LOGS : 14 OCT. - 20 OCT. 2013
Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2013 20:08 pm
A new load of logs, look for :
-UNIDs on Monday (more stations than DXers on Mondays!)
-still the UNID on 7613 a (a=approx)
-R. SUN CITY on Friday morning
-R. COAX, barely heard on Sat. morning
-also TIGER R. (as IDed by DrTim) mainly on Sunday, a few more details here
* * * * * MON. 14 OCT. 2013 * * * * *
6070,0 0720-0859 R. 6150 %, weak>v.weak \fading,noises. mx, 0848 Magic, 0856 S.Blue. (also 0940, 1230)
6264,9 0838-0910 UNID, weak +fair peaks, D mx, "Yellow sun" and more poor mx, 0850 allo test-een-twe, then parts of tracks, ut.bursts, audio breaks, carrier breaks, 0910 gone most of the time.
6305,0 0911-0928 UNID, v.weak \v.dist' ut., mx, allo, tk (seems in E). (0938 gone)
6325,4 1231-1233 UNID, e.weak, then lost
6215,6 1358-1403 UNID, e.weak (low mod?)
6305,1 1432-1736 R. MERLIN INT, good \noise or PLC at times, early 60s pops ("Hello little girl"), IDs+@+hl, 1436 annt "1963", 1447 "R.Merlin Flasback", 1605 Baby come back, 1628 J.Cash, D.Dekker, etc...
6325,0 1530-1533* UNID, polka, some D pop, but sudden s/off.
6295,5 1534-1625* UNID, "Oh when the saints"in R&R, Free electric band, 1549 some tk, \ut.bursts [ cf DIGITAL ]
6850,0 1553-1603* LUXEMBURG, \PLC, instrum mx, g's for QSO, IDs
6206,5 1607-1619* UNID, rockabilly, whistled tune, "test", Shadows, River Kwai.
6747a 1714-1717 UNID, mx in SSB, then off
6239,8 1720-1744 UNID, e.weak\odd deep fade, mx, IDs no copy or "this is Radio euh...", R&R, 1744 shifts
6237,8 1744-1752 UNID, ex-6239,8, not better, ..NL.., much tk, brass mx, \QRM. - - [ cf BLACK EAGLE ]
6205,0 1832-1840* UNID, weak \splash from 6195, accordion, song, US? song, sudden s/off
4026,0 1843-2051 LASER HOT HITS %, pops, \bit muffled, 2050 Righeira ?(berk!)
* * * * * TUES. 15 OCT. 2013 * * * * *
6070,0 0643-0842 R.6150 %, strong \fading > v.weak \6060 splash, mx, 0842 Leonard Cohen.
6070,0 1306-1520 R. 6150 %, weak/v.weak, pops, 1334 S.Blue"Venus", Man of action
6304,9 1505-1510* UNID, D mx, 1507 tk in D (over mx), 1510 sudden off
6285,0 1616-1620 UNID, \PLC, "Just an illusion", more BZN ? (1632 gone) - - - - - - [ cf TINA ]
6305 V 1623-1825 LLR %, e.weak, very drifty 6305 to 6306, tk in E and sp., Africa & L.Am. mx, relay of Artem?
6283,0 1656-1707 R. TINA, v./e.weak\PLC, mx, c'/d, ID, Eine Cigarette, brass, ID w. Cool AM, bye, BZN...
6745,0 1716-1727 UNID, weak \PLC, songs in G, more songs by same W, then "Isabella" [ cf ZOMERZON ]
6325,0 1820-1851 UNID, strong \strong 6324 het at first, Here comes the sun, D mx. (1855 gone)
6286,9 1826-1840* ODYNN R., reggae, instrum, 1838 g's,IDs,tk (in E and D), bye-bye
3905,0 1857-1905 weak, in AM-USB (no lower sideband), mx, 1905 break - - - - [ cf ACTIVITY ]
4026,0 1907-2116 LASER HOT HITS, \traffic4020u+4030u, mx, tk, IDs, 1926 Gary Drew sunday show.
* * * * * WED. 16 OCT. 2013 * * * * *
6304,9 1245-1312 UNID, e.weak \under noise, het from 6302,5. 1312 lost - - - -[ cf TIGER ?? ]
6400,2 1318-1340* UNID, 60s flute mx, 1323 break, 1334 blues, same flute mx, long blank, off
6215,6 1422-1512* UNID, e.weak \loc. carpet noise, mx, 1507 On the border, movie theme?, off.
6747,0 1444-1704 UNID, v.weak, pops, occ. accordion, 1500 BZN, 1612 "Just an illusion" again [ cf PIONEER ]
6288,0 1514-1531 UNID, mid-60s pops, Yummy..., Hang on Sloopy, Small Faces, Fox on the run [ cf DIGITAL ]
6324,5 1533-1539* UNID, \ut.QRM right under, Kraftwerk"radioactivity" remix
6324,5 1543-1559* UNID, \ut.QRM right under, rock, 1557 Shoobeedoowa (title?) then off
6289,9 1540-1542* UNID, e.weak, rock, rockabilly and off
6284,0 1706-1708 UNID, v.weak, "Just an illusion", D song ?
6325,5 1709-1710* UNID, v.weak, accordion
6285,0 1719-1719 UNID, P.Sarsted "Where do you go to my lovely" - - - - [ cf TINA ]
6210,5 1720-1720 R. TANGO ITALIA %, "..technical difficulties, please stand by"
6245,0 1803-1818* DE PELIKAAN, D(?) pops, 1804 ID, more D(?) pops, tk in D.
7612,8 1822-2205 UNID, e.weak \loc.noise, mx, 1941 now relaying hip-hop web stn ?
4026,0 *1825-1930 LASER HOT HITS, sudden switch on, \4020u sp.traffic. 1827 ID, Mike Andrews, mx, etc...
6245,0 1832-1850 UNID, \ut.QRM, allo test, mix of mx, 1850 long blank (1914 mx again)
* * * * * THURS. 17 OCT. 2013 * * * * *
6250,0 0700-0837* R. PELIKAAN, D mx and else, IDs (also OURO-OUNO??), g's(to Johnny Camaro, R. Twincam..), 0739 Days of Pearly Spencer, sirtaki, D songs, 0835 v.weak now, Walk don't run, c'/d ID.
6289,0 1526-1551 UNID, e.weak\noisy,traffic. The lion sleeps tonight, then hard to hear.
6250,0 1543-1547 R. PELIKAAN %, via R. PINO ?, g's, Dragonslayer
6245,0 1551-1558* R. PELIKAAN, via R. PINO ?, polka, c'/d, R. Scaletto(??), IDs, g's
6747,0 1600-1644 UNID, Bowie"Ashes to ashes",.. 1643 rockabilly medley. (not at 1808) - - [ cf PIONEER ]
6746,9 2012-2103 UNID (back on), mx, 2020 early 60s medley (incl' La Bamba) - - - - - -[ cf PIONEER ]
6425,0 1637-1657 UNID, D song "Isabella", more D mx. - - - - - - [ cf ZOMERZON ]
6246,9 1646-1656 UNID, e.weak, \6245 het at 1647, R&R-twist medley, then hard to hear
6245,0 *1647-1656 UNID, good signal, undermod or blank?, 1654 Dragonslayer, blank again [ cf ZOMERZON ]
6290,0 1802-1929* ODYNN R., strong, rock, 1806 special for the doc, IDs:1813,1836,1923,1926.
6305,2 1810-2048 R. MERLIN INT, weak, pop-rock, IDs, g's, 1931 Move it on over, 2003 No more heroes
4026,0 1823-2058 LASER HOT HITS, mx, 1954 FSN ad, Laser goes DX: reading rpts.
6070,0 1838-1838 R. 6150 %, good, jazz then "Goodbye my friend"
7612,8 1840-2239 UNID, e.weak \noisy,PLC. mx, 1850 switch to hip-hop? \strong PLC on !
6204,9 2049-2049 trace \splash from 6200 Lhassa
* * * ** * FRI. 18 OCT. 2013 * * * * *
6305,1 0725-0725 R. MERLIN INT, "All I want to do is..." (to ration toilet paper ? she should mind her ass!)
6205,0 0802-0825* R. SUN CITY, jazz, ID, test, pops, fading down, 0824 c'/d IDs
6070,0 0826-0858 R. 6150 %, v.weak, Leonard Cohen, 60s pops. Also 1217, 1318 tk over "Tommy"
6210,0 1320-1402* UNID, weak \noisy, rock, pop. 1353 Heart of glass. (1402 shifts to 6205 ? 1403*)
6284,0 1549-1550 UNID, weak, D songs (1605 gone) - - - - - - - - - - - - [ cf TINA ]
6235,0 1551-1556 R. PELIKAAN, Walk don't run, Barracud, allo test, OK zx80, ID, blank, (to 6240)
6240,0 1557-1604 R. PELIKAAN, Barracuda, ID, tk in D, \stanag bursts, g's
6244,95 1613-1621* R. PELIKAAN, D mx, allo test, ID, mx, tk in D, time to eat, wrong Calipso ID, c'/d ID.
6210,5 1605-2312 R. TANGO ITALIA %, tango, tango...
6285 V 1622-1706 LLR %, v.weak \very drifty! 1622 ".. shortwave.." nothing more copied, mx
6310,0 1621-1747 R. TELSTAR SOUTH, typical, 1621'50" break, 1703 story, mx, typical sound
6245,0 1629-1636* R. TINA, D songs (piraten song), IDs+@, bye-bye
6269,5L 1649-1717 UNID, v.weak. mx, 1659 Beatles"Do you want to know a secret", tk (in it. ?)
6270 L 1708-1745 UNID, v.weak, in it., mx, 1740 retro it. song - - - - - - [ cf OVER 60 DEGREES ]
6245,0 1702,1745 T. TINA, 1702: ID+@, 1745: accordion
6300 u 1741-1743* UNID, \6310 splash, mx, ID=? "6-3-0-0 kHz", "closing down". [ cf RMGP ]
6203,0 1746-1747 UNID, good \het, pops - - - - - - - - - - [ cf AC-DC ]
6287,0 1748-1748 UNID, "..Boomerang.." (ID?), mx. - - [ cf BOOMERANG, cf TELSTAR ]
4026,0 2057-2121 LASER HOT HITS, mx, tk about late Colin Dixon. 2117 cover of "Guantanamera"
* * * * * SAT. 19 OCT. 2013 * * * * *
6795,8 0807-1058 PINK PANTHER R. %, v.weak \noisy, 0836 If I only could, 1057 If I'd the girl's coconut
6795,8 1308-2123 PINK PANTHER R., tk in D, ID+@ in E, more IDs: 1500,1821, mix of mx
6950,0 0809-0908 R. COAX %, e.weak, mx, IDs+@ no copy, 0834 ..5 watts.., now on 6984,85
6215,6 0838-0846 UNID, v.weak, mx - - - - - - - -[ cf KING SW ]
9510,0 0847-0853 UNID, powerful ! pops from the 60s - - - - - - - - - - [ cf R. CITY via IRRS ]
6095,0 1100-1250 KBC, v.strong, The Giant Juke-Box with Eric Van Willegem, 1245 Golden Age of R&R
6070,0 1101,1244 R. 6150 %, 1101 v.weak, mx, 1244 e.weak "Soul man". (also 2009-2012 pops)
6300,0 1250-1251 UNID, blanks and very short bits of mx.
6423,1 1245-1452 UNID, v.weak, Que calor la vida, D songs, pops, jazz. 1451 "R.Z. - - " (1456 gone) [cf LOWLAND]
6746,9 1307-1308 UNID, R&R medley (Jumping Jive?) (later : gone) - - - - - -[ cf PIONEER ]
6746,9 1817-2122 UNID, D songs, piraten waltz, accordion... - - - - [ cf PIONEER ]
6974,6 1313-1333 e.weak, mx, polka, 1327 ID+@ no copy, 1333 bye-bye, long blank (still at 1502) [ cf RONALISA ]
6920,0 1322-1325* UNID, "Suzy Q", and s/off - - - - - - [ TRANS EUROPE R. ? ]
6930,0 1329-1341 TRANS EUROPE R., Get it on, 1337 Heart of glass, 1338 ID+@, 1341 Lola
6206,5 1342-1350 UNID, e.weak \PLC, mx
6240,0 1351-1351 UNID, e.weak and f/out
6206,0 1402-1407 trace, then lost
6300,0 1409-1624 UNID \ut.lowside. D mix. 1413 Mull of Kyntire, 1503: les Parisiennes in D version. [ cf TOWER ]
6374,85 1426-1438 UNID, e.weak \strong PLC. mx (seems D mx on peaks) - - [ cf RONALISA ]
6210,0 1507-1535 UNID, e.weak \PLC, mx, tk, 1515 ID? no copy. - - - - - - [ cf SKYLINE R. G. ]
6240,0 1524-1530 R. CASANOVA INT, good/strong, pops, 1528 ID+@, Mungo J."In the summertime"
6374,85 1625-1648 R. RONALISA, e./v.weak, Tino?, Scotland the brave?, Shadows?, BZN, Apache, 1645 ID+@
6210,5 1649, 1736 R. TANGO ITALIA %, tango, then on 6205,4 at 1837, 1903, 2120.
6310,0 1737-2013 R. TELSTAR SOUTH, good>strong, the Golden Boys, IDs, pops, offshore vs BBC, etc..
6325,85 1742-2145 R. TOWER, strong, mx, IDs+@, "100 km from Amsterdam", D mx, rock, g's
4026,0 1752-2202 LASER HOT HITS, ID, ads FSN,OEM, mx, 1906 tk:R.Atlantis, later much atmos.
6400 a 1756-1809 UNID, \hum/QRM till 1800. rock, pops, tacboom, Last night a DJ...
6423,3 1809-1858* R. LOWLAND, 1814 War of Worlds, 1838 Shadows, ID+@+hl, 1855 Summer in the city
6253,4 1902-1902 UNID, pop mx, and lost.
6290,0 1909-1926 BLACK ARROW, 1909 QRM?, 1914 clear, ID, good peaks, 1917 Led Z.
6280,5 1910-1924* UNID, mx, 1920 laughs?, more mx, neat cut.
6423,05 1928-2116 STUDIO 52, D songs, IDs, then mx, mx...
6910,0 1947-2133 PREMIER R. INT, weak, pops, 2016 Loco-motion, 2054 break, 2100 Polnareff, ID, break, 2106 mx, robot voice JID, Moricone mx, Caroline jingle, ... 60s pop, C&W, 2133 break
3905,0 2147-2202 UNID, v.weak\tiring atmos. mx, tk, 2156 Knocking to heaven's door, tk, break, back, .. [cf UBOAT]
* * * * * SUN. 20 OCT. 2013 * * * * *
6324,8 0703-0815 UNID, \ut? underneath, non stop D songs. - - - - [ cf NORTON ]
6285,0 0703-0830 WALDMEISTER, \atmos, brass mx, D songs, 0712 ID, euro-song, pops, rock...
6215,2 0704-0758 UNID, weak \undermod, 0722 Jethro Tull - - - - [ cf KING SW ]
6210,1 0705-0848 SKYLINE R. GERMANY + UNID, v./e.weak \atmos, stereo with a D stn?, 0810 ID, rock
6199,6 0707-0717 R. ORANG UTAN, v.weak \much atmos, mx. (0800 gone)
6070,0 0718-1010 UNID, fair>e.weak. rock, mx...
6070,0 1934-1937 R. CHANNEL 292, ID, Yesterday man, mx...
6095,0 0819-1418 KBC, strong>powerful, Trucker radio, 1009 Rosko (about video), 1204 get it on, 1418 R.Stones
6210,1 0908-0909 UNID, good\fading, 0909 s/off? only e.weak signal now. (0935 still a trace) [ cd SLUWE VOS ]
6201,9 0911-0935 UNID, e.weak>trace, soft rock, bpm, f'/d and \traffic - - [ cf MISTI ]
6284,9 0936-0936 UNID, D singer (0941 gone)
6304,9 0936-0940 UNID, bpm, tk over, D mx, brass mx (0942 gone) - - - [ cf GRUTTE PIER ]
6284,8 1012-1015 UNID, e.weak, mx, mx
6795,8 1016-1155 PINK PANTHER R., v.weak @\PLC, ID, D mx
6795,8 1808-2006 PINK PANTHER R., \occ.ut. mx, D mx, 2001 jingle, ID in D+E
6910,0 1018-1030 PREMIER R. ?, e.weak \ut., traffic, mx, 1026 Nights in white satin, 1030 ID (bad), Waterloo sunset
6306,0 1020-1025 R. TELSTAR INT, weak\fading, ID, D mx, tnx rpt, ID, D song
6807,8 1143-1151* SUNDOWN, v.weak \PLC, Bette Davis eyes, ID, mx, bye-bye ID
6423,2 1158-1222 UNID, e.weak \PLC, mx, Radio - - - ?, mx,... D song - - [ cf LOWLAND ]
6289,0 1745-1751 ODYNN R., mx, 1751 ID
6245,0 1746-1754 UNID, weak \PLC,atmos. D songs, tk, "piraten" song - - - - [ cf TINA ]
6235,15 1747-1914 SLUWE VOS R., strong, IDs, weather, D.Bowie, 1756 tk in Greek?, Greek mx, 1849 bye-bye, tk (ID?) under the mx, blank, strong ut.bursts, 1914 mx
6205,5 1749-1852 R. TANGO ITALIA %, tango
6205,5 1915,1933 UNID, mx, *not* tango - - - - - - - - - - - -[ cf R. MARINA ]
4026,0 1759-2009 LASER HOT HITS, \strange sound at first(UT.QRM?), 1949 \good, TV theme?, ID
6304,9 1818-1932 UNID, e.weak \short PLC, long het on 6305,8. mx, 1828 ID no copy, 1835 C&W, songs in sp. around 1900, 1911 Funky town, 1916 CCR, 1930 Get it on. - - - - [ cf TIGER R.]
6305,8 *1823-1848 UNID, varying, \het with 6304,9. mx, lost at 1848 - - - - [ cf JOEY ]
6300,15 1857-1903 UNID, e.weak \deep fading, bpm, 1903 f/out - - - - - - - - [ cf JOEY ]
3932,1 1938-1948 MRF R. %, e.weak\noisy, (tiring to switch antennas over and over), ID guessed from fq.
mx=music, tk=talk, D=Dutch, E=English, G=German, F=French, it.=Italian, rpt=report, v.=very,
e.=extremely w.=with, '=..ing, c'/d=closing down, M/W=man/woman, g'=greeting, ut=utility, SM=summer meeting ad
ID+@=ID+e-mail address, J=jingle, PLC=PowerLineComm'(noise), \=but, %=guess, hl=hotline
> =becoming/then, bb=boom-boom mx, bpm=beat per min, [ between sq. brackets : best fit ID, thanks quick logs ]
Please note that c'/d is a period from a few seconds to well more than an hour before the real switch off !
"Strength" notes (from e.weak to V.strong) are rather S/N notes by ear, not S-meter levels.
A new load of logs, look for :
-UNIDs on Monday (more stations than DXers on Mondays!)
-still the UNID on 7613 a (a=approx)
-R. SUN CITY on Friday morning
-R. COAX, barely heard on Sat. morning
-also TIGER R. (as IDed by DrTim) mainly on Sunday, a few more details here
* * * * * MON. 14 OCT. 2013 * * * * *
6070,0 0720-0859 R. 6150 %, weak>v.weak \fading,noises. mx, 0848 Magic, 0856 S.Blue. (also 0940, 1230)
6264,9 0838-0910 UNID, weak +fair peaks, D mx, "Yellow sun" and more poor mx, 0850 allo test-een-twe, then parts of tracks, ut.bursts, audio breaks, carrier breaks, 0910 gone most of the time.
6305,0 0911-0928 UNID, v.weak \v.dist' ut., mx, allo, tk (seems in E). (0938 gone)
6325,4 1231-1233 UNID, e.weak, then lost
6215,6 1358-1403 UNID, e.weak (low mod?)
6305,1 1432-1736 R. MERLIN INT, good \noise or PLC at times, early 60s pops ("Hello little girl"), IDs+@+hl, 1436 annt "1963", 1447 "R.Merlin Flasback", 1605 Baby come back, 1628 J.Cash, D.Dekker, etc...
6325,0 1530-1533* UNID, polka, some D pop, but sudden s/off.
6295,5 1534-1625* UNID, "Oh when the saints"in R&R, Free electric band, 1549 some tk, \ut.bursts [ cf DIGITAL ]
6850,0 1553-1603* LUXEMBURG, \PLC, instrum mx, g's for QSO, IDs
6206,5 1607-1619* UNID, rockabilly, whistled tune, "test", Shadows, River Kwai.
6747a 1714-1717 UNID, mx in SSB, then off
6239,8 1720-1744 UNID, e.weak\odd deep fade, mx, IDs no copy or "this is Radio euh...", R&R, 1744 shifts
6237,8 1744-1752 UNID, ex-6239,8, not better, ..NL.., much tk, brass mx, \QRM. - - [ cf BLACK EAGLE ]
6205,0 1832-1840* UNID, weak \splash from 6195, accordion, song, US? song, sudden s/off
4026,0 1843-2051 LASER HOT HITS %, pops, \bit muffled, 2050 Righeira ?(berk!)
* * * * * TUES. 15 OCT. 2013 * * * * *
6070,0 0643-0842 R.6150 %, strong \fading > v.weak \6060 splash, mx, 0842 Leonard Cohen.
6070,0 1306-1520 R. 6150 %, weak/v.weak, pops, 1334 S.Blue"Venus", Man of action
6304,9 1505-1510* UNID, D mx, 1507 tk in D (over mx), 1510 sudden off
6285,0 1616-1620 UNID, \PLC, "Just an illusion", more BZN ? (1632 gone) - - - - - - [ cf TINA ]
6305 V 1623-1825 LLR %, e.weak, very drifty 6305 to 6306, tk in E and sp., Africa & L.Am. mx, relay of Artem?
6283,0 1656-1707 R. TINA, v./e.weak\PLC, mx, c'/d, ID, Eine Cigarette, brass, ID w. Cool AM, bye, BZN...
6745,0 1716-1727 UNID, weak \PLC, songs in G, more songs by same W, then "Isabella" [ cf ZOMERZON ]
6325,0 1820-1851 UNID, strong \strong 6324 het at first, Here comes the sun, D mx. (1855 gone)
6286,9 1826-1840* ODYNN R., reggae, instrum, 1838 g's,IDs,tk (in E and D), bye-bye
3905,0 1857-1905 weak, in AM-USB (no lower sideband), mx, 1905 break - - - - [ cf ACTIVITY ]
4026,0 1907-2116 LASER HOT HITS, \traffic4020u+4030u, mx, tk, IDs, 1926 Gary Drew sunday show.
* * * * * WED. 16 OCT. 2013 * * * * *
6304,9 1245-1312 UNID, e.weak \under noise, het from 6302,5. 1312 lost - - - -[ cf TIGER ?? ]
6400,2 1318-1340* UNID, 60s flute mx, 1323 break, 1334 blues, same flute mx, long blank, off
6215,6 1422-1512* UNID, e.weak \loc. carpet noise, mx, 1507 On the border, movie theme?, off.
6747,0 1444-1704 UNID, v.weak, pops, occ. accordion, 1500 BZN, 1612 "Just an illusion" again [ cf PIONEER ]
6288,0 1514-1531 UNID, mid-60s pops, Yummy..., Hang on Sloopy, Small Faces, Fox on the run [ cf DIGITAL ]
6324,5 1533-1539* UNID, \ut.QRM right under, Kraftwerk"radioactivity" remix
6324,5 1543-1559* UNID, \ut.QRM right under, rock, 1557 Shoobeedoowa (title?) then off
6289,9 1540-1542* UNID, e.weak, rock, rockabilly and off
6284,0 1706-1708 UNID, v.weak, "Just an illusion", D song ?
6325,5 1709-1710* UNID, v.weak, accordion
6285,0 1719-1719 UNID, P.Sarsted "Where do you go to my lovely" - - - - [ cf TINA ]
6210,5 1720-1720 R. TANGO ITALIA %, "..technical difficulties, please stand by"
6245,0 1803-1818* DE PELIKAAN, D(?) pops, 1804 ID, more D(?) pops, tk in D.
7612,8 1822-2205 UNID, e.weak \loc.noise, mx, 1941 now relaying hip-hop web stn ?
4026,0 *1825-1930 LASER HOT HITS, sudden switch on, \4020u sp.traffic. 1827 ID, Mike Andrews, mx, etc...
6245,0 1832-1850 UNID, \ut.QRM, allo test, mix of mx, 1850 long blank (1914 mx again)
* * * * * THURS. 17 OCT. 2013 * * * * *
6250,0 0700-0837* R. PELIKAAN, D mx and else, IDs (also OURO-OUNO??), g's(to Johnny Camaro, R. Twincam..), 0739 Days of Pearly Spencer, sirtaki, D songs, 0835 v.weak now, Walk don't run, c'/d ID.
6289,0 1526-1551 UNID, e.weak\noisy,traffic. The lion sleeps tonight, then hard to hear.
6250,0 1543-1547 R. PELIKAAN %, via R. PINO ?, g's, Dragonslayer
6245,0 1551-1558* R. PELIKAAN, via R. PINO ?, polka, c'/d, R. Scaletto(??), IDs, g's
6747,0 1600-1644 UNID, Bowie"Ashes to ashes",.. 1643 rockabilly medley. (not at 1808) - - [ cf PIONEER ]
6746,9 2012-2103 UNID (back on), mx, 2020 early 60s medley (incl' La Bamba) - - - - - -[ cf PIONEER ]
6425,0 1637-1657 UNID, D song "Isabella", more D mx. - - - - - - [ cf ZOMERZON ]
6246,9 1646-1656 UNID, e.weak, \6245 het at 1647, R&R-twist medley, then hard to hear
6245,0 *1647-1656 UNID, good signal, undermod or blank?, 1654 Dragonslayer, blank again [ cf ZOMERZON ]
6290,0 1802-1929* ODYNN R., strong, rock, 1806 special for the doc, IDs:1813,1836,1923,1926.
6305,2 1810-2048 R. MERLIN INT, weak, pop-rock, IDs, g's, 1931 Move it on over, 2003 No more heroes
4026,0 1823-2058 LASER HOT HITS, mx, 1954 FSN ad, Laser goes DX: reading rpts.
6070,0 1838-1838 R. 6150 %, good, jazz then "Goodbye my friend"
7612,8 1840-2239 UNID, e.weak \noisy,PLC. mx, 1850 switch to hip-hop? \strong PLC on !
6204,9 2049-2049 trace \splash from 6200 Lhassa
* * * ** * FRI. 18 OCT. 2013 * * * * *
6305,1 0725-0725 R. MERLIN INT, "All I want to do is..." (to ration toilet paper ? she should mind her ass!)
6205,0 0802-0825* R. SUN CITY, jazz, ID, test, pops, fading down, 0824 c'/d IDs
6070,0 0826-0858 R. 6150 %, v.weak, Leonard Cohen, 60s pops. Also 1217, 1318 tk over "Tommy"
6210,0 1320-1402* UNID, weak \noisy, rock, pop. 1353 Heart of glass. (1402 shifts to 6205 ? 1403*)
6284,0 1549-1550 UNID, weak, D songs (1605 gone) - - - - - - - - - - - - [ cf TINA ]
6235,0 1551-1556 R. PELIKAAN, Walk don't run, Barracud, allo test, OK zx80, ID, blank, (to 6240)
6240,0 1557-1604 R. PELIKAAN, Barracuda, ID, tk in D, \stanag bursts, g's
6244,95 1613-1621* R. PELIKAAN, D mx, allo test, ID, mx, tk in D, time to eat, wrong Calipso ID, c'/d ID.
6210,5 1605-2312 R. TANGO ITALIA %, tango, tango...
6285 V 1622-1706 LLR %, v.weak \very drifty! 1622 ".. shortwave.." nothing more copied, mx
6310,0 1621-1747 R. TELSTAR SOUTH, typical, 1621'50" break, 1703 story, mx, typical sound
6245,0 1629-1636* R. TINA, D songs (piraten song), IDs+@, bye-bye
6269,5L 1649-1717 UNID, v.weak. mx, 1659 Beatles"Do you want to know a secret", tk (in it. ?)
6270 L 1708-1745 UNID, v.weak, in it., mx, 1740 retro it. song - - - - - - [ cf OVER 60 DEGREES ]
6245,0 1702,1745 T. TINA, 1702: ID+@, 1745: accordion
6300 u 1741-1743* UNID, \6310 splash, mx, ID=? "6-3-0-0 kHz", "closing down". [ cf RMGP ]
6203,0 1746-1747 UNID, good \het, pops - - - - - - - - - - [ cf AC-DC ]
6287,0 1748-1748 UNID, "..Boomerang.." (ID?), mx. - - [ cf BOOMERANG, cf TELSTAR ]
4026,0 2057-2121 LASER HOT HITS, mx, tk about late Colin Dixon. 2117 cover of "Guantanamera"
* * * * * SAT. 19 OCT. 2013 * * * * *
6795,8 0807-1058 PINK PANTHER R. %, v.weak \noisy, 0836 If I only could, 1057 If I'd the girl's coconut
6795,8 1308-2123 PINK PANTHER R., tk in D, ID+@ in E, more IDs: 1500,1821, mix of mx
6950,0 0809-0908 R. COAX %, e.weak, mx, IDs+@ no copy, 0834 ..5 watts.., now on 6984,85
6215,6 0838-0846 UNID, v.weak, mx - - - - - - - -[ cf KING SW ]
9510,0 0847-0853 UNID, powerful ! pops from the 60s - - - - - - - - - - [ cf R. CITY via IRRS ]
6095,0 1100-1250 KBC, v.strong, The Giant Juke-Box with Eric Van Willegem, 1245 Golden Age of R&R
6070,0 1101,1244 R. 6150 %, 1101 v.weak, mx, 1244 e.weak "Soul man". (also 2009-2012 pops)
6300,0 1250-1251 UNID, blanks and very short bits of mx.
6423,1 1245-1452 UNID, v.weak, Que calor la vida, D songs, pops, jazz. 1451 "R.Z. - - " (1456 gone) [cf LOWLAND]
6746,9 1307-1308 UNID, R&R medley (Jumping Jive?) (later : gone) - - - - - -[ cf PIONEER ]
6746,9 1817-2122 UNID, D songs, piraten waltz, accordion... - - - - [ cf PIONEER ]
6974,6 1313-1333 e.weak, mx, polka, 1327 ID+@ no copy, 1333 bye-bye, long blank (still at 1502) [ cf RONALISA ]
6920,0 1322-1325* UNID, "Suzy Q", and s/off - - - - - - [ TRANS EUROPE R. ? ]
6930,0 1329-1341 TRANS EUROPE R., Get it on, 1337 Heart of glass, 1338 ID+@, 1341 Lola
6206,5 1342-1350 UNID, e.weak \PLC, mx
6240,0 1351-1351 UNID, e.weak and f/out
6206,0 1402-1407 trace, then lost
6300,0 1409-1624 UNID \ut.lowside. D mix. 1413 Mull of Kyntire, 1503: les Parisiennes in D version. [ cf TOWER ]
6374,85 1426-1438 UNID, e.weak \strong PLC. mx (seems D mx on peaks) - - [ cf RONALISA ]
6210,0 1507-1535 UNID, e.weak \PLC, mx, tk, 1515 ID? no copy. - - - - - - [ cf SKYLINE R. G. ]
6240,0 1524-1530 R. CASANOVA INT, good/strong, pops, 1528 ID+@, Mungo J."In the summertime"
6374,85 1625-1648 R. RONALISA, e./v.weak, Tino?, Scotland the brave?, Shadows?, BZN, Apache, 1645 ID+@
6210,5 1649, 1736 R. TANGO ITALIA %, tango, then on 6205,4 at 1837, 1903, 2120.
6310,0 1737-2013 R. TELSTAR SOUTH, good>strong, the Golden Boys, IDs, pops, offshore vs BBC, etc..
6325,85 1742-2145 R. TOWER, strong, mx, IDs+@, "100 km from Amsterdam", D mx, rock, g's
4026,0 1752-2202 LASER HOT HITS, ID, ads FSN,OEM, mx, 1906 tk:R.Atlantis, later much atmos.
6400 a 1756-1809 UNID, \hum/QRM till 1800. rock, pops, tacboom, Last night a DJ...
6423,3 1809-1858* R. LOWLAND, 1814 War of Worlds, 1838 Shadows, ID+@+hl, 1855 Summer in the city
6253,4 1902-1902 UNID, pop mx, and lost.
6290,0 1909-1926 BLACK ARROW, 1909 QRM?, 1914 clear, ID, good peaks, 1917 Led Z.
6280,5 1910-1924* UNID, mx, 1920 laughs?, more mx, neat cut.
6423,05 1928-2116 STUDIO 52, D songs, IDs, then mx, mx...
6910,0 1947-2133 PREMIER R. INT, weak, pops, 2016 Loco-motion, 2054 break, 2100 Polnareff, ID, break, 2106 mx, robot voice JID, Moricone mx, Caroline jingle, ... 60s pop, C&W, 2133 break
3905,0 2147-2202 UNID, v.weak\tiring atmos. mx, tk, 2156 Knocking to heaven's door, tk, break, back, .. [cf UBOAT]
* * * * * SUN. 20 OCT. 2013 * * * * *
6324,8 0703-0815 UNID, \ut? underneath, non stop D songs. - - - - [ cf NORTON ]
6285,0 0703-0830 WALDMEISTER, \atmos, brass mx, D songs, 0712 ID, euro-song, pops, rock...
6215,2 0704-0758 UNID, weak \undermod, 0722 Jethro Tull - - - - [ cf KING SW ]
6210,1 0705-0848 SKYLINE R. GERMANY + UNID, v./e.weak \atmos, stereo with a D stn?, 0810 ID, rock
6199,6 0707-0717 R. ORANG UTAN, v.weak \much atmos, mx. (0800 gone)
6070,0 0718-1010 UNID, fair>e.weak. rock, mx...
6070,0 1934-1937 R. CHANNEL 292, ID, Yesterday man, mx...
6095,0 0819-1418 KBC, strong>powerful, Trucker radio, 1009 Rosko (about video), 1204 get it on, 1418 R.Stones
6210,1 0908-0909 UNID, good\fading, 0909 s/off? only e.weak signal now. (0935 still a trace) [ cd SLUWE VOS ]
6201,9 0911-0935 UNID, e.weak>trace, soft rock, bpm, f'/d and \traffic - - [ cf MISTI ]
6284,9 0936-0936 UNID, D singer (0941 gone)
6304,9 0936-0940 UNID, bpm, tk over, D mx, brass mx (0942 gone) - - - [ cf GRUTTE PIER ]
6284,8 1012-1015 UNID, e.weak, mx, mx
6795,8 1016-1155 PINK PANTHER R., v.weak @\PLC, ID, D mx
6795,8 1808-2006 PINK PANTHER R., \occ.ut. mx, D mx, 2001 jingle, ID in D+E
6910,0 1018-1030 PREMIER R. ?, e.weak \ut., traffic, mx, 1026 Nights in white satin, 1030 ID (bad), Waterloo sunset
6306,0 1020-1025 R. TELSTAR INT, weak\fading, ID, D mx, tnx rpt, ID, D song
6807,8 1143-1151* SUNDOWN, v.weak \PLC, Bette Davis eyes, ID, mx, bye-bye ID
6423,2 1158-1222 UNID, e.weak \PLC, mx, Radio - - - ?, mx,... D song - - [ cf LOWLAND ]
6289,0 1745-1751 ODYNN R., mx, 1751 ID
6245,0 1746-1754 UNID, weak \PLC,atmos. D songs, tk, "piraten" song - - - - [ cf TINA ]
6235,15 1747-1914 SLUWE VOS R., strong, IDs, weather, D.Bowie, 1756 tk in Greek?, Greek mx, 1849 bye-bye, tk (ID?) under the mx, blank, strong ut.bursts, 1914 mx
6205,5 1749-1852 R. TANGO ITALIA %, tango
6205,5 1915,1933 UNID, mx, *not* tango - - - - - - - - - - - -[ cf R. MARINA ]
4026,0 1759-2009 LASER HOT HITS, \strange sound at first(UT.QRM?), 1949 \good, TV theme?, ID
6304,9 1818-1932 UNID, e.weak \short PLC, long het on 6305,8. mx, 1828 ID no copy, 1835 C&W, songs in sp. around 1900, 1911 Funky town, 1916 CCR, 1930 Get it on. - - - - [ cf TIGER R.]
6305,8 *1823-1848 UNID, varying, \het with 6304,9. mx, lost at 1848 - - - - [ cf JOEY ]
6300,15 1857-1903 UNID, e.weak \deep fading, bpm, 1903 f/out - - - - - - - - [ cf JOEY ]
3932,1 1938-1948 MRF R. %, e.weak\noisy, (tiring to switch antennas over and over), ID guessed from fq.
mx=music, tk=talk, D=Dutch, E=English, G=German, F=French, it.=Italian, rpt=report, v.=very,
e.=extremely w.=with, '=..ing, c'/d=closing down, M/W=man/woman, g'=greeting, ut=utility, SM=summer meeting ad
ID+@=ID+e-mail address, J=jingle, PLC=PowerLineComm'(noise), \=but, %=guess, hl=hotline
> =becoming/then, bb=boom-boom mx, bpm=beat per min, [ between sq. brackets : best fit ID, thanks quick logs ]
Please note that c'/d is a period from a few seconds to well more than an hour before the real switch off !
"Strength" notes (from e.weak to V.strong) are rather S/N notes by ear, not S-meter levels.