LOG : 04 - 11 NOV. 2012
Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2012 22:48 pm
- * * * * * MON. 05 NOV. 2012 * * * * *
6299,9 0933-0956 UNID, e.weak, instrum and D mx
6306,8 1606-1606 UNID, e.weak \strong PLC, mx, tk in E. (1612 gone)
6283,8 1608-1615 R. ALTREX, v.weak \strong PLC, D song, mooh!, ID in E, good voice, rpt, mooh! (1623 gone)
6270,0 1608-1648 UNID, fair \strong PLC at first, polkas, pops, D songs, 1648 flemish? polka [ cf OSAKA ]
6985,0 1616-2000 UNID, e.weak, mx and IDs (- - - ING R.), 1942 strong till 1957 sudden e.weak again [ cf LIGHTNING]
6324,4 1621-1651 R. UNDERGROUND, strong \fading, Man of action, D mx, good mod, 1643 ID+@, downdrift.
1395,0 1630-1750 R. SEAGULL, weak \bit of hiss, in E, ID rock, call for ad, "Pan european products and services"
6920,0 1752-1800 UNID, e.weak \PLC, mx. (1800 lost)
6322,0 1905-2020 UNID, various mx, 1955 Elvis medley, 2013 Tambourineman, M.of Kyntire [ cf OLDTIMER ]
6300,0 1907-1917 UNID, v.weak, D mx, tk in D, instrum medley.. (1923 gone)
4026,0 1926-2148 LASER HOT HITS, \fading, mx, tk, IDs, 2002 Doors, 2148 strong \4020U traffic. 2432 ..goes DX
3955,0 2422-2431 BNL ROCK R. %, strong \so so audio. "Smoke on the water", etc...
* * * * * TUES. 06 NOV. 2012 * * * * *
6070,0 0750-0925 R. 6150 test %, v.weak \tk stn QRM, 6075 splash
6070,0 1653-2031 R. 6150 test %, v.weak, In the army now, Final countdown, flattened by China"R.Kitaya", 2029 LHH
6306,9 0926-0929 R. ZODIAC, e.weak, mx, tk in D, ID, mx (0937 gone)
6280,0 0930-0940 UNID, v.weak, Mungo Jerry"You don't have to be in the army...", 0940 strong PLC [ cf MISTI ]
6095,0 0935-0935 TRANSPORT R. %, v.strong, news in D
6085,0 0935-0935 R. 700 %, \fading, pops // 6005
6305,0 0937-0939 R. POWERLINER, v.weak \light PLC, mx, tk in D, IDs, mx > strong PLC
6300,0 1406-1411 UNID, weak, D songs [ cf VENDOR ]
6284,9 1407-1411 R. ALTREX, v.weak, mx, Irish mx, mooh !
6985 a 1651-2217 UNID, e.weak \noisy, (v.weak around 2000), mx. [ cf LIGHTNING R.]
1395,0 1707-1806 R. SEAGULL, rock, ID+@+web, pop..
6296,7 1807-1807 UNID, v.hard to hear under strong PLC.
6289,8 1808-1821 UNID , D songs, 1821 "Caroline", accordion [ cf MAZDA ]
6210,0 1812-1820 UNID, v.weak \splash,PLC. rock, 1818 Rawhide, ID no copy, then audio lost.
3905,0 1823-1828 UNID, v.weak +peaks, D songs. [ cf R. ACTIVITY ]
4026,0 1829-2215 LASER HOT HITS, Laser effects, pops, tk: Caroline 558, 2215 Dragonslayer, rpt
3495 L 1917-1923 NEW R. CAROLINE, weak\fading, rock, ID
3498 L 1946-2240 NEW R. CAROLINE, weak\noisy, mx, IDs, 2035 tk in it.: Bob Marley, 2210 I&T.Turner"Nutbush
6275,0 1928-1943* UNID, mx \soon strong PLC, 1942 "Heart of glass", 1943 off
* * * * * WED. 07 NOV. 2012 * * * * *
6070,0 0640-0730 R. 6150 test %, mx mixed with Canadian stn speaking of US election
1395,0 0732-0733 R. SEAGULL %, blues
* * * THURS. 08 NOV. 2012 * * * portable, + - 2kHz
6305 1627-1658 UNID, \fading, D song, incl' 1930s style at 1636. [ cf R. VERONA ]
6938a 1643-1722 IMR R., easy \fades, mx, ID, JID, 1657 W voice.
6920 1649-1732 MIKE R., strong, mx, ID, reggae, many IDs, 1710 Denis, Your tiger feet, 1720 I got the power, fading
4026 1904-2140 LASER HOT HITS, mx, tk, IDs, ID+@, ID+web
* * * FRI. 09 NOV. 2012 * * * portable, + - 2kHz
6070 0755-0800 R. 6150 test %, v.weak \splash from around, tk from Canada%
6280 0827-0840 UNID, v.weak \occ.ut QRM, tk, mx, D mx. [ cf MISTI ]
6325 1448-1458 UNID, \much fading (deep), pops, 1448 Mighty Quinn, 1451 Carrie Ann. [ cf TRANSEUROPE ]
6300 1453-1453 UNID, v.weak \fading. mx [ cf ROZ ]
6285 1455-1459 UNID, weak+peaks, rock. [ cf ALTREX ]
6295 1546-1600 R. ALTREX, good peaks, mx, tk, 1559 ID, c'/d, bye bye
6938 1603-1725 IMR R., rock-pops, IDs, W DJ, 1722 Radar love, 1725 Nana heyhey goodbye
6265 1627-1627 UNID, peaks with mx, then lost [ cf BLACKBEARD ]
6265 1728-1730 UNID, mx, ID no copy + hl 07... [ cf BLACKBEARD ]
6307 1710-1720 R. ATLANTIS, difficult, tape or JID from R. Atlantis on the MW band.
4026 1921,2146 LASER HOT HITS %, \fading, 1921 mx, 2146 rpt
3905 2127-2205 R. FESTIVUM, \odd (noisy) fades, mx, few annts, 2143 ID (no copy), 2204 ID " from W.Europe"
* * * SAT. 10 NOV. 2012 * * * Morning : portable, + - 2kHz
4026 0731-0731 LASER HOT HITS, mx, tk, ID, mx.
6070 0734,0837 R. 6150 test %, 0734 "Kids in America" (+ 2nd carrier), 0837 : only Canadian stn% heard.
6213 0736,0835 UNID, 0736 not "blank" (noise), 0835 mx, horrendous mod. [ cf KING SW ]
6085 0838-0841 R. 700 %, "Down by the river", other song.
6285 0952-0952 UNID, \noisy ut., C&W
* * * SAT. 10 NOV. 2012 * * * Back home + - 0,2 kHz
6303,8 1645-1645 UNID, D song. (1648 gone) [ cf UNDERGR. ]
6290,6 1645-1742 R. ATLANTIS, weak/v.weak \6290,0 het. 1648 SE Eur. mx, 1652 ID no copy(mixed monkey? noise), 1705 ID in F: Radio Atlantis en petites ondes (from offshore stn), mx, mx.., het getting stronger.
6266,4 1647-1711 UNID, e.weak, mx, "Radio ....", hl in UK, hotmail, 1707 tk \monkey chatter QRM. [ cf BLACKBEARD ]
6300,9 1654-1743 MUSTANG R., good>strong \6304,4 het. drums, Whole Lotta love, Proud Mary, Ballade des gens heureux, J'aime la vie, Rhythm of the night. 1742 v.weak, ID, Dragonslayer
6304,4 1655-1721* UNID, D songs, maybe a G song, 1720 accordion and off. [ cf GOLFBREKER ]
6280,0 1703-1705 UNID, v.weak \fading, mx, 1705 lost or off, 1729 mx heard again (in AM ??) [cf OVER 60° ]
6280 U 1731-1741 UNID, weak peaks, hello Andres, ID, 19th nervous breakdown, Paint it black, ID...[cf OVER 60° ]
6937,5 1715-1718 IMR, v.weak \ut.QRM on upside, mx, tk, ID, mx
6325,0 2031-2049 UNID, e.weak \fading, mx, D mx, bit of low drift, f'/out
6268,8 2037-2045 UNID, v.weak \bad audio, Greek mx
4026,0 2052-2136 LASER HOT HITS, weak-strong \fading, ut. mx, mx... 2113 ID, 2126 France Gall "Ella"
3495 L 2114-2145 NEW R. CAROLINE, f'up&down, mx, it. operette, JID, rock-blues, 2144 JID, slogan..
(That station is not in the ham band, as the lower limit of the 80m ham band is 3500 kHz everywhere)
* * * * * SUN. 11 NOV. 2012 * * * * *
6300,1 0802-0814 R. WALDMEISTER ?, ID unsure (bad voice), mx, (weak, bit of PLC).
6265 a 0805-0933 RWI, in F, Splendid, new QSL cards, N.Ferrer"le téléfon", 0910 ID, 0929 Twist à St-Tropez
6239,6 0806-1026 UNID, e.weak \PLC,atmos. mx, 0922 S.&Garf."Marrakech (+1124 trace only) [ cf NEW WAVE ]
6205,2 0808-0814 UNID, strong \fading, mx. [cf R.ORANG UTAN ]
6215 a 0809-0809 UNID, stronger signal, still horrendous mod. [ cf KING SW ]
6175,4 0900-0920 CRAZY WAVE R., v.weak, rock, 20 W, ID, (yes it's crazy radio ! , 0917 My Sharona
6281,9v 0908-0910 UNID, strong \drifting, bit of PLC. mx [ cf LUXEMBURG ]
6260,0 0926-1001 UNID, e.weak \twitty ut., mx, tk (in D or G ?). 1001 f/out or off. [ cf SKYLINE R. GERMANY ]
6920,0 0935-0940 ANTONIO R., weak, Man of action, g's in E and D, ID, hl, low power, vertical antenna
6937,5 0940-1332 IMR R., mx, tk ID, 0940 Rory Gallagher, 1033 W DJ, ID
6937,5 1640-1743 IMR R., \fading, loc.noise > e.weak, pops, rock, ID.
7630,15 0942-1038 F.R. VICTORIA, strong > v.strong\fading, mx, DJ at work, songs in G, 0943 Vicky Leandros"Lago Major in schnee", ID, 1038 "Pussy Cat from the Netherlands".
12257 a 0948-1112* WRI, long trace only, 1109 strong at last, IDs+contacts, mx, jingle, blank and off.
6300,0 0950-1126 UNID, fair>weak \some PLC. pops, D&G songs, 0955 Close to you, 1014 ID no copy [ cf GOLFBR.]
6095,0 1006-1516 KBC, powerful, 1027 phone tk, 1405 Roy orbison"Pretty woman", 1516 KBCImport ad.
6070,0 1007-1028 R. 6150 test %, e.weak, tk: ..offshore radio..
6070,0 1516-1520 R. 6150 test, e.weak, mx, 1519 annt : six- zero- seven- zero.. (after 1700 : V.of China in ru)
6310,6 1017-1022* UNID, fair \slight mod, "Born in the USA", blank, soft rock, and off. [cf SALL. B. ]
6270,2 1023-1026 RWI, mx, ID, long blank, messing, mx, ID, "We love the pirate stns"
6270 a 1117-1124 RWI, mx and IDs (sometimes ID in it.)
6270 a 1354-1449 RWI, mx, ID, Time after time, .. (and 1532 blank only)
6525,0 1126-1330 PINK PANTHER, e.weak \some PLC, mx 1330 ID+@ (late aft: drowned in ut.noise)
6303,9 1335-1350 R. UNDERGROUND, "Susan"(reprise), tk, IDs, "Good day sunshine"
6294,95 1336-1353 R. FESTIVUM, ID, ID in F, sp., E. 1353 ID+@.
6300,4 1350-1353 UNID, D song-accordion(waltz) [ cf G.V. ]
6300,2 1419-1431 UNID, D songs, IDs from N.NL (no copy), g's. [ cf G.V. ]
6266,4 1357-1630 R. BLACKBEARD %, e.weak, relaying LHH(mx, IDs "on 4-ho-2-6 kHz") ...
6324,0 1417-1445 R. UNDERGROUND, D mx, tk in E, g's, IDs, hl.
6304,0 1418-1552* UNID, v.weak \fading, noise>het> fishers. mx, D mx. 1546 ID Radio ..., c'/d, more D mx [cf VENDOR ]
6285,0 1431-1435* UNID, D mx (only parts), hickup ?, and off.
6221,5 1502-1542 DELTA R., v.weak, test-1-2, CQ Iann, ID, only 2 watts, etc... also some mx
6285,0 1523-1531* UNID, e.weak \occ. fax QRM, mx, tk over (to Andreas?), more mx, and off. [ cf ODYNN ]
6324,5 1543-1624 UNID, mx, 1608 S&Garf.?, then medley of "drumboxed" songs (incl' Sex machine, Azuro)
6300,6 1553-1626 R. KILOHERTZ, v.weak. D mx, and pops, IDs in G+E, g's, low power 15W.
6304,9 1621-1623* UNID, \hets, mx, ID (no copy) and off.
6400,0 1631-1651 UNID, v.weak > e.weak, mx jingles, 1635 trace, 1649 mx on USB, 1651 lost [cf ATLANTIS ]
6985,0 1643-1646 UNID, e.weak, mx. [ cf LIGHTNING ]
6985,0 2430-2440 UNID, spacey mx, tk over: ..Galaxy.., US way ? then strange mx
6325,8 1648-1648 UNID, mx, last seconds and lost (off?)
6281,4 1652-1716 ATLANTIC 2000 INT, v.weak > e.weak, pops, IDs+@ in F, 5 W acc. to QSL
6275,0 1706-1718 R. ALTREX, weak \deep fading, ID, 35 whiskys, mx, mooh !
4026,0 1724-1749 LASER HOT HITS, mx, ID+all contacts, etc...
6268,6 1730-1750 UNID, e.weak \deep fading, mx (also at 2140 on 6268,8)
mx=music, tk=talk, D=Dutch, E=English, G=German, F=French, it.=Italian, rpt=report, v.=very,
e.=extremely w.=with, '=..ing, c'/d=closing down, M/W=man/woman, g'=greeting, ut=utility,
ID+@=ID+e-mail address, J=jingle, PLC=PowerLineComm'(noise), \=but, %=guess, hl=hotline
> =becoming/then, [ between sq. brackets : best fit ID, thanks quick logs ]
Please note that c'/d is a period from a few seconds to well more than an hour before the real switch off !