LOGS : 3 - 9 DEC. 2012
Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2013 22:50 pm
- * * * * * MON. 03 DEC. 2012 * * * * *
6070,0 0738-0819 R. 6150 test %, Laser 558 tape (vs Canadian station CRF-), usual Vatican 6075 splashing
6285,0 0823-0840 UNID, on ~6284,95 at first, \some Morse on 6286, "Ma Baker", non stop songs [ cf LUXEMB. ]
6280,0 1313-1331* R. POEMA ?, v.weak \noisy 6275 ut., Mr Tambourineman, D songs, Tina Tina, tk in D, yodl, D song in E, F song, tk (.. Poema .. special for R. Tina ...) , guitar ca1960, few words, off.
6325,0 1339-1341* R. POEMA ? or other stn in QSO
6325,5 1344-1351* R. ROCKFELLER ? or other stn in QSO
6325,0 1353-1354 UNID, replying ? to R. Rockfeller
6552,7 1358-1403* UNID, e.weak, mx and blanks [ cf PIONIER ? ]
6552,8 1442-1442 UNID, mx, blank and off. [ cf PIONIER ? ]
6985,1 1408-1935 UNID, e.weak > weak \noisy, fading, ut. bursts. mx, maybe an ID at 1659. [ cf LIGHTNING ]
6295,4 1632-1720 R. VERONA, D songs and IDs+@ by op, also a "Hilversum like" annt in D at 1634
6280 v 1636-1811 UNID, e.weak, on 6280,3 at first and drifting around, mx, short break at 1708, back with mx and annts in E, sounds like a program from Artem with hispano mx till 1746, with added annts from NL, then synthe mx
6280 v 1856-1945 UNID, e.weak under PLC, mx. [ cf LONG LIVE R. ]
6295,0 1732-1804 UNID, Beat it, mx, D song, Walk don't run, D song, then f'/down.
6263,6a 1850-1855 UNID, v.weak \strong PLC, occ. ut.burst. some mx heard, then f/down to a trace.
3495 U 1902-1923 NEW R. CAROLINE, \occ. traffic around. pops, 1906 JID, Give me the night, 1923 What is love
3495 U 2214-2217 NEW R. CAROLINE %, 80s medley with clean (no reverb drumbox, more mx.
4026,0 1913-1920 LASER HOT HITS, \fading, ut. on 4020, poor signal, mx, DJ, ID. (also at 2212 weak \fading).
* * * * * TUES. 04 DEC. 2012 * * * * *
6070,0 0727-0836 R. 6150 test ?, \Morse, PLC, TTY on low side, later 2nd carrier. Tape from Laser with address in NY, but at 0728 a jingle "6-0-7-0 whoopie!" between "Jumping Jack Flash" and tk about "The last time"
6070,0 1511-1514 R. 6150 test %, \het, splash. mx, ID not clear, more mx
6284,8 1504-1530 UNID, Xmas pop, "Azuro", pops, C&W, D blues, D song. [ cf OSAKA ]
6264,7 1508-1551 UNID, trace+peaks, some mx heard, maybe Greek mx at 1551.
6295,4 1515-1551 UNID, accordion row, D songs in E (row), D rock, D song. [ cf ROCKEFELLER ]
6552,7 1532-1540 UNID, e.weak, M.Jackson"Billie Jean", pops, soft rock. [ cf PINK PANTHER ?? PIONIER ?? ]
6965,0 1748-1751 UNID, v.weak, mx, 1750 some tk over the mx
3907,0 1755-1800* UNID, v.weak \SSB QRM, mx, tk w. reverb: RPI?? R. Tibi?? from the N.coast of NL, R. Gemini ?(over mx for more mess), 1800 bye bye and off. [ cf R. ACTIVITY ? ]
4026,0 2050-2052 LASER HOT HITS, \fading, some noise. mx, ID by Dave Mason, more mx
3460 L 2053-2058 UNID, strong, "I heard it through the grapevine", positive comment in F and off ?
* * * * * WED. 05 DEC. 2012 * * * * *
6069,9 0745-0844 R. 6150 test %, usual mess, Don't bring me down, mx, 0844 Laser Hot Hits
6295,5 1328-1610 WINNETOU R., strong \some PLC, occ. fishers. accordion, D songs, 1348 ID, 1605 ID.
6210,0 1330-1423* WITTE REUS, v.weak \PLC, pop-rock, 1337 Driver seat, 1402 Doors, 1415 & 1422 IDs
6239,6 1550-1603 R. KILOHERTZ, e.weak, mx, tk & ID in G, 1559 the Animals, 1602 c'/d, 60s pop \ut.bursts
6235,0 1608-1609 UNID, song in D or G, then M+W tk in unknown language (maybe from Asia ?)
6985,1 1611-1730 UNID, e.weak and noisy, mx [ cf LIGHTNING R. ]
6985,1 2226-2240 UNID, \fading, traffic. mx, tk over mx, alternative mx ? (could be relay of Cruise FM again?)
6295,6 1725-1756 R. VERONA, 1725 tk in D, then D mx, 1750 IDs+@, bye-bye, more mx
6265,5 1741-1747 UNID, hard to hear, mx under PLC local noise
4026,0 1923-2210 LASER HOT HITS, \deep fading, strong ut. around 2000, mx, IDs. 2210 fair \some fading & atmos
3495 U 1936-2019 NEW R. CAROLINE, jazz, IDs in it., Caroline jingle, 1952 "cambio", long break, 2003 back.
3925,0 2200-2206 UNID, e. weaksome atmos, mx 2206 tk (same stn??) ( later only a trace) .
* * * * * THURS. 06 DEC. 2012 * * * * *
6070,0 0755,1000 R. 6150 test %, 0755 weak, Laser HH (all day), 1000 v.weak \noisy, 2nd carrier, 1442 Laser
6070,0 2011-2345 R. 6150 test %, still LHH tape: mx, tk, IDs, "Waterloo", T shirt ad, Mamas&Papas, Bangles..
6552,7 1432-1447 PINK PANTHER, pops, tk in D, IDs+@ in E, new TX.
6284,9 1437-1453 UNID, \fishers on 6282U in sp+it, D pop, brass mx, mx.
6985,1 1448-1710 UNID, e.weak \noisy, slight traffic. mx [ cf LIGHTNING R. ]
6985,1 2100-2340 UNID, v.weak \fading, alternative mx, long comments over the mx ( Cruise FM relay ? )
4026,0 1958-2004 LASER HOT HITS, \ut 4020, mx, Just an illusion, tk, Ya mo be there(?), LHH jock,
4026,0 2043-2103 LASER HOT HITS, \active traffic in E on 4027U, mx, tk (no ID). Also 2327, mx, ID.
* * * ** * FRI. 07 DEC. 2012 * * * * *
6070,0 0757-0939 R. 6150 test %, Laser Hot Hits tape, \Vatican splash, later Toronto% QRM
6070,0 1355-1402 R. 6150 test %, still 2nd carrier beating and Vatican sideband (at 1608 : big mess)
6070,0 2225-2230 R. 6150 test %, Laser Hots Hits with Brandy Lee, stn underneath, chinese on 6065
6937,5 0800-1057 IMR R., v.weak, rock-pop (mostly 60s), occ. jazz, IDs. 1004 Lulu "The boat that I row", rpts
6937,5 1420-1637 IMR R., weak \noisy, various mx, tk, IDs. 1420 French Cancan, 1553 "Chanson d'amour"
6095,0 0914-0937 TRANSPORT R. %, powerful, in D, phone tk, KBC Imports ad, news, traffic news.
6284,9 1301-1347* ODYNN R., dedn for Baro, synthe, C&W, 1334 Crunchy Granola, No milk today, ID, hl, contacts..
6264,9 1311-1410 UNID, song in E, Nirvana, soft pop, .. 1350 rock, \noisy now, still non stop mx
6204,4 1320-1333 R. ZEEWOLF, D mx, 1331 ID in D+E, small test, 20W, rpt fr.Gunther-Tina, Dragonslayer.
6295,0 1403-1438 UNID, pop, 1405 audio off for long, 1438 filler mx.
6552,7 1413-1638 PINK PANTHER R., mx, 1417 ID, wide band mx but not quite punchy
6985,1 1424-1602 UNID, e.weak \never clear, barely audible mx [ cf LIGHTNING R. ]
6305 v 1429-1435 UNID, v.weak, drifting back and forth, soon under ut.
6299,9 1429-1458 VOTN, \fading, not punchy, pops, IDs, low power testing, I hear you knocking, 1456 15W, wants QSO
6374,9 1445-1446 UNID, e.weak, D song, and off ?
6264,4 1459-1525 UNID, squeezed between AM signal and carrier, no detail. (1604 : still a trace)
6210,0 1502-1535 UNID, \hum, synthe, D song (Carribean), .. 1532 ska-reggae, pop...
6299,5 1521-1523 R. ZEEWOLF, ID, 20W, in QSO with VOTN, filler mx
6424,5 1540-1541* UNID, tk in D, filler mx and off. [ cf DUTCHWING ]
6425,5 1541-1544* UNID, Beatles"Get back", tk to Zeewolf, and off. [ cf FRIELOO ]
6424,5 1545-1550 R. ZEEWOLF, "Route 66", tk in D, ..Zeewolf .. QSO .. et.. 20 W, mx.
6299,2 1619-1632 R. UNDERGROUND, s/on test, gd aft, ID, g's, cold weather, JID+@, g's.. 1632 said c'/d, C&W.
6288,9 1623-1640 R. RAINBOW INT, tk, mx, 1639 ID, g's, snow on the antenna, rpt from Italy, f'/down
3905,1 2111-2252 UNID, \fading (gd peaks) > strong. pop,rock, Troggs, Culture Club.. [ cf SKYLINE INT ]
4026,0 2113-2252 LASER HOT HITS, \fading. mx, tk, IDs
3494 v 2130-2216 UNID, e.weak, fast up-drift to 3497 or 3498 and quick resets, mx, 2138 Balkan mx.
3925,0 2152-2209 UNID, trace, peaking 2155-2201 : tk, mx (no detail)
* * * * * SAT. 08 DEC. 2012 * * * * *
6937,5 0755-1157 IMR R., less noisy than usual (at first only). A repeat with Lulu, etc..., pops, IDs (also 1501)
6070,0 0756-0848 R. 6150 test %, mx \weaker than talking Canadian% stn
6070,0 1157,2048 R. 6150 test %, 1157 e.weak, mx, psiou!, "Blue Monday", 2048 \splash, Laser tape, pop, tk, effects..
4026,0 0757-0843 LASER HOT HITS, mx, tk, 0843 f'/down, jazz, Mike Andrews
4026,0 1728-2034 LASER HOT HITS, v.weak, mx, tk, letter fromGuernsey, ID
6295,4 0834-0856* UNID, v.weak \loc.noise, pops-rock, IDs no copy, 0846 All right now. [ cf WALDMEISTER ]
6095,0 0917-0923 KBC, powerful. Emperor Rosko: pop-rock-C&W, KBC ad
6095,0 1159-1320 KBC, powerful, Paul Graham: Soundtrack of the 60s.
6295,0 1115-1116* UNID, v.weak, mx, tk in D and off. [ cf NMD ]
6290,0 1116-1156 UNID, v.weak \some PLC, Monkees"I'm a believer", pops, D songs. [ cf NMD ]
6209,8 1121-1155 UNID, strong \PLC, rock-pop, 1121 break, 1127 back, mx
6248 v 1123-1129 UNID, fast drift, it. song, mx... 1129 D song w.accordion.
6302,1 1320-1438 R. TELSTAR, D songs foreign styles, yodl, "Coucou", etc.. tk over, g's, 1407 ID in D
6219,5 1324-1414 R. ZEEWOLF, v.weak, Barracuda, g's, The day the music died (McLean), ID.. Man of action
6209,8 1349-1508 R. MARABU, in G, rock, Little drummer, IDs, mx. Also 1714 P.Floyd"The wall", but f'/down
6288,5 1352-1451 MAGIC AM, pops, IDs, short test, c'/d, POB+@... 1451 c'/d in 5 min now (muffled audio)
6325,0 1417-1450* RONEX R., Born to be alive, almost killed by Zodiac, 1448 c'/d, ID+@
6324,0 1418-1432 R. ZODIAC, blank, 1419 Shadows? 1422 ID, more guitars.. (1440 gone)
6310,0 1432-1436 UNID, Bowie? then tronic instrum. (1440 gone)
6281,5 1438-1445 UNID, strong, "Blue monday" remix, It's 5 o'clock, etc... (1452 gone)
6293,5 1450-1452 UNID, mx, mx
6448,9 1453-1457 STUDIO (52%), e.weak, mx, "You're listening to the STUDIO -- NL", mx...
6735,05 1457-1500 MUSTANG R., strong, mx, "Telstar", Gd ev', ID, c'/d, ... messing
6245,1 1503-1508 UNID, weak \noisy ut. +blip. rock, AC/DC ?, coarse rock. [ cf AC-DC ]
3904,3 1719-2033 R. ALICE, rather poor, D W.E. mix of mx, 2022 ID. (also 2248-2253 strong now).
1395,0 1756-1805 R. SEAGULL, Donovan rock, 1801 ID "c'/d now on 13-95", but goes on.
3495 L 2024-2031 UNID, jazz (40-50s style) idea : New R. Caroline
6985,15 2036-2047 UNID, v.weak \fading, mx, alternative mx. [ cf LIGHTNING R. ]
* * * * * SUN. 09 DEC. 2012 * * * * *
4026,0 0731-0733 LASER HOT HITS, \fading, tk, OEM, FSN, ID Laser Int, Mystery Year.
4026,0 1633-1640 LASER HOT HITS, \fading, mx, tk, ID, Ghostbusters theme, mx.
4026,0 2107-2236 LASER HOT HITS, \fading. At first under f..k's from fishermen on 4026U. 2150 rpt from Guernsey, ID+@, "I eat cannibals", ...
6937,5 0733-1018 IMR R., \usual noise underneath, mx, DJ, CCR Bad moon, IDs..
6937,5 1431-1643 IMR R., weak \noisy, "Chanson d'amour", tk, ID, One way ticket ... 1629 Paperback writer, ..
6209,8 0736-1007 R. MARABU, strong \het Orang, "Marabu 70s" program, 0757 W voice in G, 1007 weak \6220 splash
6209,8 1410-1624 R. MARABU, pos, rockk, tk in G.
6205,3 0737-0907 R. ORANG UTAN, \splash from Marabu, mx, ID+hl in E, pop, rock, euro-mix
6239,7 0802-1054 R. WAVES INT, \OTH bursts, F songs, IDs. Coeur de loup, Paris Latino, La bombe humaine, La Macarena (in sp.), M.Sardou, F.Hardy, Lio. (V.weak \PLC at end)
6290,0 0846-0853 R. LUXEMBURG, strong, mx, JID+@, ID+@ by W, mx. (0859 gone)
6278,6 0848-1002 MAGIC AM, \noisy ut. low side, mx, g's, ID, pops, F.Gall "Ella", Doors...
6070,0 0851,0902 R. 6150 test %, v.weak \usual QRM (tk or at leats 2nd carrier)
6070,0 1600-1612 R. 6150 test %, weak \het,fading, a "Laser International" programme, maybe Internet era?
6095,0 0902-0902 KBC %, powerful, rock.
6095,0 1413-1559* KBC, powerful, DJ in Panama, Rwindwind@gmail, rock, 1556 I fought the law, JID, off.
6295,0 0912-1053 R. NACHTPIRAAT, v.weak, pops, tk in D+E, g's, ID "Night Pirate", D mx, bpm.. > e.weak
6300,6 0931-0945 R. BONOFOX, v.weak, mx, ID short test, g's to lisnrs, ID+@,etc..
6220,05 1002-1011 R.SCOTLAND, strong, filler mx, tk in D, ID, ciao Gino.
6304,8 1033-1052 CUPID R., mx, ID, g's, announcing SSTV, later ID, rock
6259,3 1046-1051 FRSH, waiting for dedicace queries for Dec.30th bc, could be on 6070 too.
6220,1 1054-1054 UNID, v.weak, mx, tk [ cf VOTN ]
6260,0 1402-1422 UNID, weak \fading, "Love to love you baby" (in a loop ?) soon under India% bcer.
6266,4 1403-1555 LASER HOT HITS, e.weak \odd fades and peaks, mx, tk, ID. (relayed by BLACKBEARD %)
6245,0 1422-1442 SLUWE VOS R., strong \fading, mx, tk in E (occ. in it.)
6391,1 1425-1428* UNID, strong, rpt to Baken 16 - Sallandse Boer etc...
6300,0 1433-1446 UNID, v.weak \noisy, splash fr.6295. D mx, brass mx, instrum mx.
6985,1 1550-1555 UNID, e.weak, mx. [ cf LIGHTNING R. ]
6283,6 1648-1656 UNID, strong, blanks, mx parts
1395,0 1701-1731 R. SEAGULL, promo for "Pan European" project, ID, rock.
3435 L 2118-2124 UNID, weak, Greek mx and QSO with a stronger voice only stn
3460 L 2126-2129 UNID, Shadows "Apache", then a QSO
mx=music, tk=talk, D=Dutch, E=English, G=German, F=French, it.=Italian, rpt=report, v.=very,
e.=extremely w.=with, '=..ing, c'/d=closing down, M/W=man/woman, g'=greeting, ut=utility,
ID+@=ID+e-mail address, J=jingle, PLC=PowerLineComm'(noise), \=but, %=guess, hl=hotline
> =becoming/then, [ between sq. brackets : best fit ID, thanks quick logs ]
Please note that c'/d is a period from a few seconds to well more than an hour before the real switch off !