Logs : 08 - 14 APR. 2013
Posted: Sat Jun 08, 2013 16:05 pm
Still late, still carefully checked.
Still late, still carefully checked.
- * * * * * MON. 08 APR. 2013 * * * * *
6295,0 0643-0648 UNID, strong \some PLC, 0643 blank, 0645 disco "Rasputin", etc. (0717 gone)
6069,9 0719-0723 R. 6150 %, mx from RNI % "on 220 meters", \tk QRM as usual.
6294,8 0850-0925 UNID, v.weak \fading,PLC. mx, D instrum, jazz, Sidney Bechet?, waltz.. - - [ cf NOLAN ]
6324,9 1605-1851 UNID, v.-e. weak \PLC, D songs, 1649 greek style, 1806 some tk (1906 gone) [ cf NORTON ]
6205,8 1609-1642* UNID, e.weak (or trace) \occ. ut. mx, 1640 said c'/d - - - - - -[ cf R. TINA ]
6210,0 1624-1705 UNID, v.weak > weak, synthe mx, 1 word at 1632. - - - - - - [ cf SOUNDWAVE ]
6304,25 1643-1703 R. ZEEWOLF, weak > fair \traffic, mx, 1646 ID, also as R. SEAWOLF INT, Red River rock, ID+@, more R&R, Walk don't run, live ID, g's...
6290,6 1807-1828 R. CAROLINE INT, \PLC,splash, 1807 voiceless singer, 1810 R&B, \traffic on 6290U, 1827 JID
6285,0 1812-1833 R. OSAKA, D songs, \occ.traffic on 6279,5U, 1826 known voice (tk' Powerliner)
6305,0 1816-1905 R. PYTHON, \some PLC, rock, 1828 ID, "Belgian music today .. low power 8W", techno, 1853 @
6275,2 1823-1931* R. SKYWIRE, v.weak \PLC. "testing-1-2", ID, rock, 1907 on 6275,1 - 1909 CCR, ID
6735,0 1836-1943 HOT R., difficult \sticking PLC, mx, IDs(only clear ID: 1941), 1926 Imagine.
6735,0 1943-2020 HOT R., e.weak \light PLC, occ. "helico" ut.- alternative mx, rock, Stairway to Heaven
6985,0 1844-2153 LIGHTNING R. %, e.weak \v.noisy, mx, usual zip ID "-- -- -- , S.W."
4029,0 1914-2148 LASER HOT HITS, \traffic on 4030U in F. ID, OEM, FSN, mx, rpt from Dresden, "Encore une fois"
6210,0 2138-2408 UNID, v.v. long tracks of transe/techno mx - - - - - - - - [ cf SOUNDWAVE ]
* * * * * TUES. 09 APR. 2013 * * * * *
6305,0 1305-1310 UNID, e.weak, mx. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [ OSAKA ?? ]
6295,0 1307-1308 R. OME JAN, e.weak, ID, mx, 1308 \strong traffic on 6290 USB
6324,8 1600-1724 UNID, e.weak \occ. ut.noise lowside, non stop instrum mx - - - - [ cf NORTON ]
6306,8 1649-1712* UNID, strong. pops, 1701 Hocus Pocus, messing with rock, off without annt.
6295,0 1713-1912 R. OME JAN, v.weak\fading,occ.traffic. mx, D songs, 1842 ID in G.
6284,95 1713-1942 R. ODYNN, fair > strong, 60s/70s rock-pops. 1718 No more heroes, My Sharona, 1903 ID+@
6440,5 1819-1824 UNID, D instrum mx. - - - - - - - - - -[ cf ZW.PANTER ]
6552,7 1824-1917 UNID, "Waterloo", J.Cash"Ring of fire", 1913 pop"Mexico" \PLC now - -[ cf PINK PANTHER ]
6735 L 1827-2130 HOT R., \occ. traffic and "helico" ut., later PLC. mx, many IDs
6985,1 1837-1837 UNID, e.weak, mx drowned in noise. - - - - - - [ cf LIGHTNING R. ]
6269,9 1909-2017* R. FLYING DUTCHMAN, \strong PLC, mx, IDs+@, tk in D+E, rpts, c'/d, bye bye.
6305,0 1924-1926* R. ASCONA, v.weak \PLC, mx, IDs+@, c'/d, said going to 3905 kHz.
3905,0 *1926-1940* R. ASCONA, \much noise! mx, IDs+@.
4029,0 1933-2053 LASER HOT HITS, \noisy, mx, "Dave Norris programme". 2052 FSN, ad with Asian accent?
6204,8 1943-2206 R. GOLDSTAR, \strong hum and 6205,7 het till 2010. mx, euro-mx, D songs, Ma' Baker
6305,0 2018-2045 R. PYTHON, ID "relaying Dance Radio 992 pirate from Amsterdam", mx. (2053 gone)
6280,1 2130-2205 UNID, non stop transe mx
6305,0 2339-2345 UNID, good peaks, techno transe mx. - - - - - - - -[ cf SOUNDWAVE ]
* * * * * WED. 10 APR. 2013 * * * * *
7310,0 0655-0659 R. 700, ID, news in G, Regionale narichten, "R. 700 Service", JID. (also at 1225, \fading)
7265,0 0700,1226 HAMBURG LOKAL R. %, in AM-USB, 0700 : mx, 1226 : trio tk in G, clear voices.
6305,1 1229-1427 UNID, trace/e.weak \long PLC, some mx "heard". - - - - - - - -[ cf OSAKA ? ]
6284,8 1230-1230 UNID, trace. - - - - - - - - [ cf ALTREX ]
6325,0 1412-1422 UNID, station under strong PLC. - - - - - - - - - - [ cf NORTON ]
6975,0 1619-1636* UNID, on/off station testing, "test 1-2-3-4-5" in D, some mx tests also.
6985,0 1626-2012 UNID, e.weak /trace, 1729 on 6985,1 - 2012 \traffic. [ cf LIGHTNING ]
6300,0 1647-1700 UNID, \PLC, D mx, 1653 ID (no copy). - - - - - - - -[ cf VENDOR ]
6240,0 1718-1722* R. FLYING DUTCHMAN, (1649: blank), 1718 ID, c'/d, back later this ev'. 1722 goodbye.
6929,9 1725-1815 MIKE R., strong, "She's not there", new antenna, good mod, tnx rpts, ID, rock-pop
6557 a 1816-1817 UNID, mx, then lost.
6284,7 1823-1912 DELTA R., weak \PLC. Scatman, pops, rock, 1858 JIDs, P4P, mx.
6325,8 1830-1933 R. CAROLINE INT, \PLC, ut. 1833 ID+@+annts, mx, 1911 P4P,mx, 1932 E. Europe language
6300,0 1835-1923 R. MUSTANG, v.v.strong \CPL too! Dragonslayer, Waterloo sunset, Paranoid, Judy in disguise, 1853 ID in D, g'sto Odynn etc. 1906 Dragon back, ID, c'/d, g's UKR, ... 1922 D mx, blank, off.
6239,9 1913-2009* R. FLYING DUTCHMAN, back with pops, IDs, D mx, 2009 ID and off.
4029,0 1916-2022 LASER HOT HITS, show from March 13th, IDs, "Magic", OEM,FSN, mx. - -(also 2345)
6720 L 1926-1929 UNID, \some PLC, 1926 mx, 1929 end ?
4900,0 2018-2020 UNID, mx, mx. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -[ cf U-BOAT 66 ]
6730 L 2348-2409 UNID, good \strong RTTY on 6726. rock, Troggs, CCR, J. Hendrix. - - - - - - [ cf HOT R. ]
* * * * * THURS. 11 APR. 2013 * * * * *
7310,0 0810,1318 R. 700, 0810 : mx, JID, 1318 : singer in G.
6305,1 1320-1815 R. OSAKA, e.weak > weak \PLC, brass mx, 1520 Hocus Pocus, polla, Stop the cavalry, Brasil medley, "Charlie Brown", .. That's the way.., tk: known voice, R&R, 1551 ID+@, uip! 60s pops, D songs...
6295,0 1515-1518 UNID, "I shot the sheriff", mx. (1521 gone)
6290,0 1521-1550 R. ODYNN, pops, 1526 \traffic on 6290U, Scand.? 1534 ID+@, latino song...
6735,0 1538-1547* COOL AM R., e.weak \noisy, Jefferson Airplane, ID, mx, "We are (Cool ?) and off.
6250,1 1557-1557 UNID, D W singer, nice switch off.
6250,1 1604-1611 UNID, blank, D song, D pop, a fade, back with D song, off.
6290,15 1558-1601* UNID, v.weak, D mx, "Radio -- -- --" (no copy) then tk, ment ' Bonte Specht .
6290,1 1615-1655 R. VENDOR, D songs, IDs, \soon strong PLC.
6269,9 1638-1701 R. TELSTAR INT, \PLC, some samba drums, CCR medley, 1656 ID, ment'Karbiet and Flying D.
6250 a 1649-1659 UNID, \mushy carrier, pops, 1653 "Africa". - - - - - - - -[ cf FLYING DUTCHMAN ? PYTHON ?]
6280 v 1702-1720 UNID, \v. bad audio, fast drifts-quick returns, tk (no copy), mx from tropics [ cf UNPREDICTABLE ]
6285 a 1816-1847 LONG LIVE R. ?, mx, loop of IDs+@gmail in E : hard to hear, quite unsure. [ cf LONG LIVE ]
6324,9 1847-1850 UNID, e.weak, mx, then lost. - - - - - - [ cf NORTON ]
6240,1 1852-1933 R. CAROLINE INT, P.Floyd"The wall", JIDs, mx, \ut.bursts.
4029,0 1904-1936 LASER HOT HITS %, \fading, loc. noise, mx - - (also 2230 : tk).
* * * ** * FRI. 12 APR. 2013 * * * * *
6305,0 1339-1414 R. OSAKA, e.weak, mx, 1351 yodl, 1409 live ID
6275,0 1352-1452 UNID, trace, barely some audio, occ. hets all around (low power QSO round?)
6552,6 1415-1447 PINK PANTHER R., v.weak \PLC, mx, 1443 Elvis, ID+@ in E. (also 1626-1723, mx)
6552,6 2004-2110 PINK PANTHER R., mx and IDs.
6932,3 1423-1435 IMR, e.weak + peaks, mx, 1429 ID. ( also 1628-1729, ID, mx)
6932,3 1838-2116 IMR, mx, W DJ, IDs
6094,8 1454-1701* TIP & ELVIS SHOW, yes on KBC fq, Relax, ID, Friday on my mind, .. 1507 ID, 1552 QRM (from China?) till 1600, 1602 "c'/d in a few min", but going on stronger, 1656 c'/d annts till 1701 s/off.
6306,5 1510-1521 UNID, e.weak \atmos, D songs, 1517 long tk, polkas, 1521 to 6305,6
6305,6 1521-1530a UNID, ex 6306,5 \PLC accordion, end around 1530 approx.
6319,9 1539-1611 MUSTANG R., mx, 1542 ID in D, 1545 ID over mx, 1551 strong peak.
6290,05 1612-1619* UNID, accordion, 1619 tk in D ..amateur.. ID??, s/off at 1619'48. - - [ cf BONTE SPECHT }
6220,0 1612-1722 R. FLYING DUTCHMAN, ID over polka, tnx rpt, mx, 1656 rock, 1702 Fox on the run, ID
3905,0 1643-2119 SKYLINE INT R., e.weak > fair \fading, pop oldies, D songs, 1852 ID, pop oldies.
6985,0 1834-1834 UNID, e.weak \noisy, atmos,ut.,traffic. mx - - - - - - - - - - - - - -[ cf LIGHTNING ]
6985,0 2008-2046 UNID, e.weak \v.noisy, QRM. mx+DJ in E, 2046 hl in E (prob. FM relay by LIGHTNING R. )
4029,0 1840-2123 LASER HOT HITS, mx, ID, Tony James. 2120 tk : receiving problems (plama TV, antenna...)
3920,0 1843-1849* R. ACTIVITY, mx, rpt Franco/N.Italy, IDs, synthe mx, 1849'30 s/off.
6295,0 1907-1911* UNID, strong blank carrier. - - - - - -[ cf TELSTAR ?? ]
6284,6 1908-1957 UNID, \traffic, pop, D songs, duo tk in D, C&W, 1943 sirens, techno. [cf GOUDENSTER]
6219,6 1918-1930 UNID, audio mess/patchwork ? Une chatte n'y retrouverait pas ses petits(F saying) [ cf VIRGIN]
6210,2 1919-2109 R. MARABU, \mushy carrier, mx, tk in G, 1920 auto-service ad, 1954 ID, "musik und kultur", web site, mx, 2026 whispering, 2052 ID, mx, etc. (also at 2400 : mx)
6264,8 1944-2032 R. PYTHON, mx, tk in D, 1949 ID+@, mx, mx, 2028 g's, ID, tk.
6300,35 1958-2107 CRAZY WAVE R., ID+@, I fought the law, mx, tk, 2040 ID, Africa, 2049 in it. and E, IDs, "Black is black" (India style), 2107 Queen of hearts, g's Gino, ID.
6204,6 2021-2025 R. GOUDENSTER / GOLDSTAR, Nana Mouskouri"Roses blanches", ID+@ in D+E, waltz,polka
6070,0 2053-2056 R. 6150 %, with RNI tape, 70s pops, Down on the corner, Nordzee ID, "Superstitious".
* * * * * SAT. 13 APR. 2013 * * * * *
4029,0 0709,1609 LASER HOT HITS %, 0709 : good, mx, 1629 : \loc. noise, pops
4029,0 2052-2136 LASER HOT HITS, \occ. Morse QRM, hello Guernsey, 2136 ID+@, show from Monday Feb. 4th
6239,4v 0710-0827* UNID, good > weak\some PLC, drift to 6240,0 - mx, not much tk! [ cf FLYING D.]
6210,2 0711-1341 UNID, v.weak \some PLC, 1041 hum with 6210, strong PLC. 0742 "Chanson d'amour", 1233 Simon &Garf., "Daydream", tk in G? (much too weak) - - - - [ cf R. MARABU ]
6210,2 1508-1628 UNID, v. weak \QRM from AC-DC, 1623 D.Bowie,tk in G?, "Paranoid" in G? by W. [ cf R. MARABU ]
6210,2 1925-2320 R. MARABU, ID at 1953, tk in G, still v.weak, +peaks now \atmos. mx, 2057 strange tk.
6210,0 1508-1540 R. AC-DC, hum with Marabu% 6210,2 - "Rawhide", ID, mx, 1533 Simon &Garf. (1623 gone)
7265,0 0745-0750 HAMBURG LOKAL R. %, in AM-sup, tk show in G.
7310,0 0746-0748 R. 700 %, pops
6919,8 0752-0830 R. SALO %, e.weak \occ.traffic or Morse, rock,C&W, IDs like R. Sono or Solak, hotmail, Man of action, testing 1-2. After 0820 fading under loc. noise.
6190,0 0801-0801 HAMBURG LOKAL R. %, in AM-sup, mx.
6304,9 1035-1044 ODYNN R., \strong PLC, IDs, mx, "Mexico"
6295,0 1038-1044 UNID, mx and tk under strong PLC, useless. - - - - - - [ cf POWERLINER ]
6279,9 1225-1338 UNID, e.weak +peaks \some PLC, mx
6280,0 1400-1420 UNID, e.weak \some PLC, mx, 1405 "Bette Davis eyes", 1420 soft rock (1502 gone)
6289,7 1247-1247 UNID, v.weak \some PLC, mx, mx - - - - - - - -[ cf VROLIJKE FRANS ]
6552,7 1248-1602 PINK PANTHER %, weak \sticky PLC, mx, 1435 France Gall"Poupée de cire"
6552,7 2016-2111* PINK PANTHER R., mx, 2105 g's, IDs+@, "end of the show"... 2110 cartoon theme and off.
6745,2 1256-1604 UNID, e.weak \PLC, occ.traffic. mx, 1438 bells, 1603 \strong PLC. - - [ cf PIONEER ]
6932,5 1257-1612 IMR R., e.weak \hiss, mx, IDs, tk, incl' much R&B and soul mx.
6932,5 2010-2129 IMR R., \splash, het from 6930 till 2015. mx, IDs. 2012 J.Hendrix, 2113 Beatles.
6295,0 1314-1501* R. TELSTAR, v.weak \hum at times, D songs, instrum mx, 1328 ID, 1349 ment' R.Veronica, Yellow submarine, 1421 Roxane, 1445 60's rock guitars (also yodl), 1459 c'/d IDs, bye bye
6295,1 UNID signal, hum with R. Telstar at 1320-1325, at 1413-1421.
6305,0 1330-1344* UNID, strong, mx, sudden off. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -[ cf SHADOWMAN ]
6305,0 1406-1413* UNID, strong peaks, mx, rpt in D to/from ? Zender Zeroman (Shadowman?)
6430,5 1423-1425 UNID, e.weak, mx, tk ..allo.. (no more copied), mx - - [ cf ZW. PANTER ? ]
6448,8 1426-1600 UNID, e.weak \strong PLC, occ. het glider. mx, 1522 accordion, 1558 quiet songs [ cf STUDIO 52 ]
6325,0 1451-1457* Z. ZODIAC, \some PLC,noise ut. tk and ID in D over mx, 60s rock guitar
6250,0 1502-1542 R. FLYING DUTCHMAN, \PLC. ZZ Top, ID, rock, Knock on wood, ID, BZN
6294,7 1513-1515* UNID, e.weak \PLC. tk : ment' R. Telstar.
6305,0 1543-1548 UNID, e.weak mx, soon overwhelming PLC.
6920,0 1605-1607 R. TRANSEUROPE, strong \fading, ID+@, mx, pop from 80s? (1612 gone)
6270,9 1613-1639 UNID, \PLC,occ.traffic. rock, live song, Nights in white satin, synthe pop. [ cf TELSTAR ]
6300,0 1632-1638 UNID, quiet song, pop (in F ?), mx. - - - - - - - - [ cf POWERLINER ]
6205,0 1924-1954 UNID, \traffic, techno mx. - -(2008 gone)
6280,0 1932-2029 UNID, e.weak \RTTY, mx, IDs M....?, 1949 and 2026: I hear you knocking. [ cf MORNING STAR]
6304,8 1943-1955 UNID, e.weak \traffic. D songs, waltz - - - - - - - - [ cf NORTON ]
6540,0 2017-2144 F.R. VICTORIA, strong, pop-rock, 2100 Mungo J., It's so easy, ID.. My little runaway, That's the way...
3904,7 2030-2333 R. ALICE, 50s oldies, C&W, D mx, 2050 ID, 2138 Roll over Beethoven. 2333 c'/d ID
3932,1 2032-2046* MRF R., v.weak, Band on the run, Doors"Hello.., ID, c'/d, synthe, ID+@, test tones.
6925,0 2117-2147 TRANS EUROPE R., strong, Don't you want me, Sweet dreams, ID+ @, 70s/80s.
6984,9 2124-2128 UNID, e.weak. Some techno mx. - - - - - -[ cf LIGHTNING ]
6305,0 2314-2329 UNID, weak \splash from 6290. mx, 2323 synthe-tchac mx. (2332 gone) - -[ cf SOUNDWAVE ]
6290,0 2314-2335 MUSTANG R., V.V. strong! Good golly miss Molly, H. California, g's, ID, rock...
* * * * * SUN. 14 APR. 2013 * * * * * noisy all day
6304,9 0642-0655* UNID, blank, 0646 Bowie, "Sweet dreams". - - - - - - - - [ cf SOUNDWAVE ]
6300,6 0642-0748 R. BONOFOX, mx, 0645 ID over accordion, 0712 Sugar sugar, 0747 c'/d ID (v.weak now)
6216 W 0643-0757 UNID, usual wobbling jamming station (trace of mx "heard" in the noise)
6210,2 0643-1135 R. MARABU %, v.weak \noisy, mx, tk in G, 11.35 "Somebody help me". (1325 e.weak \PLC)
6210,2 1748-1955 R. MARABU, v.weak, mx, 1827 ID+web.
6210,2 1958-2108 R. MARABU, v.weak \QRM from UNID stn, mx, tk in G, 2100 ID.
6210 v 1958-2108 UNID, e.weak stn under Marabu, drifting around (so not the usual Greek intermod).
6199,5 0644-0759 R. ORANG UTAN, v.weak \noisy, euro-D mx, 0709 ID, Man of action. 0716 "We love.., 0759 ID
6070,0 0717-0923 R. 6150 %, \QRM tk in E. Prob. RNI tape with pops and Man of action.
5815,0 0721-0817 UNID, v.weak\noisy, pop-rock (late 60s), 0817 tk. - - - - - - [ cf SATURNUS ]
4029,0 0724-0732 LASER HOT HITS %, weak \v.noisy, 0729 M.Thatcher ?
4029,0 1844-2304 LASER HOT HITS, \it.traffic on 4030U at first, later clear mx, tk, 2304 ID+@
3985 // 7310 0732-0735 R. 700 %, brass mx, tk in G;, "Die darten Polka" (brass)
6280,1 0749-1325 R. CO.... ??, IDs quite unclear, messing with mike, pop-rock, 1210 "Love shack" [ cf COSMIC R.]
9480,0 *0800-0857 ATLANTIC 2000, s/on mx, multi-ID, J.Jett, Beatles, Loco-motion, radio news (Sud Radio, FIM, Geronimo...), \HF hickups, news (KBC-Nauen, licences in NL), 0837 Poupée de cire, Al Djazira soon in F, London calling, tk about Yves Mourousi, 0856 tnx MVBR and R700.
6005,0 0803-0859 ATLANTIC 2000, // 9480 but some 30 seconds late, and weaker here. 0845 M.Polnareff.
6324,8 0812-0945 UNID, e.weak \often trace only, occ. hets. mx - - - - - - - - - -[ cf NORTON ]
6206 a 0813-0957 UNID, trace +e.weak peak at 0908 : tk in G, mx. - - - - - - [ cf STAR CLUB R. or ILLUSION ? ]
6095,0 0814-1316 KBC, powerful, Truck news, C&W, 1210 Emperor Rosko at the mike.
6289,8 0839-0839 UNID, mx.
6285,1 0900-0902 UNID, blank or quite undermod ? - - - - - - - - - - - -[ cf SHADOWMAN ]
6300,0 0930-0945 R. TELSTAR INT, weak \some PLC, R&R and D songs, IDs
6285,0 0947-0951* R. POEMA ?, hard to hear, ID?, giving? rpts, mx (some blues?)
6269,9 0953-0955 UNID, e.weak \PLC, mx, tk (much too weak). - - - - - -[ cf KARBIET ]
9480,0 0958-1035 GERONIMO SW, strong at first. 1000 : ID, mx, later : \fades, noisy, mx, rpts, ID.
6305,1 1113-1330 UNID, weak\noisy. techno-transe mx. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [ cf SOUNDWAVE ]
6305,1 1740-1847 UNID, strong peaks (1834 het from 6305,4). techno-transe mx. - - [ cf SOUNDWAVE ]
6285,0 1318-1330 UNID, e.weak\PLC. mx
6285,0 1737-1837 BOGUSMAN %, strong, typical long tk between tracks. - - - - [ cf THE GHOUL ]
6285,0 1937-2101 BOGUSMAN, strong, 1950 ID, mx, chatting.
6552,7 1327, 1800-2027 PINK PANTHER R., 1327 v.weak mx, 1800 fair \PLC. mx, ID, mx..
6324,8 1738-1839* UNID, e.weak \occ. ut.bursts. Non-stop D mx. 1839 some c'/d. - - - - [ cf NORTON, marathon? ]
6300,5 1740-1740 UNID, weak, D song. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -[ cf HOBBIT R. ]
6239,5 1745-1756 UNID, e.weak mx, 1756 blank. - - - - - - [ cf DEUTSCH SCHALLPLATTEN R. ]
6219,7 1746-1837 R. CAROLINE INT, weak, techno-drums, ID, JID.
6267,0 1753-1754* UNID, pop, blank and s/off. - - - - - - - - - - [ cf CALIPSO ]
6932,5 1803-2300 IMR R., weak \fading, hiss. pops, IDs, JID.
6205,7 1828-2015 R. TINA, e.weak, first IDs in fades, 1955 clear ID, D mx, mx.
6304,9 1928-2315 R. POWERLINER, mix of mx, 1947 ID (also P-O Radio), 2253 tk:other stns, Percy Sledge.
6325,5 1930-2104 R. MERLIN INT, \RTTY at times. Jackie Frost show: rock, pops, IDs+@
6244,2 1941-1954 R. UNDERGROUND, incoming mails, IDs+@, retro D song, chatting...
6299,5 2020-2103 R. UNDERGROUND, ID+hl, rpt from Italy, euro song, 2103 JID (over mx)
6219,8 1944-2013* R. PYTHON, mx, 1958 ID+@, 2009 ID+@+bye bye.
mx=music, tk=talk, D=Dutch, E=English, G=German, F=French, it.=Italian, rpt=report, v.=very,
e.=extremely w.=with, '=..ing, c'/d=closing down, M/W=man/woman, g'=greeting, ut=utility,
ID+@=ID+e-mail address, J=jingle, PLC=PowerLineComm'(noise), \=but, %=guess, hl=hotline
> =becoming/then, bb=boom-boom mx, bpm=beat per min, [ between sq. brackets : best fit ID, thanks quick logs ]
Please note that c'/d is a period from a few seconds to well more than an hour before the real switch off !