LOGS : 02 - 08 SEPT. 2013
Posted: Fri Nov 15, 2013 22:51 pm
Again a long log (very long log for Sunday), all cross checked, hope I found all my typos.
* * * * * MON. 02 SEPT. 2013 * * * * *
6305,0 1616-1701 R. TELSTAR INT, \strong PLC at first, D songs, 1640 ID in D, 1654 g's, mx, rpts
6285,0 1620-1636* RMGP, \strong PLC at first, 1631 H.of the rising sun, 1634 ID
6295,1 1913-1922* PYTHON R., \noisy, tk over mx, QSO, 1921 ID+@, s/off at 19.21'58"
6295,1 *1923-1933* SLUWE VOS R., rep to Python, voice undermod, then mx overmod, g's Artem, ID, off
6285,0 1923-1940 UNID, v.weak\noisy, pops, mx, mx.. (1949 gone)
6295,1 *1934-1936 R. PYTHON, mx, rpt for Sluwe Vos, ID, mx
4026,0 1944-2148 LASER HOT HITS, \stanag 4024, mx, ID+@, hello Iann, tchac-boom, rock
6400,0 1953-2103 UNID, mx, deliberately distorted annts, ID no copy, gmail, 2051 \N.Korea QRM. [cf Y.SUBM.]
6287,0 2013-2019* RMGP, QSO ?, IDs, SRS Eisenach, 2016 On the road again, s/off 2018'55"
6287 u 2019-2038 RMGP, mx,rpt/g's,IDs,SRS, Like a rolling stone, Smoke on the water, Knocking at Heavens door
6210,0 2040-2137* R. TINA, e.weak\atmos, D mx, IDs, 2125 Man of action, 2136 c'/d
6210,0 2138-2140 RMGP, calling R.Tina, s/by, call again.
6294,9 2104-2129 RONEX R., e.weak\some PLC,deep fades, pops, 2115 ID+@, 2121 Knock on wood
6295,0 2141-2201 RONEX R., e.weak\some PLC +peaks, pops, IDs, D songs, polka
* * * * * TUES. 03 SEPT. 2013 * * * * *
6300,0 1649-1659 UNID, blank then raising mod very slowly, mx, D song. (1659 s/off?)
6284,9 1817-1913 R. GOUDENSTER, D song, IDs, g's, then 1820 mx,mx,mx
6300,0 1821-1828 UNID, e.weak \QRM SSTV-like, D songs (1834 gone)
6294,0 1822-1913 ODYNN R., "Hurricane", 1840 ID, CCR, No milk today, House of the rising sun, What's new Pussycat, Ike & Tina Turner, IDs
6305,0 1830-1857 MUSTANG R., v.strong but first ID no copy, parts of mx, some fades\utQRM, waltz, polka, 1856 ID
6425,3 1844-1935 DUTCHWING, \atmos, D/G songs, 1933 ID, c'/d annt, mx (1951 gone)
6985,0 1846-1846 UNID, e.weak \atmos, mx (1901 gone)
6300,0 1902-1907 UNID \PLC, France Gall"Poupée de cire poupée de son", D mx, accordion. [cf NACHTPIRAAT ]
6399,6 1914-1914 UNID, e.weak \het 6400, mx, polka. (1928 gone). - - - - [ cf RONALISA ]
6400,0 1915-2027 UNID, pop\QRM at first, 1928 single \atmos, deliberately distorted annts - - [cf Y.SUBM.]
6389,8v 1937-1947* UNID, quick drift to 6390,5 then around \PLC,atmos, mx, "Can't go home", suden off 1947'50"
6305,0 1952-1953* UNID, mx, and s/off.
6310,2v 1954-2001* UNID, \het, Boney M, drift to 6310,7 - 2001 No woman no cry, but s/off
6305,4 2003-2003 UNID, trace/e.weak, mx
6300,0 2003-2014* UNID, D mx, audio problem, audio on/off
6300,1 2028-2041* UNID, e.<v.weak\atmos, mx, tk by W, 2030 London calling, 2036 Big Ben, rock.
6295,0 2034-2035* UNID, mx, off. - - - - [ cf RONEX ]
6285,0 2042-2044* R. RONEX, mx, ID, g's to Xat, rpt to Radio....what? @hotmail.com, off
6285,0 *2044-2054 R. NACHTPIRAAT ?, \atmos, rep to Ronex, 80s instrum mx, polka.. - -[ or R. ANACONDA ?? ]
6285,0 2055-2056 R. RONEX again, ID+@, mx (JM.Jarre ?)
6285,05 2106-2106 UNID, tk (end ?) - - - - - - - - - - - - [ cf ETHERFREAK ]
6285,0 *2107-2119 R. RONEX again, JM.Jarre"Oxygene", tk in D (to Nachtpiraat?), polka, 2112 IDs in E+@, spelling..
4026,0 2119-2129 LASER HOT HITS \stanag 4024, mx, better on long loop, mx, ID
6285,05 2131-2132* UNID, e.weak \atmos, mx, then tk (ment' Dr Tim)
6285,0 2133-2136 RONEX R., ID+@, spelling, mx.. 2136 Knock on wood
6980,0 2138-2232* UNID, >strong \ut.QRM, mx, mx, mx, mx... and s/off.
* * * * * WED. 04 SEPT. 2013 * * * * *
6285,15 0715-0725* UNID, \PLC, D/G songs "Marina Marina", "Napoli" (titles?)
6300,0 1625-1647 UNID, e.weak at best \sp.traffic on 6300u, some mx heard at times. - - [ cf TINA ]
6295,0 1737-1855 R. TINA ?, e.weak \PLC, mx, tk, ment' of Python or Pluto, QSO ?, later D mx
6205,4 1743-2058 (TANGO), e.weak \PLC, ut.QRM..., non stop tango - - [identified days later as R. TANGO ITALIA ]
6210,4 2211-2300 (TANGO), same stn with non stop tango
6399,8 1904-1904 UNID, \atmos, other carrier 6399,9 - mx - - - - - - - - [ cf CAROLINE INT ]
6319,7 2008-2048 R. MAZDA, g's to Anaconda(?), mx, D songs, 2030 g's, clear ID (2058 gone)
4026,0 2024-2030 LASER HOT HITS, \stanag on 4024, was tk' about antenna, mx, ID, \occ.Morse QRM
6979,7 2038-2219 UNID, non stop rock etc.., 2145 Hendrix, Cream, Jefferson Airplane, 2230 Beach Boys
6284,7 2048-2218* R. RONEX, v.weak \PLC and atmos at times, pops, reggae, IDs+@, 2218 spelled ID
* * * * * THURS. 05 SEPT. 2013 * * * * *
6304,7 1612-1835 R. MERLIN INT, strong \sp.traffic 6300u, 60s and R&R hits, IDs, 1750 now 70s pops
6324,9 1740-1835 R. NORTON, weak \atmos, D songs, 1755 ID, g's, more D mx, 1827 blues, 1835 "Pop-corn"
6210,5 1742-2310 (TANGO), weak \atmos, loop stand by annt, 1814 non stop tango [IDed days later: TANGO ITALIA ]
6290,5 1808-1812 UNID, v.weak \atmos, N.Sinatra? "Jackson", ID no copy, J.Cash? (1819 gone) [cf SKYWIRE ]
6300,0 2008-2100 UNID, \much atmos, accordion, waltz tracks. 2033 \6302 het. - - [ cf GOLFBREKER ]
4026,0 2017-2255 LASER HOT HITS, v.weak \much atmos, 4024 stanag. mx, tk, some IDs, 2055 offshore story
6308,8 2025-2028 UNID, \much atmos, jerky frequency, mx, 2027 some tk, more mx.
6312,5v 2035-2101 UNID, drift up to 6313,9 then a bit down, mx, 2041 "Radio de la ..."?, mx, tk, mx (2125 gone)
6285 L 2256-2320 UNID, weak \atmos, crackling ut., This is ..., mx, short annts, 2319 H.California [ cf OVER 60°]
6283,5 1819 : one of the many traces "heard" [ cf ONDA CALIENTE, acc. to Dr Tim ]
* * * ** * FRI. 06 SEPT. 2013 * * * * *
6300,0 1456-1508 UNID, trace>e.weak mx. - - [ cf TINA or DEUTSCHER SOLDATENSENDER ?? ]
6324,9 1631-1656* UNID, D songs, sudden s/off - - - - - - [ cf NORTON ]
6247,5v 1633-1838 UNID, trace>e.weak \drift to 6248,5 -atmos, mx, 1824 classic horns, 1837 tk(no copy)
6745,3 1645-1708 PIONEER R., weak/fair \atmos, mx, 1654 ID+@ in E, 1708 QRM from numbers stn
3905,0 1709-2031 UNID, e.weak at first, soon \atmos. Let's go to S.Francisco, more 60s, also D mx [ cf SKYLINE INT]
6210,5 1839-2350* (TANGO), v.weak \PLC,atmos,occ.ut.? tango. 2350 Italian anthem [IDed days later: TANGO ITALIA ]
6295,0 *1846-2027 UNID-R. BARONES repeats, v.strong \so-so mod !(Baro does *much* better!), mx, Barones IDs but hl blanked, 1900 maybe the relay stn talking with Larsen, "39 years on the air" (was yesteryear?), more Barones clips
6264,0 1920-1920 UNID, v.weak \atmos, oriental (greek?) mx
4026,0 1921-2033 LASER HOT HITS, \4024 stanag, mx, tk, ID, repeat (wrong time check)
6400,0 1940-1952 R. CAROLINE-RAINBOW, \PLC,atmos, "Pirates for peace" talk, RAINBOW ID, Car. JIDs
6925,0 1953-2005 TRANS EUROPE R., good \atmos, mx, 2004 ID+@, more mx
6310,0 2026-2132 R. TELSTAR SOUTH, typ. tk+background mx, IDs, pops, TV themes...
6304,7 2007-2022 ARTEM relayed, Chinese? retro track, tk (ment' Artem), mx.. - - - -[ cf via MERLIN ]
6285,1 2043-2109 R. PYTHON, \PLC,atmos! mx, 2046 ID, mx, 2109 weak, fine instrum mx.
6289,9 2109-2109 UNID, e.weak > blank ?
6237,1 2117-2138 SLUWE VOS R. \atmos!,splash, hard to hear, mx, g's, IDs
6295,0 2347-2405 BORDERHUNTER R., strong, rock, C&W (J.Fogerty ann'd), 2401 ID, J.Cash, 2405 Tambourinman
6325,0 2128-2138 RONEX R., \noisy,atmos, mx, IDs
* * * * * SAT. 07 SEPT. 2013 * * * * *
4026,0 0635-0747 LASER HOT HITS, R.Caroline story, LHH IDs by Stewart Ross
6095,0 0802-0820 KBC, v.strong \fading, E.Rosko "Coast to coast country", mx, KBC ID.
6095,0 1235-1424 KBC, v.strong, IDs, KBC ad, 1325 "Satisfaction", "My babe", R&R...
6294,9 1407-1520 UNID, trace/e.weak, mx, tk (no copy), later \PLC,atmos - - - - [ cf PYTHON ]
6422,0 1425-1456* UNID, e.weak \atmos,CPL, mx, 1437 "Little shoemaker" in D, 1456'50" sudden off [ cf STUDIO 52 ]
6745,3 1438-1517 PINK PANTHER, v.weak \sticky PLC,atmos, Black Betty, ID, 1450 Born in the USA, 1516 ID
6310,0 1934-2125 R. TELSTAR SOUTH, \other stn 6310?, ID, offshore radio story, mx.
6210,5 1941-2300 (TANGO), tango, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -[IDed days later: TANGO ITALIA ]
6386 L 1943-1951 UNID, \traffic 6381u,atmos, mx - - - - - - - - [ cf OVER 60° ]
6387 L 1952-2000 UNID, \under ut., mx, 1956 ID (no copy) - - - - [ cf OVER 60° ]
6400,0 2000-2005 R. CAROLINE/RAINBOW, \PLC,atmos, IDs and mx
6423,5 2005-2022 UNID, some C&W, "Adios Mexico", Kansas, "All by myself", Elvis"All shook up" [ cf SWCH ]
6745,3 2024-2133 PINK PANTHER R., Boney M medley, ID+@, "Ring my bell", 2045 ID
3914,9 2046-2257 UNID, pops, D songs, instrum... - - - - - - - - - - [ cf ALICE ]
3905,05 2048-2258 TECHNISCHE MAN, song in G, 2054 ID, "Ring of fire" in D, 2106 Universal human rights, 2257 c'/d
6305,0 2129-2141 UNID, squeezed (6300 ut., Telstar S.), mx, C&W, jazz.. - - - - [ cf TRX ]
6295,0 2258-2305 UNID, blues, crooner. - - - - - - - - - - - - [ cf TRX ]
* * * * * SUN. 08 SEPT. 2013 * * * * *
6290,6 0629-0643 R. CAROLINE INT, weak \muffled, atmos, PLC. mx, JID, mx
6199,5 0632-0717 R. ORANG UTAN, weak \CPL,atmos. mx, IDs, rock, accordion, 0652 Shadows"Apache"
6005,0 0637-0640 R. BELARUS, in G, brass mx, ID in G (0702 news in G)
4026,0 0642-0643 LASER HOT HITS, v.weak, ID, repeat from a Friday night.
4026,0 1918-2141 LASER HOT HITS, mx, weather, a repeat with Mike Andrews, later \4024 stanag
6300,0 0653-0815 UNID, v.weak \traffic 6301u, synthe,polka,C&W... 0704,0755 IDs(no copy), 0813 \PLC! [ cf WALDM. ]
6284,8 0759-0915 R. GOUDENSTER, e./v.weak, mix of mx, 0837 ID~, 0912 fine mx patchwork, 0913 ID
6260,05 0802-0842 R. THUNDERBIRD, e.weak \ut. bursts, mx, 0807 IDs, 0838 "Moonlight shadow", still at 0900 ??
6260 a 0901-0909 UNID, \fading, 0901 rock,DJ, organ, 0906 on 6259,5 then Booker T. [ cf CWR rep.to THUND. ]
6240,0 0811-0811 UNID, pop song - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [ cf CASANOVA ]
6304,8 0820-1718 R. MERLIN INT, strong peaks, pops-rock-reggae, 0830,1040 IDs, 1717 J.Frost
6324,9 0824-0954 UNID, \PLC at times, D songs. - - - - - - - - [ cf NORTON ]
6215,0 0842-0924 R. NORTH POLE INT, \loc.noise, Gainsbourg-Birkin, I&T.Turner, 0848 ID,g's,"Venus", etc
6205,0 0847-0849* UNID, mx, blank and s/off. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [ cf R. SCOTLAND ]
6200,0 0847-0924 UNID, accordion, 0852 Radetski march, 0919 waltz. - - - - [ cf TECHNICAL MAN ]
6200,0 1020-1114* TECHNICAL MAN, disco, G/D songs, 1101 Belgian French song, 1113 ID
6239,25 0857-1018 UNID, e.weak \u-mod,PLC : mx, nrs in E+G, tk in G?, 1014 Friday on my mind [ cf LIKEDEELER]
6205,1 0920-0924* R.S.I., strong, tk in G, instrum background mx, ID in E, "c'/d again"
6095,0 0933-0933 KBC, Trucker Radio, C&W rock, ID
6374,8 0938-0944 UNID, e.weak \PLC,fax, tk, JM.Jarre mx - - - - - - - - [ cf RONALISA ]
6375,5 0943-0947* UNID, e.weak \het, tk in D, 0945 " -- -- Radio"
6290,0 0956-1124 BORDERHUNTER, D mix, D tk, 1002 Roll over Beethoven", 1004 ID, ment' Grensjager, 1025 Final countdown, 1030 ID, "Should I stay.., 1123 KISS, then "London calling"
6210,0 1037-1313 UNID, e.weak \under PLC, mx, tk, 1118 "20 W" ?, 1310 other carrier - - [ cf ROZ ]
6324,5 1130-1139 trace, seems modulated, 1139 lost - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [ cf UNID heard by DrTim ]
6246,0v 1140-1220* R. UNDERGROUND, drift to 6245,5 : mx, tk, IDs. 1207 some "gigouillette"
6200,0 1222-1222 UNID, e.weak, mx - - - - - - - - [ cf STARDYNN ?? ]
6200,5v 1225-1225 UNID, mx, QSY to 6200,2 then to 6200,0 - - - - - - - -[ cf SLUWE VOS ? ]
6290,0 1227-1314 UNID, barrel organ, Crunchy Granola, Moricone?, rock, Brand new Cadillac. [ cf STARDYNN ]
6210,0 1559-1838 UNID, e.>v.weak, pops, (1642 see UNID below) 1714 "Lady Marmelade" later \atmos. [ cf ROZ ?]
6210,0 1642-1646 UNID, strong \bad audio, 2nd carrier quite close, maybe a different station
6324,9 1617-1716 UNID, accordion, D songs, up to fair/good \atmos. - - - - - - [ cf NORTON ]
6402,1 1620-1627* BAKEN 16, tk over mx, ment' several D stns, 1625 ID, bye-bye, Cucaracha JID
6397,5 1627-1633* R. ZEEWOLF ?, e.weak \atmos, rep to Baken16, ID not v.clear
6402,6 1634-1636* UNID, e.weak, mx, tk over "Caroline" song
6425,7 1637-1640 UNID, fair \atmos growing, "Still loving you" - - - - - - - - [ cf SALLANDSE B. ?]
6240,0 1650-1721 R. TINA ?, e.weak \atmos, mx, IDs(no copy) ..auf KW, gmail
6279,9 1718-1724 TOP R., v.weak \atmos, Final countdown, 1722 jingles, ID, mx
6267,6 1720-1728 R. TITANIC, mx, tk, g's to stns, ID in E, bye-bye, "Caroline"
6319,6 1816-1925 UNID, D songs, 1853 "Caramba caraco"(?title), 1903 BZN, 1924"Caroline, [cf MAZDA ]
6310,0 1819-1932 R. TELSTAR SOUTH, Beatles, JID, typ. voice, Caroline story (other voice), 1847 short break
6215,5 1827-1946 (TANGO), \atmos, tango - - - - - - [IDed days later: TANGO ITALIA ]
6210,5 2054-2234 (TANGO), tango, non stop - - - - - - [IDed days later: TANGO ITALIA ]
6240,0 1832-1944 R. MUSTANG, strong, tchacboom, 1930 trapped at 170bpm, ID, said c'/d
6305,1 1842-1906 UNID, v.weak \ut.6300, Telstar splash, rock, 1853 Kinks, KISS, 1906 "Lola" - -[ cf MERLIN ? ]
6399,9 1911-1935 R. GOOFY, trapped at 170 bpm, singing dogs, IDs no copy, mx, 1935 ID copied at last
6204,9 1928-1945 SLUWE VOS R., mx, ID+@, mx.. 1945 "Camouflage"
6980,1 1936-1942 UNID, rock.
6325,0 2048-2125 UNID + UNID, beating, one said "test", both : D songs, 2125 brass mx
3904,8 2056-2106 LIKEDEELER, v.weak \atmos, tk, mx, Lili Marlene, 2102 ID, ID in E, spelling, POB, hl.
4015,5 2107-2134* ROCK R. NETWORK, v.weak \atmos, rock, pops, 2134 ID and s/off
6310,0 2143-2150 R. TELSTAR SOUTH, back, R.Atlantis story, 2148 ID, \soon squeezed by ut's
6899,9L 2235-2245 BALTIC SEA R., \v.disturbing ut.QRM, La Bamba, IDs, Hippy shake, Paranoid, Red River rock
mx=music, tk=talk, D=Dutch, E=English, G=German, F=French, it.=Italian, rpt=report, v.=very,
e.=extremely w.=with, '=..ing, c'/d=closing down, M/W=man/woman, g'=greeting, ut=utility, SM=summer meeting ad
ID+@=ID+e-mail address, J=jingle, PLC=PowerLineComm'(noise), \=but, %=guess, hl=hotline
> =becoming/then, bb=boom-boom mx, bpm=beat per min, [ between sq. brackets : best fit ID, thanks quick logs ]
Please note that c'/d is a period from a few seconds to well more than an hour before the real switch off !
"Strength" notes (from e.weak to V.strong) are rather S/N notes by ear, not S-meter levels.
Again a long log (very long log for Sunday), all cross checked, hope I found all my typos.
* * * * * MON. 02 SEPT. 2013 * * * * *
6305,0 1616-1701 R. TELSTAR INT, \strong PLC at first, D songs, 1640 ID in D, 1654 g's, mx, rpts
6285,0 1620-1636* RMGP, \strong PLC at first, 1631 H.of the rising sun, 1634 ID
6295,1 1913-1922* PYTHON R., \noisy, tk over mx, QSO, 1921 ID+@, s/off at 19.21'58"
6295,1 *1923-1933* SLUWE VOS R., rep to Python, voice undermod, then mx overmod, g's Artem, ID, off
6285,0 1923-1940 UNID, v.weak\noisy, pops, mx, mx.. (1949 gone)
6295,1 *1934-1936 R. PYTHON, mx, rpt for Sluwe Vos, ID, mx
4026,0 1944-2148 LASER HOT HITS, \stanag 4024, mx, ID+@, hello Iann, tchac-boom, rock
6400,0 1953-2103 UNID, mx, deliberately distorted annts, ID no copy, gmail, 2051 \N.Korea QRM. [cf Y.SUBM.]
6287,0 2013-2019* RMGP, QSO ?, IDs, SRS Eisenach, 2016 On the road again, s/off 2018'55"
6287 u 2019-2038 RMGP, mx,rpt/g's,IDs,SRS, Like a rolling stone, Smoke on the water, Knocking at Heavens door
6210,0 2040-2137* R. TINA, e.weak\atmos, D mx, IDs, 2125 Man of action, 2136 c'/d
6210,0 2138-2140 RMGP, calling R.Tina, s/by, call again.
6294,9 2104-2129 RONEX R., e.weak\some PLC,deep fades, pops, 2115 ID+@, 2121 Knock on wood
6295,0 2141-2201 RONEX R., e.weak\some PLC +peaks, pops, IDs, D songs, polka
* * * * * TUES. 03 SEPT. 2013 * * * * *
6300,0 1649-1659 UNID, blank then raising mod very slowly, mx, D song. (1659 s/off?)
6284,9 1817-1913 R. GOUDENSTER, D song, IDs, g's, then 1820 mx,mx,mx
6300,0 1821-1828 UNID, e.weak \QRM SSTV-like, D songs (1834 gone)
6294,0 1822-1913 ODYNN R., "Hurricane", 1840 ID, CCR, No milk today, House of the rising sun, What's new Pussycat, Ike & Tina Turner, IDs
6305,0 1830-1857 MUSTANG R., v.strong but first ID no copy, parts of mx, some fades\utQRM, waltz, polka, 1856 ID
6425,3 1844-1935 DUTCHWING, \atmos, D/G songs, 1933 ID, c'/d annt, mx (1951 gone)
6985,0 1846-1846 UNID, e.weak \atmos, mx (1901 gone)
6300,0 1902-1907 UNID \PLC, France Gall"Poupée de cire poupée de son", D mx, accordion. [cf NACHTPIRAAT ]
6399,6 1914-1914 UNID, e.weak \het 6400, mx, polka. (1928 gone). - - - - [ cf RONALISA ]
6400,0 1915-2027 UNID, pop\QRM at first, 1928 single \atmos, deliberately distorted annts - - [cf Y.SUBM.]
6389,8v 1937-1947* UNID, quick drift to 6390,5 then around \PLC,atmos, mx, "Can't go home", suden off 1947'50"
6305,0 1952-1953* UNID, mx, and s/off.
6310,2v 1954-2001* UNID, \het, Boney M, drift to 6310,7 - 2001 No woman no cry, but s/off
6305,4 2003-2003 UNID, trace/e.weak, mx
6300,0 2003-2014* UNID, D mx, audio problem, audio on/off
6300,1 2028-2041* UNID, e.<v.weak\atmos, mx, tk by W, 2030 London calling, 2036 Big Ben, rock.
6295,0 2034-2035* UNID, mx, off. - - - - [ cf RONEX ]
6285,0 2042-2044* R. RONEX, mx, ID, g's to Xat, rpt to Radio....what? @hotmail.com, off
6285,0 *2044-2054 R. NACHTPIRAAT ?, \atmos, rep to Ronex, 80s instrum mx, polka.. - -[ or R. ANACONDA ?? ]
6285,0 2055-2056 R. RONEX again, ID+@, mx (JM.Jarre ?)
6285,05 2106-2106 UNID, tk (end ?) - - - - - - - - - - - - [ cf ETHERFREAK ]
6285,0 *2107-2119 R. RONEX again, JM.Jarre"Oxygene", tk in D (to Nachtpiraat?), polka, 2112 IDs in E+@, spelling..
4026,0 2119-2129 LASER HOT HITS \stanag 4024, mx, better on long loop, mx, ID
6285,05 2131-2132* UNID, e.weak \atmos, mx, then tk (ment' Dr Tim)
6285,0 2133-2136 RONEX R., ID+@, spelling, mx.. 2136 Knock on wood
6980,0 2138-2232* UNID, >strong \ut.QRM, mx, mx, mx, mx... and s/off.
* * * * * WED. 04 SEPT. 2013 * * * * *
6285,15 0715-0725* UNID, \PLC, D/G songs "Marina Marina", "Napoli" (titles?)
6300,0 1625-1647 UNID, e.weak at best \sp.traffic on 6300u, some mx heard at times. - - [ cf TINA ]
6295,0 1737-1855 R. TINA ?, e.weak \PLC, mx, tk, ment' of Python or Pluto, QSO ?, later D mx
6205,4 1743-2058 (TANGO), e.weak \PLC, ut.QRM..., non stop tango - - [identified days later as R. TANGO ITALIA ]
6210,4 2211-2300 (TANGO), same stn with non stop tango
6399,8 1904-1904 UNID, \atmos, other carrier 6399,9 - mx - - - - - - - - [ cf CAROLINE INT ]
6319,7 2008-2048 R. MAZDA, g's to Anaconda(?), mx, D songs, 2030 g's, clear ID (2058 gone)
4026,0 2024-2030 LASER HOT HITS, \stanag on 4024, was tk' about antenna, mx, ID, \occ.Morse QRM
6979,7 2038-2219 UNID, non stop rock etc.., 2145 Hendrix, Cream, Jefferson Airplane, 2230 Beach Boys
6284,7 2048-2218* R. RONEX, v.weak \PLC and atmos at times, pops, reggae, IDs+@, 2218 spelled ID
* * * * * THURS. 05 SEPT. 2013 * * * * *
6304,7 1612-1835 R. MERLIN INT, strong \sp.traffic 6300u, 60s and R&R hits, IDs, 1750 now 70s pops
6324,9 1740-1835 R. NORTON, weak \atmos, D songs, 1755 ID, g's, more D mx, 1827 blues, 1835 "Pop-corn"
6210,5 1742-2310 (TANGO), weak \atmos, loop stand by annt, 1814 non stop tango [IDed days later: TANGO ITALIA ]
6290,5 1808-1812 UNID, v.weak \atmos, N.Sinatra? "Jackson", ID no copy, J.Cash? (1819 gone) [cf SKYWIRE ]
6300,0 2008-2100 UNID, \much atmos, accordion, waltz tracks. 2033 \6302 het. - - [ cf GOLFBREKER ]
4026,0 2017-2255 LASER HOT HITS, v.weak \much atmos, 4024 stanag. mx, tk, some IDs, 2055 offshore story
6308,8 2025-2028 UNID, \much atmos, jerky frequency, mx, 2027 some tk, more mx.
6312,5v 2035-2101 UNID, drift up to 6313,9 then a bit down, mx, 2041 "Radio de la ..."?, mx, tk, mx (2125 gone)
6285 L 2256-2320 UNID, weak \atmos, crackling ut., This is ..., mx, short annts, 2319 H.California [ cf OVER 60°]
6283,5 1819 : one of the many traces "heard" [ cf ONDA CALIENTE, acc. to Dr Tim ]
* * * ** * FRI. 06 SEPT. 2013 * * * * *
6300,0 1456-1508 UNID, trace>e.weak mx. - - [ cf TINA or DEUTSCHER SOLDATENSENDER ?? ]
6324,9 1631-1656* UNID, D songs, sudden s/off - - - - - - [ cf NORTON ]
6247,5v 1633-1838 UNID, trace>e.weak \drift to 6248,5 -atmos, mx, 1824 classic horns, 1837 tk(no copy)
6745,3 1645-1708 PIONEER R., weak/fair \atmos, mx, 1654 ID+@ in E, 1708 QRM from numbers stn
3905,0 1709-2031 UNID, e.weak at first, soon \atmos. Let's go to S.Francisco, more 60s, also D mx [ cf SKYLINE INT]
6210,5 1839-2350* (TANGO), v.weak \PLC,atmos,occ.ut.? tango. 2350 Italian anthem [IDed days later: TANGO ITALIA ]
6295,0 *1846-2027 UNID-R. BARONES repeats, v.strong \so-so mod !(Baro does *much* better!), mx, Barones IDs but hl blanked, 1900 maybe the relay stn talking with Larsen, "39 years on the air" (was yesteryear?), more Barones clips
6264,0 1920-1920 UNID, v.weak \atmos, oriental (greek?) mx
4026,0 1921-2033 LASER HOT HITS, \4024 stanag, mx, tk, ID, repeat (wrong time check)
6400,0 1940-1952 R. CAROLINE-RAINBOW, \PLC,atmos, "Pirates for peace" talk, RAINBOW ID, Car. JIDs
6925,0 1953-2005 TRANS EUROPE R., good \atmos, mx, 2004 ID+@, more mx
6310,0 2026-2132 R. TELSTAR SOUTH, typ. tk+background mx, IDs, pops, TV themes...
6304,7 2007-2022 ARTEM relayed, Chinese? retro track, tk (ment' Artem), mx.. - - - -[ cf via MERLIN ]
6285,1 2043-2109 R. PYTHON, \PLC,atmos! mx, 2046 ID, mx, 2109 weak, fine instrum mx.
6289,9 2109-2109 UNID, e.weak > blank ?
6237,1 2117-2138 SLUWE VOS R. \atmos!,splash, hard to hear, mx, g's, IDs
6295,0 2347-2405 BORDERHUNTER R., strong, rock, C&W (J.Fogerty ann'd), 2401 ID, J.Cash, 2405 Tambourinman
6325,0 2128-2138 RONEX R., \noisy,atmos, mx, IDs
* * * * * SAT. 07 SEPT. 2013 * * * * *
4026,0 0635-0747 LASER HOT HITS, R.Caroline story, LHH IDs by Stewart Ross
6095,0 0802-0820 KBC, v.strong \fading, E.Rosko "Coast to coast country", mx, KBC ID.
6095,0 1235-1424 KBC, v.strong, IDs, KBC ad, 1325 "Satisfaction", "My babe", R&R...
6294,9 1407-1520 UNID, trace/e.weak, mx, tk (no copy), later \PLC,atmos - - - - [ cf PYTHON ]
6422,0 1425-1456* UNID, e.weak \atmos,CPL, mx, 1437 "Little shoemaker" in D, 1456'50" sudden off [ cf STUDIO 52 ]
6745,3 1438-1517 PINK PANTHER, v.weak \sticky PLC,atmos, Black Betty, ID, 1450 Born in the USA, 1516 ID
6310,0 1934-2125 R. TELSTAR SOUTH, \other stn 6310?, ID, offshore radio story, mx.
6210,5 1941-2300 (TANGO), tango, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -[IDed days later: TANGO ITALIA ]
6386 L 1943-1951 UNID, \traffic 6381u,atmos, mx - - - - - - - - [ cf OVER 60° ]
6387 L 1952-2000 UNID, \under ut., mx, 1956 ID (no copy) - - - - [ cf OVER 60° ]
6400,0 2000-2005 R. CAROLINE/RAINBOW, \PLC,atmos, IDs and mx
6423,5 2005-2022 UNID, some C&W, "Adios Mexico", Kansas, "All by myself", Elvis"All shook up" [ cf SWCH ]
6745,3 2024-2133 PINK PANTHER R., Boney M medley, ID+@, "Ring my bell", 2045 ID
3914,9 2046-2257 UNID, pops, D songs, instrum... - - - - - - - - - - [ cf ALICE ]
3905,05 2048-2258 TECHNISCHE MAN, song in G, 2054 ID, "Ring of fire" in D, 2106 Universal human rights, 2257 c'/d
6305,0 2129-2141 UNID, squeezed (6300 ut., Telstar S.), mx, C&W, jazz.. - - - - [ cf TRX ]
6295,0 2258-2305 UNID, blues, crooner. - - - - - - - - - - - - [ cf TRX ]
* * * * * SUN. 08 SEPT. 2013 * * * * *
6290,6 0629-0643 R. CAROLINE INT, weak \muffled, atmos, PLC. mx, JID, mx
6199,5 0632-0717 R. ORANG UTAN, weak \CPL,atmos. mx, IDs, rock, accordion, 0652 Shadows"Apache"
6005,0 0637-0640 R. BELARUS, in G, brass mx, ID in G (0702 news in G)
4026,0 0642-0643 LASER HOT HITS, v.weak, ID, repeat from a Friday night.
4026,0 1918-2141 LASER HOT HITS, mx, weather, a repeat with Mike Andrews, later \4024 stanag
6300,0 0653-0815 UNID, v.weak \traffic 6301u, synthe,polka,C&W... 0704,0755 IDs(no copy), 0813 \PLC! [ cf WALDM. ]
6284,8 0759-0915 R. GOUDENSTER, e./v.weak, mix of mx, 0837 ID~, 0912 fine mx patchwork, 0913 ID
6260,05 0802-0842 R. THUNDERBIRD, e.weak \ut. bursts, mx, 0807 IDs, 0838 "Moonlight shadow", still at 0900 ??
6260 a 0901-0909 UNID, \fading, 0901 rock,DJ, organ, 0906 on 6259,5 then Booker T. [ cf CWR rep.to THUND. ]
6240,0 0811-0811 UNID, pop song - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [ cf CASANOVA ]
6304,8 0820-1718 R. MERLIN INT, strong peaks, pops-rock-reggae, 0830,1040 IDs, 1717 J.Frost
6324,9 0824-0954 UNID, \PLC at times, D songs. - - - - - - - - [ cf NORTON ]
6215,0 0842-0924 R. NORTH POLE INT, \loc.noise, Gainsbourg-Birkin, I&T.Turner, 0848 ID,g's,"Venus", etc
6205,0 0847-0849* UNID, mx, blank and s/off. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [ cf R. SCOTLAND ]
6200,0 0847-0924 UNID, accordion, 0852 Radetski march, 0919 waltz. - - - - [ cf TECHNICAL MAN ]
6200,0 1020-1114* TECHNICAL MAN, disco, G/D songs, 1101 Belgian French song, 1113 ID
6239,25 0857-1018 UNID, e.weak \u-mod,PLC : mx, nrs in E+G, tk in G?, 1014 Friday on my mind [ cf LIKEDEELER]
6205,1 0920-0924* R.S.I., strong, tk in G, instrum background mx, ID in E, "c'/d again"
6095,0 0933-0933 KBC, Trucker Radio, C&W rock, ID
6374,8 0938-0944 UNID, e.weak \PLC,fax, tk, JM.Jarre mx - - - - - - - - [ cf RONALISA ]
6375,5 0943-0947* UNID, e.weak \het, tk in D, 0945 " -- -- Radio"
6290,0 0956-1124 BORDERHUNTER, D mix, D tk, 1002 Roll over Beethoven", 1004 ID, ment' Grensjager, 1025 Final countdown, 1030 ID, "Should I stay.., 1123 KISS, then "London calling"
6210,0 1037-1313 UNID, e.weak \under PLC, mx, tk, 1118 "20 W" ?, 1310 other carrier - - [ cf ROZ ]
6324,5 1130-1139 trace, seems modulated, 1139 lost - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [ cf UNID heard by DrTim ]
6246,0v 1140-1220* R. UNDERGROUND, drift to 6245,5 : mx, tk, IDs. 1207 some "gigouillette"
6200,0 1222-1222 UNID, e.weak, mx - - - - - - - - [ cf STARDYNN ?? ]
6200,5v 1225-1225 UNID, mx, QSY to 6200,2 then to 6200,0 - - - - - - - -[ cf SLUWE VOS ? ]
6290,0 1227-1314 UNID, barrel organ, Crunchy Granola, Moricone?, rock, Brand new Cadillac. [ cf STARDYNN ]
6210,0 1559-1838 UNID, e.>v.weak, pops, (1642 see UNID below) 1714 "Lady Marmelade" later \atmos. [ cf ROZ ?]
6210,0 1642-1646 UNID, strong \bad audio, 2nd carrier quite close, maybe a different station
6324,9 1617-1716 UNID, accordion, D songs, up to fair/good \atmos. - - - - - - [ cf NORTON ]
6402,1 1620-1627* BAKEN 16, tk over mx, ment' several D stns, 1625 ID, bye-bye, Cucaracha JID
6397,5 1627-1633* R. ZEEWOLF ?, e.weak \atmos, rep to Baken16, ID not v.clear
6402,6 1634-1636* UNID, e.weak, mx, tk over "Caroline" song
6425,7 1637-1640 UNID, fair \atmos growing, "Still loving you" - - - - - - - - [ cf SALLANDSE B. ?]
6240,0 1650-1721 R. TINA ?, e.weak \atmos, mx, IDs(no copy) ..auf KW, gmail
6279,9 1718-1724 TOP R., v.weak \atmos, Final countdown, 1722 jingles, ID, mx
6267,6 1720-1728 R. TITANIC, mx, tk, g's to stns, ID in E, bye-bye, "Caroline"
6319,6 1816-1925 UNID, D songs, 1853 "Caramba caraco"(?title), 1903 BZN, 1924"Caroline, [cf MAZDA ]
6310,0 1819-1932 R. TELSTAR SOUTH, Beatles, JID, typ. voice, Caroline story (other voice), 1847 short break
6215,5 1827-1946 (TANGO), \atmos, tango - - - - - - [IDed days later: TANGO ITALIA ]
6210,5 2054-2234 (TANGO), tango, non stop - - - - - - [IDed days later: TANGO ITALIA ]
6240,0 1832-1944 R. MUSTANG, strong, tchacboom, 1930 trapped at 170bpm, ID, said c'/d
6305,1 1842-1906 UNID, v.weak \ut.6300, Telstar splash, rock, 1853 Kinks, KISS, 1906 "Lola" - -[ cf MERLIN ? ]
6399,9 1911-1935 R. GOOFY, trapped at 170 bpm, singing dogs, IDs no copy, mx, 1935 ID copied at last
6204,9 1928-1945 SLUWE VOS R., mx, ID+@, mx.. 1945 "Camouflage"
6980,1 1936-1942 UNID, rock.
6325,0 2048-2125 UNID + UNID, beating, one said "test", both : D songs, 2125 brass mx
3904,8 2056-2106 LIKEDEELER, v.weak \atmos, tk, mx, Lili Marlene, 2102 ID, ID in E, spelling, POB, hl.
4015,5 2107-2134* ROCK R. NETWORK, v.weak \atmos, rock, pops, 2134 ID and s/off
6310,0 2143-2150 R. TELSTAR SOUTH, back, R.Atlantis story, 2148 ID, \soon squeezed by ut's
6899,9L 2235-2245 BALTIC SEA R., \v.disturbing ut.QRM, La Bamba, IDs, Hippy shake, Paranoid, Red River rock
mx=music, tk=talk, D=Dutch, E=English, G=German, F=French, it.=Italian, rpt=report, v.=very,
e.=extremely w.=with, '=..ing, c'/d=closing down, M/W=man/woman, g'=greeting, ut=utility, SM=summer meeting ad
ID+@=ID+e-mail address, J=jingle, PLC=PowerLineComm'(noise), \=but, %=guess, hl=hotline
> =becoming/then, bb=boom-boom mx, bpm=beat per min, [ between sq. brackets : best fit ID, thanks quick logs ]
Please note that c'/d is a period from a few seconds to well more than an hour before the real switch off !
"Strength" notes (from e.weak to V.strong) are rather S/N notes by ear, not S-meter levels.