LOGS : 27 MAY - 02 JUN. 2013
* * * * * MON. 27 MAY 2013 * * * * *
6285,2 0609-0924 FOCUS INT, strong > weak, mx and DJ, rock, 0757 ID+contacts (also 1323-1340: weak)
6285,2 1635-2308 FOCUS INT, >strong again \PLC, mx, DJ, IDs. (2109 repeat from 0609, Wishbone Ash)
6264,4 0644-0644 FOCUS INT, v.weak spur // 6285,2 at 0644, only a trace in general (also 6305,9 trace)
6300,1 0612-0843 R. MERLIN INT, fair>v.weak, ad for DrTimNews, ID, DJ Nellie, rock, pop.
4026,0 0619-0626* LASER HOT HITS, e.weak \much loc.noise, 0623 ID, 0626 sudden off.
3985,0 0627-0627 R. 700, v.weak pops, // 7310
7310,0 0928-0631 R. 700, strong peak, // 3985, 0630 ID, pops
6280,2 0639-0845 COSMIC R., v.weak\fades,Focus splash. pops,DJ. 0801 "In the ghetto", 0808 and 0817 IDs
6305,1 0912-0919 R. MERLIN INT, v.weak, rock, IDs (also 1322-1338, maybe 1634 too but strong PLC here)
6295,0 1323-1340 UNID, weak/e.weak, D songs, (from 1333 het on 6293,6 carrier at least) - - [ cf OSAKA ]
6262,6 1326-1331* UNID, e.weak, mx (not Focus)
6305,5 1803-1917* R. VERONA, (alr.trace at 1642), \PLC, D and euro songs, 1910 polka, g's, 1916 ID+@, bye-bye
6297,0 1809-1933 UNID, e.weak \strong PLC, later \atmos, D? songs, 1923 BZN?,1932 We are R.- - - [ cf DR-TIM ]
6400,0 1839-1925 R. CAROLINE (INT), v.weak, mx, 1841 JID, 1924 unclear ID, \atmos.
6552,7 1842-1926 PINK PANTHER R., v.weak, pop-rock, 1844 F.Gall"Poupée de cire", 1900 CCR, ID, CCR again.
6745,2 1844-1927 UNID, weak \PLC, traffic, growing atmos. mx. - - - - - - - -[ cf PIONEER ]
4026,0 1928-2313 LASER HOT HITS, weak\noisy at first, mx, IDs and on/off audio at first.
6299,3v 2026-2307 R. UNDERGROUND, drifts to 6298,7 kHz. mx, hl, ID, g's, yodl, Korean? mx, accordion.
6325,0 2027-2107* R. TINA, e.weak>weak\atmos, pops, 2040 ABBA, 2047 shy ID, 2059 D song.
6257,0 2050-2312 R. MI AMIGO (UK), mx, tk, sounds, IDs, 2105 "Mi Amigo 259", rockabilly, 2152 hl.
6293,05 2111-2127* R. SCOTLAND INT, strong, Daddy Cool, ID, g's, mx, ID..
6325,0 2132-2136* R. CENTURION, mx, rep to Scotland, ID, Dire Strait
6325,0 *2136-2144* R. SCOTLAND INT, strong, rep. to Centurion, ID, g's, mx...
6325,0 *2144-2146 R. CENTURION again...
* * * * * TUES. 28 MAY 2013 * * * * *
6324,8 1610-1631* UNID, v.weak\PLC, 1614 Camouflage, 1626 D song, instrum track and off [ cf NORTON ]
6305,5 1620-1655* UNID, e.weak \PLC, mx, D mx. (1656 bit of mx, someone trying a QSO?) [ cf VERONA ]
6305,5 1757-1956 R. VERONA, \some PLC, D or G songs, 1800 some tk, waltz, yodl, 1819 Just an illusion, 1857 ID, mx, 1942 accordion, 1952 ID, accordion. (2032 gone)
6245,0 1623-2229 SW GOLD, weak\PLC at first, non stop mx, boxed IDs: 1626, 1638, 1644, 1753. 1834 strong peak
6324,9 1825-1955 R. ODYNN, CCR Bad moon, ID+@, 1852 Doors, Gloria, ID, later R.Stones, Hendrix,Hawkwind
6294,8 1827-1833 R. KLABAUTERMAN, horn mx, ID+@, pop
6745 L 1842-1845* mx, then a few words and off? (then on 6720 L, 1846 mx, 1847 maybe a Greek QSO)
6290,6 1914-2037 UNID, tk over "Relax", mx, unclear IDs (2014 R. Macator??), 2037 end? [ cf METROPOLIS ]
6269,6 1931-1936* UNID, e.weak, squeezed by ut's.
6284,7 1943-2033 R. GOUDENSTER/GOLDSTAR, D mx, 2015 Lambada, 2023 IDs+@, 2033 accordion
6910 L 2042-2120 BALTIC SEA R., Jungle rock, ID, Brand new Cadillac, Ostsee R. in G, La Bamba, ID+@, Hippy hippy shake, Paranoid, ID+@, Red River rock, ID, Route 66, ID, Johnny B.Goode, .. See you later alligator
4026,0 2100-2105 LASER HOT HITS, \noisy, traffic on 4025u, ID, FSN news, Martin Scott
* * * * * WED. 29 MAY 2013 * * * * *
6245,0 0601-0614 SW GOLD, mx, ID (also 1516-1533 v.weak\strong PLC, mx, ID)
6245,0 1705-2117 SW GOLD, mx, 1814,2027 IDs.
7265,0 0605-0741 HH LOKAL R. %, in AM-USB, lectures in E
7310,0 0611-0740 R. 700, in G, schlager, pops, ID.. 0740 Moonlight shadow
6304,9 1210-1218 UNID,mx. v.weak \PLC>strong PLC>+strong noise! - - - - - -[ cf OSAKA ]
6305,5 1504-1527 UNID, v.weak \PLC, D mx. (1534 gone) - - - - - - - - [ cf VERONA ]
6294,9 1654-1704 R. TELSTAR INT, \PLC, euro songs, instrum mx, 1703 ID, D song.
6745,2 1706-1930 UNID, \deep fading, PLC, occ.traffic. mx, 1807 R&R medley, 1930 Sweet dreams [cf PIONEER ]
6299,8 1810-1814 UNID, \PLC, atmos, mx, bad 80s sound (1816 gone)
6719,9 1904-1913 UNID, e.weak \PLC, noisy. some rock and tk. - - - - - - - - - -[ cf COOL AM ]
6325,7 1915-2002 R. DR TIM, sounds medleys, IDs not quite clear, D mx, 2000 cartoon mx, ad DrTimNews.
6299,9 1922-1924* UNID, \traffic on 6300u, mx, switch off at 1923'56" - - - - - -[ cf ETHERFREAK ]
4026,0 1939-2125 LASER HOT HITS, weak \noisy > good\fading, mx, 1943ID
6305,5 1953-2116 R. VERONA, weak > fair \loc.noise, D mx, euro mx, 2035 at last clear ID, Mlle Ninette, mx, IDs
6299,8 1953-1955 UNID, mx, messing with mod level ? (2004 gone)
6249,9 2005-2014 UNID, mx, blank after each track, 2010 song "Shahinsha" (spelling ?) (2026 gone)
6300,0 2038-2044 UNID, e.weak, accordion, fading out.
6285,0 2041-2127 R. TINA, v. weak, D song, tk in G, euro mx, 2112 ID in E, "Rosamunde", 2127 brass mx
* * * * * THURS. 30 MAY 2013 * * * * *
6284,7 1250-1254 UNID, e.weak \PLC, mx, tk (said "Amsterdam" ?) - - - - [ cf GOUDENSTER ]
6323,9 1802-1923 R. ODYNN, \noisy 6319 ut. 1803 ID+hl+@, barrel organ, accordion, sirtaki, guitars, 1923 ID
6299,0 1807-1905* UNID, weak \atmos, testing with same track till 1840 then Black Betty.. Hocus pocus.
6289,8 1814-1815 UNID, \noisy, accordion, polka (1820 gone) - - - - - - [ cf SKYWIRE ]
4026,0 1825-2145 LASER HOT HITS, weak \noisy > fair \fading,atmos 1825 Spirit in the sky, 1828 hl, ID,POB.
6290,0 1830-1833 UNID, \het,atmos. "Major Tom", ID whispered over mx. - - [ cf SKYWIRE ]
6290,4 1833-1838 UNID, drifting ?, mx, Tarzn shouting, instrum mx. (1845 : blank and s/off) - - [ cf SKYWIRE ]
6290,4 1914-1918 UNID, e.weak \much atmos. mx, tk?, Johnny Cash ?. V.hard to hear! - - [ cf SKYWIRE ]
6307,1 1847-1920 R. DR TIM, sounds medleys, IDs not quite clear, Internet ".de", D mx, ad DrTimNews.
* * * ** * FRI. 31 MAY 2013 * * * * *
6305,5 0807-0840 UNID, e.weak \some PLC, mx, maybe D song, soon under loc. noise - - - - [ cf VERONA ]
6294,9 1524-1718 UNID, tk over pop-rock and D mx. 1529 g's to stns, 1603 All day and all of the night, I fought the law, 1637 H. California, 1705 g's to stns, Dragonslayer, 1718 blank, end ? - - - - [ cf TELSTAR INT ]
6324,8 1608-1712 UNID, D or euro W singer (many tracks), except 1639 Moonlight shadow. (1727 gone) [ cf NORTON ]
6210,0 1703-1728 SW GOLD, \PLC, mx, 1716 ID, "right from the tower of power"
6210,0 2103-2415 SW GOLD, mx, mx, mx, and canned IDs. (2300 giant ut).
6219,6 2108-2113 UNID, Cinderella's baby, Ha ha said the clown. - - - - [ cf R. KILOHERTZ ]
6305,5 2115-2149 UNID, \v.disturbing ut. low side, D songs, 2149 ID by W (no copy) - - - - [ cf R. VERONA ]
6324,25 2118-2133 R. UNDERGROUND, Korean? mx, 2132 c'/d gd night (known voice), mx. 2133 long blank
6449,0 2120-2127 UNID, rock, mx, tk in D. - - - - - - - - [ cf STUDIO 52 ]
4026,0 2142,2412 LASER HOT HITS, 2142: mx, ID+@, mx. 2412: mx, tk, ID, mx
6294,9 2150-2156 UNID, e.weak, mx, 2153 tk, fading down.
6243 u 2157-2210 UNID, \spitting ut., instrum mx, 2205 "Angie", rock. - - - -[ cf OVER 60° ]
6300,0 2215,2301 only a trace - - - - - - - - [ cf Russian UNID ]
6744,7 2229-2253 UNID, v.weak \some downdrift, mx, tk(no copy), 2248 now on 6744,55. - - [ cf MORNING STAR ]
6284,9 2235-2259 NMD R., rock, tchacaboom, 2254 American woman, ID+@, 2258 IDs+@
6735 u 2404-2420 COOL AM R., hard to hear, strange mx, IDs+@, free radio combination, web site...
* * * * * SAT. 01 JUN. 2013 * * * * *
6210,0 0445-0510 SW GOLD, strong peaks, mx, canned ID, also "S.W.G., bring SW back to life" (or SWC ?)
4026,0 0449-0500 LASER HOT HITS, fai \fading, mx, ID - -(also 1732 e.weak \under noise)
4026,0 2123-2150 LASER HOT HITS %, \fading, noisy, mx, tk, Police
6095,0 0821-1459* KBC, powerful, ad for KBC Import, Rosko, C&W rock, after 10 : pops, 1143 odd deep fading
6295,0 1108-1133 UNID, v.weak \PLC, mx, 1121 e.weak, brass mx, summer pop, 1133 drowned
6295,0 1501-1518* R. MUSTANG, weak>fair, pop, Paranoid, 1513 ID, c'/d, Driver seat, g's, ID...
6423,4 1506-1528 UNID, v.>e.weak \PLC, mx, ~C&W, 1527 tk ..Nederland.. 1528 end ? - - [ cf LOWLAND ]
6801,0 1533-1800 R. TOWER, \fading > \sticking PLC, D songs, IDs from 1636. 1710 Nena
6801,0 1938-2230 R. TOWER, \noisy, D songs, IDs, 2142 het on 6802,1 - 2220 rock
6932,5 1637-2021 IMR R. ?, peaks and deep fading, nonstop pos, 1725 tk (no copy), 1803 \strong traffic, 1949 ID ??
6300,0 1652-1809 R. VENDOR, e.weak +good peaks, H.California, IDs, 15W, 1745 Knock on wood, Born to be alive
6285,0 1728-1811 R. OSAKA, e.weak at first, D song, ID+@, also in G, Schocking Blue, "Telstar", Apache...
6324,8 1807-2047 UNID, D song, 1818 "russian" song, 1820 synthe mx, nonstop songs - - - - [ cf NORTON ]
6295,0 1808-1923 R. MUSTANG, strong>v.strong \hammer mod, D songs, Who's that girl, g's-rpt in D, 1905 ID, c'/d
6250,0 1812-1903 R. KLABAUTERMAN, D? mx, ID in G +E, "from the NW part of Germany", 1852 Beach Boys
6305,1 1847-2216 R. MERLIN INT, weak \noisy, mx, regular IDs.
6399,9 1926-2115 R. COUNTY ?, weak, mx, techno mx, unclear IDs. - - - - - - - - [ cf GOOFY ]
6423,3 1932-2041 R. LOWLAND, G? songs, Ring of fire in G?, polka, etc. 2039 ID, SWCHolland.com
6912a L 1940-2020 BALTIC SEA R., hard to clarify with that music and IDs too short, 6912 approx.
6745,2 2011-2141 UNID, polka, pops. - - - - - - - - - - - - [ cf PIONEER ]
6289,9 2048-2256 R. KARBIET, weak, ID over Calinda de luna, 60s instrum, mx, mx, mx.
3904,9 2055-2149* R. ALICE, strong \fading, euro-singer, ~C&W, ID+JID, 2128 said c'/d soon, 2148 real c/d ID
6940,0 2101-2251 IMR R., weak \noisy, repeat from 1637, pops, 2209 "5-4-3-2-1" pop song
6450,0 2107-2135 UNID, weak>v.weak \atmos,PLC. - - - - - - [ cf TRANSEUROPE ]
6421,7 2111-2112 STUDIO 52, accordion, tk, ID, mx.
6540,2 2137-2220 F.R. VICTORIA, Apache, ID, Shadows show.
6294,8 2151-2152 UNID, mx, blank
6295,1 2255-2305 R. SCOTLAND INT, Abba"Gimme..." remix?, pops, IDs, g's.
* * * * * SUN. 02 JUN. 2013 * * * * */all : strong PLC around 0830
6935 u 0320-0334* UNID, \some noise. blues, 0332 SSTV (not seen), and off. - - - - - - [ cf WOLVERINE R. ]
6324,8 0800-1010 R. NORTON, sirtaki, If I only could, Russian? song (in E), 0815 flute, ID, later D songs
6305,05 0801-1049 R. MERLIN INT, v.weak, mx, regular IDs, 0804 Jethro Tull, 1010 Beach Boys
6305,05 1518-1741 R. MERLIN INT, v.weak \PLC at times, mx, 1532 ..challenge the law.., 1629 ID+@
6305,1 1917-2333 R. MERLIN INT, 1917 You can leave your hat on \QRM, 2003 clear, ID, DJ Nellie, etc...
6305,5 1917-1929 UNID, QRM+het with Merlin, D accordion, tk (no copy) song, bad QRM. [ cf VERONA ]
6295,0 0802-1050 R. QUINTUS, fair>v.weak, D mx, tk over instrum mx, 0819 ID, g's, etc..
6210,0 0803-1028 SW GOLD, weak>v.weak, mx, mx, canned IDs
6210,0 1524-1741 SW GOLD, mx, mx, canned IDs, 1633 \RTTY on 6208,6 (long)
6210,0 2000-2332 SW GOLD, clear of RTTY at last \ut.bursts now, > strong. 2029 Should I stay or should I go
6284,9 0811-0943 R. ODYNN, v.weak, D mx, 0934 E.Moricone, 0938 tk (hard), 0943 ID
6285,15 0943-0945 UNID, tk: M & W voices, but under noise. - - - -[ cf ZEEWOLF rpt to Odynn ]
6284,9 0949-0951 R. ODYNN ?, instrum mx, tk (maybe Odynn replying)
6095,0 0951-1104 MIGHTY KBC %, V.strong \odd fading. C&W, Get it on, Rosko (hot summer), 1053 Upside down
7310,0 0953-0953 R. 700 %, strong, pops, some overmod.
9480,0 0954-0959* MV BALTIC R., in AM-USB, mx, ID in G+E, 60s-70s mx, maybe ut.noise underneath.
6282,0 1051-1052 BORDERHUNTER, mx, ID, "Secret sounds", g's, D song
6199,8 1525-1526* UNID, tk over instrum background mx, then s/off.
6325,35 1526-1537 UNID, e.weak, mx, tk (no copy).
6245,0 1630-1740 TECHNICAL MAN, mx, tk in D, pop, 1706 ID+hl in E, Jailhouse rock, 1739 ID multilingual
6245,0 1945-2332 TECHNICAL MAN, strong, ID, D mx, 2001 tiki mx, 2127 ~techno, 2330 Macarena
6450,5 1635-1652 UNID, \loc.noise, mx, 1638 lost, 1649 back, same mx, then polka - - [ cf DUTCHWING ]
6940,0 1642-1648 UNID, e.weak \loc.noise. mx, 1645 ID? over kind of Bach mx.
6940,0 2013-2139 IMR R., v.weak \ut.QRM upper side, "5-4-3-2-1", "Oh boy", ID over ~Bach. 2135 strong ! 2139 ID
6324,05 1653-1659 UNID, e.weak, mx, tk in D (fade), accordion tracks. - - - - [ cf BONTE SPECHT ]
6289,9 1742-1743* UNID, e.weak, mx.
6285,0 1744-1746 UNID, e.weak, tk, D mx. - - - - - -[ cf TINA ]
6287,3 1828-1900 R. DOCTOR TIM, v.weak, various mx, much unclear IDs, 1851 clear IDs, 1858 ID R.FOX 48
6282,0 *1852-1855 UNID, "No milk today", E song. - - (1900 gone). - - - - - - [ cf BLACK ARROW ]
6268,0 1901-1912 BLACK ARROW, strong, pop-rock, IDs, g's
6325,8 1912-2045 R. GOOFY, v.weak \PLC. Drums mx, 2026 ID in E, name no copy, more drums, 2045 ID
6285,0 1931-2047* R. TINA, v.weak, D mx, g's, Wir sind de Casanovas, 1943 ID, mx, 2046 c'/d ID
6220,0 1946-2000 R. MUSTANG, strong \hum (only with mx?), "Sunny", ID, mx.
6393,4 2006-2040 R. UNDERGROUND, strong \bit of Morse(low side), Shakin all over, D mx, ID, Korean? mx, g's, tk about 50kW on 13-95, hl (robot voice), g's, rpts
1386,0 2052-2318 UNID, peaks \deep fades, QRM beating, pops, 2109 "Yesterday", tec. (maybe Carillon R. ?)
6325,0 2121-2124 R. CENTURION, CQ Goofy in D/G, rock guitar, ID, Dire Straits"Sultans.." (2131 gone)
6267,0 2125-2149 SLUWE VOS R., ID+@, mx, rock, \occ.ut.QRM, 2149 Rammstein ? on 6266,8
4026,0 2050,2307 LHH %, 2050: long blank, 2307: strong, mx
3905,0 2308-2314* BAKEN 16, strong, mx, ID+@, c'/d, 2313 JID, blank and s/off.
mx=music, tk=talk, D=Dutch, E=English, G=German, F=French, it.=Italian, rpt=report, v.=very,
e.=extremely w.=with, '=..ing, c'/d=closing down, M/W=man/woman, g'=greeting, ut=utility, SM=summer meeting ad
ID+@=ID+e-mail address, J=jingle, PLC=PowerLineComm'(noise), \=but, %=guess, hl=hotline
> =becoming/then, bb=boom-boom mx, bpm=beat per min, [ between sq. brackets : best fit ID, thanks quick logs ]
Please note that c'/d is a period from a few seconds to well more than an hour before the real switch off !
LOGS : 27 MAY - 02 JUN. 2013
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