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London Calling.

Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2013 19:56 pm
by Andy Richards
A fairly quiet weekend really.
The highlight for me was the QSO between two English stations on 6323 on Friday Night.
XTC and Underground.This is rare.Steve (Underground) said that he had recently QSO'ed with Wizard,
but both agreed it was rare.I think it was Matt (XTC) who said that in the old days sometimes the QSO's
could be more interesting than some of the "Programme Stations".I agree,often it was.
But my memories of regular English QSO's go back to London in the Seventies on Medium Wave.
There were so many Pirate stations back then that you could easily get a QSO on 220 to 230 metres
(1300 to 1360Khz) during the day and 180 to 190 metres (1575 to 1665Khz) at night.Most of these stations
only ran between 10 and 50 watts into a longwire antenna.Good memories!

Lots of weak signals and UNID's this weekend.
Even Tip & Elvis were not as strong as usual,but still with a very good show and good signal.
Besides Tip & Elvis the best signals this weekend came from from Underground,Boomerang,Zodiac & Borderhunter.

Friday 05/04/13

3905Khz - 2018 - Polka Radio - 43333 - Mainly Polka's.
6284Khz - 2040 - Radio Underground - 45444 - Very good live music show.
6315Khz - 2045 - UNID - 33333 - Nice Jazz Music.
6323Khz - 1930 - XTC Radio - 33333 - Rock Music.Talking about TX problems.Off at 1936.
6323Khz - 1936 - Radio Underground - 44434 - Coming back to QSO with XTC.
6323Khz - 2010 - Sluwe Vos Radio - 33333 - Sting - "Englishman in New York".Coming back to QSO with Underground.

Saturday 06/04/13

3905Khz - 2005 - Radio Alice - 45333 - Mainly Rock'n'Roll Music.
6240Khz - 1820 - Radio Caroline Int - 35232 - Dance/Disco Music.
6260Khz - 1853 - UNID - 25432 - Music.
6270Khz - 1843 - UNID - 35232 - Talking.
6285Khz - 1825 - UNID - 55544 - Dutch Pirate Song.Off at 1828.
6290Khz - 1828 - UNID - 35433 - Mr.Bloe - "Groovin' with Mr.Bloe".
6295Khz - 2355 - Radio Odynn - 34433 - "The Air that I Breathe".CD at 0003.
6300Khz - 1838 - Radio Boomerang - 55544 - Soft Rock Song,Dutch Song,"Telstar".
6325Khz - 1833 - Radio Zodiac Int - 35433 - Queens of the Stone Age.
6325Khz - 1848 - Radio Zodiac Int - 45434 - "The Look".CD at 1901.
6553Khz - 0845 - Radio Pink Panther - 25433 - Dutch Music.
6932Khz - 2000 - Irish Music Radio - 35433 - Ramsey Lewis - "Wade in the Water".Soul Show.

Sunday 07/04/13

6095Khz - 0945 - KBC - 55544 - Trucker Radio playing Country Rock Music.
6210Khz - 1130 - Radio Borderhunter - 45434 - "No Milk Today".Just closing down at 1135.
6210Khz - 1700 - UNID - 25332 - Dance/Disco Music.
6266Khz - 0830 - UNID - 35333 - Dutch Music.
6275Khz - 1705 - UNID - 34332 - Old Instrumentals & talking.
6285Khz - 0835 - Tip & Elvis Show - 45434 - Nice mix of Pop and Rock Music.
6285Khz - 1710 - Tip & Elvis Show - 45333 - Playing Yes.
6285Khz - 1920 - Tip & Elvis Show - 45434 - Mix of Music.CD 2000.
6285Khz - 2001 - MRF Radio - 44333 - With report and thank you to Tip & Elvis.
6300Khz - 1910 - UNID - 44433 - Oldies.
6305Khz - 1025 - UNID - 35433 - Dutch Music.
6305Khz - 1715 - UNID - 35333 - Dutch Pirate Song.
6305Khz - 2035 - Radio Powerline - 44333 - Mix of Music.
6323Khz - 1720 - UNID - 24332 - Music.
6553Khz - 1740 - UNID - 35433 - Country Rock.

Andy Richards.

Re: London Calling.

Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2013 21:32 pm
by Caroline
Hi Andy,

many thanks for such log of us there! Keep on so!

R.Caroline International.