LOGS : 31 DEC. 2012 - 6 JAN. 2013
Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2013 21:42 pm
- * * * * * MON. 31 DEC. 2012 * * * * *
6290,0 0800-0804 R. TARZAN, strong, D song, ID+@, s'/by for QSO
6290,0 0832-0930 R. TARZAN %, fair\PLC, Ca plane pour moi, tk in D, IDs not clear, kHz, g's, D songs
6290,0 1305-1330 R. TARZAN %, v.weak \strong PLC then slight PLC, mx, DJ, D or G song
6290,0 1622-1709 R. TARZAN, pop, mx, D song, 1709 ID, ment' Quintus
6300,5 0802-0929 CRAZY WAVE R., \occ. noise > strong PLC, mx, rock, 0832 ID, Lynyrd Skynyrd... 0909 //4725
6300,5 1304-1330 CRAZY WAVE R. %, e.weak \under PLC, hard to hear, mx, tk in G.
6305,0 0802-0806 UNID, weak \fades, mx, D song. [ cf MALIBU ]
6216 a 0837-0923 UNID, wide wobbling!, self jamming eruhgg"ç(fgujghtoma"_'tygkmusiczdvn'_dritjdtrhjrr
6070,0 0849,0926 R. 6150 %, mx vs canadian% laughbox
6435,0 0852-0931 R. RONEX, \PLC, noisy ut.on 6440, D song, instrum, ID+@, gd m', Got to break free
6435,0 1323,1640 R. RONEX, 1323 ID+@, 1640 mx,mx, 1649 \het on 6437, strong PLC
6555,0 0858,0938 UNID, e.weak, 0858 fridge Bowie, 0938 mx ( also 1324 e.weak \PLC) [ cf PINK PANTHER ]
7425,2 0901-0911 CRAZY WAVE R., weal \PLC,some het, 'Flashback' jingle, DJ, pops, 0907 breaks, ID, 0911 hl
6095,0 0925-0926 TRANSPORT R., ID in D, news from Europe, JID, mx
6450,0 0931-0937 UNID, weak \PLC, was tk', tchac-synthe, song in E. [ cf UNIVERSE ]
6937,5 0939-1059 IMR R. %, v.weak, mx, 1032 e.weak \het on 6937, 1035 "Little drummer"
6937,5 1326,1642 IMR R. %, e.weak, mx. 1642 mx, a few words, Irish song.
6937,0 1032-1045 UNID, het with IMR% on 6937,5 (cf december 21st), D songs, lost by 1045 [ still UNID ]
6920,0 1051-1058 UNID, weak >v.weak, mx, rock, 1055 player break, J.Cash?, 1025 C&W duo (M+W) [cf ANTONIO]
6304,6 1059-1101 R. MERLIN INT, \PLC, pops, gd m', ID, Jumping Jack flash
6304,7 1302-1329 R. MERLIN INT, S.DavisGroup, IDs, jazz, ... 1329 Fortunes"Caroline"
6264,9 1103-1103 UNID, e.weak mx \drowned into PLC [ cf DELTA /WB ]
6265,0 1331-1334 UNID, mx, Fats Domino style [ cf DELTA /WB ]
6265,0 1620-1647 UNID, e.weak \strong PLC, 1645 Everly Br."Bye bye love". (1711 trace \ PLC) [ cf DELTA /WB ]
6205,0 1104-1108 UNID, e.weak mx \drowned into PLC, 1105 some D J.Cash ?, 1108 gospel [cf POWERLINER ]
6205,0 1307-1309 R. POWERLINER INT, e.weak mx \drowned into PLC, tk, ID, mx (1316 gone)
6323,5 1255-1300 UNID, v.weak \strong PLC, mx, tk in E, 1300 blank or low mod ? [ cf XTC ]
6210,0 1310-1315 UNID, v.weak mx \drowned into PLC till 1315, then mx only [ still UNID ]
6564,5 1325-1329 UNID, good \bit of fading & PLC, mx from "cod liver oil" Thatcher era [ cf DELTA /WB, //6265 ]
6284,9 1620-1711 UNID, \6290 splash, > f'/down under strong PLC, D song "Happy new year", mx. [ cf OSAKA ]
6295,0 1622-1624 R. FOX 48, \splashes all around, tk in E, nr 0124..., Fox 48, We *are* the pirate stations, ID
6300,0 1625-1734 CRAZY WAVE R., \soon PLC, in E, mx, IDs, hl, rpt
6325,8 1627-1701 R. BILA DIRA, v.weak \soon under PLC, in Czech%, mx, many IDs+@ (tnx!)
4026,0 1652-1738 LASER HOT HITS %, good \v.noisy, a Caroline 558 recording (news, ID, mx).
* * * TUES. 01 JAN. 2013 * * * almost no time to listen
6299,95 0152-0156 CRAZY WAVE R., good peaks \fades,PLC, pop_blues, ID, pop. (0159 gone)
6304,7 0847-0943 R. MERLIN INT, mx, tk, ID, happy new year.
6304,7 1809,1816 R. MERLIN INT %, e.weak mx under PLC, then only a trace under PLC
6204,1 0928-0932 UNID, v.weak \PLC, mx, ID no copy, mx, few words?... [ cf ORANG UTAN ]
6449,0 0933-0935 UNID, v.weak, mx, D song. [ cf STUDIO 52 ]
6937,5 0936-0942 IRISH MUSIC R., v.weak, Brenda Lee, ID, wishes, C&W (sugar style)
4026,0 1811-1900 LASER HOT HITS, old offshore show? 1859 ID, connection problem,mx (also 2144 ID, 2338)
* * * * * WED. 02 JAN. 2013 * * * * *
6070,0 0758-0943 R. 6150 test %, usual Toronto% QRM, 0758 "She's not there", mx...
6095,0 0911-1005 TRANSPORT R., powerful, mx, 0943 ID in D, mx...
6324,8 1546-1548 UNID, v.weak \PLC, mx, Doors"Light my fire" [ still UNID ]
6304,6 1549-1715 R. MERLIN INT, strong peaks \deep fades,PLC, mx, IDs (also in F and G), 1627 ad for Dr Tim News.
6283,0 1550-1552 UNID, v.weak \PLC, rock, pop [ cf OSAKA ]
6985,0 1554-1559 LIGHTNING R. %, weak peaks, mx, 1558 v.short ID no copy. (later only a trace)
6284,9 1601-1605 R. OSAKA, v.weak, mx, 1604 "Osaka" song w. many IDs, g's, jingle...
6294,9 1613-1622* R. POWERLINER INT, strong \PLC, 1617 ID+@+test over "Pamela Pamela", 1620 c'/d, bye bye
6263 v 1615-1649 UNID, hard to hear near strong 6260(and under PLC of course), some mx heard.
4026 ,0 2117-2121 LASER HOT HITS %, weak \noisy, mx, tk.
6985,0 2338-2338 CRUISE FM % relay, still the same show repeated every night ?
* * * * * THURS. 03 JAN. 2013 * * * * *
6070,0 0748,0825 R. 6150 tests %, 0748 "Sunny afternoon" QRM Vatican 6075, 0825 it's a Laser 558 show
6985,1 1445-1740 UNID, mx, e.weak \occ.traffic > some weak peaks \noisy [ cf LIGHTNING ]
6552,7 1449-1452 UNID, weak \PLC, accordion, instrum mx (1459 gone). [ cf PIONEER ]
6283,0 1454-1535 R. OSAKA &TINA, songs in G, pops, 1509 ID+@, 1526 Osaka song (low mod), then D songs.
6734,9 1515-1539* COOL AM R., v.weak, rock, IDs+hl, 1515 Troggs"Wild thing, 1537 Kraftwerk "Radioactivity"
6266,7v 1529-1554 UNID, e.weak, mushy jerking carrier, mx, 1549 on 6266,4, Balkans mx
6985,0 2132,2333 CRUISE FM relay %, v. weak \noisy, typical (same show?)
4026 a 2138-2345 LASER HOT HITS, strong peaks \deep fading, loud hum. mx, tk, 2343 about antennas, ID
* * * ** * FRI. 04 JAN. 2013 * * * * *
6070,0 0814,1330 R. 6150 test %, offshore LHH shows, 0814 \Toronto% QRM, strong PLC, 1320 v.weak, fridge Bowie
6295,0 0947-0949 UNID, \strong PLC, mx. [ cf MISTI ]
6305,0 1128-1145 trace (drowned into PLC), also 1312-1320 only a carrier now that PLC is gone
6283,05 1130-1144 R. ALTREX, \PLC, some mx heard > f'u, 1142 hello Klaus, ID, 1144 ID, mx.
6937,5 1137-1327 IMR R., v.weak \noisy,fading. mx, W DJ, IDs, g's, (time pips at 1147)
6937,5 1453-1725 IMR R. %, v.weak \Morse on 6936, 1453 tk: Teddy Bear, 1618"Heart of glass"
6299,8 1312-1416 R. MERLIN INT, strong, R&R, DJ, IDs. Tutti frutti, Let's go to the hop, Dion, E.Cochran... (1425 gone)
6285,0 1315-1322 R. ALTREX, v.weak, mx, IDs by moohs!, Life is life
6310,0 1328-1336 UNID, v.weak mx, then e.weak long talk, sounds like numbers (1336 lost)
6305,0 1417-1524 R. OSCAR ZULU, v.weak, What'd I say, live ID, R&R, sugar Elvis?, early 60s rock & pops
6294,9 1425-1439 UNID, v.weak (alr. trace at 1314), synthe mx, D? songs in G or E. [ cf ZWERVER ]
6210,0 1432-1432* UNID, v.weak mx, sudden s/off
6325,0 1443-1509* R. MUSTANG, strong, audio breaks, C&W, 1508 hum, ID, c'/d, bye, 1509 s/off
6325,0 1508-1510 jammer?, off at Mustang c'/d annt, 1510 carrier back, switch to 6320, back to 6325...
6324,9 1512-1527 UNID, strong, accordion, 1526 weak, c'/d, "It was R. - - - -", 1527 blank and off [ cf SCHRIJK V.FR.]
6290,6 1525-1616 R. BOHEMIA INT, v.weak \occ. fax. mx, tk, IDs+@gmail, 80s? mx.
6300,1 1534-1553* BRAVO SIERRA, v.weak, "Shalala..", euro-singers, G songs, rpt(Jari), Radetski march, S&Garfunkel, allo.., accordion(g's to Mr Boney M), 1549 ID, testing, f'/up just before s/off.
3935,0 1555-1600* UNID, e.weak, fade, back with mx and some words, and off. [ cf MISTI ]
6305,1 1640-1652* UNID, v.weak\ut.side noise, instrum, pop, La Cucaracha(instrum V.), more mx, sudden off
3905,0 1658-1705* UNID, e.weak, mx, 1704 D instrum mx and off.
6985,05 1710-1916 LIGHTNING R., (alr.trace at 1310), e.weak, 1715 clear ID, then various QRM, 1916 deep fade
6985,05 2009-2022 CRUISE FM relay, 2009 IDs "Cruise FM", "This is Cruise", v. long techno track. Also 2309-2315
4026,0 1732-2027 LASER HOT HITS, \noisy. M.Scott: MaplinZA29 mike, Debian Linux... ID, mx, Gainsbourg-Birkin. 1920 v.bad (not weak) signal except on one antenna (never the same one when this happens). 2250 : clear.
3905,0 1924-1934* R. ACTIVITY, \beating with other stn during fades, mx, tk, 1929 ID, mx, 1931'45" sudden off.
3905,0 1925-2025 UNID, beating with Activity, 1932 trace, 1938-1950 mx, W voice, mx, tk. 1955 trace
3930,0 2252-2258* R. RAINBOW, ID over H.Alpert trumpet, jazz, more IDs (Rainbow-Caroline too).
6920 L 2503-2511 UNID, heard in LSB, but tiny carrier and traffic too. 0110 some music heard, then lost.
* * * * * SAT. 05 JAN. 2013 * * * * *
6937,5 0728-0913 IRISH MUSIC R., 0728 trace, 0744 weak : soul and pop mx, 0823 ID, 0857 W DJ
6937,5 1510-1630 IRISH MUSIC R., weak, pops, 1630 ID
6215 a 0730-0858 UNID, awfuleugrf'_è-yolbevo"('ytoplzerbghv"irtmusiczeorzté"zuebfé'u
6070,0 0732,0831 R. 6150 test %, 0732 better than usual, offshore LHH tape, 0832 under canadian% laughbox again
4026,0 0734-0833 LASER HOT HITS, \fading, music from ex-Beatles
4026,0 1612-2248 LASER HOT HITS, weak > fading, mx, IDs, 2123 rpt, Tremeloes, 2248 \het on 4021, mx
7265,0 0747-0913 HAMBURG LOKAL R. %, strong, G song, tk in G, jazz, tk about tango and Carlos Gardel,etc...
6200,0 0858-0906* UNID, mx, 0902 \fading, ut. on 6203, 0906 sudden switch to 6260 [ still UNID ]
6260,0 *0907-0911 UNID, same track as on 6200 (tchacaboum W singer), still only mx. [ still UNID ]
6095,0 *0900-1122 KBC, powerful, ID, triumphal entrance of Emperor Rosko, Coast to coast country
6304,8 1123-1623 R. MERLIN INT, strong, Silver Nanny, ID, Pretty flamingo, P.Sarsted, 1258 Daddoo ron ron, ID, around 13-15 rather mushy carrier, v.strong signal, wide sidebands, 1437 Dirty old town, etc.. mx, regular IDs
6190,0 1126-1332 HAMBURG LOKAL R. %, in AM sup, mx, tk in G, jazz, boogi-woogie. 1332 QRM (from Asia?)
6552,8 1127-1630 PINK PANTHER R., War of the worlds, tk about Osaka, pop, BZN ?
6315,6 1256-1258 UNID, \on-off ut., mx, ".. dedicated specially for you..", techno mx.
6219,0 1301-1347 R. BATAVIA, \roaring ut on 6219-6220, mx, tk in E+D+sp.... rpt from FNL, ID, tk in D, ment' Bogus, Odynn, Focus. 1345 phone call, then tk about D.Bowie
6210,0 1313-1346 UNID, e.weak, synthe and tatapoum mx, non stop, 1346 sudden off. [ CF LUXEMB. ]
6210,0 1424-1430 R. LUXEMBURG, strong, 60s instrum, D song in E, ID, ment' R.Nora, D song
6210,0 1440-1455 UNID, mx \maybe 2nd carrier, rock, 1454 tk \too much reverb, LUX.???, bye bye ??
6204,5 1314-1319 UNID, e.weak, mx and tk(no details). Trace already at 1304 (and still at 1331) [ cf ZEEWOLF ]
6295,1 1341-1358* UNID, mx, synthe, songs, off w/out annt. [ cf PYTHON ]
6265,0 1343-1405* CUPID R., mx, IDs+@, pop, rock, 1404 c'/d, bye bye.
6312,3 1351-1353 SALLANDSE BOER ?, tk in D ment' that name, 1353 mx. (1403 gone)
6325,6 1400-1456 R. BONOFOX, v.weak, reggae, D song, C&W, Nena, ID, pop, D song. (1458 gone)
===== [ QSO round on 6240-6242 : 1400 - 1510 ] ====
6242,0 1406-1406* UNID, tk (in D?), synthe mx, off.
6242,0 *1407-1410* R. BOOMERANG, strong, reply in D for (Peter?), mx, off.
6242,0 *1410-1412 UNID, bad audio, reply to Boomerang, flattened by Saturnus but carrier goes on
6242,0 *1412-1415* R. SATURNUS, mx, reply to Boomerang, ID, mx, more of reply, off
6239,6 1416-1419 SW Radio, reply to Boomerang and Saturnus (the QSO around 6240 is still on at 1453)
6289,5 1422-1452 R. BATAVIA, tk in D, IDs, Happy New Year, mx, ann' FGTH"Relax #:- { , later more mx, tk, ID.
6299,9 1438-1451 R. MISTER X, e.weak \QRM from Merlin, mx, IDs, copied as "MYSTERIX from the NL"
6329,9 1456-1458* UNID, \ut.noise. mx, ment' Bonofox, Boomerang, Zodiac. Shoobidoowa song, off. [ cf ZODIAC ]
6376,0 1459-1522 UNID, good \tweety QRM around, mx, reggae, mx, D song, 1520 long blank
6315,5 1514-1626 R. CAROLINE INT, weak \fades, pops, IDs (also as Caroline-Rainbow).
6310,0 1530-1531 UNID, \QRM from Merlin. mx (choir), then v.weak tk (sounds like numbers)
6210,0 1535-1536 WITTE REUS, mx, ID (also as WHITE GIANT), mx parts, rxRadioReport(at)gmail...
6324,0 1538-1626 R. UNDERGROUND, strong, JID over blues, D song, more mx and JIDs, drift 6323,7
6425 a 1554-1554 awfulmod"i'règ"çgt"rgbç"éè(gtizreubfç
6985,0 1558-1632 LIGHTNING(?) R., v.weak +weak peaks \occ. ut.QRM, mx, 1601 one second long ID(1st half unsure)
6985,1 2128-2320 CRUISE FM relay %, sounds like the same show every night
6245,0 1615-1623 R. AC-DC, v.weak, pop, Blues Brothers"Rawhide, ID over(in D+E),
3930,0 2250-2256 R. RAINBOW, v.weak, mx, ID
3904,0 2251-2340 OVERIJSSEL R., pops, ID, Apache, ID+@, joint CONTINENTAL, "I want to break free", D song, \some traffic, g's, web site, I just called, sp.traffic3900U, .. 2327 Nirvana, etc
* * * * * SUN. 06 JAN. 2013 * * * * *
Tough to untangle Dutch stations (won't do it often !). Luxemburg playing its own mess below 6220. And still a lot of UNIDs even with help from the best logs (also a few UNIDs not seen anywhere else)
6937,5 0802-1143 IMR R., v.weak \some atmos,occ.tweety, Radar love, tk, mx, IDs
6937,5 1322-1607 IMR R., v.weak, mx, tk, ID
6214 a 0804-0937 UNID, awfulzreufgi"é'uègtvfe"iubzejmusicerugi"y'gvf [has anyone really heard a King ID ? ]
6204,15 0805-0844 UNID, weak \RTTY, some atmos, 0805 Apache 0828 tk, 0842 Dock of the bay, accdn [cf ORANG U]
4026,0 0807-0930 LASER HOT HITS %, god > weak, mx, tk.
4026,0 1630-1933 LASER HOT HITS, ID+@, mx, 1915 v.weak \hiss, mx, tk
6260,0 0826-0841 UNID, weak\atmos, pops [ still UNID ]
6070,0 0830,0921 R. 6150 tests %, mx, usual TA QRM
6070,0 1357-1401 R. 6150 tests %, mx, Beach Boys "Then I kissed her".
6291,95 0831-0838 R. BLACK ARROW, strong, Happy birthday song, rock, ABBA"Gimme", g's+ID above mx, bye
[ many heard also B.A. on 6290a (not 6292a) before 0822* ]
7590,05 0850-0903* SHORELINE R., strong \low mod, RTTY upside. pops, instrum, 0903 short ID and quick off
7265,0 0905-1000* R. GLORIA, strong RTTY on 7266 (jammer ?),mx, tk in G, years of tracks, 0959 ID+@, bye
6300,6 0917-0954 R. BONOFOX, v.weak \PLC, pops, 0935 ID, tk about singer Johnny Camaro(?)
6095,0 0920,1005 KBC-Trucker R., powerful, "Trucking" news, C&W
6095,0 1352-1355 KBC, powerful, "Saturday night", Emperor Rosko: L.A. PD & weapons, then O.Redding.
7265,0 *1000-1003 MV BALTIC R., Man of action, ID, mx and information from NE Germany, then in G, etc, pop
6430,8 1016-1017 UNID, v.weak\PLC, bad mod, defective TX. mx, mx. [ cf ZWARTE PANTER ]
6304,7 1020-1025 R. MERLIN %, \PLC, splash from 6300,2. Doors, mx...(1029 gone)
6300,2 1022-1144 R. TELSTAR, \PLC, "Kilimandjaro", guitar, schlager, yodl, D songs,1123 ID, strong peak > weak
6320,0 1029-1031 R. ASCONA, v.weak \PLC, D? mx, tk "..Ascona Piraat..", lost
6318,0 1032-1036 UNID, e.weak \PLC, tk, mx, 1035 "..low power.. ..arizona(?)... " , mx [ cf ASCONA ]
6306,9 1113-1134 UNID, v./e.weak, accordion, pop, more accordion, D song
6292,9 1116-1119 UNID, polka, singer in E.
===== [ QSO round on 6285 - 6287 : 1116 - 1220 ] =====
6285,0 1116-1116 UNID, "Oxygene"
6286,0 1120-1120 UNID, accordion (1127 gone)
6285,9 1132-1132* UNID, accordion and off.
6286,7 *1132-1137 UNID, blank then e.weak mx, tk, audio problem, "amateur", bad contact ? [cf ALPENROOS ]
6240,5 1116-1148 R. MERLIN INT, strong, tk, ID, mx, ... 1140 Silver machine, 1148 pop
6211,0 1121-1140 R. LUXEMBURG, strong, pop, JID, ID, D song, 1140 mx
6265,0 1127-1147 UNID, e.weak \fades, some pop heard at times
9480,0 1150-1155 UNID, in AMsup (no LSB), strong \odd fading, pop
9480,0 1314-1351 MV BALTIC R. %, tk in G, web address, all stns relayed by MV Baltic, rock, C&W
===== [ QSO round on 6375 : 1245-1326 ] =====
6374,9 1325-1326* UNID, \squeezed(fax-RTTY), mx, tk in D, nr incl' 6292 [ cf B.ARROW ]
===== [ QSO round on 6292 (and 6290) : 1325 - 1500 ] =====
6292,0 *1326-1332 BAKEN 16, blank, 1327 BigBen, JID, mx+bell, live ID, g's Ascona,B.A., PLiner,Laser... InXS
6292,0 1348-1348 BAKEN 16 again, ID
6292,0 1406-1406 UNID, Tomtom Club "Words"
6292,1 1418-1430 BAKEN 16 again, "A day in the life", JID+ID, rpts, stns...
6311,2 1332-1506* R. PANDORA, hist. of landbased pirates in the 70s, w.recordings, 1410 ID+@, 1412 Don't let me be misunderstood, .. not so old SW pirates, mx, IDs, hl, 1501 Who do you love, 1504 bye bye
6299,9 1347-1407 UNID, trace, 1403 e.weak S&G"Cecilia", mx, 1407 f/out
6210,0 1430-1432 UNID, (carrier alr. at 1349), strong \overmod, D song, P.Floyd"The wall". [ cf BORDERHUNTER ]
6310,0 1434-1436* UNID, \het with R.Pandora, 1436 "This is - - - - ", mx, lost.
6324,9 1448-1500* UNID, e.weak \noisy, mx, D song, off w/out annt
6307,2 1506-1627 R. CAROLINE INT, D mx and JIDs, D song, brass mx, occ. pops, carnaval, f'/down
===== [ QSO round on 6286 : 1455 - 1545 ] =====
6286,2 1521-1530* BAKEN 16, \sp.traffic on 6286,5U, tk in E, ment' D stns, 1526 ID, 1528 JID, mx, row of JIDs, off
6286,0 1531-1533 R. PYTHON, mx, reply to Baken in E, ID
6286,0 1534-1542* R. POWERLINER, mx de pisseuse, ID, rep to Python-Baken in E+D, g's to UKR and UK,...
6286,0 1542-1545* R. PYTHON, v.weak. [The QSO seems to go on, but I jump elsewhere]
6323,0 1546-1628 R. OSAKA, mx, Nancy Sinatra, early 60s pop, ID, D song... 1628 f/back, H.California
6985,05 1558-1606 UNID, e.weak mx \disturbed by many occ. ut. (also 1925-1930 : v.noisy) [ cf LIGHTNING ]
6985,05 2230,2348 CRUISE FM relay %, fair \atmos, alternative mx, sounds like former relays
6311,0 1612-1617 UNID, e.weak mx and f/out (to a trace)
6285,05 1619-1624* UNID, e.weak, mx, break, same mx back on 6285,1 then f'/up, D mx medley, sudden off
3930,0 2213-2227 R. RAINBOW, mx, R.Caroline JIDs, mellow Rainbow IDs. 2218 f/down, 2227 web site
mx=music, tk=talk, D=Dutch, E=English, G=German, F=French, it.=Italian, rpt=report, v.=very,
e.=extremely w.=with, '=..ing, c'/d=closing down, M/W=man/woman, g'=greeting, ut=utility,
ID+@=ID+e-mail address, J=jingle, PLC=PowerLineComm'(noise), \=but, %=guess, hl=hotline
> =becoming/then, [ between sq. brackets : best fit ID, thanks quick logs ]
Please note that c'/d is a period from a few seconds to well more than an hour before the real switch off !