Logs : 1 - 7 July 2013
Posted: Mon Sep 23, 2013 21:46 pm
Fist a word about a missed 40th anniversary :
a friend of mine would like to hear a story of Radio Seagull, from the Mi Amigo, in 1973-1974.
Now for the logs, still a lot nor seen (almost) elsewhere :
* * * * * MON. 01 JULY 2013 * * * * *
6070,0 0635-0818 R. 6150 %, v.>e.weak \PLC, Adamo, Radio -- --, (also 1349)
6070,0 1646-2033 R. 6150 %, f'/up, RNI tape with muffled sound "channel 44 on FM, 6205..."
6720 L 1655,1707 UNID, e.weak \atmos, mx from S.E. Europe ?
6285,1 1717-1725 UNID, v.weak \atmos, instrum mx
6735 L 1824-1844 UNID, weak, on/off stn, on/off audio \atmos, occ.ut. mx, tk, 1837 op sings over, 1839 ..the voice of the big band .. this is the jamming(?) .. pump up the volume .. (or from a track ?). 1840 ..XM.., then blanks
4026,0 1852-2054 UNID, v.weak \RTTY on 4024,5 and loc.noise, later atmos. mx and tk, no details. [ cf LHH ]
6290,5 1902-1915* R. SKYWIRE, weak \atmos, mx, then low mod, 1915 mx, ID, "from the NL", and s/off
6710 L 1921-1921 UNID, Greek mx, someone talking over.
3904,7 2034-2107 R. ALICE, \atmos, R&R, unclear IDs till 2046, good later, Lili Marlene mixed with River Kwai
* * * * * TUES. 02 JULY 2013 * * * * *
6070,0 0640-0827 R. 6150 %, v>e.weak \QRM (Canada back??), mx, tk, then much fading.
6070,0 1714-1843 R. 6150 %, \atmos, pops, 1807 ID as "Offshore History Radio on 6-zero-7-zero SW"
6285,0 1040-1054 UNID, e.weak \loc.noise, D songs, waltz. [ cf OSAKA ]
6300,5 1658-1701 UNID, e.weak \PLC,atmos. Then lost.
6269,9 1703-1714 R.MERLIN INT, weak \atmos. mx, ID, JID.
6260,0 1706-2242 SUMMERFEST R., v.weak\atmos > strong, mx, tk, 1858 first good ID, 1900 "87.9 FM", news, "Africa", "Sweet home Alabama", then \F fishers on 6262 USB, pops, promos, 1950 beating (with CVC ?), later pops and iDs, but bad fading. [ prob. relay via SW GOLD ]
4026,0 1922-2156 LASER HOT HITS, v/weak, then \bad ut.QRM, 2156 repeat from 26 of May.
6979,6 2114-2244 R. NORTHSEA INT, first messing with nonstop mx, 2158 \hum, story of RNI, 2222 the last hour, interview, memories... disturbed by hum, and mushy carrier.
* * * * * WED. 03 JULY 2013 * * * * *
6070,0 0637-0638 R. 6150 %, v.weak \fading, loc.noise, splash from 6160. RNI tape, D programme
6260,0 0639,0815 SUMMERFEST R., 0639 ID \noisy, 0815 weak, ID
6260,0 1634-2115 SUMMERFEST R., pops, tk, IDs, local ads with phone nr, after 20h : 60s pops. (still on at 2456)
6269,8 1636-1727 UNID, fair+peaks \sticky PLC, 60s pops, R&R. (1805 gone) [ cf R. MERLIN INT ]
6285,0 1650-1725 UNID, e.weak \sticky PLC, mx heard on the peaks [ cf TINA ]
6299,5 1719-1724* R.O.E. ??, v.weak \PLC, Oxygene, "R.O.E., this is R.O.E., SW", ..your radio golf(?).. ID again, off
6305,1 1807-2104* SLAY R. via Python, \PLC at first, fluent E, mx, 1836 US anthem, 1845 tronic, 1904 FM mx, techno, synthe, DJ with fancy sounds, 20.37 "N word nothing in Swedish", 2103 IDs, blank and s/off.
6295,0 1830-1912* MUSTANG R., fair>strong, 60s/70s pops, 1839 tk in D, 1847 "Fire", 1905 pops and IDs
6295,0 1913-1913* UNID, v.weak, report for Mustang.
6980,1 1849-2118 ROCK R. NETWORK %, good peaks \occ.traffic, rock, rock roots?, slow drift to 6980,3
4026,0 1927-2048 LASER HOT HITS, weak \loc.noise, mx, tk, ID, W tk about TV3, TV4, Tara TV.
3905,0 1930-2000 UNID, trace, drowned in local noise, e.weak mx heard at times. [ cf ACTIVITY ]
6210,0 2011-2045 RAMM R., weak \noisy, strong mod., G rock, tk in E (and G ?), 2028 clear ID in E [v. SLUWE V.]
6296,2 2058-2113 UNID, light mod, Grocer Jack, Tainted love, live rock, soft rock. [ cf POLARIS ]
6920,9 2444-2506 UNID, v.weak \traffic, atmos, mx, 2452 ID?, maybe from Brasil ?
* * * * * THURS. 04 JULY 2013 * * * * *
6260,0 0626-0627* UNID, mx and switch off. Maybe the Summerfest R. relay was on all the night.
6070,0 0630-0830 R.6150 %, weak>v.weak \strong splash from 6060. rock, 0829 Jefferson Airplane.
6070,0 1503-1538 R.6150 %, \much loc.noise, mx, prob. RNI tape. (also 2139 : utility on 6068,4 ! )
6285,0 1043-1055 UNID, e.weak, D songs. [ cf OSAKA ]
6295,0 1320-1400 R. OSAKA ?, e.weak, short peaks, D mx, accordion, 1357 bip bip!
6295,0 1447-1452 UNID + UNID, both e.weak \much noise around, no details. [ cf TINA and ? ]
6260,0 1458-2138 SUMMERFEST R., fair \odd fades, mx, 1500 news, IDs, 1901 news, weather rpt, "Classic Hits", 2023 local ad with phone nr, etc... (also 2412 : strong \fast fading or beating with other station ?)
6745,25 1523-1556 UNID, \slow fading, D songs(brass, C&W, pop, kind of Barbie girl...) [ cf PIONEER ]
6730 L 1540-1542 UNID, Greek mx, then traces of traffic.
6735 L 1711-1815 R. ECHO ONE, \strong sticky PLC, mx, many IDs, IDs+@, about 1 hour loop.
6735 L 2035-2039 R. ECHO ONE, repeat, You can leave your hat on, etc... IDs
4026,0 1820-2126 LASER HOT HITS, \noisy, usual format
6300,0 1829-1913 ODYNN R., weak \noisy, I&T.Turner, A.Stewart, tk over mx, 1849 ID, g's Poema, Echo 1, rock
6269,8 2021-2042 R. MERLIN INT, good, "Caroline", "Dancing in the street", ID, S.Davis Group...
6209,9 2024-2043 SLUWE VOS R., ID+@, testing mike, mx
3905,0 2048-2105* UNID, e.weak\atmos, "1-2", op? sings, W singers, tnx Franco [ cf U-BOAT 66 ?? ]
3940,0 2108-2126 R. ACTIVITY, upper side better but QRM from overpowered 3955. tk, mx, 2118 ID, g's...
* * * ** * FRI. 05 JULY 2013 * * * * *
6734,9u 0628-0712* COOL AM R., \6739u "letters"QRM, instrum mx, annt, boogie, ID+@, instrum, IDs, 42' loop
6070,0 0715-0747 R. 6150 %, v.weak \fading, programme from RNI on 48 meters
6285,0 1204,1217 UNID, 1204 : e.weak \irr.loc.noise. mx, 1217 : trace
6274,2 1208,1218 UNID, 1208 : trace with some mod, \irr.loc.noise. 1218 : trace
6745,3 1213-1214 UNID, drowned under 6745,6 ut.
6745,3 1714-1717 UNID, v.weak \PLC, Scorpions [cf PIONEER ]
6745,3 1953-2356 UNID, strong peaks > strong. mx, 2144 Walk like an Egyptian, 2233 reggae [cf PIONEER ]
6260,0 1511-2215 SUMMERFEST R., \PLC at first, mx, IDs, ads with phone nr, news on the hour then weather rpt
6295,0 1529-1544 UNID, e.weak, mx, tk over CCR"Bad moon, "Down the corner. later: drowned [ cf ODYNN ]
6324,8 1648-1841 UNID, mx, 1813 W singers: in E, in G, "Dust in the wind" reprise. (1903 gone) [ cf NORTON ]
6295,0 1707-1812* R. TINA, e.weak, Twist again, accordion, ID no copy, Baby come back, 1803 again Baby come back, again Twist again ! 1808 Wooly Bully, ID over that, 1810 Georges Moustaki? in German "cigarette" song
6305,0 1815-1930 UNID, e.weak \ut.noise, later \PLC. IDs+gmail.com, name: Delta? R.Tina? R.Intermedo? Premier R. Int?, 1829 and 1906 J.Cash?"Yeepee I-0"(?), later many IDs+@, no copy!
6295,5 1850-1853 UNID, messing with D song, then G song. [ cf LOWLAND in QSO ]
6295,5 1914-1916* UNID, mx, live ID "-- -- on 6-2-9-5 kcs" and switch off. [ cf LOWLAND in QSO ]
6285,0 1854-1925* R.Z. BOOMERANG, strong, euro and D mx, ID in D+E, tnx, mx...
6295,0 1926,1933* UNID, strong, mx. [ cf SCOTLAND ]
6295,5 *1934-1936* UNID, mx, ment' Boomerang. [ cf LOWLAND ]
6299,3 1931-1942* UNID, trace > e.weak mx at 1940 (v.low mod)
6735u 1944-2011 COOL AM, \splashes from 6745, mx, IDs+@
6980,0 1954-2232 ROCK R. NETWORK, good peaks \bit of downdrift,traffic. "Who are you", rock, C&W, 2125 ID
4026,0 2016-2130 LASER HOT HITS, mx, tk, g's>Guernsey, 2128 ID+@
6292,2 2025-2101 BLACK ARROW, strong peaks, mx, IDs, 2054 Nena"99.., c'/d, Barracuda.. (2104 gone)
6282,0 2033-2042 UNID, was blank on 6285, 2033 mx, "hammer" mod, blanks, 2042 : to 6280
6240,1 2043-2135* CAROLINE-RAINBOW, weak \atmos, 6237,5: strong RTTY. 2047 ID Cocoo ??, long talk hard to listen to, about China. 2108 ID?(under ut.), 2124 ID at last, Rainbow @.
6299,3 2056-2112 R. UNDERGROUND, warm up drift > 6299,5, W singers, 2105 g's, ID
6305,9 2102-2213* ODYNN R., ID, mx, Call me, rock, reggae, Down on the corner, Smoke on the water, My Sharona, Silver machine, 2209 ID, c'/d, contacts, nat. anthem
6287,05 2136-2200 R. UNDERGROUND, Under the moon of love, drift 6286,8 , ID, rpt, ID...
6300,0 2137-2157 UNID, 60s pop, mx, C&W, "Witch doctor"
6300,0 2201-2203 UNID, 60s mx [ cf TRX ]
6300,0 2206-2221 UNID, Jonny B.Goode, Lucille, C&W-yodl. [ cf TRX ]
6207,2 2216-2229 R. CAROLINE-RAINBOW, hotmail, mx, ID, mx, 2223 ID, @ from Rainbow, ID (part in F) \traffic
6300,0 2400-2420* UNID, \noisy,atmos, mx, again a different name at each ID-annt ! (see 6305 at 1815)
* * * * * SAT. 06 JULY 2013 * * * * *
6260,0 0646-0828 SUMMERFEST R., strong \fading, mx, IDs, 0826 Bette Davis eyes. (also 1242-1437 v.weak)
6260,0 2030-2232 SUMMERFEST R., mx, My Sharona, Working in a coal mine, She's not there, 2232 ID
6070,0 0648-0829 R. 6150 %, weak\loc.noise > e.weak, R.Nordsee in D, later in E, 0829 Dalida "Gigi l'amoroso"
7265,0 0734-0737 HAMBURG LOKAL R. %, weak/v.weak in AM-USB, jazz, then M+W tk programme in G
6190,0 0804-0804 HAMBURG LOKAL R. %, v.weak, same M+W still talking
7310,0 0737-0740 R. 700, fair/good, pops, jingle "sieben hundert", G song. (also 0804)
6095,0 0801-0825 KBC, v.strong \fading > powerful, Emperor Rosko with C&W
6299,8 1215-1218* UNID, strong peaks, "Hocus pocus", then blank and switch off
6285,0 1219-1247 UNID, weak/v.weak, D mx, 1242 pops. [ cf OSAKA ]
6299,5 1418-1455 UNID, swamped by PLC noise, then het with 6300, 1442 pops, 1448 Trains and boats and planes(? in a slow version), no DJ. (1459 gone ?) [ cf GROENTEBOERTJES ? ]
6300,0 1427-1446 UNID, pop medley ? Shadows medley, end around 1451 (or QSY to 6295?) [ cf NORTHPOLE ]
6295,0 1453-1458 R. NORTH POLE, \deep fading, guitar, ID, ann' 6295 kcs .. ID, g's to DrTim, etc.. (1508 gone)
6323,6 1459-1515 UNID, \deep fading, mx, 1504 "La maison de Nicolas", 1507 tk (no copy), 1513 R&R "Let's have a party tonight" [ cf GROENTEBOERTJES ]
6199,9 1509-1512 UNID, tac-boom mx, op saying "allo" and messing with mod level. [ cf TECHNICAL MAN ]
6324,8 2000-2142 R. NORTON, strong, non stop rock and pop, 2126 G song, 2134 ID over Mireille Matthieu(?)
6299,3 2010-2013* UNID, \het with 6299,8. mx, switch off. [ cf ZEEWOLF ]
6299,8 2010-2024 UNID, v.weak, \het, PLC. mx, tk, ann' yera 1973, 1971... 2021 ID? \traffic. [ cf MORNING STAR ]
6285,05 2026-2138 BOGUSMAN, up to strong, mx, tk, 'IDs' : Bogusman is here.
6240,1 2030-2133 MUSTANG R., \occ. ut bursts. synthe and rock mx, 2131 ID+@, bye-bye
6924,8 2040-2055 STATION QRP, \atmos, C&W, pops, IDs+@
6305,0 2057-2128 UNID, strong, C&W, pops, testing ?, 2129 moving hets, [ cf NACHTPIRAAT, but till when ?? ]
6305,0 2130-2233 UNID, strong, C&W, folk mx, blues... [ cf TRX, but from when ?? ]
3904,8 2113-2240 R. ALICE, pop, rock, C&W... 2122 ID
4026,0 2117-2236 LASER HOT HITS, \some loc.noise and atmos. usual format.
6401,3 2143-2234 R. TESLA, e.weak \6400 het, 6404 RTTY. test loop with mx (incl' J.Cash), ID+@ for reports (verified by e-mail, it's a stn from E. Europe with a one-tube TX)
6450,5 2154-2217 UNID, strong, Sat.night boom-boom, some audio problems? 2217 KISS. [ cf READYMIX ]
* * * * * SUN. 07 JULY 2013 * * * * *
6322,0 0633,0640 UNID, 0633 blank? \ut, 0640 mx
6260,0 0635-0805 SUMMERFEST R., mx, ID, ad, etc..
6260,0 1617-2120 SW GOLD, mx, IDs at 1623 and 2019.
6210,0 0636-0639 R. BORDERHUNTER, weak, clear, mx, then ID+POB, 15th anniv., "We listen now to Technical Man"
6210,0 0713-0805 TECHNICAL MAN, mx, D mx, 0805 ID, tnx rpt from Granada, ID
6295,4 0716-0810 UNID, \under bad ut. noise, mx, rock, 0726 "Radio gaga", 0736 "I'll be there" [ cf LOWLAND ]
6095,0 *0800-0803 KBC-TRUCKER R., powerful, s/on for a 2h show, C&W rock.
6977,6 1854-1857 UNID, \het from 6975,1, traffic. mx, 60s pop. 1857 QSY and disappear.
6300,0 1901-1947 MUSTANG R., strong, pop-rock, 1910 ID+@, later reports, g's....
6285,2 1904-1955 R. MORNING STAR, v.weak \atmos, some drift around, pop-rock, IDs(clear after 1930)
6070,0 1938-1938 R. 6150 %, D song and talk, prob. RNI tape.
6300,5 1956-2000 UNID, weak \atmos, .. good night!, part of "Daddy cool", other tracks. (2016 gone)
6401,2 2020-2230 R. TESLA, e.weak \het 6404, atmos. mx, many IDs+@, then almost a trace and 6400 het.
3932,1 2047-2119 MRF R., e.weak, mx, off around 2055, 2100 back, Mungo J."..summertime", IDs+@
3905,0 2049-2100 R. ACTIVITY, e.weak, D mx, 2053 ID
4026,0 2111-2116 LASER HOT HITS, \fading, atmos. mx "The rhythm of the night", tk, Laser .. archive ..
mx=music, tk=talk, D=Dutch, E=English, G=German, F=French, it.=Italian, rpt=report, v.=very,
e.=extremely w.=with, '=..ing, c'/d=closing down, M/W=man/woman, g'=greeting, ut=utility, SM=summer meeting ad
ID+@=ID+e-mail address, J=jingle, PLC=PowerLineComm'(noise), \=but, %=guess, hl=hotline
> =becoming/then, bb=boom-boom mx, bpm=beat per min, [ between sq. brackets : best fit ID, thanks quick logs ]
Please note that c'/d is a period from a few seconds to well more than an hour before the real switch off !
"Strength" notes (from e.weak to V.strong) are rather S/N notes by ear, not S-meter levels.
Fist a word about a missed 40th anniversary :
a friend of mine would like to hear a story of Radio Seagull, from the Mi Amigo, in 1973-1974.
Now for the logs, still a lot nor seen (almost) elsewhere :
* * * * * MON. 01 JULY 2013 * * * * *
6070,0 0635-0818 R. 6150 %, v.>e.weak \PLC, Adamo, Radio -- --, (also 1349)
6070,0 1646-2033 R. 6150 %, f'/up, RNI tape with muffled sound "channel 44 on FM, 6205..."
6720 L 1655,1707 UNID, e.weak \atmos, mx from S.E. Europe ?
6285,1 1717-1725 UNID, v.weak \atmos, instrum mx
6735 L 1824-1844 UNID, weak, on/off stn, on/off audio \atmos, occ.ut. mx, tk, 1837 op sings over, 1839 ..the voice of the big band .. this is the jamming(?) .. pump up the volume .. (or from a track ?). 1840 ..XM.., then blanks
4026,0 1852-2054 UNID, v.weak \RTTY on 4024,5 and loc.noise, later atmos. mx and tk, no details. [ cf LHH ]
6290,5 1902-1915* R. SKYWIRE, weak \atmos, mx, then low mod, 1915 mx, ID, "from the NL", and s/off
6710 L 1921-1921 UNID, Greek mx, someone talking over.
3904,7 2034-2107 R. ALICE, \atmos, R&R, unclear IDs till 2046, good later, Lili Marlene mixed with River Kwai
* * * * * TUES. 02 JULY 2013 * * * * *
6070,0 0640-0827 R. 6150 %, v>e.weak \QRM (Canada back??), mx, tk, then much fading.
6070,0 1714-1843 R. 6150 %, \atmos, pops, 1807 ID as "Offshore History Radio on 6-zero-7-zero SW"
6285,0 1040-1054 UNID, e.weak \loc.noise, D songs, waltz. [ cf OSAKA ]
6300,5 1658-1701 UNID, e.weak \PLC,atmos. Then lost.
6269,9 1703-1714 R.MERLIN INT, weak \atmos. mx, ID, JID.
6260,0 1706-2242 SUMMERFEST R., v.weak\atmos > strong, mx, tk, 1858 first good ID, 1900 "87.9 FM", news, "Africa", "Sweet home Alabama", then \F fishers on 6262 USB, pops, promos, 1950 beating (with CVC ?), later pops and iDs, but bad fading. [ prob. relay via SW GOLD ]
4026,0 1922-2156 LASER HOT HITS, v/weak, then \bad ut.QRM, 2156 repeat from 26 of May.
6979,6 2114-2244 R. NORTHSEA INT, first messing with nonstop mx, 2158 \hum, story of RNI, 2222 the last hour, interview, memories... disturbed by hum, and mushy carrier.
* * * * * WED. 03 JULY 2013 * * * * *
6070,0 0637-0638 R. 6150 %, v.weak \fading, loc.noise, splash from 6160. RNI tape, D programme
6260,0 0639,0815 SUMMERFEST R., 0639 ID \noisy, 0815 weak, ID
6260,0 1634-2115 SUMMERFEST R., pops, tk, IDs, local ads with phone nr, after 20h : 60s pops. (still on at 2456)
6269,8 1636-1727 UNID, fair+peaks \sticky PLC, 60s pops, R&R. (1805 gone) [ cf R. MERLIN INT ]
6285,0 1650-1725 UNID, e.weak \sticky PLC, mx heard on the peaks [ cf TINA ]
6299,5 1719-1724* R.O.E. ??, v.weak \PLC, Oxygene, "R.O.E., this is R.O.E., SW", ..your radio golf(?).. ID again, off
6305,1 1807-2104* SLAY R. via Python, \PLC at first, fluent E, mx, 1836 US anthem, 1845 tronic, 1904 FM mx, techno, synthe, DJ with fancy sounds, 20.37 "N word nothing in Swedish", 2103 IDs, blank and s/off.
6295,0 1830-1912* MUSTANG R., fair>strong, 60s/70s pops, 1839 tk in D, 1847 "Fire", 1905 pops and IDs
6295,0 1913-1913* UNID, v.weak, report for Mustang.
6980,1 1849-2118 ROCK R. NETWORK %, good peaks \occ.traffic, rock, rock roots?, slow drift to 6980,3
4026,0 1927-2048 LASER HOT HITS, weak \loc.noise, mx, tk, ID, W tk about TV3, TV4, Tara TV.
3905,0 1930-2000 UNID, trace, drowned in local noise, e.weak mx heard at times. [ cf ACTIVITY ]
6210,0 2011-2045 RAMM R., weak \noisy, strong mod., G rock, tk in E (and G ?), 2028 clear ID in E [v. SLUWE V.]
6296,2 2058-2113 UNID, light mod, Grocer Jack, Tainted love, live rock, soft rock. [ cf POLARIS ]
6920,9 2444-2506 UNID, v.weak \traffic, atmos, mx, 2452 ID?, maybe from Brasil ?
* * * * * THURS. 04 JULY 2013 * * * * *
6260,0 0626-0627* UNID, mx and switch off. Maybe the Summerfest R. relay was on all the night.
6070,0 0630-0830 R.6150 %, weak>v.weak \strong splash from 6060. rock, 0829 Jefferson Airplane.
6070,0 1503-1538 R.6150 %, \much loc.noise, mx, prob. RNI tape. (also 2139 : utility on 6068,4 ! )
6285,0 1043-1055 UNID, e.weak, D songs. [ cf OSAKA ]
6295,0 1320-1400 R. OSAKA ?, e.weak, short peaks, D mx, accordion, 1357 bip bip!
6295,0 1447-1452 UNID + UNID, both e.weak \much noise around, no details. [ cf TINA and ? ]
6260,0 1458-2138 SUMMERFEST R., fair \odd fades, mx, 1500 news, IDs, 1901 news, weather rpt, "Classic Hits", 2023 local ad with phone nr, etc... (also 2412 : strong \fast fading or beating with other station ?)
6745,25 1523-1556 UNID, \slow fading, D songs(brass, C&W, pop, kind of Barbie girl...) [ cf PIONEER ]
6730 L 1540-1542 UNID, Greek mx, then traces of traffic.
6735 L 1711-1815 R. ECHO ONE, \strong sticky PLC, mx, many IDs, IDs+@, about 1 hour loop.
6735 L 2035-2039 R. ECHO ONE, repeat, You can leave your hat on, etc... IDs
4026,0 1820-2126 LASER HOT HITS, \noisy, usual format
6300,0 1829-1913 ODYNN R., weak \noisy, I&T.Turner, A.Stewart, tk over mx, 1849 ID, g's Poema, Echo 1, rock
6269,8 2021-2042 R. MERLIN INT, good, "Caroline", "Dancing in the street", ID, S.Davis Group...
6209,9 2024-2043 SLUWE VOS R., ID+@, testing mike, mx
3905,0 2048-2105* UNID, e.weak\atmos, "1-2", op? sings, W singers, tnx Franco [ cf U-BOAT 66 ?? ]
3940,0 2108-2126 R. ACTIVITY, upper side better but QRM from overpowered 3955. tk, mx, 2118 ID, g's...
* * * ** * FRI. 05 JULY 2013 * * * * *
6734,9u 0628-0712* COOL AM R., \6739u "letters"QRM, instrum mx, annt, boogie, ID+@, instrum, IDs, 42' loop
6070,0 0715-0747 R. 6150 %, v.weak \fading, programme from RNI on 48 meters
6285,0 1204,1217 UNID, 1204 : e.weak \irr.loc.noise. mx, 1217 : trace
6274,2 1208,1218 UNID, 1208 : trace with some mod, \irr.loc.noise. 1218 : trace
6745,3 1213-1214 UNID, drowned under 6745,6 ut.
6745,3 1714-1717 UNID, v.weak \PLC, Scorpions [cf PIONEER ]
6745,3 1953-2356 UNID, strong peaks > strong. mx, 2144 Walk like an Egyptian, 2233 reggae [cf PIONEER ]
6260,0 1511-2215 SUMMERFEST R., \PLC at first, mx, IDs, ads with phone nr, news on the hour then weather rpt
6295,0 1529-1544 UNID, e.weak, mx, tk over CCR"Bad moon, "Down the corner. later: drowned [ cf ODYNN ]
6324,8 1648-1841 UNID, mx, 1813 W singers: in E, in G, "Dust in the wind" reprise. (1903 gone) [ cf NORTON ]
6295,0 1707-1812* R. TINA, e.weak, Twist again, accordion, ID no copy, Baby come back, 1803 again Baby come back, again Twist again ! 1808 Wooly Bully, ID over that, 1810 Georges Moustaki? in German "cigarette" song
6305,0 1815-1930 UNID, e.weak \ut.noise, later \PLC. IDs+gmail.com, name: Delta? R.Tina? R.Intermedo? Premier R. Int?, 1829 and 1906 J.Cash?"Yeepee I-0"(?), later many IDs+@, no copy!
6295,5 1850-1853 UNID, messing with D song, then G song. [ cf LOWLAND in QSO ]
6295,5 1914-1916* UNID, mx, live ID "-- -- on 6-2-9-5 kcs" and switch off. [ cf LOWLAND in QSO ]
6285,0 1854-1925* R.Z. BOOMERANG, strong, euro and D mx, ID in D+E, tnx, mx...
6295,0 1926,1933* UNID, strong, mx. [ cf SCOTLAND ]
6295,5 *1934-1936* UNID, mx, ment' Boomerang. [ cf LOWLAND ]
6299,3 1931-1942* UNID, trace > e.weak mx at 1940 (v.low mod)
6735u 1944-2011 COOL AM, \splashes from 6745, mx, IDs+@
6980,0 1954-2232 ROCK R. NETWORK, good peaks \bit of downdrift,traffic. "Who are you", rock, C&W, 2125 ID
4026,0 2016-2130 LASER HOT HITS, mx, tk, g's>Guernsey, 2128 ID+@
6292,2 2025-2101 BLACK ARROW, strong peaks, mx, IDs, 2054 Nena"99.., c'/d, Barracuda.. (2104 gone)
6282,0 2033-2042 UNID, was blank on 6285, 2033 mx, "hammer" mod, blanks, 2042 : to 6280
6240,1 2043-2135* CAROLINE-RAINBOW, weak \atmos, 6237,5: strong RTTY. 2047 ID Cocoo ??, long talk hard to listen to, about China. 2108 ID?(under ut.), 2124 ID at last, Rainbow @.
6299,3 2056-2112 R. UNDERGROUND, warm up drift > 6299,5, W singers, 2105 g's, ID
6305,9 2102-2213* ODYNN R., ID, mx, Call me, rock, reggae, Down on the corner, Smoke on the water, My Sharona, Silver machine, 2209 ID, c'/d, contacts, nat. anthem
6287,05 2136-2200 R. UNDERGROUND, Under the moon of love, drift 6286,8 , ID, rpt, ID...
6300,0 2137-2157 UNID, 60s pop, mx, C&W, "Witch doctor"
6300,0 2201-2203 UNID, 60s mx [ cf TRX ]
6300,0 2206-2221 UNID, Jonny B.Goode, Lucille, C&W-yodl. [ cf TRX ]
6207,2 2216-2229 R. CAROLINE-RAINBOW, hotmail, mx, ID, mx, 2223 ID, @ from Rainbow, ID (part in F) \traffic
6300,0 2400-2420* UNID, \noisy,atmos, mx, again a different name at each ID-annt ! (see 6305 at 1815)
* * * * * SAT. 06 JULY 2013 * * * * *
6260,0 0646-0828 SUMMERFEST R., strong \fading, mx, IDs, 0826 Bette Davis eyes. (also 1242-1437 v.weak)
6260,0 2030-2232 SUMMERFEST R., mx, My Sharona, Working in a coal mine, She's not there, 2232 ID
6070,0 0648-0829 R. 6150 %, weak\loc.noise > e.weak, R.Nordsee in D, later in E, 0829 Dalida "Gigi l'amoroso"
7265,0 0734-0737 HAMBURG LOKAL R. %, weak/v.weak in AM-USB, jazz, then M+W tk programme in G
6190,0 0804-0804 HAMBURG LOKAL R. %, v.weak, same M+W still talking
7310,0 0737-0740 R. 700, fair/good, pops, jingle "sieben hundert", G song. (also 0804)
6095,0 0801-0825 KBC, v.strong \fading > powerful, Emperor Rosko with C&W
6299,8 1215-1218* UNID, strong peaks, "Hocus pocus", then blank and switch off
6285,0 1219-1247 UNID, weak/v.weak, D mx, 1242 pops. [ cf OSAKA ]
6299,5 1418-1455 UNID, swamped by PLC noise, then het with 6300, 1442 pops, 1448 Trains and boats and planes(? in a slow version), no DJ. (1459 gone ?) [ cf GROENTEBOERTJES ? ]
6300,0 1427-1446 UNID, pop medley ? Shadows medley, end around 1451 (or QSY to 6295?) [ cf NORTHPOLE ]
6295,0 1453-1458 R. NORTH POLE, \deep fading, guitar, ID, ann' 6295 kcs .. ID, g's to DrTim, etc.. (1508 gone)
6323,6 1459-1515 UNID, \deep fading, mx, 1504 "La maison de Nicolas", 1507 tk (no copy), 1513 R&R "Let's have a party tonight" [ cf GROENTEBOERTJES ]
6199,9 1509-1512 UNID, tac-boom mx, op saying "allo" and messing with mod level. [ cf TECHNICAL MAN ]
6324,8 2000-2142 R. NORTON, strong, non stop rock and pop, 2126 G song, 2134 ID over Mireille Matthieu(?)
6299,3 2010-2013* UNID, \het with 6299,8. mx, switch off. [ cf ZEEWOLF ]
6299,8 2010-2024 UNID, v.weak, \het, PLC. mx, tk, ann' yera 1973, 1971... 2021 ID? \traffic. [ cf MORNING STAR ]
6285,05 2026-2138 BOGUSMAN, up to strong, mx, tk, 'IDs' : Bogusman is here.
6240,1 2030-2133 MUSTANG R., \occ. ut bursts. synthe and rock mx, 2131 ID+@, bye-bye
6924,8 2040-2055 STATION QRP, \atmos, C&W, pops, IDs+@
6305,0 2057-2128 UNID, strong, C&W, pops, testing ?, 2129 moving hets, [ cf NACHTPIRAAT, but till when ?? ]
6305,0 2130-2233 UNID, strong, C&W, folk mx, blues... [ cf TRX, but from when ?? ]
3904,8 2113-2240 R. ALICE, pop, rock, C&W... 2122 ID
4026,0 2117-2236 LASER HOT HITS, \some loc.noise and atmos. usual format.
6401,3 2143-2234 R. TESLA, e.weak \6400 het, 6404 RTTY. test loop with mx (incl' J.Cash), ID+@ for reports (verified by e-mail, it's a stn from E. Europe with a one-tube TX)
6450,5 2154-2217 UNID, strong, Sat.night boom-boom, some audio problems? 2217 KISS. [ cf READYMIX ]
* * * * * SUN. 07 JULY 2013 * * * * *
6322,0 0633,0640 UNID, 0633 blank? \ut, 0640 mx
6260,0 0635-0805 SUMMERFEST R., mx, ID, ad, etc..
6260,0 1617-2120 SW GOLD, mx, IDs at 1623 and 2019.
6210,0 0636-0639 R. BORDERHUNTER, weak, clear, mx, then ID+POB, 15th anniv., "We listen now to Technical Man"
6210,0 0713-0805 TECHNICAL MAN, mx, D mx, 0805 ID, tnx rpt from Granada, ID
6295,4 0716-0810 UNID, \under bad ut. noise, mx, rock, 0726 "Radio gaga", 0736 "I'll be there" [ cf LOWLAND ]
6095,0 *0800-0803 KBC-TRUCKER R., powerful, s/on for a 2h show, C&W rock.
6977,6 1854-1857 UNID, \het from 6975,1, traffic. mx, 60s pop. 1857 QSY and disappear.
6300,0 1901-1947 MUSTANG R., strong, pop-rock, 1910 ID+@, later reports, g's....
6285,2 1904-1955 R. MORNING STAR, v.weak \atmos, some drift around, pop-rock, IDs(clear after 1930)
6070,0 1938-1938 R. 6150 %, D song and talk, prob. RNI tape.
6300,5 1956-2000 UNID, weak \atmos, .. good night!, part of "Daddy cool", other tracks. (2016 gone)
6401,2 2020-2230 R. TESLA, e.weak \het 6404, atmos. mx, many IDs+@, then almost a trace and 6400 het.
3932,1 2047-2119 MRF R., e.weak, mx, off around 2055, 2100 back, Mungo J."..summertime", IDs+@
3905,0 2049-2100 R. ACTIVITY, e.weak, D mx, 2053 ID
4026,0 2111-2116 LASER HOT HITS, \fading, atmos. mx "The rhythm of the night", tk, Laser .. archive ..
mx=music, tk=talk, D=Dutch, E=English, G=German, F=French, it.=Italian, rpt=report, v.=very,
e.=extremely w.=with, '=..ing, c'/d=closing down, M/W=man/woman, g'=greeting, ut=utility, SM=summer meeting ad
ID+@=ID+e-mail address, J=jingle, PLC=PowerLineComm'(noise), \=but, %=guess, hl=hotline
> =becoming/then, bb=boom-boom mx, bpm=beat per min, [ between sq. brackets : best fit ID, thanks quick logs ]
Please note that c'/d is a period from a few seconds to well more than an hour before the real switch off !
"Strength" notes (from e.weak to V.strong) are rather S/N notes by ear, not S-meter levels.