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LOGS : 17 - 23 DEC. 2012

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2013 23:23 pm
by Ray Lalleu
  • * * * * * MON. 17 DEC. 2012 * * * * *

    6284,0 0813-0822 UNID, strong \bit of fading, synthe-techno-drums-bpm with blanks. Also till around 1000.

    6070,0 0819,1047 R. 6150 test %, mx, \other stn underneath, PLC. 1047 v.weak \PLC
    6070,0 2158,2238 R. 6150 test %, prob. offshore tape (with address in NY ?), mx, tk.

    6285,0 1225-1246 R. OSAKA, \PLC, some atmos. Shadows, then D song with "Stille nacht" as it. pop! 1246 ID

    6533,5 1232-1245 UNID, e.weak \PLC, muffled. rock > f/down to a trace.

    6264,3 1822-1822 UNID, trace, but some (Greek?) mx heard.

    4026,0 *1827-2223 LASER HOT HITS, fades and peaks, mx, ID Laser Int, rpt... 2039 tk:Xmas, Spice Girls..

    3460 L 1940-1945 UNID, F song "Vous qui passez sans me voir", then parts of Brittany mx.

    6985,1 1948-2155 CRUISE FM relay, weak \noisy, altern. mx, 2148 ID, hl, correct date, etc..

    3930,0 2025-2234 R. RAINBOW INT, e.weak, 2028 ID, Ca plane pour moi, mx, IDs, 2205 Man of action, bye bye, Man of action again, ID, Galaxy of peace,, IDs (not all IDs clear, signal still e.weak).

    6924,6 2137-2139 UNID, e.weak \fading in & out, atmos. some mx heard.

    3925,0 2200-2235 UNID, e.weak peaks \occ. traffic. mx

    * * * * * TUES. 18 DEC. 2012 * * * * *

    6070,0 0800,0840 R. 6150 test %, some mx heard (I want to break free) \under Canada% about traffic and US killing

    6210,1 1400-1409 UNID, e.weak \fading, mx, tk, laser effect (psiou!), mx.

    6303,0 1509-1511 UNID, \PLC. rock. [ cf OSAKA ]

    6985,1 2043-2105 CRUISE FM % relay, weak \some atmos, same techno mx as every night, hl: Ho-7-Ho...

    4026,0 2050-2112 LASER HOT HITS %, strong, mx, ID+@+POB, "live on 6266 today" (so a repeat).

    * * * * * WED. 19 DEC. 2012 * * * * *

    6070,0 0740,0822 R. 6150 test %, mx \over a 2nd carrier, 0822 \PLC, also 1230 Knock on wood \2nd carrier beat

    4026,0 1918-2150 LASER HOT HITS, mx, psious!, Laser!, Martin Scott!, ... 2150 mx, M.Andrews, ID \fading.

    6985,1 2017-2431 CRUISE relay %, UNID, e.weak > odd good peak \many occ. disturbances, mx, 2341 techno

    3930,0 2332-2338 R. RAINBOW, \strong occ.traffic, Beatles"I saw her standing there", 2338 ID, "She's a rainbow"

    * * * * * THURS. 20 DEC. 2012 * * * * *

    6070,0 0749,0943 R. 6150 test %, weak mx \usual mess. Also 1421 weak, Laser Hot Hits tape, "In the army now"

    6284,8 0944-0951 UNID, weak \PLC, pop, rock. (1017 gone)

    6555,0 0953-1146 UNID, weak \PLC, X mas song,.. 1023 blues.. 1128 \strong PLC, "Upside down"

    6937,5 0958-1533 IRISH MUSIC R., IDs, mx, "Merry Xmas" wishes, 1131 "All you need is love", > f/d, 1725 drowned

    6281,8 1018-1055* UNID, \some fading, instrum (R&R,synthe, D mx), tk(I was away), Radetski march

    6285,1 1056-1100 UNID (ex 6281,8 ?), mx, 1057 "Pop-corn", more instrum mx [ cf LUXEMBURG ? ]

    6532,7 1123-1147 UNID, e.weak \PLC, non stop pops, 1147 messing with audio settings

    6875,0 1130-1156 UNID, weak, pop, C&W.. 1150 a few words (above mx), more mx... \PLC

    6550,0 1140-1146 UNID, e.weak \strong PLC, mx then 1142 tk only, long tk.

    6985,1 1417-1729 UNID, e.weak +odd peaks, mx, 1729 ID ?. [ cf LIGHTNING ]
    6985,1 2126-2345 CRUISE FM relay?, v.weak, sounds like same repeat every night, 2343 IDs unsure, hl.

    6305,0 1530-1535 UNID, v.weak \het from 6302, "Get back" (reprise), tk, mx. [ cf ODYNN ]

    6285,0 1717-1723 UNID, v.weak \loc.noises, mx "Love to love..", " Spirit in the sky"?? (1735 gone)

    4026,0 2128-2340 LASER HOT HITS, peaks \deep fades, mx, tk, IDs.

    * * * ** * FRI. 21 DEC. 2012 * * * * *

    6070,0 0728,0847 R. 6150 test %, "Band on the run" \2nd carrier beat, ad, 0847 \under canadian% laughs

    6095,0 0911-0922 TRANSPORT R. %, powerful, mx, long tk in D, mx...

    6937,5 0923-1025 IMR R., v.weak, mx, tk, IDs. 0935 QRM, sometimes flattened by from D stn on 6937,1
    6937,5 1400-1709 IMR R., v.weak, mx, "Merry Xmas", 1620 \hissy, 1700 pop-rock 60s, ...

    6285,0 0927-1011 UNID, v.weak \deep fading, var.ut. Song "Ave maria", D songs, accordion [ cf R.GOUDENSTER ]

    6937,1 0935-1026 UNID, peaks \fades, QRM with IMR, D (or G) waltz, D songs, maybe tk at 0959 (deep fade)

    6735,0 1000-1016 COOL AM R., v.weak \PLC, mx, jingles, hl, IDs+@, jingles again...

    6305,1 1406-1408* R. MERLIN INT, \hum from stn underneath, mx, ID+@ and off.

    6305,0 1406-1410 UNID (VERONICA jingles), hum with Merlin, 1408 clear, rox of jingle, 1409 some tk in D...

    6284,95 1412-1414 UNID, v.weak \deep fading, thacboum song "te quiero" (1435 gone)

    6302,0 1434-1500 UNID, strong \fading,PLC at times. D songs, 1437 "Ronalisa" (title ?)

    6295,0 1436-1455 UNID, weak \scratching ut. messing with parts of tracks, audio on / off

    6300,0 1613-1623 UNID, v.weak\some ut and het. mx, maybe X mas mx, f/down to a trace. [cf S. SHUTTLE ]

    3905,0 1626-1700 POLARIS R., v.weak. 1627 One for you..., 1629 break, 1637 ID+etc over mx (in E \no copy), 1653 ID, tnx report, ID+@, then tk in D. 1657 "Blue monday"

    3905,1 2006-2127 SKYLINE & R. MONTILLA, pops and D songs, 2110 ID in E+D, 2114 again, mx. (also at 2443)

    4026,0 2010-2122 LASER HOT HITS, weak \fading, RTTY on 4020. Xmas pop, mx, IDs.

    6300,25 2028-2045 UNID, e.weak \PLC,bit of ut. 2028 mx, 2035 tk, then long tk by W ( ) 2045 mx. [ cf R. ARABIA ? ]

    * * * * * SAT. 22 DEC. 2012 * * * * *

    6285,0 0742-1019 RONEX R., strong > weak, Knock on wood, Beatles drumbox medley, pops, cajun, 0825 ID+@, Life is life, synthe, IDs, g's, pops, Lambada

    6070,0 0745,0837 R. 6150 test %, 0745 usual mess and splash, 0837 mx \over 2nd carrier.

    6295,4 0821-0843 R. WALDMEISTER, Ca plane pour moi, Paranoid, tk (no copy), rock, 0843 ID (not too clear), from the NL, more mx, rock.

    6937,5 0838-1405 IMR R., weak \OTH bursts at first,noisy later. Merry Xmas program, IDs, pops

    7265,0 0936-1032 HAMBURG LOKALE R. %, v.strong, jazz track, then medical tk in G "herzklappe prothesis"

    6205,25 0950-1050 R. ORANG UTAN, \traffic on low side > \v.weak\PLC. Maccash Xmas, IDs+@, hl, rock, D.Straits

    6095,0 0959-1001 KBC, poweful. KBC Import ad, JID, pop.

    4026,0 1002-1004 LASER HOT HITS %, v.weak \drowned into noise, mx, tk.
    4026,0 1636-2103 LASER HOT HITS, mx, duo (W on side), ID, etc...

    6239,8 1009-1048 R. ZEEWOLF INT, \fax QRM, mx, tk, IDs, g's (so so voice), said some TX problem, test, 150 W, 1015 CCR"Bad moon, 1038 will try tomorrow again (2 weeks idle), then filler mx.

    6550,0 1023-1029 UNID, e.weak, tk only, sounds like a preacher (could be from Korea, Asia?)

    6305,0 1034-1046 R. ASCONA, fair \PLC, D song, "Viva Espa~na", tk in D+E, ID+@, D mx.

    6295,0 1200-1202* UNID, weak \PLC, mx, 1201 \fade, web address in .nl, jingle, and off. [ cf TOP R. ]

    6396,0 1203-1205 UNID, v.weak \noisy, distorted mx, ID?, email.. mx.

    6306,9 1412-1449 R. ASCONA ?, v.weak \splash,later:Morse. mx, ID?, rpt, 10W, J.Airplane, ... 7 nations' army

    6295,0 1415-1418* UNID, strong \ut. D instrum mx, few words over (I missed that) and off. [ cf POWERLINER ]

    6285,0 1418-1432 R. OSAKA & TINA, weak, bugle mx, tk in D, both names, guest voice, D mx.

    6265,0 1423-1634 UNID, weak \some het and PLC, euro-songs, 1428 Artur Brown ??, \fades, nonstop mx.

    6295,0 1431-1528 BLACK POWER/POWERLINER, strong \later:fading, mx, QSO, entangling both IDs contest

    6283,0 1441-1550 R. OSAKA & TINA, D mx, tk in D, except "only low power on the frequency"

    6306,9 1510-1609* SPACESHUTTLE, \het from 6305, mx, tk, 1513 ID, pops, Finnish? rock. [ strange, mistake ? ]

    6287,0 1521-1524* UNID, mx, on / off audio, then s/off

    6290,0 1525-1525 UNID, mx (maybe same as 6287)

    6324,25 1529-1534* R. UNDERGROUND, young singers"Merry Xmas", g's to Fox48, ID, rpts (on his screen), blank, off

    6207,15 1555-1634 ARTEM ?; world mx, tk in E (accent), IDs as RWI or "former RWI" ?? 1634 sp. ..artem..

    6306,1 1626-1745 BAKEN 16 ?, peaks and fades, mushy carrier, messing with mx, jingle, tk, Cucaracha tune.

    6985,1 1956-2000 UNID, weak \fading,noisy, mx, tk. [ cf LIGHTNING R. ]

    3932,2 2003-2020 UNID, e.weak \noisy, deep fades. mx, a D song (sounds like sp. rock), ... [ cf FR. VICTORIA ? ]

    3905,2 2009-2250 UNID, v.weak, pops, 2030 allo amateur NL(over Hendrix), later: soul, fridge mx. [cf WILSKRACHT]

    3929,95 2238-2250 R. RAINBOW ("on Laser Hot Hits"), mx, tk,IDs, "In the ghetto", "Only you",

    * * * * * SUN. 23 DEC. 2012 * * * * *

    4026,0 0650-0653 LASER HOT HITS, clear \4030 RTTY, tk:Florence &theMachine, IDs, POB,hl

    6070,0 0656-0657 R. 6150 tests %, nd carrier, splash. mx, Laser Hot Hits tape.

    6198 a 0752,0812 UNID, 0752 awful, 0812 aeufgriazgelézuyg&zieutgfzefgzeygfizaue'gf

    6937,5 0755-0821 IMR R., Xmas carol, Happy Xmas..God bless you all, "Silent night", 0817 IDs, Beatles.

    6210,25 0801-0830 R. WAVES INT, weak, rather muffled. F songs, 0809 ID, BP in Rueil, later also song in E.

    ...and that's all, now on the road.

    mx=music, tk=talk, D=Dutch, E=English, G=German, F=French, it.=Italian, rpt=report, v.=very,
    e.=extremely w.=with, ', c'/d=closing down, M/W=man/woman, g'=greeting, ut=utility,
    ID+@=ID+e-mail address, J=jingle, PLC=PowerLineComm'(noise), \=but, %=guess, hl=hotline
    > =becoming/then, [ between sq. brackets : best fit ID, thanks quick logs ]
    Please note that c'/d is a period from a few seconds to well more than an hour before the real switch off !
