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Logs from South-West of France - December 13 to 15

Posted: Mon Dec 16, 2013 11:56 am
by Toutatis
Hi to all,

Here are the logs of the weekend.
Very good reception here, with many stations on the air.

Friday 13th December

3910 1804 Skyline Int. Radio
4026 1728 Laser Hot Hits
6240 1722 Radio Tango Italia
6285 1759 Radio Gouden Ster
6747 1704 Radio Pioneer
6796 1712 Radio Pink Panther
6945 1753 Radio Pluto - LSB

Saturday 14th December

4026 1719 Laser Hot Hits
6240 1532 Radio Saturnus
6255 1701 Radio Merlin Int.
6280 1707 Radio Tango Italia
6290 1542 Odynn Radio
21520 1550 Baltic Sea Radio - LSB

Sunday 15th December

3930 1952 Sluwe Vos Radio
4026 1700 Laser Hot Hits
6045 0906 European Music Radio - via Media Broadcast - Nauen - Germany
6095 1539 The Mighty KBC - via Media Broadcast
6215 0840 Unid - King SW ?
6240 0917 Radio Technical Man
6242 1533 Radio ACDC
6255 0833 Radio Merlin Int.
6255 1405 Radio Telstar South
6260 1030 Radio Technical Man
6265 1138 Radio Verona
6285 1647 Radio Underground
6290 1455 Radio Foxfire
6291 0856 Radio Norton
6305 1107 Radio Technical Man
6324 1158 Radio Underground
6324 1426 Telstar Radio
6450 0825 Radio Universe
6796 1119 Radio Pink Panther
6910 0910 Premier Radio International
6930 1714 U-Boat 66
7265 0814 European Music Radio - via MV Baltic Radio - Göhren - Germany
7490 0931 Radio East Coast Holland - 0940 : end
7705 1500 Sluwe Vos Radio
9480 0900 European Music Radio - via MV Baltic Radio - Göhren - Germany
9480 1006 Geronimo Shortwave - via MV Baltic Radio - Göhren - Germany
11401 1305 Radio Waves Int.
15060 1515 Trans Europe Radio - 1532 : end
18980 1045 Baltic Sea Radio - LSB

Good listening.