Logs from South-West of France - September 6 to 9
Posted: Mon Sep 09, 2013 08:32 am
Hi to all,
The propagation was a little better this weekend. The end of the summer is soon...
Some unidentified stations this weekend.
Friday 6th September
3905 1727 25343 Skyline Int. Radio
4026 2037 45333 Laser Hot Hits
6210 1904 35333 Unid
6295 1917 55444 Radio Barones - tribute
6305 1956 45444 Artem's World Music - via Radio Merlin
6310 2004 45444 Radio Telstar South
6400 1936 25322 Radio Caroline Int.
6925 1942 45433 Trans Europe Radio
9925 2025 22432 Baltic Sea Radio - LSB - 9930 kHz at 2048
Saturday 7th September
3905 1845 45344 Technical Man
3915 1918 33433 Radio Alice
6095 0802 55555 The Mighty KBC - via Media Broadcast
6260 1020 35433 Radio Borderhunter
6305 1006 25432 Radio Merlin Int.
6310 1853 45444 Radio Telstar South
6325 1902 45433 Radio Norton - 1911 : end
6400 1952 35333 Radio Caroline/Rainbow
6423 1937 45344 Radio Lowland
6745 1631 34333 Radio Pink Panther
Sunday 8th September
3905 2026 35232 Unid
6095 1018 55545 The Mighty KBC - via Media Broadcast - 1500 : end
6200 0713 24432 Radio Orang Utan
6200 0852 45444 Technical Man
6205 0845 34433 Radio Scotland - 0850 : end
6215 0903 35433 Radio Northpole - 1000 : end
6215 2010 34433 Unid - non-stop tango
6240 0802 35422 Radio Casanova
6240 1852 54444 Radio Mustang
6285 0738 35422 Radio Gouden Ster
6290 1001 35433 Radio Borderhunter
6300 0727 24422 Radio Waldmeister
6305 0833 35433 Radio Merlin Int.
6310 1912 44343 Radio Telstar South
6320 1859 45343 Radio Mazda
6400 1906 33232 Radio Goofy - the best dog on the air
6900 2035 24333 Baltic Sea Radio - LSB
Monday 9th September
6305 0755 35422 Radio Merlin Int. - modulation test
Good listening
The propagation was a little better this weekend. The end of the summer is soon...
Some unidentified stations this weekend.
Friday 6th September
3905 1727 25343 Skyline Int. Radio
4026 2037 45333 Laser Hot Hits
6210 1904 35333 Unid
6295 1917 55444 Radio Barones - tribute
6305 1956 45444 Artem's World Music - via Radio Merlin
6310 2004 45444 Radio Telstar South
6400 1936 25322 Radio Caroline Int.
6925 1942 45433 Trans Europe Radio
9925 2025 22432 Baltic Sea Radio - LSB - 9930 kHz at 2048
Saturday 7th September
3905 1845 45344 Technical Man
3915 1918 33433 Radio Alice
6095 0802 55555 The Mighty KBC - via Media Broadcast
6260 1020 35433 Radio Borderhunter
6305 1006 25432 Radio Merlin Int.
6310 1853 45444 Radio Telstar South
6325 1902 45433 Radio Norton - 1911 : end
6400 1952 35333 Radio Caroline/Rainbow
6423 1937 45344 Radio Lowland
6745 1631 34333 Radio Pink Panther
Sunday 8th September
3905 2026 35232 Unid
6095 1018 55545 The Mighty KBC - via Media Broadcast - 1500 : end
6200 0713 24432 Radio Orang Utan
6200 0852 45444 Technical Man
6205 0845 34433 Radio Scotland - 0850 : end
6215 0903 35433 Radio Northpole - 1000 : end
6215 2010 34433 Unid - non-stop tango
6240 0802 35422 Radio Casanova
6240 1852 54444 Radio Mustang
6285 0738 35422 Radio Gouden Ster
6290 1001 35433 Radio Borderhunter
6300 0727 24422 Radio Waldmeister
6305 0833 35433 Radio Merlin Int.
6310 1912 44343 Radio Telstar South
6320 1859 45343 Radio Mazda
6400 1906 33232 Radio Goofy - the best dog on the air
6900 2035 24333 Baltic Sea Radio - LSB
Monday 9th September
6305 0755 35422 Radio Merlin Int. - modulation test
Good listening