk, looking at Twente SDR, ID+contacts, Elton John: X mas song

6286,0 0755-1126 FOCUS INT, strong > fair \bad fading, 0822 Dexys M.R., 0846 "Back in time to the 60's"
6286,0 1357-1805 FOCUS INT, mx and duo tk. Strange sound, 1715 jammed ?

6265,0 0756-0802 UNID, weak \ut. L-side, mx, pop, tk in E over "Ride my see-saw". (0823 gone) [ cf NORA ]

6215,3 0758-0839 KING SW, v.weak, mod still a bit low, quiet mx, 0827 shy ID. (0846 gone)

6190,0 0828-0847 EMR, in AM-USB, strong \fading, 60s pops, also Doris Day(50s), IDs.
6190,0 0902-0923 MV BALTIC R., Man of action, ID in G, mx, duo tk in G

6005,0 0833-0840 R. BELARUS, strong \fading, muffled mx, tk and ID in G.
6005,0 0926-0928 R. 700, tk and ID in G, mx (good audio). (Also 1044, G song)

7310,0 0841-0841 R. 700 %, brass mx
7310,0 0902-1000* ATLANTIC 2000, strong>fair \high pitched het, tk in F, mx, IDs, DX news in F, switch to 9480

5995,0 0904-0935 RFB, strong, IDs, mx, 0910 "All over the world"(F.Hardy?), 0928 jammed? (het 5994v)

6305,0 0918-0921 BOGUSMAN, strong, noisy clip, ID, mx. (0935 - 1128 : blank)
6305,0 1340-1350 BOGUSMAN %, tk (astrophysics !), mx

6095,0 0925-1110 TRUCKER R., powerful, mx, tk in E, ID, ad for Trucks Auctions.
6095,0 1445-1448 KBC, powerful, mx, ad, ID, Ron O'Quinn, soul mx.

6915,0 0949-1025* PREMIER R. INT, weak \occ. OTH or traffic. mx, 0952 ID in E, 1020 ID, rock, Man of action...

6974,6 0953-1026 R. RONALISA, (0948 carrier) weak/fair, mx, IDs+@, 0957 I want to break free.

9480,0 1000-1052 ATLANTIC 2000, ex-7310, AM-USB, u-side OK, IDs, Knock on wood, ELO, Lou Reed...

7310,0 1014-1050 FRS HOLLAND, strong \bit of +-5kHz hets, fading. mx, 1050 ID in E, Beatles
7310,0 1108-1108 UNID, mixing mx program and religious program, // 6005 same problem

6240,0 1028-1040 R. SATURNUS INT, weak/v.weak, Beatles"Come together", IDs, rock, synthe, hl in D

6190,0 1110-1110 UNID, strong, mx. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [ cf GLORIA ]

6265,1 1117-1125 R. NORA, weak>strong, mx, tk in D and E, IDs, short program, rpt for VOTN 6375.

6300,4 1126-1128 UNID, \het 6305. mx, tk, ment' Sallandse Boer, Z. Pluto... 1128 synthe mx

6315,0 1128-1141 UNID, weak \PLC, mx, 1131 club mx. - - [ cf NORTH POLE ]

6325,7 1132-1149 UNID, v./e.weak \fading,PLC, mx, 1136 tk, " ..shortwave..gmail.com"
6325,7 1340-1544 UNID, e.weak, mx, D song 1343 peak, D mx, 1425 under noise, 1544 polka

6373,1 1142-1150 UNID, tk, ment' DrTim, DX news ?, ment' Nora 6305, Boomerang, R.Rob.. 1150 mx

6389,9 1145,1150 R. ALTREX, e.weak, 1145 barely audible, 1150 tk: Buddy Holly, ID, mx.

6795,8 1147-1656 PINK PANTHER R., v.weak, pop, 1147 tk no copy, 1324 jammed? 1331 ID, 1512 alt J.Bells, \traffic

6392,05 1310-1316 BAKEN 16, instrum mx, tk+ID in D, 1315 JID(Cucaracha tune), more mx

6450,2 1316-1800 LOWLAND R., weak/fair, songs in G, 1451 ID, C&W, pops, Itsy Bitsy.., 1648 Oh happy day

6292,0 1350-1353 Z. ODYNN, tk in D, "Pump up the volume", IDs, ment' W.Reus-Telstar-Norton,

6292,0 1353-1357 QSO mess, stereo, soup of reports and g's to stns

6255,1 1358-1439 R. TELSTAR SOUTH, clip of D free radio (parts?), Golden Boy tk about Ross Revenge, etc
6255,1 1634-1757 R. TELSTAR SOUTH, typ. tk and background mx (TV themes, Booker T...), 1735 canned ID.

6205,0 1415-1443 R. AC-DC %, weak \noisy, pops, tk, "Rawhide" part, more mx.

6305,1 1426-1426* BAKEN 16 ?, Sweet home Alabama, tk in D, ment' Baken 16 and Witte Reus, off.

6305,0 *1428-1433 WITTE REUS ?, C&W, reports for Baken16, Northpole. Danke Gunter. 1433 v.strong stanag

6535,0 1454-1529 XXL R., mx, instrum mx, many IDs no copy, then 1506 good IDs, D songs

6940,0 1518-1526 TRANSEUROPE R., \v.noisy, mx, ID+@, g's, 60W, folk mx...

6375,0 1531-1542 UNID, strong \strong RTTY 6378. pops,1542 ELO "Mr Bluesky" - - [ cf MUSTANG ]

6305,5 1544-1549 UNID, Beatles, JM.Jarre \hets 6303,9 and 6305,0 (1549 lost)
6303,9 1545-1555 UNID, het with 6305,0 and 6305,5 e.weak, on/off, some audio.
6305,6 1554-1554 UNID, v.weak mx, \het 6303,9
6303,5 1556-1558 UNID, throw one more on the heap !

6305,5 1628-1631 UNID, mx, allo-allo, messing

6325,0 1639-1755* UNID, tchac-synthe (wide bandwidth), 1701 I can't stand the rain, 1747 c'/d. [ cf GROENTE B.]

6303,7 1704-1713* COSMIC R., e.weak \noisy, hard to hear, folk singer, ID, c'/d

6265,7 1716-1744 UNID, D songs, SSTV. 1726 Morse. 1743 "Stille nacht"

6375,0 1759,1803 R. UNIVERSE, \ut. L-side. ID, mx, sad 80s mx.

6240,4 1920-1924 R. TANGO ITALIA, usual IS loop incl' clear IDs

6280,4 1927-1928* R. TANGO ITALIA %. blank, music box and s/off

6255,4 2228-2231 R. TANGO ITALIA %, mx from Argentina, tango.

mx=music, tk=talk, D=Dutch, E=English, G=German, F=French, it.=Italian, rpt=report, v.=very,
e.=extremely w.=with, '=..ing, c'/d=closing down, M/W=man/woman, g'=greeting, ut=utility, SM=summer meeting ad
ID+@=ID+e-mail address, J=jingle, PLC=PowerLineComm'(noise), \=but, %=guess, hl=hotline
> =becoming/then, bb=boom-boom mx, bpm=beat per min, [ between sq. brackets : best fit ID, thanks quick logs ]
Please note that c'/d is a period from a few seconds to well more than an hour before the real switch off !
"Strength" notes (from e.weak to V.strong) are rather S/N notes by ear, not S-meter levels.

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