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(Late) LOG : 18 - 24 MAR. 2013

Posted: Fri May 03, 2013 23:49 pm
by Ray Lalleu
  • * * * * * MON. 18 MAR. 2013 * * * * *

    6070,0 0808-0819 R. 6150 %, stronger than usual, RNI tape \muffled, 0819 Guantanamera. Also 10.13

    6005,0 0815-0815 R. BELARUS, v.strong _bit of fading. ID in G. (no more at 10.14 : //6085)

    6284,9 1258-1340 R. OSAKA, weak \hiss, later some PLC. D mx, 1331 mx, tk(known voice)

    6937,5 1335-2015 IRISH MUSIC R., weak \loc.noise, mx, IDs, much Irish mx for Patrick's Day

    6734,95 1552-1628 UNID, e.weak\noisy, mx, 1559 OSAKA ID+@(!), later same ID ? \strong PLC now. [ cf HOT ]

    6745,2 1555-1953 PIONEER R., v.weak \noisy, traffic 6745L, soon strong PLC! D mx, pops, 1938 ID+@, 1944 bye

    6552,7 1602-1951 PINK PANTHER R., IDs+@, then \strong PLC, pops, euro songs, 1919 ID, 1951 rock

    6304,95 1714-1718* R. PYTHON, mx, 1715 ID: unclear, ending by, then QRM ? and off.

    6210,0 1719-1723 R. FLYING DUTCHMAN, good \PLC, "Marina Marina" (latino song), ID, "Tina Tina"

    6325,8 1738-1758 R. CAROLINE INT, \PLC, mx, (J)IDs (also RAINBOW), Balkan mx, tk in E, 1745 het on 6325,0

    6299,9 1746-1755 UNID, e.weak \PLC, pops, D song. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [ cf NORTON ]

    6240,0 1748-1806 UNID, \some PLC, polka, much g's incl' ID+@ from Osaka "It's my friend". - - [ cf DAKOTA ]

    6240,05 1849-1857 BLACK ARROW, inextricable tk (to Dakota??, to Flying D.), 1855 ID, bye bye, till 1900 ?

    6240 a 1900-1903 R. FLYING DUTCHMAN, ID rep to B.A., mx, tk, ID "testing new antenna", 1902'56"*

    6240 a 1903-1911* UNID (R. DAKOTA ?), hoarse voice, rep to B.A. and F.D., ment' Osaka, 1908 ID??, 1910'50"*

    6441 a 1913-1917 UNID, wobbling, v.bad audio, schlager. - - - - - - - - - -[ cf ZW. PANTER ]

    6985,0 1928-2011 LIGHTNING R. %, \traffic on 6987LSB, rock (Hendrix?), 1933 "Lightning(??) R., SW", etc...

    4029,0 1959-2325 LASER HOT HITS, \RTTY on 4024,5. Usual mk-tk-ID format.

    6325,8 2008-2019 R. CAROLINE INT, still on or back?, \PLC again, still het on 6325,0. JID, mx.

    * * * * * TUES. 19 MAR. 2013 * * * * *

    6240,0 0753-0909* UNID, \ut.splash. D mx, from 0835 mx and tk in D (IDs could be Dakota). - - [ cf DAKOTA ]

    6070,0 0830-0843 R. 6150 %, v.weak \PLC, QRM beating. Man of action, Int. Sce of R.Northsea, etc
    6070,0 1635-1642 R. 6150 %, \PLC, tk in D, mx, R. Nordsee...

    6285,0 1105-1504 R. OSAKA, weak \var.occ.noises, mx, 1115 known voice, 1330 ID+@, 1432 R&R

    6240,0 1435-1443* R. FLYING DUTCHMAN, \some PLC, "Jean genie", clear IDs, RadioFD(at) ??

    6300,0 1453-1533 MONTECARLO R., e.weak f'/up \PLC. pops, 80s club, 1459 row of IDs, mx,mx.. (1542 gone)

    6305,0 1513-1520* UNID, v.weak, Bandolero, Elvis?, tk?, song in sp., sudden off. (jump ?)

    6295,0 1522-1537* UNID, v.weak, Volare, sp. mx, 1530 R&R, f'/up but sudden off at 1536'55"

    6239,6 1538-1603* R. FLYING DUTCHMAN, mx, rep. to M.Carlo, ID, then f'up, mx, g's, 1602 c'/d ID+@, 1603'46*

    6254,8 1543-1547 UNID, \fading. accordion mx, then off? - - - - - - - - - - [ cf NORTON ]

    6299,9 1551,1556 UNID, e.weak \noisy. D mx. - - - - - - - - - - [ cf NORTON ]

    6294,9 1551-1615 UNID, Elvis, short break at 1555, more Elvis, broken mike?, longer and longer blanks.

    6985,0 1623-1632 UNID, fading in and out, then e.weak. mx (also 1948 \traffic) - -[ cf LIGHTNING R. ]

    6985,0 2207-2212 X-FM ?, from London with a address and "X-FM" (ID?) - - (relay by LIGHTNING R. %)

    6285,0 1642-1713 R. CALIPSO, Elviiiis!, rep to Black Bandit (and others), 1647 ID, 1659 ID, mx, more g's

    6307,1 1707-1711 R. CAROLINE/RAINBOW, \strong PLC, mx, ID-JID, long tk over instrum
    6307,1 1722-1801 UNID, e.weak \PLC, French fishers. mx

    6280,2v 1725-1744 UNID, e.weak, v.drifty \PLC. mx, 1727 This is -- Radio, 1732 Madness, IS, harder. [ cf LLR ]

    6294,9 1715-1725 R. FLYING DUTCHMAN, D mx, pops, IDs+@, 1723 noise on L side.

    6299,8 1739-1801 R. FLYING DUTCHMAN, Xmas mx, techno mx, ID, Jean genie, ID+@, cajun mx, I&T.Turner...

    6299 v 1939-1943 UNID, \drifting, bad mod, noisy, ut., PLC! ID no copy, some techno mx.

    4029,0 1949-2217 LASER HOT HITS, \RTTY on 4024,5. mx, 1955 trio tk, 2155 ID.

    3925 L 2147-2152* BALTIC SEA R., La macarena, ID, "piraten" song, 2152 seagulls, ID+@, 2152'45*

    * * * * * WED. 20 MAR. 2013 * * * * *

    6190,0 0810-0812 HAMBURG LOKAL R. %, in AM-USB, tk in G, mx

    6305,0 1255-1314 UNID, barely heard mx - - - - - - - - - - - - [ cf ALTREX ]

    6285,0 1258-1314 R. OSAKA %, v.weak\loc.noise. D mx, 1314 tk in D, brass mx.

    6240,0 1311-1318 trace under strong PLC. - - - - - - - - - - [ cf DAKOTA ]

    6285,0 1531-1555 ODYNN R., weak \PLC, rap, rock, pop, Crunchy Granola, 1554 ID+@, tk. (1601 gone)

    6204,8 1532-1651 R. GOLDSTAR/GOUDENSTER (SunnyRadio1 for hotmail), weak \PLC, D+pop mx, IDs+@+hl

    6284,8 1705-1708 UNID, \PLC. synthe mx, "bye-bye everybody", then Johnny Cash ? (1711 gone)

    6290 V 1708-1756 UNID, drifting (quick back), ID+@ in E (no copy), mx, 1725 ID no copy, \PLC now [ c LLR ]

    6299,8 1705-1710 UNID v.weak \PLC. tk, mx, 1709 G song? - - - - - - - - - -[ cf NORTON ]

    6304,7 1712-1714 UNID, \PLC, mx and slowly s/off - - - - - - - - [ cf NORTON ]

    6553,0 1728-1730* UNID, \PLC, mx, then W singer in E, and sudden s/off. (not 6552,7 !)

    6985,0 1733-1741 LIGHTNING R. ?, e.weak \noisy, atmos, occ.traffic. mx, 1740 almost good ID.
    6985,0 2000-2010 relay via LIGHTNING %, \traffic, kind of DJ slam

    - - - - - 6325 a : QSO - - - - -
    6325,0 1742-1800* QSO, \PLC,ut. D mx, 1744 ID (Sallandse ?), D mx, 1757 many names, het, 1759 ID (NMD ?)

    6324,4 *1800-1804* UNID, strong, Radio NMD, tk in D, mx. - - - - - - - - - - - -[cf SALLANDSE BOER ]

    6325,0 *1804-1808* R. NMD ?, D mx, accordion, not a proud ID. - - - -

    6324,4 *1809-1811 Z. SALLANDSE BOER ?, D song, rpt for NMD(?), mx
    - - - - - -

    6304,6 1750-1813 R. SKYWIRE, v.weak, D mx, Birdie song, 1812 live ID+@, mx, pop.

    6299,8 1814-1826 UNID, v.weak \strong PLC, "piraten" song, tk, 1820 \2nd stn??, mx. - - - - - -[ cf NORTON ]

    6305,6 1824-1825 R. SKYWIRE, mx, ID.

    6304,9 1932-1953 UNID, mx (bad contact?), phone call(?) with W., partly in G ?, 1953 mx \PLC. [ cf PYTHON ]

    6240,0 1934-1950 CALIPSO R., guitar, IDs, g's (Sall.B., Mike/Italy, zx80), D mx.

    6441 W 1954-1958 UNID, Wobbling ! mx, annt "....SW", polka. (2011 gone, het 6439,5~ goes on). [ cf ZW. PANTER]

    4029,0 2013-2031 LASER HOT HITS, mx, tk, ID (usual RTTY on 4024,5 plus another)

    3920 U 2023-2027 UNID, e. weak mx in USB \occ. aero traffic on 3924USB.

    * * * * * THURS. 21 MAR. 2013 * * * * *

    6734,9 1012-1025 UNID, v.weak \fades, strong PL. quiet mx

    6745,2 1339-1454 UNID, weak>v.weak \PLC, occ.ut. mx, mx, mx... - -[ cf PIONEER ]

    6275,0 1352-1406 UNID, v.weak \PLC. pop, Birdie song, tk (no copy), polka, tk... then lost. - - [ cf CALIPSO ]

    6265,0 1407-1423 UNID, v/e.weak \noisy ut. mx, tk (ment' Goudenster?), accordion, pop, D song - - [ cf CALIPSO ]
    6265,0 1437-1452 UNID, v.weak \noisy, ment' Black Arrow ??, mx, 1443 tech tk
    6264,8 1455-1457* UNID, f'up \noisy. "Pop-corn", some tk over and s/off.

    6305,0 1424-1459 R. PYTHON, e.weak > weak, mx, tk in D, 1451 ID

    6307,15 1831-1831 UNID, \PLC. mx. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [ cf CAROLINE-RAINBOW ]

    6985,0 1910-1922 LIGHTNING R. %, e.weak \noisy,traffic. mx, 1922 ID (only "SW" copied).

    4029,0 1925-2255 LASER HOT HITS, \RTTY on 4024,5. mx, ID by T.James, Led Zeppelin.. 2255 other RTTY 4027

    * * * ** * FRI. 22 MAR. 2013 * * * * *

    6734,9 0716-0814 HOT R., v.weak \PLC, 0720 ID+@, some mx, rock, 0800 "Call me", ID?, tk, mx.

    6304,5 0721-0725 DELTA R., v.weak \PLC. mx, 0722 ID, ..c'/d.. test.. rep to Calipso, S-Express mx, ID, g's...

    6070,0 0820-0824 R. 6150 %, v.weak, RNI tape. (also 1120: rock)

    6245,0 0824-0840 UNID, v.weak>weak \PLC, instrum mx, Reveille rock, pops, G pops. - - - -[ cf CALIPSO ]

    6937,5 0915-1123 IRISH MUSIC R., v.weak \noisy ut. Jimmy Mack, ID, Call me, soul, etc..
    6937,5 1345-1713 IRISH MUSIC R., v.weak \noisy ut. repeat from morning, Desmond Dekker

    6745,2 1347-1712 UNID, weak \PLC, test-1-2, reverb, then mx \PLC, 1558 "Day O", then \strong traffic [ cf PIONEER ]

    6552,6 1604-1637 PINK PANTHER R., Sugar baby love, tk, 1616 ID, C&W, \traffic, PLC, tk over "Apache" (1806 also)

    6985,0 1621-1714 UNID, e.weak\noisy, traffic. some mx just "heard" - - - - - - - - - - - - - -[ cf LIGHTNING ]

    6285,0 1717-1732 UNID, D instrum, D songs, 1724 ID ~~ Sud West Side R. (??) by W, background mx for annts in G, some drift, 1730 on 6284,8 song "In Napoli" (title?), 1732 tk: ... Belgium..

    6307,1 1759-1805 R. CAROLINE INT, mx, usual JID.

    6299,7 1759-1803 UNID, v.weak, mx, hello this is ..., "It's a rich man's world", mx... - - [ cf NORTON ? ]

    4029,0 2355-2438 LASER HOT HITS, mx, OEM,FSN ads, mx, ID+@. - - (already at 1806)

    6925 U 2405-2421 UNID, _noisy, traffic? mx, 2408 ID no copy,, mx.. - - - - - - [ cf BLACK CAT ]

    6955 U 2440-2451* ALL ALONG THE WATCHTOWER R., mx, IDs+@gmail, Irish mx

    * * * * * SAT. 23 MAR. 2013 * * * * *

    6190,0 0801-0915 HAMBURG LOKAL R., in AM-USB \PLC, G and jazz songs, tk in G, 0858 ID in G.

    4029,0 0803-0806 LASER HOT HITS, v.weak \strong ut on 4030-4031, mx, "Laser" over mx
    4029,0 1713,2202 LASER HOT HITS %, 1713 v.weak \atmos, mx, 2202 \RTTY on L side, mx.

    6070,0 0852-0856 R. 6150 %, v.weak \PLC, mx, DJ, "My cherie amor"

    6095,0 *0900-0925 KBC, v.strong, triumphal entrance of Emperor Rosko, "Coast-to-coast country". (also 1333 \PLC!)

    6937,5 0916-0923 IMR R., \2 RTTY! CCR, ID, Owimbowee, ID, C&W
    6937,5 1414-1715 IMR R., \noisy,hiss. G.Harrison "My Sweet Lord", 1542 "Lucky number", ID, CCR...

    6289,8 1335-1506 UNID, v.weak \PLC, mx, 1404 ID (no copy) over accordion, 1443 PLC gone, D songs. [ cf MALIBU ]

    6239,8 1345-1403 R. FLYING DUTCHMAN, e.weak > weak, D songs, 1350 ID.

    6210,0 1355-1402 UNID, mx heard on a peak, then drowned in PLC. - - - - - - [ cf SOUNDWAVE ]

    6552,7 1408-1627 PINK PANTHER R., weak \bad PLC. mx, tk in D+E, 1412 ID+@, mx, 1627 "Beat it"

    6950,0 1419-1429 BLUESTAR R., mx, g's, ID, Bowie ?, tk, mx.. 1429 rock

    6969,0 1421-1423* "TESTING R.", strong, "test-1-2-3-4-5" in D, c'/d, ID in E, mx, on/off carrier. - - [ cf MIKE R.]

    6299,4 1435-1547 R. UNDERGROUND, \some PLC, techno, reggae, pop, tchac, tk: storm last night, ID, D mx

    6275,0 1444-1451 UNID, v.weak \some PLC, mx. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [ cf PYTHON ]

    6239,5 1452-1503 UNID, e.weak \PLC, mx barely heard. - - - - - - - - - - - -[ cf TINA ]

    6205,4 1456-1710 UNID, v.weak, mx, 1525 Nights in white satin, Yellow River, more 60s mx. - - [ cf GRUTTE PIER ]

    6295,0 1507-1516 UNID, non stop D mx. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [ cf TRANSEUROPE ]

    6244,2 1529-1552 UNID, weak, Tarzan shout, junior mx. Then bpm, trapped at 180 bpm, at 200 bpm ! (1603 gone)

    6449,8 1539-1612 BAKEN 16, strong \PLC, mx, 1609 ID. - -(1627 gone)

    6306,2 1604-1801 UNID, v.weak \PLC, mx, long talks, IDs (no copy, distorsion effect). - - [ cf SKYLINE RG ]

    6945 L 1615-1624* BALTIC SEA R., Jungle rock, ID, Brand new Cadillac, ID in G, La Bamba, ID+@, Hippy shake

    6985,0 1717-2211 UNID, e.weak \hiss, atmos, on/off het. mx - - - - - - - - - - [ cf LIGHTNING ]

    6985,0 2207-2211 UNID, \var.QRM, DJ slam ..London... - - - - - -(prob. relay by LIGHTNING R. )

    3985,0 2152-2200* ATLANTIQUE 2000 INT, \bit of fading and splash, Band on the run, ID+@, on 6005 Sunday, bye

    6925,1 2212-2300 UNID, \much atmos, mx, IDs no copy, sounds British. - - [ cf RKNW relayed in USA ]

    6289,7 2238-2336 R. ASCONA, D mx, IDs: 2242 and 2336, also rock at 2247.

    * * * * * SUN. 24 MAR. 2013 * * * * *

    4029,0 0658-0722 LASER HOT HITS, \some atmos, bit of RTTY on L side, mx, "Laser Int."
    4026,0 1820-2148 LASER HOT HITS, \RTTY on L side, mx, "Laser Int."

    6070,0 0702-0735 R. 6150 %, RNI tape with 70s pops \Toronto % tk, splash from Vatican 6075
    6070,0 1908-2255 R. 6150 %, RNI tape \splash from 6060. 2255 ID: RNI, "Ma belle amie"

    6199,5 0707-0737 R. ORANG UTAN, weak \gentle mod, pops, gd m', ID, 0718 A.Stewart "Knock on wood". (also 0830)

    6005,0 0725-0725 R. BELARUS, ID in G.

    6284,7 0736-0747 BLACK ARROW, strong, gd m' and ID over pops, Tutles "Even the bad times are good"

    6299,8 0748,0822 UNID, weak mx under traffic+PLC+ut - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [ cf NORTON ]

    6209,9 0825-0830 UNID, v.weak \PLC, some mx not quite different from some utilities... [ cf SOUNDWAVE ]

    9480,0 0830-0900 R. GLORIA INT, mx, ID, modern v. of "I put a spell on you", ..0900 ID, not ending

    6249,8 1703-1739 UNID, weak \squeezed between ut's, D songs. - - - - - - - - - -[ cf ALIVIABAR ]

    6552,7 1710-1925 UNID, \some PLC+atmos+traffic, pops, long tracks, 1816 Rasputin. - - [ cf PINK PANTHER ]

    6937,5 1715-1934 IMR R., usual weak \noisy, mx and IDs (later on 6940)

    6940,0 1943-1949 IMR R. %, weak \noisy, pops, "The loco-motion", R&R (by CCR acc' to annt)

    6950,0 1716-1945 BLUESTAR R., Guns &Roses, ID, mx, 1802 ID+@, mx, 1902 ID, 1945 D song.

    6325,1 1719-1911 BOGUSMAN, strong, mx, 1720 ID inside tk, 1729 ann' Blue Airplanes, mx, tk...

    6307,15 1723-1906 R. RAINBOW, quiet mx, IDs at 1731 (unclear) and at 1906 (clear).

    6285 V 1725-1735 UNID, 6285,35 at 1725* then 6285,55 at 1732-1735*, bumpy start of UNDERGROUND ?

    6285,4 1741-1751 R. UNDERGROUND, mx, yodl, pop, 1749 known voice "1-2-allo" (1751-1851 blank)

    6199,9 1728-1740* TECHNISCHE MAN %, \QRM from 6205. mx, 1740 ann' switch to 6275

    6275,1 1742-1917 TECHNISCHE MAN, strong, mx, 1811 ID and tk in D, D songs, drift 6275,0 1915 ID+hl

    6745,2 1800-1903 UNID, pops, accordion. - - - - - - - - - - - - [ cf PIONEER ]

    6985,05 1927-1934 UNID, e.weak \traffic on 6981U and 6987U. - - - - - - - -[ cf LIGHTNING ]

    6985,0 2138-2245 UNID, e.weak \ut.bursts, fades. DJ slam over barely audible mx (prob. relay by LIGHTNING)

    6920 D 1935-1950 BALTIC SEA R., both LSB/USB ?, 50-60s mx, ID, gipsy jazz,.. ID as OSTSEE R. in G, ...

    - mx=music, tk=talk, D=Dutch, E=English, G=German, F=French, it.=Italian, rpt=report, v.=very,
    - e.=extremely w.=with, ', c'/d=closing down, M/W=man/woman, g'=greeting, ut=utility,
    - ID+@=ID+e-mail address, J=jingle, PLC=PowerLineComm'(noise), \=but, %=guess, hl=hotline
    - > =becoming/then, bb,bpm=boom-boom mx [ between sq. brackets : best fit ID, thanks quick logs ]
    - Please note that c'/d is a period from a few seconds to well more than an hour before the real switch off !
