Late LOG : 25 - 31 MAR. 2013
Posted: Wed May 22, 2013 22:25 pm
- * * * * * MON. 25 MAR. 2013 * * * * *
"Bubble (machine-gun) QRM" on 48 m first heard today on 6210, 6225
6070,0 0759,1609 R. 6150 %, 0759 mx \co-channel QRM and splash. 1609 "All right now"
6735,0 0824-0900 HOT R., e.weak \some PLC, mx, many JIDs+@, slogans, 0832 blues, All night long, Call me
6285,0 0945-1333 R. OSAKA, v.weak\PLC, pops, IDs 0948+1228, 1022 D version of Rhythm of the rain
6304,9 1040-1122 UNID, e.weak \PLC, ut's around. D songs heard on the peaks
6210,0 1100-1120 SLUWE VOS R., e.weak, "piraat" song", tk in D, mx, 1104 Voyage voyage, 1115 ID+@, techno
6209,9 1552-1621 SLUWE VOS R., weak \PLC, pops, techno, 1608 tk, ID. 1621 \bubble QRM
6985,0 1612-1619 LIGHTNING R. %, e.weak \hissy noise
6985,05 1926-2000 LIGHTNING R. %, e.weak \noisy, atmos, mx, usual v.short ID " -- -- Radio, short wave"
4029,0 1910-2244 LASER HOT HITS, \RTTY around, mx, tk, 2009 ID+@+hl, 2146 tk:FM pirates, 2222 Gainsbourg-B.
6244,95 1912-2027 SLUWE VOS R., ID, g's, BZN Mon amour/Mademoiselle d'amour medley, more D songs, mx
6285,8 1919-1923* BLACK ARROW, c'/d IDs over "Return to sender" and other Elvis song, rpt, bye bye, 1923'30*
6209,9 2003-2148* UNID, mx, tk in unknown language, 2028 drums mx, 2137 C&W.
3904,7 2012-2130 R. ALICE, strong-clear, pops, 60s guitar, 2026 ID, rock, 2115 guitar, ID
3932,1 2102-2104* UNID, e. weak mx and off
3932,1 2127-2132* UNID, e. weak, mx, 2130 ID+@ (no copy), off, back with carrier, off again
3455 L 2106-2114 UNID, mx in LSB and blanks, 2111 C&W, 2112 \het(short), 2114 Nino Ferrer "Le Sud"
6920 L 2150-2200 BALTIC SEA R., \bad contact at first, mx, seagulls IDs, 2155 strong now, 2158 gipsy jazz
4014,8 2202-2243* UNID, \down to 4014,6, rock, 60's instrum, 70s rock, 2239 movie soundtrack? (cars and guns), 2241 ".. across the world .. right radio network", then blank, low power carrier and off.
* * * * * TUES. 26 MAR. 2013 * * * * *
6294,7 0840-0900 R. NO... (?), v.weak, instrum, gd m', ID unclear, C&W, 0848 They're going to take me away ahah, 0851 tiki mx, \traffic on 6290USB, noisy. (after 0900 : PLC, f'/down to a trace). - - - - - -[ cf R. NOLAN ]
6299,8 1702-1706 UNID, v.weak \noisy, D song, then v.strong ut (Bubbling machine gun) - - [ cf NORTON ]
6985,05 1710-1937 LIGHTNING R. %, v.weak \noisy, mx, usual v.short ID (unclear)
6985,05 2008-2038 UNID, v.weak, DJ over mx, (prob. relay by LIGHTNING R.)
6304,9 1726-1921* v.weak\loc.noise then v.strong bubbling gun, D songs, tk, IDs no copy - - [ cf NORTON ]
6290,6 1806-1832 R. CAROLINE-RAINBOW INT, \bubbling gun, mx, D mx, 1808 ID Rainbow, 1817 JID Caroline
6745,2 1819-1938 UNID, pops, 1932 "Vamos a la playa" (, 0938 \traffic on 6745L. - - - - [ cf PIONEER ]
6275,15 1833-1836 UNID, \bubbling gun, mx
6269,9 1914-1948 R. FLYING DUTCHMAN, gd ev', ID over Dragonslayer, 1925 Fox on the run, more mx
6305,0 1940-2002* R. ODYNN, D songs, IDs,@,hl, g's
4029,0 1950-2107 LASER HOT HITS %, mx, tk, pops
6289,6 2003-2025* R. SKYWIRE, D mx, duo song in E, "Apache", ID, c'/d
6920 L 2039-2046* BALTIC SEA R., mx in LSB, ID in G as OSTSEE R., in E also as BSR, sudden off
6290,6 2054-2106 R. CAROLINE-RAINBOW INT, \deep fading, Hymne à la joie, both IDs+@
* * * * * WED. 27 MAR. 2013 * * * * *
6204,7 0825-0855 R. GOLDSTAR/GOUDENSTER, ID+@, D mx, mx, 0834 "Ma Butterfly", 0853 ID
6304,7 1150-1201 trace
6304,7 1427-1450 R. ALTREX, v.weak +peaks, mx, 1449 ID
6284,9 1152-1202 UNID, v.weak mx, 1154 D song, 1156 Red River rock.
7265,0 1157-1201 HAMBURG LOKAL R., mx, "Kultur und musik" programme in G.
7265,0 1434-1437 HAMBURG LOKAL R., DX news in E, prob. "World of radio" from Glen Hauser.
6210,0 1909-1920 R. AC-DC, \noisy, fading. rock, 1917 "Rawhide", gd ev', ID+@, requesting rpts, rock
6745,2 1921-2024 UNID, \OTH bursts on L side, non stop mx, 1955 Dream dream. - -[ cf PIONEER ]
6985,0 1924-2057 LIGHTNING R. %, e.weak\ut's+traffic around, 1926 usual "-- -- R., SW" ID
6549,8 1942-2028 UNID, ID no copy "from the NL", D songs, then \strong PLC, more D songs. [ cf NORTON ]
6304,0 2000-2018 UNID, \undermod?, "On my radio", 2010 One two test allo, comedy, \OTH, mx.
4029,0 2029-2110 LASER HOT HITS, strong \some RTTY, IDs+@, mx, tk : stream in AAC 128 kbps
6552,0 2049-2108 UNID, e.weak \PLC, mx from S.E. Europe
* * * * * THURS. 28 MAR. 2013 * * * * *
6284,5 1230-1730 FOCUS INT, weak > good, mx, IDs(+a+hl), tk, 1408 offshore "archives", 1704 "Mellow yellow"
6284,5 2033-2131 FOCUS INT, pop, rock, K.Bush, ID+POB+hl, E mx, R&R comedy patchwork, 2131 f'/out.
6070,0 1409,1509 R. 6150 %, prob. RNI tape with ad for Stimorol, 1509 tk in D, pops
6304,95 1456-1730 R. OSAKA, D songs and else. 1500 hello Echo One (known voice) 1614+1703 La Bamba
6985,0 1505-1653 LIGHTNING R. %, trace > e.weak, \occ. ham QRM, mx, 1700 short ID unclear but usual
6985,0 2019-2115 LASER HOT HITS, e.weak, FSN ad, ID+@, mx... - - (prob. relay by LIGHTNING R. )
6279,95 1606-1706 UNID, strong \PLC at first, sad songs, pops, 1649 I can break away. - - [ cf LUXEMB. ?? ]
6205,7 1632-1728 UNID, e.weak, mx, tk, Abba: Waterloo, "Gimme.." twice. 1728 v.strong het on 6205 [cf TINA]
6324,6 2025-2032 UNID, on/off stn, weak \PLC, ut, RTTY... soul mx, then synthe song
4029,0 2050-2130 LASER HOT HITS, \RTTY L side. tk : Android,ISP,mp3.. later mx, ID
* * * ** * FRI. 29 MAR. 2013 * * * * *
6284,6 0757-0955 FOCUS INT, good+peaks, offshore history, We love the pirate stns, R&R, T-Rex, ID+contacts
6284,6 1205-2042 FOCUS INT, mx, 1430 "Dancing in the street", 1635 group tk, 1941 ID+@+hl, 2042 f'/out
6204,7 0759-0903 UNID, v.>e.weak \noisy, mx, 0830 accordion, 0834 tk (much too weak). [ cf GOUDENSTER ]
6539,8 0839-0936 R. NORTON, weak, D songs, 0936 ID
6552,7 0844-0936 R. PINK PANTHER %, v.weak \some PLC, 0845 tk in E, mx. (also 1208 mx)
6552,7 1408-2101 R. PINK PANTHER, mx, IDs+@, 1520 g's, Easter QSL, 1701 Driver seat, 2051 deep fade > strong
6306,4 0857-0908 UNID, v./e.weak, a few words, D songs. - - - - - - - - - - - - - -[ cf MALIBU ]
5830,0 0903-0908 UNID, e.weak \noisy, tk"This is (pirate???) on short wave", more tk. (0944 trace)
6940,0 0937-0940 IRISH MUSIC R. %, v.weak \noisy, mx, tk. (also 1209, W voice)
6940,0 1354-2038 IRISH MUSIC R., typ mx and tk, 1406 ID, 1640 Owimbowee, ID, Elvis, later v.weak
6294,8 0941-0956 UNID, v./e.weak, 0945 el.guitar rock, pop. - - - - - - - - - - [ cf NOLAN ]
6305,0 0956,1205 R. OSAKA %, 0905 good, brass mx, 1205 v.weak \PLC, mx
6305,0 1338-2008 R. OSAKA, weak > strong, D mx and pops, 1344 ID+@, 1503 I got you babe, 1926 ID+@
6190,0 0957-1000 HAMBURGER LOKAL R., in AM-USB, song in sp., ID. (also 1206-1435, ID at 1353)
6070,0 1001-1518 R. 6150 %, v.weak, RNI tape with IDs, pops, 1510 "Riders on the storm", RNI address spelled.
6423,0 1416-1423 UNID, mx, 1422 some messing? then techno. (1443 gone). - - - - - - [ cf R. FLOERIAN ]
6295,0 1424-1429* R. POWERLINER, weak, D waltz, 1425 in D, ..Powerliner.. amateurs.., real ID at last.
6324,1 1436-1502 R. MALIBU, weak +peaks, mx, tk, 1441 g's Sallandse, ID+@, more g's, D songs (1518 gone)
6450,3 1444-1451* FARMER-SALLANDSE BOER, strong \PLC!, reggae, Troggs, test-1-2, ID, messing, "The letter"
6745,2 1523-1821 UNID, \traffic on 6745L, blanks (or low mod?) and mx, 1659 BZN ?, 1821 D song. [ cf PIONEER ]
6290,05 1607-1611* R. POWERLINER, accordion, tk in D, ID in D, mx.
6271,8 1612-1640 UNID, \PLC, g's to Achim, to stns (in D), to Micky, little test, jingles, fancy patchwork, "big time radio", early 60s pop, history, Easter eggs, now a programme from WBNY, comedy. - - [ cf PYTHON ]
6985,0 1655-1822 LIGHTNING R. %, e.weak \sliding hets, ut.bursts... 1658 usual stealth ID
6985,0 2029-2034 UNID, e.weak mx, soon drowned under noise - - - - - - - - - - [ cf LIGHTNING ]
6325,7 1817-1817 UNID, stn under the utilities - - - - - - - - - - - - [ cf CAROLINE-RAINBOW ]
4029,0 1823-2151 LASER HOT HITS, \RTTY on 4027, mx, tk, ID, Tony James
3905,0 1824-2304 SKYLINE INT R., Green onions, 1913 Camouflage, ID, g's, 2104 coated ID. Pops, pops...
6291,8 1930-1940* R. MORDOR ?, e.weak, D song, ID unsure, spelling, We love the pirate stns, mx, off
6269,6 1944-2007 DELTA R., mx, P4P, JID, mx, "On the road again"... 2007 They're coming to take me away ah ah
6244,0 1956-2002 R. UNDERGROUND, v.strong \fading, known voice, mx, D? song, ID, JID, mx
6949,0 2018-2037 UNID, strong \v.muffled, "Smoke on the water", mx, f'/down , tk?, f'/out. [ cf BLUESTAR ]
6264,0 2043-2049 UNID, e.weak, oriental ? mx. (Can be there every day with a trace, from Greece?)
3935,1 2102-2152 R. UNDERGROUND, good \hum, ID, mx, D songs, On the road again, v.strong peak, rock
3920,0 2103-2135 POLKA R., strong \DRM? on 3915, D mx, 2114 g's, ID, rpt from France, tk in D, 2135 polka
3925,0 2141-2215 POLKA R., strong, D mx, 2146 ID, rpt from NFL,, mx, mx
3895,8v 2111-2120 SALLANDSE BOER %, tk over mx, Troggs, "The letter", pops, 2143 on 3895,3 - 2144 on 3894,1 - player problem, 2156 My little runaway, ...
* * * * * SAT. 30 MAR. 2013 * * * * *
6305,0 0750-0926 ODYNN ??, D songs, 0832 hl in G, tk in D, ID??, more D songs
6284,6 0755-0926 FOCUS INT, v.weak, ELO"Mr Bluesky"0836 ID+POB \traffic
6284,6 1135-2028 FOCUS INT, "Philip's free radio archives", history Caroline 199, later pops, ID, 2022 f' under PLC
4029,0 0800-0850 LASER HOT HITS, v.weak, mx, 0850 ID
4029,0 1625-2230 LASER HOT HITS, e.weak > strong \side RTTY, mx, 2126 FSN,OEM, 2229 ID+@, Elvis
6552,7 0842-0844 PINK PANTHER %, weak \PLC, pops (also 1132)
6552,7 1324-2102 PINK PANTHER R., "Hello Marylou", mx, tk, IDs, 2004 Auld lang syne
6190,0 0848,0917 HAMBURG LOKAL R. %, 0848 v.weak, tk in G, 0917 better, classic jazz, tk in G.
6095,0 0922,1136 KBC, v.strong, C&W, Rosko show, 1136 pops, tk, ID
6940,1 0927,1130 IMR R., e.weak, 0927 mx, 1130 mx, tk(bassy W voice), ID
6940,0 1337-2047 IMR R., e.weak > v.weak, mx, soul mx, tk, 2044 ID, Showaddywaddy (titre?), ID
7265,0 1141-1143 HAMBURG LOKAL R., ID, duo in G with questions and answers.
6305,0 1133-1140 UNID, e.weak, "Do wah Diddy Diddy", tk, mx
6305,0 1143-1146 R. POWERLINER, ID, said "in QSO", "Hello Marylou", guten tag Klaus, ID, mx.
6200,3 1303-1307 UNID, e.weak, accordion, tk, blank, off - - - - - - - - - - [ cf GRUTTE PIER on/off ]
6200,4 1339-1339 UNID, e.weak - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -[ cf GRUTTE PIER on/off ]
6210,3 1308-1313 UNID, e.weak mx, f' to a trace - - - - - - - - - - [ cf SLUWE VOS ]
6289,9 1314-1314 UNID, "In the army now", shifts to 6295,1
6295,1 1314-1322* UNID, ex 6289,9 - 1317 Don't bring me down, rock, 1322 gently switchin out.
6209,95 1513-1513 UNID, weak, Bowie
6302,0 1518-1521 BORDERHUNTER, rep to Baken 16 (over D merry-go-round mx), 1521 blank \het
6302,15 1522-1525* R. ZEEWOLF ?, "De piraten dance"(children), rep to B.hunter, ment'SWCH,
6325,0 1525-1634 UNID, mx, 1554 A.Brown "Fire" \PLC, Whiter shade of pale, 1624 \more noise, het [ cf WALMDM.]
6450,05 1529-1540 UNID, mx, IDs (as R. LOWLAND??), f'/up, SM2013.. If I had a hammer [ cf POWERLINER ]
6288,4 1559-1610 UNID, e.weak \PLC, "I got you babe",mx (1624 gone) - - - - [ cf SWR NL ]
6240,0 1602-1609 R. POEMA, \strong PLC, accordion, Get it on, 1605 tk, ID+@..1608 tk over accordion
6304,6 1634-1634* BAKEN 16 + UNID in stereo, JID of Baken 16, both switch off.
6304,7 1635-1638 UNID, maybe Black Arrow, rep in D to SWR, Powerliner, Borderhunter...
6290,0 1638-1646 RMGP, "Tubular bells", ID from Milano, Italy in E, it. song, Tubular..IDs..., Tintarella di luna...
6250,2 1647-1738 UNID, e.weak \sticky PLC, D mx, \mx mill ut. burst, 1737 tk - - - - - -[ cf TINA ]
6240,0 1653-1738 UNID, \PLC, ut on 6235, later het on 6239, endless drum-bpm techno - - - - [ cf SOUNDWAVE ]
6210,4 1708-1742 UNID, Andean mx, instrum pop, pops, then \QRM from 6205. - - - - [ cf GRUTTE PIER ]
6304,7 1719-1720 BLACK ARROW, c'/d ID, no return, bye bye.
6448,9 1721-1727 STUDIO 52, rock, polka (loop?), IDs in E, tk to Skyline in D.
6449,0 2003-2102 STUDIO 52, IDs in E, g's to Skyline boys, D pop and rock, 2059 accordion \traffic 6450USB.
6985,0 1730-1732 UNID, e.weak \v.noisy, bursts. mx - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [ cf LIGHTNING ]
6306,4 1734-1735 UNID, D songs. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [ cf MALIBU ]
3905,0 1924-1939 UNID, strong \fading, "My generation", Joe Cocker, "Waterloo sunset", Paranoid. [ cf >MUSTANG ]
3985,0 1926-2228 R. 700, in G, pop, tk about DLF, more pops, \hum till 2030, 2228 ID, "Dirladada" (title?)
6305,0 1940-1957* R. PYTHON, mx, tech. problems, blanks, 1953 ID+@
6299,6 1941-1959 UNID, \noisy ut., Rammstein?, P4P, mx, They're coming to take me away haha, lost or off?
6396,2v 2017-2022 UNID, e.weak \PLC, drifting to 6395,7 - mx.
3905,0 2105-2156 U-BOAT 66, v.>e.weak, mx, IDs+@, slow jazz, pops, 2141 tech. problems
3935,0 2158-2227 F.R. VICTORIA, rock, tk over My little runaway, Shakin' all over, What'd I say, 2209 ID, etc...
6949,5 2326-2358 XEROX, R. ...., v.weak \atmos, in E, reggae, Andean flute, IDs+@ (part copy) [ cf R. DUPLICADO ]
6924,25 2400-2410 UNID, bits of mx over background noise - - - - - - - - - - [ cf INSANE R. ]
* * * * * SUN. 31 MAR. 2013, EASTER * * * * *
4029,0 0728-0732 LASER HOT HITS, v.weak \fading, mx, tk, ID
4029,0 1841-2152 LASER HOT HITS, \RTTY on L side, mx, 2152 ID.
6284,6 0732-0920 FOCUS INT, On the road again, IDs(+hl or POB), mx, 0920 \PLC
6284,6 1302-1359 FOCUS INT, e.weak at first, then mx, ID+@+hl by duo, R.Stones "Have you seen..."
6284,6 1821-2234 FOCUS INT, M+W duo, Caroline history, 2034 ID, > e.weak after 2120. (also 2318)
6190,0 0745-0923 UNID, song and tk in G. - - - - - - - - [ cf HAMBURG LOKAL R., extra programme ? ]
6190,0 1303,1404 UNID, e.weak, tk, song, 1930s jazz - - [ cf HAMBURG LOKAL R., extra programme ? ]
6095,0 0812-0952 KBC, strong, Trucker R., C&W, ad KBC Import
6095,0 1427-1445 KBC %, strong, "Ma belle amie", pops.
6070,0 0815-0924 R. 6150 %, RNI tape (in E+D, ID, T-shirts)
6380,0 0825-0833 SUNDOWN R., fair \fading, noise on 6385, "countdown" IDs, D instrum, H.Mancini? jazz, pops
7310,0 0836-1418 R. 700, strong \fading, pops, rock, tk and IDs in G, 0907 Mungo J."Summertime, //6005, > fair
6045,0 0925-0955 R. ICEMAN, "Last night a DJ..., "I feel love", 0953 ID, last trn on 6045, list of countries.
6940,0 0930-1415 IMR R., e.weak \noisy, ID, "Call me, 1413 soul, "I heard it..
6940,0 1837-2102 IMR R., \loc.noise, mx, ID, 2050 "Love me Do, ...
7425,2 1033-1055 UNID, v.weak \fading, v.noisy. mx, ..landbased pirate station.. sunshine .. IDs no copy. [cf CWR]
6294,6 1056-1113 P4P, \PLC. R&B, IDs multi, 1106 "undercover r.", DX news? from March 9th, mx.
6320,0 1101-1113 UNID, v.weak, S.Blue"Venus", mx, 1112 R&R (Beatles?) - - - - - -[ cf MUSTANG ? ]
6304,6 1103-1113 UNID, e.weak, S.Blue"Venus" too, mx, then under PLC - - - - - - [ cf B.ARROW ]
6204,8 1109-1111 UNID, e.weak, "Yes sir, I can boogie", then under PLC - - - - - - - -[ cf GOUDENSTER ]
6305,0 1257-1426 R. OSAKA, e.weak \occ.Morse, accordion, "Delilah", 1426 ID.
6552,7 1310-2039 UNID, e.weak at first, mx, 1835 mx (60s pop) on 6552,6 - - - - [ cf PINK PANTHER R. ]
6570 L 1310-1319 UNID, e.weak +peaks, mx, 1313 Shocking Blue, accordion, 1316 tk, "-- -- Radio", mx
6960,05 1312-1346 UNID, e.weak, mx, annts, 1331 .. this is.., 1337 now tk in G (or carrier + traffic ?)
6245,0 1400-1403 UNID, e.weak mx under crackling. 1403 lost or off?
6306,1 1714-1827 UNID, e.weak \noisy, hl in E, report.. long tk, 1722 rock... later v.noisy. - - - -[ cf SKYLINE R.G.]
6324,9 1820-2025 UNID, weak \fading, mx, 1921 Crocodile rock, 2025, filler mx. (2037 gone) [ cf WALDM.]
6270,0 1822-2123 BOGUSMAN, mx, tk about IRS records, 1923 'ID', 1956 player problem? ...
6240,0 1823-1830 R. CAROLINE INT, slogan, ID+@, mx
6210,3 1824-1825* UNID, D instrum mx and s/off. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [ cf GRUTTE PIER ]
6393,2 1831-2039 R. UNDERGROUND, strong \fading, 1831 instrum mx, same track twice, 2037 ID on 6393,0
6441 a 1834-1835 UNID, D song, awful mod. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -[ cf ZW.PANTER ]
6984,9 1839-2056 UNID, e.weak \noisy,etc.. mx, 2041 on 6984,8 Focus??, 2056 DJ and mx - - - -[ cf LIGHTNING ]
3904,7 1842-2232 R. ALICE, rock, pop, 2133 ID \some hum, 2144 ID, 2150 trumpet:Obladi oblada
6305,0 1923-2026 R. ODYNN, ID+@, pop, 1957 on 6304,9 - 2022 "Israelites"
6200,3 1955-2049 CRAZY WAVE R., ID, 2035 mx, 2045 het on 6200,0 (Lhassa?), 2047 IDs, Born to be alive.
6208,7 2124-2235 CRAZY WAVE R., mx, rpt from La Spezia, IDs+@, 2235 "R. SUNSHINE on CWR", rock
6290,0 1958-2033 UNID, 1958 pop, 2027 D instrum on 6289,9. - - - - - - - - - - - -[ cf GRENSSTAD R. ]
6930,0 2050-2101* UNID, strong, mx, 2100 c'/d ID just once in a fade, bye bye. - - - -[ cf POWERLINER ]
6549,7 2103-2116 R. NORTON ?, rock, 60s guitar, 2105 ID (not so clear), overmod ?, 2113 ID not better
6324,9 2118-2236* UNID, v.weak, mx, "On the road again", 2158 "radio pirate" (no ID?), Major Tom - -[ cf NMD R.]
6305,0 2122-2202 UNID, strong, pops, 2200 on 6304,9 - The Wall, Pop-corn. - - - - - -[ cf MUSTANG ]
3935,0 2135-2331 R. UNDERGROUND, hl, IDs+@, mx, alt mx, 2151 Georgie girl, 2329 "c'/d", JM Jarre mx
5109,6 2206-2352 WBCQ, special night, European offshore era explained to the Americans (see next Monday)
6305,0 2236-2241 UNID+UNID, the weaker with "We love the pirate stns". - - - - [ cf POWERLINER and ?? ]
6324,9 2316-2325 UNID, rock, Monkees"I'm a believer", "On the border", more pops but fades out.
mx=music, tk=talk, D=Dutch, E=English, G=German, F=French, it.=Italian, rpt=report, v.=very,
e.=extremely w.=with, ', c'/d=closing down, M/W=man/woman, g'=greeting, ut=utility,
ID+@=ID+e-mail address, J=jingle, PLC=PowerLineComm'(noise), \=but, %=guess, hl=hotline
> =becoming/then, bb=boom-boom mx, bpm=beat per min --- [ between sq. brackets : best fit ID, thanks quick logs ]
Please note that c'/d is a period from a few seconds to well more than an hour before the real switch off !