A long log again, not many special tips, but look at Friday night and Sunday evening.
* * * * * MON. 25 NOV. 2013 * * * * *
1386,0 0725-0731 CARILLON R., JID \QRM other station, pops.
6324,4 1243-1248 UNID, rock/RnB, latino track, 1247 blank. (1250 gone)
6285,0 1249-1305 UNID, D mx, 1252 tk (in D and E ?).
6290,85 1641-1659* UNID, fair\fading, traffic 6284u and 6292u, songs in G(?), also in F, sudden off. [ cf NORTON ]
6245,0 1752-1826 R. TWENTANA, \strong traffic 6240u, rock, allo, Just an illusion, IDs, D songs.
4026,0 1827-2004 LASER HOT HITS,strong, mx, tk, IDs
6240,0 1836-1840 Z. TWENTANA, \het 6235, mix : popand polka, 1838 ID
6070,0 2343-2402 UNID, strong peaks, mx, rock, pop, 2400 annt in spanish ? several frequencies, portorican? mx.
* * * * * TUES. 26 NOV. 2013 * * * * *
6070,0 0750-0835 UNID, v.weak \bad fading, loc.noise. pop, rock. ( R.CHANNEL 292 % ???).
6250,0 0835-0838 UNID, e.weak \bad fading, mx, tk, M+W tk. (from latin America?)
6734,9 1426-1513 HOT WAVE R., v./e.weak, mx, W voice(synthesis?): tk, unclear IDs, This is free music radio, 1449 brass mx \traffic, Man of action, long fade, 1504 "non-stop", blues, 1512 ID, ..hotest radio on the SW.. (1517 gone)
6747,0 1440-1550 PIONEER R., fair\fading,hiss +peaks. D mx, occ. pop. 1541 Speedy Gonzalez, 1543 ID
6290,0 1642-1643* UNID, mx.
6290,0 1654-1656* UNID, mx, tk, TY (noise) ..for the Black Arrow, bye-bye, no return. s/off at 1655'55"
6280,0 1656-1709 R. TARZAN, v.weak\PLC,stanag,traffic. V.gd ev' to Jari, ID, s/by for QSO, etc... (1711 gone)
6280,0 1712-1753 R. TARZAN, not better, same mx mix and tk in D+E, 1724 ID. 1740 C&W track.
6290,9 1744-1757 UNID, mx, 1746 strong peak, 1755 "Popcorn", fade \splash from Tarzan, 1757 trumpet
4026,0 1907-2145 LASER HOT HITS, mx (more rock than usual), 2000 ID(Cities in Europe), then much mx.
* * * * * WED. 27 NOV. 2013 * * * * *
6305 a 1000-1002* UNID, e.weak, mx, sudden s/off.
6305,6 1105-1115 UNID, D mx, 1107 tk in D over mx, muffled, ID??, accordion, waltz, "allo", polka
6734,9 1540-1611* COOL AM R., e.weak \PLC, ID+@, mx, A.Brown"Fire", 1609 "Gloria", c'/d
6290,9 1552-1657 R. NORTON, \occ.traffic,PLC. D songs, 1600 ID, D mx (incl' W.indies and Vienna like) (1703 gone)
6324,4 1620-1624* UNID, pop, "Hi Hi Hazel", end.
6304,8v 1627-1631 trace, \some traffic, 1629 maybe low mx?, drifting to 6305,1
6305,1v 1631-1648 UNID, e.weak, drifting, some mx till 1634, then tk (or traffic?), 1639 trace on 6305,3 \het 6305,1
6291 L 1747-1812 UNID, e.weak \sp.traffic on 6284u, rock, blues, hickup, 1759 ..report to.., blues 1812 f/out
4026,0 1906-2222 LASER HOT HITS, mx, tk, Laser Int.
3905,1 2047-2132* UNID, mx, pop, (soft) rock, 2127 One of these nights, 2131 tk in D, barrel organ (Casanovas)
3919,9 2048-2125 trace (seems with audio)
3925,0 2207-2229 trace (with mx at 2211)
* * * * * THURS. 28 NOV. 2013 * * * * *
6290,5 0956-1007* R. SKYWIRE, v.weak\fading, loc.noise, D instrum mx, accordion, 1005 ID.
6746,9 1003-1035 UNID, JM.Jarre worst, 1008 weak \fading, noisy, D songs. (1043 gone)
6290,0 1438-1455 UNID, v.weak, messing with D and other mx, blanks (also blank at 1409 and 1453)
6300 a 1830-1832 UNID, messing with mx and TX, 1831 on 6298 briefly, and back to 6300.
4026,0 2209-2222 LASER HOT HITS, weak +strong peak, mx, tk, 2216 "special request for S.Ross", 2220 Laser Int
3902 L 2352-2413* UNID, e.weak slow f'/up \ strong 3900 het. Rock, blues, 2357 "non stop", 2411 c'/d ?
* * * ** * FRI. 29 NOV. 2013 * * * * *
6746,9 1001-1008 UNID, v.weak \PLC, mx, Four Tops "Bernadette", mx, mx..
6746,9 1744-1814 UNID, v.>e.weak, poor propagation.- - - - [ cf PIONEER ]
6284,8 1350-1641 FOCUS, strong \occ.strong 6280u traffic. pops, duo tk, IDs+hl+POB
6284,8 1740-1815 FOCUS, now fading down to e.weak then f/out (1918 trace only)
6284,8 2146-2155 FOCUS, e.weak \fog horn-like QRM, mx, tk, ID. (also 2432-2445: v.weak \bad fading)
6300,3 1543-1547* R. EXPERIENCE, \fading, PLC. G and D songs, 1545 IDs
6425,0 1550-1647 STUDIO 52, \6430ut. mx, rock, allo, ID, D songs, Que calor la vida. (1743: C&W, synthe)
6255,4 1601-1607 R. TANGO ITALIA, usual IS with IDs, then tango (also1642,1652: \hets, tango).
6295,5 1735-1815 R. TANGO ITALIA %, tango (may move for a few min and back...)
6290,4 1918-2324 R. TANGO ITALIA % tango (may move for a few min and back...)
6240,4 2435-2435 R. TANGO ITALIA % tango
6324,3 1621-1623 UNID, mx, then tk (I had else to do at that time).
4026,0 1727-2258 LASER HOT HITS, clear, repeat with ID+@, mx, tk, 2134 ID+@
6305,05 1734-1739* MUSTANG R., tchac-boom box mx, ID, bye-bye, blank, off.
6304,9v 1755-1917 LONG LIVE R. %, mx box, \v.drifty +quick back on. " - - Radio", ..shortwave@gmail
6325,0 2043-2131 UNID, e.weak \fading,PLC. pops, Mort Schuman?, Beach Boys, OK Gunter, IDs, 2115 C&W, accordion, ID, "Woundered Knee". (2144 gone) [ cf MUSTANG, tnx to ULX2 for a good detail. The signal strength was quite unusual for Mustang ]
6925,1 2157-2214* UNID, \traffic6925L. mx, 2211 This is..., 2213: ...radio...dot-com, POB 101... [cf CHANNEL Z ]
6315 a 2237-2245 UNID, V.strong peaks \wobbling, but v.good audio in AM mode. D songs, 2241 allo 1-2-3, D song "Radio Paloma", 2248 D.Straits"Sultans of swing", 2253 even blank is wobbled !
6295 L 2259-2307 R. UNO DIGITAL, "She's like a rainbow", 2303 ID, tk in it?, 2305 on/off then bad audio.
6315 a 2310-2320* CENTURI(ON?) R., \wobbling, ut.QRM. mx, gut morgen, test, ID. 2320 tk in D, 1-2-3 allo..
6925,0 2438-2440* UNID, anthem then s/off.
* * * * * SAT. 30 NOV. 2013 * * * * *
6284,8 0736-1333 FOCUS INT, v.strong > strong, mx, IDs, 0815 Crunchy Granola, 1006 rock, Inmates, Beatles, etc.. 1115 Boston "More than a feeling", tk
6284,8 1644-1746 FOCUS INT, strong, mx. (1922 trace only, under PLC and atmos)
7265,0 0739-0743 HAMBURG LOKALE R. %, DX progr. in E (radio news). (also 0838 : duo tk in G)
6300,6v 0816-0842 R. BONOFOX, polka, sp.mx(ole!), accordion, 0825 live IDs, mx \drift to 6300,75. (0913 gone)
6239,95 0822-0913 UNID, good peaks, D pop mx, accordion. (0925 gone) - - - [ cf TWENTANA ]
9510,0 0906-0945 EMR, powerful, booming!, ID, post address, plug:E for kids, mx, IDs, bye
9510,0 0945-0945 IRRS, powerful, ID, news by FSN.
6215,35 0914-1057 UNID, v.weak carrier, quite undermod, traces of mx at times. (1107 gone). [ cf KING SW ]
6095,0 0916-1000 KBC, (not at 0905, late start), powerful, Rosko's Coast to Coast Country.
4026,0 0922-0923 LASER HOT HITS, v.weak\loc.noise, mx, Laser Int
4026,0 1933-2012 LASER HOT HITS, strong \atmos, mx, tk, ID+@
6795,8 1017-1313 UNID, weak > v.weak, Don't bring me down, pops. - - [ cf PINK PANTHER ]
6795,8 1732-1810 UNID, D song, Karma Chameleon, mx.. - - [ cf PINK PANTHER ]
6939,85 1030-1046 R. COAX ?, e.weak or less, 1035 Rosamunde, then annts barely heard, ID+@: not sure
6324,9 1046-1129* R. PYTHON, fair, pops, tk in D, 1120 mx on 6325,0 - 1129 ID+@
6305,0 1048-1102 R. NMD, v.weak, song, tk, accordion, ID, "locatie Flevoland". 1102 bye (maybe e.e.weak reply)
6265,1 1054-1127 UNID, v.weak, D songs, 1105 D C&W rock, 1124 Mancini?, Booker T. - - - [ cf NORA ]
6305,0 1121-1123 UNID, e.weak, mx, then lost.
6379,95 1132-1134 UNID, e.weak \PLC, mx. - - - - [ cf ALTREX ]
6747,0 1306-1313 UNID, v.weak \PLC, mx. - - - - [ cf PIONEER ]
6210,0 1318-1329 UNID, pops, D songs, 1327 tnx Iaroslav.
6205,0 1300-1300 UNID, trace with some audio
6255,4 1330-1333 R. TANGO ITALIA, usual IS-ID loop
6245,4 1748-1748 R. TANGO ITALIA %, tango,
6300,0 1333-1333 UNID, e.weak, tk, mx? - - - - - - - - - - [ cf TINA ]
6305,0 1642-1718 MUSTANG R., strong \6306 mx QRM, pops, 1708 ID, Dylan"Like a rolling stone".
6306,0 1649-1655 UNID, \under Mustang, quiet mx
6255,0 1645-1820 R. TELSTAR SOUTH, typical, 1651 R.Atlantis clip, 1706 She's a lady, 1747 IDs, 1819 the Prisoner
6210,0 1646-1654* R. TINA, D or G song, 1653 tk, ID, "from Germany", "now c'/d"
6240,0 1646-1822 UNID, D songs, accordion, barrel organ. Bit of downdrift.
6324,4 1709-1711 UNID, mx, song in E. - - - - - - - - [ cf MALIBU ]
6425,1 1712-1757 UNID, \PLC, pops. - - - - - - [ cf STUDIO 52 ]
6734,9 1714-1809 COOL AM R., e.weak \PLC, mx, 1730 IDs+@, 1800 "It's only R&R", Dandy, IDs no copy now.
6747,0 1718-1809 COOL AM R. & UNID, fair \fading, pops, 1805 "It's only R&R", Dandy, 1807 Combinatie..., ID
6306,0 1812-1824 R. POWERLINER INT, \fading,atmos,Morse QRM. D mx, much tk, g's, ID, hl, said c'/d
3905,0 1936-2057 UNID, strong>\fading, D song, medley in G, more D style, occ. rock or latino mx. [ cf ALICE ]
6304,9 1957-2000* UNID, v.weak to strong ! D mx, accordion, tk, ment' Powerliner, Black Arrow, sudden s/off
6240,0 2027-2037* UNID, \PLC,het L side, spitting U-side ut. D songs, 2033 "Mariane" song
3935,05 2313-2320 R. UNDERGROUND, mx, tk, ID, annt "Scoobidoo", D song, try 1476 and 1512, Que sera sera.
1386,0 2325-2330 CARILLON R., mixed with other stations (incl' Energy ?), 2326 Carillon jingle.
* * * * * SUN. 01 DEC. 2013 * * * * *
6199,7 0705-0858 R. ORANG UTAN, weak, ID, Dire Straits"Sultans..", 0812 Dreamer, 0858 "Nutbush...
6290,0 0707-0732 R. PLUTO, v.weak\fading, mx, 0717 gd m', ID+@, test, more mx.
6284,9 0720-1713 carrier, trace > 0817 strong > slow f/down, 1656 on 6284,8. (2002, 2226 trace) FOCUS ?
6070,05 0724-1015 R. CHANNEL 292 %, pops, 0838 Rhythm of the night, 1015 e.weak (1300 gone)
4026,0 0726-0854 LASER HOT HITS, \fading, mx, tk: crazy real estate, 0849 ID, Anorak Hour: Caroline 558
4026,0 1758-2240 LASER HOT HITS, strong>weak>strong, mx, Laser.
6212,4 0812-1328 R. WAVES INT, mx, IDs+Rueil POB, "birthday party", C&W, F songs, some drift to 6212,2 at 0836 with "Les bals populaires" (again 1152), 0914 het from 6215,3 (for ~2h), 1013 B-52's.
6215,3 0914-1059 UNID, carrier, only very low audio, some mx "heard" at times - - - - [ cf KING SW ]
6325,0 0817-0824* R. ETHERFREAK, v.weak\noisy, ID (+@ no copy), mx, 0822 c'/d IDs, bye-bye.
6325,0 0827-0827* R. PLUTO, tk, ID and s/off.
6325,0 0829-0831* R. ETHERFREAK, e.weak\strong traffic, rep. to Pluto, 0831 ID and s/off.
6300,0 0825-0922* R. WALDMEISTER, weak \noisy, pops and polka, tk, 0857 Owner of a lonely heart, 0917 Man of action, ID, c'/d, instrum mx, 0920 ID, c'/d.
7310,0 0900-0945 R. 700 in G, strong \ut, rock, // 6005,0 0905-0910, clear
7265,0 0903-1000* MV BALTIC R., rock in AM-USB, American woman, 0930 Man of action, 0943 Hendrix"Hey Joe, 0947 tk in G, Led Zeppelin (reprise?), 0957 song in G, then end.
6095,0 0913-1259 KBC, v.strong, Trucker Radio: duo tk, C&W, 1159 KBC ad in D, 1258 Johnny B.Goode.
6295,7 0922-0923 UNID, beginning, good-strong, mx, electronic mx.
11401,1 0938-0940 R. WAVES INT, e.weak, known voice with Rueil address. (traces also 1136 and 1415)
9480,0 *1000-1057 MV BALTIC R., AM-USB, Man of action, ID in E and G, tk in G, 1002 American woman, etc.. repeat of the program herad at 9-10 UTC on 7265.
6294,8 1005,1019 UNID, mx, whispering, techno drumbox. 1019 : "Summer of love"(title?). (1022 gone) [ cf VOTN]
6240,0 1009,1042 R. CASANOVA INT, mx, ID, song in G?, 1042: weak \ut.QRM, rock. (1048 gone)
6305,05 1018-1048 R. SHADOWMAN, strong, tacboom, club mx, Bumble Bee(?), 1027 ID (heard as Zeroman), 1036 ID, "low power testing", mx. (1058 gone)
6325,0 1100-1153 R. PYTHON, \traffic6320u, long 1000 Hz test tone, 1144 mx, 1147 ID in E, 1153 mx
6380,0 1103-1154 R. ALTREX, v.weak, D mix of mx, 1108 IDs, chatting, moo!, accordion...
6795,8 1115-1410 UNID, songs in latino style, later rather pop \PLC [ cf PINK PANTHER ]
6795,8 1721-1726 PINK PANTHER R.,v.weak \PLC, stanag. West side story, ID just above noise level.
7620,0 1124-1158 SLUWE VOS R., v.weak\traffic on 7614,5u. pops, IDs+@
7620,0 1450-1609* SLUWE VOS R., weak\fading. mx and IDs, 1609 c'/, "I'll be back", long blank.
6305,6 1138-1151 UNID, v.weak\fading, D songs
6305,6 1307-1351 R. VERONA, v.weak, D (or G) songs, IDs.
6290,4 1140-1143 UNID, pop. (1146 gone)
6324,2 1304-1329 R. UNDERGROUND INT, \traffic6320u, reggae, 1308 ID, rpt, g's, songs in G and D.
6292,0 1317-1350 UNID, pops, "Your body my body", "Vietnam"(?), etc. - - - [ cf ODYNN, STARDYNN ]
6240,0 1321-1400 UNID, mx then strong QRM from 6242. 1325 : mx \chinese QRM. [ cf AC-DC]
6242,0 *1321-1324* UNID, strong, mx. Boomerang style.
6322,1 *1334-1346* R.Z. BOOMERANG, strong. 1333: blank on 6325,1 then on 6322,1. 1334 mx, typical choice. 1343 ID
6323,0 1351-1355* Z. POWERLINER, strong, D mx, ID, rpt in D for Boom.
6322,1 *1355-1359* BOOMERANG, strong, Dragonslayer, rep to Powerliner, 1358 ID, bye-bye
6323,0 *1359-1404* POWERLINER, fair\traffic6320u > strong, ID, rpt in D for Boom., mx, 1403 ID
6323,1 *1405-1407 TRANSEUROPE R., pop, ID, rep to Powerliner and Boom.
11425u 1417-1429 UNID, v.weak \PLC. Strange music mixings, bhudist prayers? In USB !
6325,8 1611-1624* R. BILADIRA, \traffic6320u, PLC, QRM beat. mx, 1620 tk, ID, bpm, 1623'58*
6325,0 1628-1718 UNID, v.weak, Dragonslayer, g's for rpts(Gino,Marco), mx, 1653 g's, mx, mx.. [ cf W. REUS ]
6305,5 1625-1648 R. ROTTERDAM, D songs, waltz, tk in D to Verona, c'/d IDs.
6305,0 1649-1649* R. ROB, rpt for R. Rotterdam.
6305,5 1650-1651 R. ROTTERDAM, reply to R. Rob.
6255,0 1656-1708 R. TELSTAR SOUTH, memories: Rolling Stones, typ. tk, time check, Danger Man theme, 1704 other stn underneath?, 60s nostalgia, ID, "Telstar" reprise, crooner. (1712 gone)
6240,4 1709,1744 R. TANGO ITALIA %, tango
6245,4 2000,2222,2246,2407 R. TANGO ITALIA, tango, 2222 ID. (may hop elsewhere and back!)
7625,0 1728-1742 UNID, e.weak \sticky PLC, mx, tk: W voice, "-- -- Radio", mx..
4891,0-4892,2 : QSO between R. PLUTO and Italian station ? at 1745-1757.
6070,0 2227-2249 R. CHANNEL 292, v.weak, pops, 2237 ID in G only, mx, mx...
mx=music, tk=talk, D=Dutch, E=English, G=German, F=French, it.=Italian, rpt=report, v.=very,
e.=extremely w.=with, '=..ing, c'/d=closing down, M/W=man/woman, g'=greeting, ut=utility, SM=summer meeting ad
ID+@=ID+e-mail address, J=jingle, PLC=PowerLineComm'(noise), \=but, %=guess, hl=hotline
> =becoming/then, bb=boom-boom mx, bpm=beat per min, [ between sq. brackets : best fit ID, thanks quick logs ]
Please note that c'/d is a period from a few seconds to well more than an hour before the real switch off !
"Strength" notes (from e.weak to V.strong) are rather S/N notes by ear, not S-meter levels.
LOGS : 25 NOV. - 01 DEC. 2013
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