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Logs from South-West of France - October 11 to 13

Posted: Mon Oct 14, 2013 09:04 am
by Toutatis
Hi to all,

Very good propagation this weekend.
Lots of European pirates on the air, and 2 US stations received.

Friday 11th October

3905 1928 45444 Skyline Int. Radio
4026 1946 45343 Laser Hot Hits - DX programme
6210 1725 44444 Radio Tango Italia
6240 2014 54544 Radio Mustang
6285 1739 45433 Radio Tina
6290 1916 45433 Odynn Radio
6305 1750 44444 Paardenkracht
6310 1720 45544 Radio Telstar South
6434 2040 44444 Radio Black Arrow
6747 1745 44444 Radio Pioneer

Saturday 12th October

3905 1901 45544 Radio Alice
4026 1919 45444 Laser Hot Hits
6095 1216 55545 The Mighty KBC - via Media Broadcast - 1500 : end
6210 1544 45444 Radio Tango Italia
6238 1630 44444 Big Podcast Radio
6255 1847 45544 Radio Technical Man
6285 1451 35433 Grutte Pier
6300 1534 43443 Radio Merlin Int.
6305 1550 45544 Paardenkracht
6310 1947 55545 Radio Telstar South
6325 1940 45444 Radio Norton
6796 1421 45433 Radio Pink Panther
21510 1555 24533 Pirate Radio Boston - USA - 1627 : end

Sunday 13th October

3905 1738 45544 Skyline Int. Radio - test
3985 0809 35333 Atlantic 2000 Int. - via Radio 700 - Kall-Krekel (D) - // 6005 and 7310 kHz
4026 1905 45444 Laser Hot Hits
6005 0807 45544 Atlantic 2000 Int. - via Radio 700 - Kall-Krekel - 0900 : end
6095 0935 55545 The Mighty KBC - via Media Broadcast
6200 1022 25422 Radio Orang Utan
6205 0705 55545 Radio Borderhunter
6205 1332 44433 Radio Borderhunter
6210 0909 45433 Radio ACDC
6210 1237 35433 Artem's World Music
6210 1707 45544 Radio Tango Italia
6240 1613 44444 Radio Casanova
6245 1625 34433 Radio Tina
6250 0723 44544 Radio Technical Man
6265 0956 35322 Radio Waves Int.
6280 1622 45444 Top Radio
6282 1655 54544 Radio Borderhunter
6285 0716 45544 Radio Underground
6285 0939 45444 Bogusman
6290 1631 44444 Radio Digitaal
6298 1315 35333 Telstar Radio
6310 1723 45444 Radio Telstar South
6325 1635 45444 Radio Norton
6330 1321 35322 Unid
6423 0921 34433 Radio Lowland
6540 1045 25422 Free Radio Victoria
6796 1039 24422 Radio Pink Panther
6910 1951 44433 Premier Radio International - Ireland
6975 1702 24422 Radio Ronalisa
6981 1230 34433 Unid
7310 0800 45444 Atlantic 2000 Int. - via Radio 700 - Kall-Krekel - // 3985 and 6005 kHz
9905 1255 44444 Baltic Sea Radio - LSB
13605 2027 24432 WAZU - US pirate

Good listening.