LOGS : 24 - 30 JUNE, 2013
Posted: Tue Sep 17, 2013 21:54 pm
A new old week of logs, with a lot of logs (almost) not seen elsewhere.
* * * * * MON. 24 JUNE 2013 * * * * *
6070,0 0654-0800 R. 6150 %, rec' of RNI in D and E, with vintage interferences
6734,9 0657-0744* COOL AM R., e.weak \loc.noise, mx, much IDs+JIDs, background mx, 0740 Oye como va, last ID
6290,5 1657-1702 R. SKYWIRE, e.weak \noisy, mx-tk-mx-tk...1701 ID (1710 gone)
6305,5 1703-1715 UNID on/off station, e.weak, maybe carrier only [ cf VERONA ]
6305,0 1821-1832 R. POWERLINER INT, strong peaks, ID, mx, D mx "hop la!", 1825 ID, "testing"
6300,0 1827-1828* UNID, e.weak at best [ cf MISTI ]
6298,0 *1828-1829* UNID, e.weak, D? song, shifts to 6297 [ cf MISTI ]
6297,0 *1829-1831 UNID, e.weak, ex-6298, D? song, 1831 off? [ cf MISTI ]
6206,7 1833-1926 R. MERLIN INT, v.weak f'/up \RTTY QRM on 6208,7 f'/up too. rock, IDs. \traffic 6200u also.
6290,5 1851-1851 UNID, e. weak, mx, and lost.
6307,3 1857-1917 R. SKYWIRE, v.weak \PLC, fading. mx, 1903 testing-1-2, ID, later mx, ut's on both sides.
7600,2 2152-2242 UNID, strong signal, low mod. Blondie"Denis, Ready steady go, Stranglers"No more heroes, Sex Pistols"God save the queen, 2216"On my radio", "Message to you Rudy", "My Sharona"... ( SUNSHINE ?? )
6260,0 2209-2344 SW GOLD, strong, non-stop pop, rock, canned IDs
* * * * * TUES. 25 JUNE 2013 * * * * *
6295,0 1724-1959 UNID, e.>v.weak \PLC, mx, tk, ID+@ (no copy), 1730 Adamo, 1921 c'/d ..studio.. [ cf R. TINA ]
6324,8 1739-1741 UNID, weak \strong PLC, song (child?).
6325,4 1834-1913 UNID, v.weak \PLC, ut. mx 1913 Madness?? (1924 gone) [ cf MERLIN ]
6305,0 1840-2017 ODYNN R., weak \PLCat first, strong peaks, D mx, rock, 1948 ID+@, 1957 J.Joplin, 2017 anthem
6284,8 1853-2145 R. GOUDENSTER, \strong PLC at first, D and euro songs, 2018 ID R. GOLDSTAR.
6272,0 1907-1938 UNID, \PLC, mx, 1930 tk (dull voice), ..low power .. c'/d ..bye-bye (1947 gone) [ cf PYTHON ]
6325,6 2008-2112 R. MERLIN INT, \squeezed stanag-RTTY. Black night, Saxon, 2018 ID+hl (2118 gone, QRM gone!)
6260,0 2114-2337 SW GOLD, non stop mx, canned IDs
6305,1 2118-2147 R. MERLIN INT, \fading, noisy, mx, tk, 2123 JID, rock, IDs, DJ Nellie
6310,0 2321-2336 SPACESHUTTLE, v.weak \undermod at times, trad songs, 2327 ID+contacts, jazz, trad songs
* * * * * WED. 26 JUNE 2013 * * * * *
6260,0 0555-0559 UNID, \some PLC-fading. mx (0603 gone)
6745,2 1530-1725 UNID, e.weak \loc.noise, fridge mx, then rockabilly, instrum mx, D mx.. [ cf PIONEER ]
6324,9 1547-1738 UNID, v.weak>weak \loc.noise, el.guitars, world mx, 1710 Booker T, jazz. 1750a end [cf NORTON]
6070,0 1623-2143 R. 6150 %, \loc.noise, RNI tape: 2016 "Pour un flirt"
6299,4 1702-1736 UNID, e.weak \noisy, barely heard, 1732 in E, 1735 ..hotmail.., 1736 end ? [ cf ZEEWOLF ]
6240,0 1855-1906 R. MUSTANG, strong, mx, 1904 short player problem (till ID). (1919 gone)
6270,3 1859-1918 R. MERLIN INT, unknown voices at first, 1913 canned IDs
6299,9 1930-1933* WIZARD R., mx, live tk, c'/d, going s/by, ID. (no reply)
6325,5 1934-1948 UNID, e.weak \PLC, ut's around, mx (1957 gone)
6249,9 1944-1957* WIZARD R., "Pop-corn" \sp.traffic 6302u, player problem, mx, 1950 c'/d IDs, new TX&ant.
6209,9 1959-2004* SLUWE VOS, mx, c'/d, IDs in E+D, 2004 bye
4820,0 2035,2105 UNID, songs in E. (after 2120 approx: carrier under Tibet chinese station)
4026,0 2042-2344 LASER HOT HITS, weak>good \fading, (not on at 2020 ?), mx, ID+hl+POB
7600,2v 2129-2206 UNID, drifts to 7600,4 then steady, strong, mx, 2152 Play that funky music, then Shaft.
6734,9u 2322-2355 UNID, mx, ID as "ARGE R." ?? \numbers QRM, alt. mx "Abou Anza"?(in a loop??)
* * * * * THURS. 27 JUNE 2013 * * * * *
6070,0 0643-0645 R. 6150 %, weak\PLC, splash from 6060. RNI tape
6285,0 1458,1501 UNID, v.weak, accordion [ cf ODYNN ]
6274,5 1810-1819 UNID, e.weak \sticky PLC, mx heard on peaks.
6269,9 1820-1909* UNID, mx, tk, 1846 duo tk in E, 1907 strange mx, 1909 shift ?
6271,9 *1909-1942 UNID, mx, duo tk, seems to be ex-6269,9 [ cf FOCUS ]
6300,0 1831-1928 ODYNN R., polka, tk in D, ID, 1904 rockabilly, IDs+@, 1920 Race w.theDevil
6260,0 1852-2159 SW GOLD, \strong ut.noise upper side, mx, canned IDs, 2122 now strong \fading.
4026,0 1943-2014 LASER HOT HITS, \noisy, mx, tk, Mike Andrews, ID. (also 2140)
3905,1 1953-2026 UNID, e.weak, mx, give rpt in D, mx, low mod at times [ cf WILSKRACHT ]
6980,2 2034-2157 ROCK R. NETWORK, strong, pop,C&W, 2052 ID, mx, 2131 RNI story (jammed in 1970), mx.
6924,9 2036-2113 UNID, e.weak \atmos,blips. mx, bits of tk, lost/end? around 2115a
6300,0 2123-2123 UNID, mx, e. weak\atmos, then under strong traffic.
7600,0 2404-2410 UNID, v.weak \atmos,v.strong RTTY on 7595. altern. mx (could be Sunshine ???)
* * * ** * FRI. 28 JUNE 2013 * * * * *
6070,0 0811-0815 R. 6150 %, v.weak \PLC, RNI tape
6070,0 1438-1609 R. 6150 %, e.weak \loc.noise, mx, tk.
6260,0 0815-0838 R. BOPS, weak, 70s pops, 0817 ID (almost "Maas"), 0834 ID (OK, E accent).
6304,6 1422-2147 R. MARABU, good>strong, G mx, tk in G, IDs, jazz, rock, wide bandwidth.
6284,8 1427-2148 FOCUS INT, fair>strong \occ.PLC, pops, tk, IDs+@, 1552 Louie Louie, 1822-1826 hum, 2nd stn
6295,0 1501-1521 ODYNN R., D song, whistlers, schlager, "piraat" song, 1517 ID, 1521 long blank (end?)
6295,0 1530-1552 UNID, \occ.PLC, Marabu splash. accordion, D (or G) songs
6295,0 1610-1703 UNID, Spirit in the sky, 1631 D song 1702 Baby please don't go, Friday on my mind [ cf TELSTAR]
6299,8 1527-1529 UNID, trumpet mx, then drowned in splashes
6325,0 1525-1535 UNID, trace, e.weak at 1531 with mx, 1535 f/out [ cf NORTON ]
6275,0 1538-1614 R. TINA, e.weak\PLC at first, mx, 1605 IDs (incl' in G)
6324,8 1544-1701 UNID, v.weak +peaks \occ.PLC, D songs, 1638 ID("Radio -- --, the NL"). [ cf NORTON ]
6260,0 1606-2140 SW GOLD, \occ.PLC, computer taste, canned IDs. 1829,1907: QRM, stn underneath.
6240,0 1606-1620 MUSTANG R., weak > v.strong, mx, C&W, pops, 1618 1-2-allo, 1619 IDs (1624 gone)
6275,0 1828-1929* R. PYTHON, DX news, pirate tk, , mx, 1924 ment' R.City, 1927 ID, c'/d
6250,0 1830-1850 UNID, weak, mx, ID? no copy, g's, mx, 1834 KISS song [ cf KLABAUTERMAN ]
4026,0 1836-2144 LASER HOT HITS, weak \fading, 2041 ID "with Stewart Ross". 2142 Sound of silence(choir)
6240,0 1848-2109* R. MUSTANG, strong, D song, pops, remixes, Cat Stevens, 1945 ID, g's, 2023 ID
6221,5 1910-1919 UNID, trace\atmos, mx heard on peak. 1919 f/out
6295,0 1930-2018 R. MORNING STAR, e.weak\atmos, 2' blank, 1932 mx, Eurovision anthem (light version), 1935 ID, 2003 gd ev' (from Stewart Ross?), 2005 ID+@, 2018 D mx. (2045 gone)
6206,7 1938-1944* UNID, weak \atmos, mx, 1944 sudden s/off.
6250,1 1948-2057 A.M.W., \2nd stn weaker at first?, tchack-a-tchack mx, 1950 ID, tk in D and E, tchack-a-tchack...
6250,1 2140,2149 UNID, mx (still AMW ?? ) [ cf FLYING D-MAN ]
6324,6 2007-2009 UNID, squeezed by stanag's, mx, kind of "house" mx ? [ cf DELTA ]
6600,0 2012-2029 UNID, W singer \Russian (?) mess, 2029 ..Radio Svoboda...
6275,0 2018-2135 R. TINA, v.weak>weak\atmos, ABBA"Gimme..., ID?, 2048 c'/d in 10 min, ID, 2058 ABBA"Gimme.. again, hello M'Star, JID, .. free radio from Germany, @ (in a loop), polka, D song, 2132 bye-bye (2139 gone)
6660 L 2030-2032 UNID, mx over freebanders mess, rock, then gipsy jazz.
3905,0 2033-2210 UNID, \fading,noisy. Friday night mix of mx. [ cf SKYLINE INT]
6295,0 2130-2146 UNID, \atmos, mx, 2135 tk ..NLs .. short test, mx, 2146 brass mx. (2206 end?) [ cf NACHTPIRAAT]
6925,0 2212-2217 R. TRANSEUROPE, ID+@, 60W, tnx rpt/Italy, mx \traffic.
* * * * * SAT. 29 JUNE 2013 * * * * *
6260,0 0640-1005 SW GOLD, mx, mx, canned IDs (also 1254,1315,1328: mx)
6260,0 1905-2152 UNID, strong \fading, mx, mx..
6304,6 0641-0958 R. MARABU, weak \fading, mx, 0647 ID, mx..
6304,6 1243-1325 R. MARABU, e.weak \ut.QRM, mx, 1257 ID
6304,6 1856-2149 R. MARABU, \ut.QRM, het 6308,0 - IDs+web, 2101 "musik und kultur", ID
6284,9 0643-1004 FOCUS INT, v.weak, IDs+hl, 0753 tk: story, mx...
6284,9 1252-1326 FOCUS INT, e.weak, mx, 1314 ID
6284,9 1902-1904 UNID, weak, tk, jazz
7310,0 0722--0722 R. 700 %, weak+fair peaks, "Is this love",
7265,0 0724-0724 HAMBURG LOKAL R., in AM-USB, M+W tk about music in Hamburg.
6190,0 0817-0817 HAMBURG LOKAL R. %, in AM-USB, e.weak, tk in G
6070,0 0756-0756 R. 6150 %, e.weak\some PLC, tk, mx
6095,0 *0800-0816 KBC, strong/v.strong, triumphal entrance of Emperor Rosko, Blaupunkt truck radio w.SW. ...
6095,0 1300-1353 KBC, only fair-good, 4 golf Blaupunkt, R&R, Beatles...
6295,0 1000-1043 UNID, trace to weak peaks\strong PLC, D songs [ cf OSAKA ]
6220 v 1006-1045 UNID, mx \strong PLC, drift : 6245 on 6218 a [ KING ?? ]
6265,1 1043--1043 UNID, v.weak \under strong PLC.
6300,0 1244-1244 UNID, e. weak carrier \PLC, maybe music? or splash from Marabu? (1251 gone)
6292,2 1249-1251* UNID, e.weak, mx, sudden s/off.
6269,9 1253-1328 R. MERLIN INT, fair \PLC, mx, IDs, 1258 What is love, 1327 Ian Dury ?
6269,9 1904-2125 R. MERLIN INT, mx, IDs, 1949 Yummy yummy yummy, 2017 W voice, canned ID
6324,9 1855-2113 UNID, strong peak, D songs (also G song), non stop. [ cf NORTON ]
6294,9 1858-2017 UNID, weak, duo tk in E, mx, ment' Sluwe V? Odynn? CoolAM? duo DJs, 2017 mx for FM
6249,8 1908-2019 R. MORNING STAR, e.weak, f'/up, R&R, tk, C&W, 1950 ID @home.nl, 2019 R&R
6421,9 1952-2127 STUDIO 52, yodl, excited DJ, W singer"Self control", 2000 ID, G train song...
6549,6 1955-2119 UNID, f'/up, strong peaks, "low power", mx mix,ID like Alstraat? [ cf WILSKRACHT ]
6245,3 2019-2152 CWR, pop, IDs (also in it.), mx, @gmx, etc...
3905,0 2024-2027 R. QUINTUS, ID+@, accordion, etc...
3940,0 2034-2055* UNID, in AM-USB, e.weak, blank, 2050 mx, pop. [ cf R.ACTIVITY ]
4026,0 2028-2250 LASER HOT HITS, weak \atmos, mx, JID, sugar Elvis, 2040 het on 4023,2 then 4020,0
4020,2 2040-2148 ROCK R. NETWORK, stronger than LHH, 70s rock, occ. techno, 2146 ID
6299,3 2102-2113 UNID, Gainsbourg-Birkin, ska, I'm a joker, La lambada (2121 gone) [ cf SHADOWMAN ]
6276,9 2122-2124* UNID, (2107 alr. carrier), D song, schlager, c'/d, bye-bye and s/off.
6294,9 2150-2158 ODYNN R., mx, "Hocus pocus", ID, g's to Ukrainia
4023,0 2250-2254 UNID, mx, drifting, on 4023,3 at 2254 (maybe Rock R. Network ?)
* * * * * SUN. 30 JUNE 2013 * * * * *
6199,5 0709-0756 UNID, e.weak \PLC,ut., traffic. some mx heard. [ cf ORANG UTAN ]
6260,0 0710-1009 SW GOLD, v.>e.weak, mx, canned IDs
6260,0 1237-2146 SW GOLD, e.weak>good, mx, canned IDs
6270,1 0711,0745 UNID, weak, 0711 W singer, 0745 funky (0812 gone). [ cf NORA ]
6284,8 0711-1009 FOCUS INT, good>fair, mx, tk, IDs, 0817 contacts,
6284,8 1235-2148 FOCUS INT, fair>strong, rock, tk, IDs, 2147 some overmod.
6304,6 0712-1008 R. MARABU, strong\deep fading > weak, D songs, rock, 0825 ID in E
6304,6 1236-2146 R. MARABU, weak>strong \occ.ut.QRM, mx, mx, 2117 in G; Marabu Flashback.
6070,0 0750-0808 R. 6150 %, v.>e.weak. C&W, tk, mx.
6235,3 0757-0801 UNID, (alr.0747 carrier), messing with mod level, mx: Hello Kitty, La Macarena. (0815 gone)
6095,0 0802-1008 KBC, v.strong, ads Blaupunkt, Truck News Mag., C&W, after 10 : Rosko.
6095,0 1234-1400 KBC, strong, Hendrix"Hey Joe", pops, Louis Louie, 1400 Ron O'Quinn's R&R Rewind.
6423,2 0827-0905 UNID, e/v. weak \noisy, mx, waltz, C&W, rock,... [ cf LOWLAND ]
6199,8 0908-0915* UNID, mx, blanks, messing, and s/off. [ cf ORANG UTAN?, BORDERHUNTER?, QSO?? ]
6324,8 1633-1723 UNID, weak, D songs, 1723 BZN ? [ cf NORTON ]
6240,3 1638-1719 F.R. VICTORIA, synthe mx programme, tk, ID+@, more synthe mx.
6210,2 1642-1720 R. NORDSEE INT, v/e.weak, in G, Man of action, mx, IDs, 1720 correct time, ID \traffic 6210U
6745,3 1651-2005* PINK PANTHER R., v.weak at first, pops, D songs, 2003 ID+@, cartoon, 2004'55" s/off.
6275,0 1843-1901* UNID, e.weak, mx, tk in G, also"radio stn from Germany", 1900 ID no copy. [ cf BERMUDA 3eck]
6249,6v 1903-1941 R. MORNING STAR, e.weak, bit of up/down drift, in E, mx, 1913 ID, much tk, DX news
6240,15 1924-1940 F.R. VICTORIA, \ut.upside, Major Tom, Move it on over, ID+@, "Venus"(reprise), It's so easy
7600,2 1959-2002* UNID, \noisy, PLC. rock, s/off at 2001'50"
4026,0 2014-2151 LASER HOT HITS, v.weak, pop, ID, "Dancing in the street", ID+@, tk, mx...
6980,2 2025-2042* UNID, good\fading, occ.traffic, 'helico' ut. mx, rock-saxo... 2040 deep fade.
6745,0 2120-2130 R. POWERLINER INT, strong, mx, ID, short test, c'/d \'helico' ut., numbers st. QRM, mx..
6980,3 2130-2152 UNID, strong, mx, 2135\'helico', mx, mx.
mx=music, tk=talk, D=Dutch, E=English, G=German, F=French, it.=Italian, rpt=report, v.=very,
e.=extremely w.=with, '=..ing, c'/d=closing down, M/W=man/woman, g'=greeting, ut=utility, SM=summer meeting ad
ID+@=ID+e-mail address, J=jingle, PLC=PowerLineComm'(noise), \=but, %=guess, hl=hotline
> =becoming/then, bb=boom-boom mx, bpm=beat per min, [ between sq. brackets : best fit ID, thanks quick logs ]
Please note that c'/d is a period from a few seconds to well more than an hour before the real switch off !
"Strength" notes (from e.weak to V.strong) are rather S/N notes by ear, not S-meter levels.
A new old week of logs, with a lot of logs (almost) not seen elsewhere.
* * * * * MON. 24 JUNE 2013 * * * * *
6070,0 0654-0800 R. 6150 %, rec' of RNI in D and E, with vintage interferences
6734,9 0657-0744* COOL AM R., e.weak \loc.noise, mx, much IDs+JIDs, background mx, 0740 Oye como va, last ID
6290,5 1657-1702 R. SKYWIRE, e.weak \noisy, mx-tk-mx-tk...1701 ID (1710 gone)
6305,5 1703-1715 UNID on/off station, e.weak, maybe carrier only [ cf VERONA ]
6305,0 1821-1832 R. POWERLINER INT, strong peaks, ID, mx, D mx "hop la!", 1825 ID, "testing"
6300,0 1827-1828* UNID, e.weak at best [ cf MISTI ]
6298,0 *1828-1829* UNID, e.weak, D? song, shifts to 6297 [ cf MISTI ]
6297,0 *1829-1831 UNID, e.weak, ex-6298, D? song, 1831 off? [ cf MISTI ]
6206,7 1833-1926 R. MERLIN INT, v.weak f'/up \RTTY QRM on 6208,7 f'/up too. rock, IDs. \traffic 6200u also.
6290,5 1851-1851 UNID, e. weak, mx, and lost.
6307,3 1857-1917 R. SKYWIRE, v.weak \PLC, fading. mx, 1903 testing-1-2, ID, later mx, ut's on both sides.
7600,2 2152-2242 UNID, strong signal, low mod. Blondie"Denis, Ready steady go, Stranglers"No more heroes, Sex Pistols"God save the queen, 2216"On my radio", "Message to you Rudy", "My Sharona"... ( SUNSHINE ?? )
6260,0 2209-2344 SW GOLD, strong, non-stop pop, rock, canned IDs
* * * * * TUES. 25 JUNE 2013 * * * * *
6295,0 1724-1959 UNID, e.>v.weak \PLC, mx, tk, ID+@ (no copy), 1730 Adamo, 1921 c'/d ..studio.. [ cf R. TINA ]
6324,8 1739-1741 UNID, weak \strong PLC, song (child?).
6325,4 1834-1913 UNID, v.weak \PLC, ut. mx 1913 Madness?? (1924 gone) [ cf MERLIN ]
6305,0 1840-2017 ODYNN R., weak \PLCat first, strong peaks, D mx, rock, 1948 ID+@, 1957 J.Joplin, 2017 anthem
6284,8 1853-2145 R. GOUDENSTER, \strong PLC at first, D and euro songs, 2018 ID R. GOLDSTAR.
6272,0 1907-1938 UNID, \PLC, mx, 1930 tk (dull voice), ..low power .. c'/d ..bye-bye (1947 gone) [ cf PYTHON ]
6325,6 2008-2112 R. MERLIN INT, \squeezed stanag-RTTY. Black night, Saxon, 2018 ID+hl (2118 gone, QRM gone!)
6260,0 2114-2337 SW GOLD, non stop mx, canned IDs
6305,1 2118-2147 R. MERLIN INT, \fading, noisy, mx, tk, 2123 JID, rock, IDs, DJ Nellie
6310,0 2321-2336 SPACESHUTTLE, v.weak \undermod at times, trad songs, 2327 ID+contacts, jazz, trad songs
* * * * * WED. 26 JUNE 2013 * * * * *
6260,0 0555-0559 UNID, \some PLC-fading. mx (0603 gone)
6745,2 1530-1725 UNID, e.weak \loc.noise, fridge mx, then rockabilly, instrum mx, D mx.. [ cf PIONEER ]
6324,9 1547-1738 UNID, v.weak>weak \loc.noise, el.guitars, world mx, 1710 Booker T, jazz. 1750a end [cf NORTON]
6070,0 1623-2143 R. 6150 %, \loc.noise, RNI tape: 2016 "Pour un flirt"
6299,4 1702-1736 UNID, e.weak \noisy, barely heard, 1732 in E, 1735 ..hotmail.., 1736 end ? [ cf ZEEWOLF ]
6240,0 1855-1906 R. MUSTANG, strong, mx, 1904 short player problem (till ID). (1919 gone)
6270,3 1859-1918 R. MERLIN INT, unknown voices at first, 1913 canned IDs
6299,9 1930-1933* WIZARD R., mx, live tk, c'/d, going s/by, ID. (no reply)
6325,5 1934-1948 UNID, e.weak \PLC, ut's around, mx (1957 gone)
6249,9 1944-1957* WIZARD R., "Pop-corn" \sp.traffic 6302u, player problem, mx, 1950 c'/d IDs, new TX&ant.
6209,9 1959-2004* SLUWE VOS, mx, c'/d, IDs in E+D, 2004 bye
4820,0 2035,2105 UNID, songs in E. (after 2120 approx: carrier under Tibet chinese station)
4026,0 2042-2344 LASER HOT HITS, weak>good \fading, (not on at 2020 ?), mx, ID+hl+POB
7600,2v 2129-2206 UNID, drifts to 7600,4 then steady, strong, mx, 2152 Play that funky music, then Shaft.
6734,9u 2322-2355 UNID, mx, ID as "ARGE R." ?? \numbers QRM, alt. mx "Abou Anza"?(in a loop??)
* * * * * THURS. 27 JUNE 2013 * * * * *
6070,0 0643-0645 R. 6150 %, weak\PLC, splash from 6060. RNI tape
6285,0 1458,1501 UNID, v.weak, accordion [ cf ODYNN ]
6274,5 1810-1819 UNID, e.weak \sticky PLC, mx heard on peaks.
6269,9 1820-1909* UNID, mx, tk, 1846 duo tk in E, 1907 strange mx, 1909 shift ?
6271,9 *1909-1942 UNID, mx, duo tk, seems to be ex-6269,9 [ cf FOCUS ]
6300,0 1831-1928 ODYNN R., polka, tk in D, ID, 1904 rockabilly, IDs+@, 1920 Race w.theDevil
6260,0 1852-2159 SW GOLD, \strong ut.noise upper side, mx, canned IDs, 2122 now strong \fading.
4026,0 1943-2014 LASER HOT HITS, \noisy, mx, tk, Mike Andrews, ID. (also 2140)
3905,1 1953-2026 UNID, e.weak, mx, give rpt in D, mx, low mod at times [ cf WILSKRACHT ]
6980,2 2034-2157 ROCK R. NETWORK, strong, pop,C&W, 2052 ID, mx, 2131 RNI story (jammed in 1970), mx.
6924,9 2036-2113 UNID, e.weak \atmos,blips. mx, bits of tk, lost/end? around 2115a
6300,0 2123-2123 UNID, mx, e. weak\atmos, then under strong traffic.
7600,0 2404-2410 UNID, v.weak \atmos,v.strong RTTY on 7595. altern. mx (could be Sunshine ???)
* * * ** * FRI. 28 JUNE 2013 * * * * *
6070,0 0811-0815 R. 6150 %, v.weak \PLC, RNI tape
6070,0 1438-1609 R. 6150 %, e.weak \loc.noise, mx, tk.
6260,0 0815-0838 R. BOPS, weak, 70s pops, 0817 ID (almost "Maas"), 0834 ID (OK, E accent).
6304,6 1422-2147 R. MARABU, good>strong, G mx, tk in G, IDs, jazz, rock, wide bandwidth.
6284,8 1427-2148 FOCUS INT, fair>strong \occ.PLC, pops, tk, IDs+@, 1552 Louie Louie, 1822-1826 hum, 2nd stn
6295,0 1501-1521 ODYNN R., D song, whistlers, schlager, "piraat" song, 1517 ID, 1521 long blank (end?)
6295,0 1530-1552 UNID, \occ.PLC, Marabu splash. accordion, D (or G) songs
6295,0 1610-1703 UNID, Spirit in the sky, 1631 D song 1702 Baby please don't go, Friday on my mind [ cf TELSTAR]
6299,8 1527-1529 UNID, trumpet mx, then drowned in splashes
6325,0 1525-1535 UNID, trace, e.weak at 1531 with mx, 1535 f/out [ cf NORTON ]
6275,0 1538-1614 R. TINA, e.weak\PLC at first, mx, 1605 IDs (incl' in G)
6324,8 1544-1701 UNID, v.weak +peaks \occ.PLC, D songs, 1638 ID("Radio -- --, the NL"). [ cf NORTON ]
6260,0 1606-2140 SW GOLD, \occ.PLC, computer taste, canned IDs. 1829,1907: QRM, stn underneath.
6240,0 1606-1620 MUSTANG R., weak > v.strong, mx, C&W, pops, 1618 1-2-allo, 1619 IDs (1624 gone)
6275,0 1828-1929* R. PYTHON, DX news, pirate tk, , mx, 1924 ment' R.City, 1927 ID, c'/d
6250,0 1830-1850 UNID, weak, mx, ID? no copy, g's, mx, 1834 KISS song [ cf KLABAUTERMAN ]
4026,0 1836-2144 LASER HOT HITS, weak \fading, 2041 ID "with Stewart Ross". 2142 Sound of silence(choir)
6240,0 1848-2109* R. MUSTANG, strong, D song, pops, remixes, Cat Stevens, 1945 ID, g's, 2023 ID
6221,5 1910-1919 UNID, trace\atmos, mx heard on peak. 1919 f/out
6295,0 1930-2018 R. MORNING STAR, e.weak\atmos, 2' blank, 1932 mx, Eurovision anthem (light version), 1935 ID, 2003 gd ev' (from Stewart Ross?), 2005 ID+@, 2018 D mx. (2045 gone)
6206,7 1938-1944* UNID, weak \atmos, mx, 1944 sudden s/off.
6250,1 1948-2057 A.M.W., \2nd stn weaker at first?, tchack-a-tchack mx, 1950 ID, tk in D and E, tchack-a-tchack...
6250,1 2140,2149 UNID, mx (still AMW ?? ) [ cf FLYING D-MAN ]
6324,6 2007-2009 UNID, squeezed by stanag's, mx, kind of "house" mx ? [ cf DELTA ]
6600,0 2012-2029 UNID, W singer \Russian (?) mess, 2029 ..Radio Svoboda...
6275,0 2018-2135 R. TINA, v.weak>weak\atmos, ABBA"Gimme..., ID?, 2048 c'/d in 10 min, ID, 2058 ABBA"Gimme.. again, hello M'Star, JID, .. free radio from Germany, @ (in a loop), polka, D song, 2132 bye-bye (2139 gone)
6660 L 2030-2032 UNID, mx over freebanders mess, rock, then gipsy jazz.
3905,0 2033-2210 UNID, \fading,noisy. Friday night mix of mx. [ cf SKYLINE INT]
6295,0 2130-2146 UNID, \atmos, mx, 2135 tk ..NLs .. short test, mx, 2146 brass mx. (2206 end?) [ cf NACHTPIRAAT]
6925,0 2212-2217 R. TRANSEUROPE, ID+@, 60W, tnx rpt/Italy, mx \traffic.
* * * * * SAT. 29 JUNE 2013 * * * * *
6260,0 0640-1005 SW GOLD, mx, mx, canned IDs (also 1254,1315,1328: mx)
6260,0 1905-2152 UNID, strong \fading, mx, mx..
6304,6 0641-0958 R. MARABU, weak \fading, mx, 0647 ID, mx..
6304,6 1243-1325 R. MARABU, e.weak \ut.QRM, mx, 1257 ID
6304,6 1856-2149 R. MARABU, \ut.QRM, het 6308,0 - IDs+web, 2101 "musik und kultur", ID
6284,9 0643-1004 FOCUS INT, v.weak, IDs+hl, 0753 tk: story, mx...
6284,9 1252-1326 FOCUS INT, e.weak, mx, 1314 ID
6284,9 1902-1904 UNID, weak, tk, jazz
7310,0 0722--0722 R. 700 %, weak+fair peaks, "Is this love",
7265,0 0724-0724 HAMBURG LOKAL R., in AM-USB, M+W tk about music in Hamburg.
6190,0 0817-0817 HAMBURG LOKAL R. %, in AM-USB, e.weak, tk in G
6070,0 0756-0756 R. 6150 %, e.weak\some PLC, tk, mx
6095,0 *0800-0816 KBC, strong/v.strong, triumphal entrance of Emperor Rosko, Blaupunkt truck radio w.SW. ...
6095,0 1300-1353 KBC, only fair-good, 4 golf Blaupunkt, R&R, Beatles...
6295,0 1000-1043 UNID, trace to weak peaks\strong PLC, D songs [ cf OSAKA ]
6220 v 1006-1045 UNID, mx \strong PLC, drift : 6245 on 6218 a [ KING ?? ]
6265,1 1043--1043 UNID, v.weak \under strong PLC.
6300,0 1244-1244 UNID, e. weak carrier \PLC, maybe music? or splash from Marabu? (1251 gone)
6292,2 1249-1251* UNID, e.weak, mx, sudden s/off.
6269,9 1253-1328 R. MERLIN INT, fair \PLC, mx, IDs, 1258 What is love, 1327 Ian Dury ?
6269,9 1904-2125 R. MERLIN INT, mx, IDs, 1949 Yummy yummy yummy, 2017 W voice, canned ID
6324,9 1855-2113 UNID, strong peak, D songs (also G song), non stop. [ cf NORTON ]
6294,9 1858-2017 UNID, weak, duo tk in E, mx, ment' Sluwe V? Odynn? CoolAM? duo DJs, 2017 mx for FM
6249,8 1908-2019 R. MORNING STAR, e.weak, f'/up, R&R, tk, C&W, 1950 ID @home.nl, 2019 R&R
6421,9 1952-2127 STUDIO 52, yodl, excited DJ, W singer"Self control", 2000 ID, G train song...
6549,6 1955-2119 UNID, f'/up, strong peaks, "low power", mx mix,ID like Alstraat? [ cf WILSKRACHT ]
6245,3 2019-2152 CWR, pop, IDs (also in it.), mx, @gmx, etc...
3905,0 2024-2027 R. QUINTUS, ID+@, accordion, etc...
3940,0 2034-2055* UNID, in AM-USB, e.weak, blank, 2050 mx, pop. [ cf R.ACTIVITY ]
4026,0 2028-2250 LASER HOT HITS, weak \atmos, mx, JID, sugar Elvis, 2040 het on 4023,2 then 4020,0
4020,2 2040-2148 ROCK R. NETWORK, stronger than LHH, 70s rock, occ. techno, 2146 ID
6299,3 2102-2113 UNID, Gainsbourg-Birkin, ska, I'm a joker, La lambada (2121 gone) [ cf SHADOWMAN ]
6276,9 2122-2124* UNID, (2107 alr. carrier), D song, schlager, c'/d, bye-bye and s/off.
6294,9 2150-2158 ODYNN R., mx, "Hocus pocus", ID, g's to Ukrainia
4023,0 2250-2254 UNID, mx, drifting, on 4023,3 at 2254 (maybe Rock R. Network ?)
* * * * * SUN. 30 JUNE 2013 * * * * *
6199,5 0709-0756 UNID, e.weak \PLC,ut., traffic. some mx heard. [ cf ORANG UTAN ]
6260,0 0710-1009 SW GOLD, v.>e.weak, mx, canned IDs
6260,0 1237-2146 SW GOLD, e.weak>good, mx, canned IDs
6270,1 0711,0745 UNID, weak, 0711 W singer, 0745 funky (0812 gone). [ cf NORA ]
6284,8 0711-1009 FOCUS INT, good>fair, mx, tk, IDs, 0817 contacts,
6284,8 1235-2148 FOCUS INT, fair>strong, rock, tk, IDs, 2147 some overmod.
6304,6 0712-1008 R. MARABU, strong\deep fading > weak, D songs, rock, 0825 ID in E
6304,6 1236-2146 R. MARABU, weak>strong \occ.ut.QRM, mx, mx, 2117 in G; Marabu Flashback.
6070,0 0750-0808 R. 6150 %, v.>e.weak. C&W, tk, mx.
6235,3 0757-0801 UNID, (alr.0747 carrier), messing with mod level, mx: Hello Kitty, La Macarena. (0815 gone)
6095,0 0802-1008 KBC, v.strong, ads Blaupunkt, Truck News Mag., C&W, after 10 : Rosko.
6095,0 1234-1400 KBC, strong, Hendrix"Hey Joe", pops, Louis Louie, 1400 Ron O'Quinn's R&R Rewind.
6423,2 0827-0905 UNID, e/v. weak \noisy, mx, waltz, C&W, rock,... [ cf LOWLAND ]
6199,8 0908-0915* UNID, mx, blanks, messing, and s/off. [ cf ORANG UTAN?, BORDERHUNTER?, QSO?? ]
6324,8 1633-1723 UNID, weak, D songs, 1723 BZN ? [ cf NORTON ]
6240,3 1638-1719 F.R. VICTORIA, synthe mx programme, tk, ID+@, more synthe mx.
6210,2 1642-1720 R. NORDSEE INT, v/e.weak, in G, Man of action, mx, IDs, 1720 correct time, ID \traffic 6210U
6745,3 1651-2005* PINK PANTHER R., v.weak at first, pops, D songs, 2003 ID+@, cartoon, 2004'55" s/off.
6275,0 1843-1901* UNID, e.weak, mx, tk in G, also"radio stn from Germany", 1900 ID no copy. [ cf BERMUDA 3eck]
6249,6v 1903-1941 R. MORNING STAR, e.weak, bit of up/down drift, in E, mx, 1913 ID, much tk, DX news
6240,15 1924-1940 F.R. VICTORIA, \ut.upside, Major Tom, Move it on over, ID+@, "Venus"(reprise), It's so easy
7600,2 1959-2002* UNID, \noisy, PLC. rock, s/off at 2001'50"
4026,0 2014-2151 LASER HOT HITS, v.weak, pop, ID, "Dancing in the street", ID+@, tk, mx...
6980,2 2025-2042* UNID, good\fading, occ.traffic, 'helico' ut. mx, rock-saxo... 2040 deep fade.
6745,0 2120-2130 R. POWERLINER INT, strong, mx, ID, short test, c'/d \'helico' ut., numbers st. QRM, mx..
6980,3 2130-2152 UNID, strong, mx, 2135\'helico', mx, mx.
mx=music, tk=talk, D=Dutch, E=English, G=German, F=French, it.=Italian, rpt=report, v.=very,
e.=extremely w.=with, '=..ing, c'/d=closing down, M/W=man/woman, g'=greeting, ut=utility, SM=summer meeting ad
ID+@=ID+e-mail address, J=jingle, PLC=PowerLineComm'(noise), \=but, %=guess, hl=hotline
> =becoming/then, bb=boom-boom mx, bpm=beat per min, [ between sq. brackets : best fit ID, thanks quick logs ]
Please note that c'/d is a period from a few seconds to well more than an hour before the real switch off !
"Strength" notes (from e.weak to V.strong) are rather S/N notes by ear, not S-meter levels.