Logs : 18 - 24 NOV. 2013
Posted: Thu Jan 16, 2014 22:35 pm
Look for :
R. Afrodite (twice), R. Waves Int (30th anniv. still on), Gallifrey (America), and once again lots of UNIDs (a few ones intriguing). Much of the activity on Saturday-Sunday (even when not accounting the QSO's).
* * * * * MON. 18 NOV. 2013 * * * * *
6070,0 0733-0833 R. CHANNEL 292, good\some atmos. rock, pop, IDs, "American woman", T-Rex.. (1031: fair/weak)
6070,0 1620-1647 R. CHANNEL 292, f'/up\splash Firedrake on 6075 also f'/up. pops, 1647 ID.
6307,3 1557-1603* UNID, e.weak\atmos. mx, 1603 quick rise, but sudden s/off.
6290,9 1604-1651 R. NORTON, \atmos, ID, D mx, then \strong PLC here, D mx. 1648 Mull of Kyntire?(in D)
6747,0 1611-1730 PIONEER R.?, \atmos, D songs, 1616 ID?\atmos, ..sound of free radio.., also polka.
6249,25 1635-1637* UNID, rock (off the rim), end.
4026,0 1918-1943 LASER HOT HITS, \ut.4020, traffic 4030u. mx, Laser, mx, Laser HH Int.+web++@,mx
* * * * * TUES. 19 NOV. 2013 * * * * *
6070,0 0748-1000 R.CHANNEL 292 %, good >weak\noisy. non stop mx (and 1615 "Lee Roy Brown")
6305,1 1430-1730 R. MERLIN INT, \PLC at times. pop-rock, IDs, JIDs, address, good wine?
3905,1 1617-1620* UNID, strong peaks, rock, end.
6210,0 1633-1709 R. TINA, \PLC, pop, ID, D instrum, guitar, Zarathoustra, ID "from Germany"+@, instrum mx
6290,8 1703-1756 R. NORTON, D mx(songs, brass, tiki, accordion, polka, yodl), 1706 ID, 1752 River Kwai.
4026,0 1918-1941 LASER HOT HITS, hello Spaceman & lady, clips: Farmers from H. with hl, 1933 ID: LHH
* * * * * WED. 20 NOV. 2013 * * * * *
6070,0 0707-0727 R.CHANNEL 292 %, \fading, They're coming to take me away ah ah, Little man, Magic, Tommy
6299,7 1906-1920 UNID, \f'/down, PLC. pops, then lost.
6325,1 1918-1919* UNID, \PLC, "Paint it black", s/off
4026,0 1931-2013 LASER HOT HITS, Dusty Springfiels, BTO, IDs, mx, FSN.. (and 2304 mx, tk).
6700 L 1949-2003 UNID, rock and tk, 1955 under strong PLC : mx, tk, c'/d(?) by M+W, end.
3905,4 2100-2215 UNID, e.weak\noisy, atmos, Greek? mx, 2136 tk: ..pirate.., more Gr. mx, f'/down [ cf AFRODITE ]
* * * * * THURS. 21 NOV. 2013 * * * * *
6245,9 1605-1628 ANODE R., \scratching ut. on 6244a, het. mx, D? song, ID copied at last, contact:DrTim
6251,15 1631-1632 UNID (Anode ?), D? songs.
6245,8 1637-1647 ANODE R., \scratching ut., mx, ID, c/o DrTim, 1647 "We wish you a merry Xmas"
6250,5 1611-1619* R. TANGO ITALIA, blank \het w. Anode, 1618: ID/IS loop, s/off.
6285,4 1622-1747 R. TANGO ITALIA, ID/IS loop(It. anthem), 1628 tango, tango, tango...
6245,4 1849-1918 R. TANGO ITALIA %, \PLC, tango, tango...
6265,7 1634-1636* UNID, M singer in F, latino song part and s/off.
3905,0 1730-1745 R. ALICE, strong, accordion, "Maria Maria", IDs in E "breaking the noise on 3-9-oh-5"
4026,0 1856-1906 LASER HOT HITS, mx, tk, ID, but f'/down (1927 not even a trace, 2255 e.weak \v.noisy)
* * * ** * FRI. 22 NOV. 2013 * * * * *
6322,9 1450-1546 NMD R., v.weak \noisy. D songs, pops, 1532 Ferré Grignard"I've got to sing"(tnx!), 1538 IDs,g's
6746,9v 1502-1730 PIONEER R., e.weak\traffic around. JM.Jarre berk, D mx, JM.Jarre better, tk (far from mike), get back, Proud Mary, 1702 D mx on 6746,7 pops, I got you babe, Xmas? song, ...
6325,0 1613-1622* UNID, e.weak \PLC, D/G songs, tk, "This free radio stn...", s/off - - - - [ cf TINA ]
6250,3 1623-1627 R. TANGO ITALIA, v.weak, ID/IS loop, 1633 ID, tango, etc... -> 1829 (may hop and hop back)
6245,4 1955,2001 R. TANGO ITALIA %, e.weak, tango
6294,9 1628-1701 R. TELSTAR, hl in D, mx, 1638 D+G+E over accordion, ID, more D mx. (1706 gone)
6209,7v 1547-1551 blank, warm-up, up-drifting - - [ cf Twentana ? ]
6209,8a 1634-1727 UNID, bit drift around, \L side: ut then Iran. D songs, 1654 accordion, "..amateur.." [ cf TWENTANA ]
6289,5 1658-1658 UNID, mx, \drifting QRM
6288,9v 1708-1720 UNID, e.weak \quick drift + - 0,6 kHz, W voice, mx, 1718 ID?
6214,8 1736-1750 UNID, \QRM 6205 Iran, mx, rpt from Mike, ID "-- -- a", pop, G/D songs. [ cf TWENTANA ]
3905,0 1751-2217 SKYLINE INT R., mx, 1823 ID, g's, Funky town also at 1839, D mix..., 2215 g's,ID
4026,0 1752-2215 LASER HOT HITS %, mx, tk, 2002 v.weak "Pump up the volume"
1386,0 1924-1933 UNID, pop \tk' QRM. 1927 Hang on Sloopy, cool jazz.
6290,0 1950-1954 UNID, e.weak\PLC, maybe Rainbow??, Tina??
* * * * * SAT. 23 NOV. 2013 * * * * *
6939,8 0735-0842 UNID, e.weak\f'/in & out, noisy, mx, tk, IDs+@ (no copy). (trace after 0900) [ cf R. COAX ]
4026,0 0742-0823 LASER HOT HITS, weak-clear, mx, tk, ID("Cities from Europe"), "POB defunct"
6215,25 0908-0908 UNID, blank or deeply undermod. - - - - [ cf KING SW ]
6095,0 0909-0914 KBC %, powerful, not Emperor Rosko
6095,0 1113-1146 KBC, C&W, ID, R&R "Blue-jean bop",... (also 1346 v.strong, pop).
6795,7 1116-1148 UNID, e/v.weak \PLC, mx. (also 1338)
6795,7 1525-1602 PINK PANTHER R., weak \occ.traffic, mx, tk in D+E, C&W, 1530 ID+@, 1601 IDs+@
6140,0 1342-1358* R. WAVES INT, powerful, "Dans les bals populaires", ID, "Femme libérée", ...
6214,9 1353-1422* UNID, weak \PLC. D song, polka, tiki. End without annt.
- - - - all 6305 approx on afternoon :
6305,6 1340-1406 UNID, v.weak \PLC, mx. 1400 ID no copy, Bzn. 1405 "-- -- R. Int", c'/d [ cf VERONA ]
6305,5 1406-1412 UNID, a few words, accordion, 1412 lost.
6305,0 1433-1436* UNID, v.weak \PLC, mx, tk.
6305,0 *1436-1438* UNID, e.weak, tk (no mx), .. this is .., c'/d.
6304,95 1447-1447* UNID, accordion, and off.
6305,6 *1452-1500 BAKEN 16, mx, g's to stns (QSO round ?), ID, mx
6304,9 1535-1543 (in QSO), e.weak\noisy, Baken 16 modulatie R.Rob R.Nacht Piraat Baken 16 Lowlands... [ cf NMD ]
6304,9 1545-1545 NMD Radio, \het 6305,7. "November Mike Delta Radio"
6305,7 1545-1547 UNID, blank then Kraftwerk"Radioactivity", 1547 off?
- - -
6204,9 1423-1432 UNID, v.weak \noisy, D mx, tk in D, 1427 R. Zender -- -- .
6324,9 1439-1441 UNID, mx, \het puis QRM 6325,6, 1441 a few words and shifts to 6322,9 [cf N.PIRAAT ]
6322,9 1441-1446* UNID, ex 6324,9, e.weak, D song. 1444 (Baken gone), accordion, \Morse.
6325,6 1439-1444* BAKEN 16, blank then horns, IDs, mx, tk, ID, mx and off.
6244,9 1448-1510 UNID, \PLC, D multilingual song, more D song and barrel organ mx. - -[ cf TWENTANA ]
6286,4 1500-1500 UNID, e.weak, mx (JM.Jarre?)
6290,0 1504-1629 R. WAVES INT, weak, instrum parts, tk(known voice), 1505 B-52's, 1550 on 6289,8 ID, C&W...
6425,3 1515-1522* LOWLAND ?, weak, tk in E, accordion, ment' also Baken 16, tnx to Pluto, Tina.
6324,85 1533-1544 UNID, D instrum mx, accordion. 1544 end ? - - - - - - - - [ cf LOWLAND ]
6324,95 1548-1548 UNID, mx ..in stereo .. report for NMD(?) .. Lowland .. Baken 16 .. [ cf BAKEN 16 ]
6920,0 1603-1627 TRANSEUROPE R., Kio was a son of Mexico, pop, 1608 ID, testing new audio processor, ID+@, g's to Witte Reus, ID "from the S.W. border of the NL. Weak, good audio processing, slow fading, 1627 good peak\noisy.
6910,1 1615-1626 PREMIER R. INT, v.weak, Bugles"Video killed.., ID+@, wrong time check, then undermod.
6324,9 1628-1628* Radio NMD, ID and s/off.
6284,9 1630-1631 R. TELSTAR, "Blue monday", ID and g's over that.
6209,2 1631-1635* UNID, mx, "Push push in the bush" long, sudden s/off
6324,9 2152-2200 R. NORTON %, e.weak+good peak, accordion-cancan, brass, 2200 "Hoop-la!"
6324,9 2216-2218 R. NORTON, strong, polka, c/d ID, bye-bye. (2220 gone)
6925 u 2202-2225 [ R. GALLIFREY INTERGALATIC ] vs UNID, v.weak \atmos,traffic. "Who are you" vs mx, rock vs tk .. 2225 SSTV, end. [ ID from HF Underground forum, same details (nothing about the Unid QRM) ]
6295,0 2218-2325 UNID, strong, CCR, 2227 unclear ID " -- -- MV, -- -- music", pop, rock, I fought the law, The last time, 2300 T-Rex \fading, 2306 On the road again, C&W, Black is black, Radar love, 2325 We love the pirate stns. [ cf NMD ]
3935,0 2234-2400* R. UNDERGROUND INT, strong, D song+DJ, distorted JID, tk, retro song, 2238 real ID, tk: antenna works, D mx, 2359 c'/d ID, g's.
6910,0 2243-2248 PREMIER R. INT, strong, mx, tk:Barry Manilow, ID, Tony Christie"Amarillo", 2245 suddenly e.weak ! 2247 correct time check, annt: Elvis(but unknown to me).
4026,0 2256-2411 LASER HOT HITS %, strong, tk, mx, 2411 alternative mx
6295,0 2324-2325 UNID, mx, "We love the pirate stns". (2336 gone)
6070,0 2338-2340 R. CHANNEL 292 %, \splash from 6060, PLC. pop mx
3905,4 2343-2352 R. AFRODITE %, e.weak, mx, tk, ..we are c'/d .. -- -- R. Int, ..dot com .. echo .. bye-bye
7300,0 2404-2414 R. WAVES INT, strong \het 7295, mx: B-52's, 2413 ID+POB, "Show must go on"
* * * * * SUN. 24 NOV. 2013 * * * * *
6215,2 0800-0841 UNID, \v. undermodulated, some mx 'heard' - - - - [ cf KING SW ]
6210,5 0801-0924 R. WAVES INT, mx, 0809 ID+POB, 0838 Voyage voyage, 0841 ID++, drift to 6210,3
6199,5 0802-0840 R. ORANG UTAN, Judy in disguise, twist, ID, 0838 Nutbush City limits.
6234,9 0829-0944 UNID, \ut on 6233+occ. ut on U side. D songs. - - - - [ cf TWENTANA ]
4026,0 0847-0853 LASER HOT HITS, weak, mx, tk, Laser. (also 1336 e.weak)
4026,0 1711-2219 LASER HOT HITS, good>strong, mx, 2217 ID, "winter conditions" (repeat from 10 nov.)
6305,5 0853-0858 UNID, mx, gut morgen, muffled IDs (SW Radio ...) ,0854 F song "Papa où t'es?" [ cf SONIC ]
6095,0 *0900-0927 KBC, powerful, mx, C&W, Trucker Radio, .. 18 wheels.., ad for auctions.
9480,0 0909-0959* R. GLORIA INT, in AM-USB, usual voice ann' D.Springfield, Merseysounds, ID+@...
11401,1 0914-0916* trace, prob. R. WAVES INT.
6304,9 0918-0921* SW R. SON..., v.weak, mx, tk, ID (copy unsure), bye-bye, mx, off. - - [ cf SONIC ]
6070,0 0929,2228 R. CHANNEL 292 %, 0929: e.weak mx, 2228-2235 : \fading, pop-rock
6974,6 0936-0941 UNID, v.weak, "Ma belle amie", If I had a hammer, more pop. [ cf RONALISA ]
9480,0 *1000-1148 R. GERONIMO SW, Maybe tomorrow, ID, pops, tk in E, 1148 Smoke on the water.
6290,0 1005-1059 R. WAVES INT, strong, C&W, pop mx, ID, C&W, Spendid"Radio pirate", ...
6245,0 1006-1010 UNID, weak, C&W, Crunchy Granola, early 60s mx. (1012 gone). - -[ cf TWENTANA ]
6201,4v 1006-1104* UNID, v.>e.weak, mx, drift to 6201,25 rock/blues~ tk "OK..OK.." in G, 1003 c'/d [cf LIKEDEELER]
6266,0 1024-1154 R. TELSTAR, 1040 Born to be alive, g's, strong, ID(?), mx, g's accordion.
6324,9 1026-1026 UNID, v.weak, mx (1029 gone)
6300,05 1029-1316 BOGUSMAN, tk: mx, IDs, British tk, 1154 Armadillo plug, 1155 The Ghoul ?, 1314 tk: Umpapah(??), .. Bogus kitchen .. (later : long blank)
6251,9 1047-1048 UNID, strong, JM.Jarre"Oxygene", a few words, g's over background mx. [ cf SCOTLAND ]
6239,7 1049-1054 VOTN, tk, rock (Rammstein?) background, test, ID, 70W, beg for QSO.
6240 a 1102-1106 confusing situation - - - - - - [ cf QSO : VOTN, SCOTLAND ]
6325,0 1055-1110 R. LUXEMBURG, fair/good \weak mod, D/instrum mx, 1109 ID +ID from French R.Luxembourg !
6384,9 1156-1158 UNID, e.weak, Baccara"Yes sir..., more mx. - - - - - - - - [ cf ALTREX ]
6795,8 1159-1200 PINK PANTHER R., e.weak, Dylan"Like a rolling stone", ID in D+E
6795,8 1412-1715 PINK PANTHER R., v.weak, Hurrah Holyday, IDs+@, mx, 1555 muffled speech.
6324,4 1201-1202 UNID, v.weak, CCR, CCR..
6325,0 1306-1314 UNID, e.weak \ut.noise, mx, tk: R.Caroline, in D. - - [ cf WITTE REUS ]
6284,95 1317-1344 UNID, v.weak, Santana mx, Janis Joplin, 1342 stn underneath., Nirvana. [ cf ODYNN ]
6240,0 1320-1345 UNID, v.weak\fading, QRM. mx, opera ?, 1345 \strong noise.
6199,4 1324-1402 UNID, LHH repeat?, v./e.weak, Black is black, jingle, ad for FSN, ..radio.co.uk, T.Turner"When I was a little girl", 1349 Paperback writer, Man's man's world, R.London jingle, mx.
6325,5 1340-1342 BAKEN 16, background mx, tk to Witte Reus, real IDs.
6245,4 1403-1407 R. TANGO ITALIA, IS/ID loop
6265,4 1525,1534,1627,1649,1705,1718 R. TANGO ITALIA %, tango (may hop elsewhere and back)
6265,4 2116 R. TANGO ITALIA %, tango (may hop elsewhere and back)
6240,4 2220,2227 R. TANGO ITALIA %, tango
6325,0 1409-1409 UNID, JM.Jarre?
6375,1 1409-1411 BAKEN 16, mx, tk, ID?, ask for QSO.
6325,0 1442-1443 UNID, e.weak \PLC, Morse. piraten song, break?
6325,0 1445-1449* UNID, e.weak \PLC, Morse. rpt for -- -- R., ment' Witte Reus, ment' Baken 16 before s/off
6300,0 1444-1512 UNID, BLACK EAGLE ?, SALLANDSE BOER ? : D mx, tk in D. - - [ cf MI AMIGO ]
6327,4 *1450-1455 BAKEN 16, mx, JID, tk to W.Reus and Top.
6303,1 1455-1505 UNID, mx parts, blanks, short break, ... 1505 "Happy Birthday" song (1507 gone)
6285,0 1502-1536 R.TINA & R. TELSTAR (+other stn), e.weak, 1514 Tina ID, Jailhouse rock, more mx, Tina IDs, 2 ops, 1521 Telstar ID, 1522 duo ID, D song, 1534 tk in G, mx.
6285,0 1609-1618 UNID, v./e.weak \PLC, mx, couples of words, 1618 QRM, confusing! (1620 gone) [ cf O.CALIENTE ]
6242,0 1526-1533 UNID, Highway to hell, more mx\spitting ut. - - - - [ cf R. AC-DC ]
6373,3 1537-1714 MAGIC AM, strong. mx, IDs, ann' 6373.3, also in G, even tk in F, mx, g's, drift to 6373,55
6384,9 1549-1552* R. ALTREX, e.weak \spash from Magic, mx, ID by moo's only.
6910,0 1556-1700 PREMIER R. INT, v.weak\noisy, ID+@, mx, 1600gd aft', "Amarillo", 1603 ID,"Copacabana", fade, 1659 Man of action, c'/d ID+@, 1700 end (carrier only).
6290,5 1621-1630 UNID, mx, instrum mx, D mx, accordion.
6325,0 1650-1651* BLACK ARROW, mx, bye-bye, c'/d ID.
3905,0 2110-2145 UNID, e.weak, mx and tk, 2121 "-- -- -- Radio on SW", mx, pop. - - [ cf SHUTTLE ? ]
3925,0 2150-2210 UNID, \traffic, mx, 2155 ID no copy (Rainbow ??)
6949,0 2242-2244 UNID, mx, quickly lost.
mx=music, tk=talk, D=Dutch, E=English, G=German, F=French, it.=Italian, rpt=report, v.=very,
e.=extremely w.=with, '=..ing, c'/d=closing down, M/W=man/woman, g'=greeting, ut=utility, SM=summer meeting ad
ID+@=ID+e-mail address, J=jingle, PLC=PowerLineComm'(noise), \=but, %=guess, hl=hotline
> =becoming/then, bb=boom-boom mx, bpm=beat per min, [ between sq. brackets : best fit ID, thanks quick logs ]
Please note that c'/d is a period from a few seconds to well more than an hour before the real switch off !
"Strength" notes (from e.weak to V.strong) are rather S/N notes by ear, not S-meter levels.
Look for :
R. Afrodite (twice), R. Waves Int (30th anniv. still on), Gallifrey (America), and once again lots of UNIDs (a few ones intriguing). Much of the activity on Saturday-Sunday (even when not accounting the QSO's).
* * * * * MON. 18 NOV. 2013 * * * * *
6070,0 0733-0833 R. CHANNEL 292, good\some atmos. rock, pop, IDs, "American woman", T-Rex.. (1031: fair/weak)
6070,0 1620-1647 R. CHANNEL 292, f'/up\splash Firedrake on 6075 also f'/up. pops, 1647 ID.
6307,3 1557-1603* UNID, e.weak\atmos. mx, 1603 quick rise, but sudden s/off.
6290,9 1604-1651 R. NORTON, \atmos, ID, D mx, then \strong PLC here, D mx. 1648 Mull of Kyntire?(in D)
6747,0 1611-1730 PIONEER R.?, \atmos, D songs, 1616 ID?\atmos, ..sound of free radio.., also polka.
6249,25 1635-1637* UNID, rock (off the rim), end.
4026,0 1918-1943 LASER HOT HITS, \ut.4020, traffic 4030u. mx, Laser, mx, Laser HH Int.+web++@,mx
* * * * * TUES. 19 NOV. 2013 * * * * *
6070,0 0748-1000 R.CHANNEL 292 %, good >weak\noisy. non stop mx (and 1615 "Lee Roy Brown")
6305,1 1430-1730 R. MERLIN INT, \PLC at times. pop-rock, IDs, JIDs, address, good wine?
3905,1 1617-1620* UNID, strong peaks, rock, end.
6210,0 1633-1709 R. TINA, \PLC, pop, ID, D instrum, guitar, Zarathoustra, ID "from Germany"+@, instrum mx
6290,8 1703-1756 R. NORTON, D mx(songs, brass, tiki, accordion, polka, yodl), 1706 ID, 1752 River Kwai.
4026,0 1918-1941 LASER HOT HITS, hello Spaceman & lady, clips: Farmers from H. with hl, 1933 ID: LHH
* * * * * WED. 20 NOV. 2013 * * * * *
6070,0 0707-0727 R.CHANNEL 292 %, \fading, They're coming to take me away ah ah, Little man, Magic, Tommy
6299,7 1906-1920 UNID, \f'/down, PLC. pops, then lost.
6325,1 1918-1919* UNID, \PLC, "Paint it black", s/off
4026,0 1931-2013 LASER HOT HITS, Dusty Springfiels, BTO, IDs, mx, FSN.. (and 2304 mx, tk).
6700 L 1949-2003 UNID, rock and tk, 1955 under strong PLC : mx, tk, c'/d(?) by M+W, end.
3905,4 2100-2215 UNID, e.weak\noisy, atmos, Greek? mx, 2136 tk: ..pirate.., more Gr. mx, f'/down [ cf AFRODITE ]
* * * * * THURS. 21 NOV. 2013 * * * * *
6245,9 1605-1628 ANODE R., \scratching ut. on 6244a, het. mx, D? song, ID copied at last, contact:DrTim
6251,15 1631-1632 UNID (Anode ?), D? songs.
6245,8 1637-1647 ANODE R., \scratching ut., mx, ID, c/o DrTim, 1647 "We wish you a merry Xmas"
6250,5 1611-1619* R. TANGO ITALIA, blank \het w. Anode, 1618: ID/IS loop, s/off.
6285,4 1622-1747 R. TANGO ITALIA, ID/IS loop(It. anthem), 1628 tango, tango, tango...
6245,4 1849-1918 R. TANGO ITALIA %, \PLC, tango, tango...
6265,7 1634-1636* UNID, M singer in F, latino song part and s/off.
3905,0 1730-1745 R. ALICE, strong, accordion, "Maria Maria", IDs in E "breaking the noise on 3-9-oh-5"
4026,0 1856-1906 LASER HOT HITS, mx, tk, ID, but f'/down (1927 not even a trace, 2255 e.weak \v.noisy)
* * * ** * FRI. 22 NOV. 2013 * * * * *
6322,9 1450-1546 NMD R., v.weak \noisy. D songs, pops, 1532 Ferré Grignard"I've got to sing"(tnx!), 1538 IDs,g's
6746,9v 1502-1730 PIONEER R., e.weak\traffic around. JM.Jarre berk, D mx, JM.Jarre better, tk (far from mike), get back, Proud Mary, 1702 D mx on 6746,7 pops, I got you babe, Xmas? song, ...
6325,0 1613-1622* UNID, e.weak \PLC, D/G songs, tk, "This free radio stn...", s/off - - - - [ cf TINA ]
6250,3 1623-1627 R. TANGO ITALIA, v.weak, ID/IS loop, 1633 ID, tango, etc... -> 1829 (may hop and hop back)
6245,4 1955,2001 R. TANGO ITALIA %, e.weak, tango
6294,9 1628-1701 R. TELSTAR, hl in D, mx, 1638 D+G+E over accordion, ID, more D mx. (1706 gone)
6209,7v 1547-1551 blank, warm-up, up-drifting - - [ cf Twentana ? ]
6209,8a 1634-1727 UNID, bit drift around, \L side: ut then Iran. D songs, 1654 accordion, "..amateur.." [ cf TWENTANA ]
6289,5 1658-1658 UNID, mx, \drifting QRM
6288,9v 1708-1720 UNID, e.weak \quick drift + - 0,6 kHz, W voice, mx, 1718 ID?
6214,8 1736-1750 UNID, \QRM 6205 Iran, mx, rpt from Mike, ID "-- -- a", pop, G/D songs. [ cf TWENTANA ]
3905,0 1751-2217 SKYLINE INT R., mx, 1823 ID, g's, Funky town also at 1839, D mix..., 2215 g's,ID
4026,0 1752-2215 LASER HOT HITS %, mx, tk, 2002 v.weak "Pump up the volume"
1386,0 1924-1933 UNID, pop \tk' QRM. 1927 Hang on Sloopy, cool jazz.
6290,0 1950-1954 UNID, e.weak\PLC, maybe Rainbow??, Tina??
* * * * * SAT. 23 NOV. 2013 * * * * *
6939,8 0735-0842 UNID, e.weak\f'/in & out, noisy, mx, tk, IDs+@ (no copy). (trace after 0900) [ cf R. COAX ]
4026,0 0742-0823 LASER HOT HITS, weak-clear, mx, tk, ID("Cities from Europe"), "POB defunct"
6215,25 0908-0908 UNID, blank or deeply undermod. - - - - [ cf KING SW ]
6095,0 0909-0914 KBC %, powerful, not Emperor Rosko
6095,0 1113-1146 KBC, C&W, ID, R&R "Blue-jean bop",... (also 1346 v.strong, pop).
6795,7 1116-1148 UNID, e/v.weak \PLC, mx. (also 1338)
6795,7 1525-1602 PINK PANTHER R., weak \occ.traffic, mx, tk in D+E, C&W, 1530 ID+@, 1601 IDs+@
6140,0 1342-1358* R. WAVES INT, powerful, "Dans les bals populaires", ID, "Femme libérée", ...
6214,9 1353-1422* UNID, weak \PLC. D song, polka, tiki. End without annt.
- - - - all 6305 approx on afternoon :
6305,6 1340-1406 UNID, v.weak \PLC, mx. 1400 ID no copy, Bzn. 1405 "-- -- R. Int", c'/d [ cf VERONA ]
6305,5 1406-1412 UNID, a few words, accordion, 1412 lost.
6305,0 1433-1436* UNID, v.weak \PLC, mx, tk.
6305,0 *1436-1438* UNID, e.weak, tk (no mx), .. this is .., c'/d.
6304,95 1447-1447* UNID, accordion, and off.
6305,6 *1452-1500 BAKEN 16, mx, g's to stns (QSO round ?), ID, mx
6304,9 1535-1543 (in QSO), e.weak\noisy, Baken 16 modulatie R.Rob R.Nacht Piraat Baken 16 Lowlands... [ cf NMD ]
6304,9 1545-1545 NMD Radio, \het 6305,7. "November Mike Delta Radio"
6305,7 1545-1547 UNID, blank then Kraftwerk"Radioactivity", 1547 off?
- - -
6204,9 1423-1432 UNID, v.weak \noisy, D mx, tk in D, 1427 R. Zender -- -- .
6324,9 1439-1441 UNID, mx, \het puis QRM 6325,6, 1441 a few words and shifts to 6322,9 [cf N.PIRAAT ]
6322,9 1441-1446* UNID, ex 6324,9, e.weak, D song. 1444 (Baken gone), accordion, \Morse.
6325,6 1439-1444* BAKEN 16, blank then horns, IDs, mx, tk, ID, mx and off.
6244,9 1448-1510 UNID, \PLC, D multilingual song, more D song and barrel organ mx. - -[ cf TWENTANA ]
6286,4 1500-1500 UNID, e.weak, mx (JM.Jarre?)
6290,0 1504-1629 R. WAVES INT, weak, instrum parts, tk(known voice), 1505 B-52's, 1550 on 6289,8 ID, C&W...
6425,3 1515-1522* LOWLAND ?, weak, tk in E, accordion, ment' also Baken 16, tnx to Pluto, Tina.
6324,85 1533-1544 UNID, D instrum mx, accordion. 1544 end ? - - - - - - - - [ cf LOWLAND ]
6324,95 1548-1548 UNID, mx ..in stereo .. report for NMD(?) .. Lowland .. Baken 16 .. [ cf BAKEN 16 ]
6920,0 1603-1627 TRANSEUROPE R., Kio was a son of Mexico, pop, 1608 ID, testing new audio processor, ID+@, g's to Witte Reus, ID "from the S.W. border of the NL. Weak, good audio processing, slow fading, 1627 good peak\noisy.
6910,1 1615-1626 PREMIER R. INT, v.weak, Bugles"Video killed.., ID+@, wrong time check, then undermod.
6324,9 1628-1628* Radio NMD, ID and s/off.
6284,9 1630-1631 R. TELSTAR, "Blue monday", ID and g's over that.
6209,2 1631-1635* UNID, mx, "Push push in the bush" long, sudden s/off
6324,9 2152-2200 R. NORTON %, e.weak+good peak, accordion-cancan, brass, 2200 "Hoop-la!"
6324,9 2216-2218 R. NORTON, strong, polka, c/d ID, bye-bye. (2220 gone)
6925 u 2202-2225 [ R. GALLIFREY INTERGALATIC ] vs UNID, v.weak \atmos,traffic. "Who are you" vs mx, rock vs tk .. 2225 SSTV, end. [ ID from HF Underground forum, same details (nothing about the Unid QRM) ]
6295,0 2218-2325 UNID, strong, CCR, 2227 unclear ID " -- -- MV, -- -- music", pop, rock, I fought the law, The last time, 2300 T-Rex \fading, 2306 On the road again, C&W, Black is black, Radar love, 2325 We love the pirate stns. [ cf NMD ]
3935,0 2234-2400* R. UNDERGROUND INT, strong, D song+DJ, distorted JID, tk, retro song, 2238 real ID, tk: antenna works, D mx, 2359 c'/d ID, g's.
6910,0 2243-2248 PREMIER R. INT, strong, mx, tk:Barry Manilow, ID, Tony Christie"Amarillo", 2245 suddenly e.weak ! 2247 correct time check, annt: Elvis(but unknown to me).
4026,0 2256-2411 LASER HOT HITS %, strong, tk, mx, 2411 alternative mx
6295,0 2324-2325 UNID, mx, "We love the pirate stns". (2336 gone)
6070,0 2338-2340 R. CHANNEL 292 %, \splash from 6060, PLC. pop mx
3905,4 2343-2352 R. AFRODITE %, e.weak, mx, tk, ..we are c'/d .. -- -- R. Int, ..dot com .. echo .. bye-bye
7300,0 2404-2414 R. WAVES INT, strong \het 7295, mx: B-52's, 2413 ID+POB, "Show must go on"
* * * * * SUN. 24 NOV. 2013 * * * * *
6215,2 0800-0841 UNID, \v. undermodulated, some mx 'heard' - - - - [ cf KING SW ]
6210,5 0801-0924 R. WAVES INT, mx, 0809 ID+POB, 0838 Voyage voyage, 0841 ID++, drift to 6210,3
6199,5 0802-0840 R. ORANG UTAN, Judy in disguise, twist, ID, 0838 Nutbush City limits.
6234,9 0829-0944 UNID, \ut on 6233+occ. ut on U side. D songs. - - - - [ cf TWENTANA ]
4026,0 0847-0853 LASER HOT HITS, weak, mx, tk, Laser. (also 1336 e.weak)
4026,0 1711-2219 LASER HOT HITS, good>strong, mx, 2217 ID, "winter conditions" (repeat from 10 nov.)
6305,5 0853-0858 UNID, mx, gut morgen, muffled IDs (SW Radio ...) ,0854 F song "Papa où t'es?" [ cf SONIC ]
6095,0 *0900-0927 KBC, powerful, mx, C&W, Trucker Radio, .. 18 wheels.., ad for auctions.
9480,0 0909-0959* R. GLORIA INT, in AM-USB, usual voice ann' D.Springfield, Merseysounds, ID+@...
11401,1 0914-0916* trace, prob. R. WAVES INT.
6304,9 0918-0921* SW R. SON..., v.weak, mx, tk, ID (copy unsure), bye-bye, mx, off. - - [ cf SONIC ]
6070,0 0929,2228 R. CHANNEL 292 %, 0929: e.weak mx, 2228-2235 : \fading, pop-rock
6974,6 0936-0941 UNID, v.weak, "Ma belle amie", If I had a hammer, more pop. [ cf RONALISA ]
9480,0 *1000-1148 R. GERONIMO SW, Maybe tomorrow, ID, pops, tk in E, 1148 Smoke on the water.
6290,0 1005-1059 R. WAVES INT, strong, C&W, pop mx, ID, C&W, Spendid"Radio pirate", ...
6245,0 1006-1010 UNID, weak, C&W, Crunchy Granola, early 60s mx. (1012 gone). - -[ cf TWENTANA ]
6201,4v 1006-1104* UNID, v.>e.weak, mx, drift to 6201,25 rock/blues~ tk "OK..OK.." in G, 1003 c'/d [cf LIKEDEELER]
6266,0 1024-1154 R. TELSTAR, 1040 Born to be alive, g's, strong, ID(?), mx, g's accordion.
6324,9 1026-1026 UNID, v.weak, mx (1029 gone)
6300,05 1029-1316 BOGUSMAN, tk: mx, IDs, British tk, 1154 Armadillo plug, 1155 The Ghoul ?, 1314 tk: Umpapah(??), .. Bogus kitchen .. (later : long blank)
6251,9 1047-1048 UNID, strong, JM.Jarre"Oxygene", a few words, g's over background mx. [ cf SCOTLAND ]
6239,7 1049-1054 VOTN, tk, rock (Rammstein?) background, test, ID, 70W, beg for QSO.
6240 a 1102-1106 confusing situation - - - - - - [ cf QSO : VOTN, SCOTLAND ]
6325,0 1055-1110 R. LUXEMBURG, fair/good \weak mod, D/instrum mx, 1109 ID +ID from French R.Luxembourg !
6384,9 1156-1158 UNID, e.weak, Baccara"Yes sir..., more mx. - - - - - - - - [ cf ALTREX ]
6795,8 1159-1200 PINK PANTHER R., e.weak, Dylan"Like a rolling stone", ID in D+E
6795,8 1412-1715 PINK PANTHER R., v.weak, Hurrah Holyday, IDs+@, mx, 1555 muffled speech.
6324,4 1201-1202 UNID, v.weak, CCR, CCR..
6325,0 1306-1314 UNID, e.weak \ut.noise, mx, tk: R.Caroline, in D. - - [ cf WITTE REUS ]
6284,95 1317-1344 UNID, v.weak, Santana mx, Janis Joplin, 1342 stn underneath., Nirvana. [ cf ODYNN ]
6240,0 1320-1345 UNID, v.weak\fading, QRM. mx, opera ?, 1345 \strong noise.
6199,4 1324-1402 UNID, LHH repeat?, v./e.weak, Black is black, jingle, ad for FSN, ..radio.co.uk, T.Turner"When I was a little girl", 1349 Paperback writer, Man's man's world, R.London jingle, mx.
6325,5 1340-1342 BAKEN 16, background mx, tk to Witte Reus, real IDs.
6245,4 1403-1407 R. TANGO ITALIA, IS/ID loop
6265,4 1525,1534,1627,1649,1705,1718 R. TANGO ITALIA %, tango (may hop elsewhere and back)
6265,4 2116 R. TANGO ITALIA %, tango (may hop elsewhere and back)
6240,4 2220,2227 R. TANGO ITALIA %, tango
6325,0 1409-1409 UNID, JM.Jarre?
6375,1 1409-1411 BAKEN 16, mx, tk, ID?, ask for QSO.
6325,0 1442-1443 UNID, e.weak \PLC, Morse. piraten song, break?
6325,0 1445-1449* UNID, e.weak \PLC, Morse. rpt for -- -- R., ment' Witte Reus, ment' Baken 16 before s/off
6300,0 1444-1512 UNID, BLACK EAGLE ?, SALLANDSE BOER ? : D mx, tk in D. - - [ cf MI AMIGO ]
6327,4 *1450-1455 BAKEN 16, mx, JID, tk to W.Reus and Top.
6303,1 1455-1505 UNID, mx parts, blanks, short break, ... 1505 "Happy Birthday" song (1507 gone)
6285,0 1502-1536 R.TINA & R. TELSTAR (+other stn), e.weak, 1514 Tina ID, Jailhouse rock, more mx, Tina IDs, 2 ops, 1521 Telstar ID, 1522 duo ID, D song, 1534 tk in G, mx.
6285,0 1609-1618 UNID, v./e.weak \PLC, mx, couples of words, 1618 QRM, confusing! (1620 gone) [ cf O.CALIENTE ]
6242,0 1526-1533 UNID, Highway to hell, more mx\spitting ut. - - - - [ cf R. AC-DC ]
6373,3 1537-1714 MAGIC AM, strong. mx, IDs, ann' 6373.3, also in G, even tk in F, mx, g's, drift to 6373,55
6384,9 1549-1552* R. ALTREX, e.weak \spash from Magic, mx, ID by moo's only.
6910,0 1556-1700 PREMIER R. INT, v.weak\noisy, ID+@, mx, 1600gd aft', "Amarillo", 1603 ID,"Copacabana", fade, 1659 Man of action, c'/d ID+@, 1700 end (carrier only).
6290,5 1621-1630 UNID, mx, instrum mx, D mx, accordion.
6325,0 1650-1651* BLACK ARROW, mx, bye-bye, c'/d ID.
3905,0 2110-2145 UNID, e.weak, mx and tk, 2121 "-- -- -- Radio on SW", mx, pop. - - [ cf SHUTTLE ? ]
3925,0 2150-2210 UNID, \traffic, mx, 2155 ID no copy (Rainbow ??)
6949,0 2242-2244 UNID, mx, quickly lost.
mx=music, tk=talk, D=Dutch, E=English, G=German, F=French, it.=Italian, rpt=report, v.=very,
e.=extremely w.=with, '=..ing, c'/d=closing down, M/W=man/woman, g'=greeting, ut=utility, SM=summer meeting ad
ID+@=ID+e-mail address, J=jingle, PLC=PowerLineComm'(noise), \=but, %=guess, hl=hotline
> =becoming/then, bb=boom-boom mx, bpm=beat per min, [ between sq. brackets : best fit ID, thanks quick logs ]
Please note that c'/d is a period from a few seconds to well more than an hour before the real switch off !
"Strength" notes (from e.weak to V.strong) are rather S/N notes by ear, not S-meter levels.