Log : 15 - 21 OCT. 2012
Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 20:48 pm
- About PLC, look in the November 2012 issue of Practical Wireless. A radio-amateur discovering that PLC devices are a plague outside of the amateur bands and that HE is the one disturbing the SW all around his home. Look at the scope of the PLC signal: strong spikes 100 times per second.
* * * * * MON. 15 OCT. 2012 * * * * *
6085,0 0647-0732 R. 700 (in G), strong, mx, G songs. (also at 1528)
6070,0 0649-0742 R. 6150 test %, v.weak +fair peaks, Laser 558 tape.
6070,0 1528-1958 R. 6150 test, e. > v.weak, 1905 "tommy" and annt of new stn.
6300,0 1514-1522* UNID, \PLC, D songs, 1521 ment' Altrex, mike with reverb, then off. [ cf GOLFBR.]
6287,0 1523-1525* UNID, \PLC, D song, instrum track and off. [ cf LUXEMB. ]
6937,5 1530-1540 IMR R. / IRISH MUSIC R., v.weak \noisy,atmos. soul mx, IDs
6325,05 1822-1843 UNID, \PLC, atmos, stereo w. Merlin. D songs
6325,5 1825-1837 R. MERLIN INT, v.hard under D songs, 1828 ID, 1834 Owner of a lonely heart, She's not there
6305,15 1843-1844 R. MERLIN INT, ZZ Top"Gimme.. and ID. (After 1900, trace?? under strong PLC)
6298,0 1845-1845 UNID, weak \v.active atmos, song in E. [ cf LUXEMB. ]
6885,0 1908-1932 GALEI TSAHAL ? moved from 6973 ? strong, rock show with DJ in unknown language
4026,0 1933-2211 LASER HOT HITS, fair > unusual v.weak at night, mx, tk, IDs.
3955,0 1937-1942 R. 700 (in G), pops with G translation, JID.
* * * * * TUES. 16 OCT. 2012 * * * * *
6070,0 0656-0831 R. 6150 test, v.weak \splashes, annt with "Tommy" background, later double carriers trace
6085,0 0700-0946 R. 700 %, pops, D songs, (// with 6005 at 0832 and later), no more BNL on mornings.
6305,1 0824-0839* NORA R., pops & D mx, tk and ID in D+E, c'/d, Green onions, ID+@ [ or NOVA ? ]
6283,9 0826-0945 R. ALTREX, v.weak, D mx, 0839 tk (known voice)
6095,0 0925-0946 TRANSPORT R. %, strong, mx, tk in D, D song, mx.
6322,3 0932-0944 BAKEN 16, e.weak \PLC, mx, tk, ID ? (IDed by known jingle)
6305,1 1426-1430 R. MERLIN INT, \some PLC, Owner of a lonely heart, coming from 6300, ID, hl
6299,9 1427-1431 UNID, e.weak mx, then f'/out
6305,1 1834-1844 R. MERLIN INT, \strong PLC, rock, ID+@, mx, 1844 ID, postal address (1848 gone)
6289,1 1836-1848 R. RAINBOW, various mx, some messing, 1840 ID COOL AM too, 1845 cities, galaxy of peace
4026,0 1850-2110 LASER HOT HITS, noisy > good,occ.traffic4020U. 2107 ID+@+hl, only 4026 announced
6264,0 2058-2104 UNID, e.weak \noise,PLC. mx from Greece/Balkan ? (then lost)
1395,0 2111-2315 R. SEAGULL, clear after nulling Euzkadi Irrattia on 1386, ID, rock, DJ tk... 2315 jazz
* * * * * WED. 17 OCT. 2012 * * * * *
6070,0 0453-0830 Canadian stn constantly stronger than supposed R. 6150.
6925,3 0508-0526 UNID (N. Am.), comedy, tk clips (cocaine traffic...) later mx, stereo with SSB mx stn
6085,0 0704-0829 R. 700, pops in E, D songs, tk and ID in G, (not // 6005)
6085,0 1545-1555 R. 700, G songs, tk in G, now // with 6005
6095,0 0820-0827 TRANSPORT R., v.strong, in D, road traffic news, ID, C&W mx, KBC ID too.
6325,0 1518-1552 R. ZOMERZON ?, e.weak-fair \deep fading,PLC,ut. 1522 Suzy Q, 1552 ID not quite sure, c'/d
6305,1 1523-1645 R. MERLIN???, \splashes from 6295 W.Reus, mx, tk (duo++?), mambo, ID??, mx, rock, old tape? 1612 : test with 4 W, bye bye now, mx, mx.. 1638 spelled ID, mouthfull effect ( [ cf R. GALAXY relayed ]
6295,25 1523-1603 WITTE REUS, strong, splashing widely, mx, D songs, 1528 ID in D, 1602 f'/down
6207,2 1626-1643 R. CITY, mx, ID, quiet, (1640 strong PLC)
6239,9 1955-2005 SLUWE VOS R., strong peaks \PLC. Satisfaction, ID, Layla. 2005 v.weak, A day in the life.
4026,0 2009-2247 LASER HOT HITS, mx, tk, IDs
3955,0 2245-2255 BNL ROCK R., pops, ID
* * * * * THURS. 18 OCT. 2012 * * * * *
6085,0 0602-0715 R. 700, v.weak, D song, 0714 disco "Belfast", then folk song // 3955 kHz
3955,0 0612-0715 R. 700, strong at first, Johnny B.Goode, C&W, mx.. IDs 0715 // 6085
3955,0 1628-1628 R. 700 %, // 6085 and 6005, mx
6070,0 0605-0955 R. 6150 test %, Laser Hot Hits tape, some fair peaks \often stereo with CFRX
6070,0 1448-1624 R. 6150 test %, e.weak, LHH address in NYC, 1555 "Carie-Ann"
6070,0 1900-2255 R. 6150 test, v.weak > fair, still LHH offshore, 2040 "Tommy", new stn for Oct. 21st
4026,0 0614-0618 LASER HOT HITS, clear, mx, tk, ID+@ (daytime : off)
4026,0 1812-2032 LASER HOT HITS, \occ. traffic, mx, tk, ID, 1824 "Telstar", Middle-Ages cartoon mx?
6286,0 0800-0806 UNID, mx, instrum mx.
6095,0 0808-0808 TRANSPORT R. %, V.strong, in D over mx background
6305,1 1301-1708 R. MERLIN INT, mx, tk, IDs+postal address, 1428+occ. \F fishers on 6307,5 U
6305,1 1827-1924 R. MERLIN INT, \noisy, hl and ID by W, 1845 \PLC, mx,IDs 1924 ZZ Top"Gimme...
6285,0 1302-1317 UNID, trace +e.weak peaks \PLC, mx [ cf ALTREX ]
6295,0 1435-1618 R. OSAKA, \occ. strong PLC, odd fades, mx, IDs, 1559 red River rock, 1618 "Osaka" song
6284,8 1435-1615 UNID, v.weak \occ. strong PLC, rock, mx, mx...
6170,0 1445-1550 R. NEW ZEALAND INT, not a pirate! but 20000 km away! mx, 4 o'clock news in E, wrpt, 1549 ID
6205,0 1515-1520 MONTECARLO R., \PLC, splashes from Arabic on 6195, pops, ID over mx
6324,95 1541-1542* UNID, "Whiter shade of pale" and off.
3905,1 1630-2031 UNID, e.weak \deep fades > weak, 1647 Riders on the storm, 1810 Baby it's a wild world, 1821 We are the champions, 1936 Spirit in the sky, 1951 My girl, 2042 Proud Mary (2051 gone) [ cf WILSKRACHT ]
6280,1 1648-1914 UNID, e.weak \strong PLC > weak, pops, soft rock, 1853 W voice, tk "young boy has a girly voice", then "We love the pirate stns". Bit of up-drift. 1913 ann' Fleetwood Mac, "This is CB-NEX(??)".
6210,0 1650-1717 UNID, v.weak \strong PLC, mx, Elvis ?, then "It takes two", soul... 1710 het fr.6208 [cf AC-DC]
6208,0 *1710-1717* UNID, fair \PLC, blank, *1713 mx One of these nights, then off.
6289,3 1832-2034 R. RAINBOW, visit aboard LHH ship, added IDs: Rainbow(+@), V.of Peace on LHH, etc.. 2001 Brother Four "Green fields" + Caroline-Rainbow ID, 2005 available: jingles in Russian. 2008 sepulcral "Svobode R." ID w. tk about Ukraine, democracy...
6255,5 1834-1917 UNID, fair \atmos, pops (1938 gone)
6240,05 1843-1844* UNID, accordion and off.
6923,8 1919-1920 UNID, e.weak, mx, fast drift to 6924,0 and lost.
3929,8 1938-2052 R. BATAVIA, instrum mx, pops, D mx, IDs, web site, origin of 'Batavia' name. 2025 "Ma Butterfly"
6300,05 2033-2033 UNID, strong \strong PLC, mx. (2043 faint trace under PLC). [ cf R. UNICUM ]
3955,0 2300-2303 BNL ROCK R., rock, ID, Police "Message in a bottle".
* * * * * FRI. 19 OCT. 2012 * * * * *
6070,0 0659-0816 R. 6150 %, mx in stereo with Canada, splahes from around.
6070,0 1930-1932 R. 6150 %, mx, offshore LHH tape with ID
6095,0 0817-0821 TRANSPORT R., v.strong, pops, tk in D, European road report, JID.
6289,5 1617-1713 R. ZEEWOLF INT, \fax QRM, mx, g's in E to DrTim, pops, 1711 in D+E, 30 W, ID+@, f'/down
6325,9 1625-1928 R. CAROLINE INT, first E.Europe relay? 1838 JID, mx,mx... 1914 e.weak now.
6937,5 1632-1926 IMR R., R.Ghalager "Baby please don't go", 60s pops, ID, R&B, soul...
6210,0 1714-1716 UNID, v.weak \PLC, ID no copy, Blues brothers "Rawhide", rock [ cf AC-DC ]
6300,9 1840-1929 MUSTANG R., strong, rock, ID, Paranoid, Santana, tk: Shuttle on 15Mcs, pops, parts...
6294,9 1842-1858 R. MAZDA, \strong peaks, mx, tk in D, ID, Proud Mary, 1855 very undermod ?
6289,4 1844-1857 R. RAINBOW INT, "on Laser Hot Hits", "She's a rainbow", ID, V.of Peace, LHH, LHH.. peace & love..
6211,1 1845-1911 R. KLABAUTERMAN, IDs over mx, hard to hear that new name (I was 3 letters away)
6925,0 1923-1924 UNID, v.weak \fading, mx, and off? [ cf SUNDOWN ]
4026,0 1933-2231 LASER HOT HITS, weak \loc.noise, good peaks, ID+@+facebook, Beatles"Norwegian wood", etc..
3955,0 1937-1946 R. 700 (in G), \noisy,fading, Wooly Bully, more rock, ID
3955,0 2228-2300 UNID, strong, "Hit the road Jack", rock, pops...
6210,4 1951-1951 UNID, tk in G and lost (s/off ?) [ cf OVER 60° R.]
6300,1 1955-2002* R. SPACESHUTTLE INT, \het from 6301,0, mx, ID, free voice from Finland.., mx, 2002 c'/d bye
6305,0 2007-2007 UNID, barely audible mx
6290 U 2232-2241 SPACESHUTTLE R., mx, 25W, ID+@, jingles... 2237 stn under awful ut.QRM
* * * * * SAT. 20 OCT. 2012 * * * * *
3955,0 0716-0718 R. 700 %, mx "My lady rose", // 6085
4026,0 0717-0717 LASER HOT HITS %, weak, mx.
4026,0 2035-2125 LASER HOT HITS %, recording from Caroline 558.
6070,0 0719-0827 R. 6150 %, mx, stereo with Canada stn (later : e-mail says new stn is postponed)
6070,0 2031-2120 R. 6150, \splahes from around, 2040 "This is 6-0-7-0 SW" then Laser 558 tape (over Unid 6070)
6300,0 0820-0822 UNID, \PLC, C&W, "test, allo" (bad mike), blank (0828 just switch off?)
6284,0 0823-0848 UNID, e.weak \drowned in PLC, mx. [ cf ALTREX ]
6170,0 0824-0825 R. NEW ZEALAND, 20 000 km away on mornings too ! 40s mx and jazz.
6213 a 0829-0847 UNID, defective TX with mx, 0847 TX jamming itself [ cf KING SW ]
6322,0 0848-0852 UNID, good \PLC, ut on side, mx, 0851 in D, ' -- -- Radio", mx. [ cf OLDTIMER ]
6330,0 1100-1110 UNID, trace-e.weak, mx, 1105 "This is -- -- ", more mx. [ cf ZOMERZON ]
6300,0 1106-1113 UNID, good +strong peaks \PLC, mx, "On the border", D song, pop. [ cf R. TOWER ]
6300,05 1330-1536 R. TOWER, strong peaks, D songs, 1332 ID, 1409 Tonight, 1430 Itsy Bikini (in D), 1521 techno
6300,1 2004-2117 UNID, v.weak \odd fades, non stop D songs [ cf R. TOWER ]
6095,0 1108-1108 KBC, v.strong, pops, tk: test trns to USA & Canada, ID
6937,5 1112-1532 IMR R. / IRISH MUSIC R., v.weak \noisy, mx, tk by W, IDs, 1532 Lulu, tk, ID
6937,5 2022-2116 IMR R. / IRISH MUSIC R., fair \atmos, "Pretty woman", Flashback, Twist and shout, IDs
6220,9 1333-1540 UNID, v.weak \ut.,PLC, Elvis, ID+@ no copy, Riders on the storm, tk in E, Box Tops"The letter", rock, IDs+@ no copy, Hendrix "Hey joe", E-side of Holland, full hl nr, 1508 I heard it through the grapevine \cornered ut+noise, etc... 1540 c'/d. [ cf TIP & ELVIS SHOW ]
6205,0 1352-1405 UNID, v.weak \fading, splashes from Arabic on 6195, mx (long track or in loop ?)
6290,0 1408-1418 UNID, fair\fading slight PLC, mx, very quiet singer (1430 gone)
6304,0 1410-1452 UNID, weak-fair, accordion, Elvis"falling in love", D piraten song, D song... [ cf VENDOR ]
6320,0 1411-1415 UNID, v.weak \noise on L side, mx, quiet singer, (lasting longer, not well noted)
6266,4 1419-2016 UNID, e.weak \under loc.noise, mx, 1420 This is Radio -- --, 1538 hl --07471-- [ cf BLACKBEARD ]
6525,0 1439-1531 UNID, e.weak \maybe stereo with mx in USB ?, 1439 All night long, 1450 JS Bach? [P. PANTHER]
6540,0 1443-1450 SUNDOWN R., weak, mx, tk, IDs+@ by W
6259,9 1454-1540 RWI, strong \slight PLC, C&W, ID, 1519 hum (maybe from India)
6247,1 1502-1507 UNID, e.weak \6250 het, ut.noise, tk (news?), tk, tk.. [ cf TX MAN 48 ] hmm.. Talk Man ??
6307,3 1522-1527 KILO TANGO LIMA, mx, g's to UKdxer, ID, 20W, mx
6322,0 1528-1535 UNID, mx, distorted annt, song "Listen music", 1535 Sweet dreams. [ cf ZODIAC ]
6284,6 1536-1538 KILO TANGO LIMA, weak, ID, from the center of NL with 10 W, mx
* * * * * SUN. 21 OCT. 2012 * * * * *48m: strong PLC 0815-1000 approx
6925,3 0158-0222 UNID, mx and tk, maybe 3 voices, 0206 www... 0207 W voice too... [ cf relay of WBCQ ]
6930,3 0212-0219 UNID, mx (under SSB traffic), drift to 6930,4.
6307,1 0703-0752 UNID, v.weak > e.weak \atmos,PLC, mx, 0735 60s mx. [ cf NEW WAVE ? ]
6265,0 0709-0709 UNID, e.weak, tk
6255,6 0710-0753 RWI, good \occ.ut., C&W, tk, ID, Give me the night, ID in it., drift 6255,2
6213 a 0711-0755 UNID, usual horrendous modulation [ cf KING SW ]
6205,3 0711-0756 R. ORANG UTAN, weak, mx, 0755 c'/d, monkey radio, ID, more mx
6070,0 0712,0814 R. 6150 %, usual stereo of mx(R. 6150 ?) and tk(CFRX ?) (Not heard later)
6300,0 0738-1022 R. TOWER, (0713 strong OC), 0738 v.undermod mx, mod rising v.slowly > normal by 0751 but signal now only fair. D songs, JID at 0816, 0837. mx, 1022 phone tk.
6300,05 1235-1501 R. TOWER %, still many D songs, 1332 het from 6302,3, 1501 Mungo J. "Summertime
6285,3 0746-0751 UNID, \fading, tiki waltz, tiki instrum R&R, yodl. (tiki = hawaian sound) [ cf LOWLAND ]
6175,5 0757-0827 CRAZY WAVE R., blank, birds, In the ghetto, 0803 IDs in G+E, hl, audio patchwork. 0827 \PLC
6180,0 0758-0826 UNID, v.weak > \PLC, D mx (?),
6170,0 0759,0829 R. NEW ZEALAND ?, tk progr.
6085,0 0814,1347 R. 700 (in G), mx, IDs in G ('sieben hundert'), 1347 One for you one for me, // 6005.
6266,5 0817-1459 UNID, e.weak \under PLC most of the time, mx, 0818 tk in E [ cf BLACKBEARD ]
6210,1 0823-0826 UNID, drowned in PLC, mx. [ cf R. NEW WAVE ]
6325,05 0831-0834 UNID, \PLC, D dongs, accordion. [ cf ANTONIO ]
9480,0 0838-0844 EUROPEAN MUSIC R., \fading, I'm a joker, ID, London calling, IDs+@, pop
9480,0 0908-0945 MV BALTIC R. %, in G, Mungo J."Summertime, 0943 J.Joplin, B.Dylan.
6045,0 0914-0940 XVRB, v.strong, 50s-60s US mx, tk (rpts), IDs, RadioWorldShop ad, 0940 Blueberry Hill
6095,0 0923-1420 KBC, v.strong +peaks, 0923 "Trucker R. on Mighty KBC", C&W, later pops.
6290,05 0925-1009 R. SHADOWMAN (heard Zeroman..), v.weak \PLC, mx, Walk..Egyptian, IDs over "Can't go home"
6280,1 0926-0958 R. OME JAN, v.weak \PLC, mx, 0948 ID (PLC phased out !),
6200,0 0927-1020 UNID, \PLC, mx + D songs [ cf BORDERHUNTER ]
6314,5 0931-0931 UNID, weak \PLC, brass mx, instrum mx
6219,5 0935-1015 UNID, \PLC, noisy ut, mx barely heard, 1015 e.weak, mx, tk [ cf ZEEWOLF ]
6219,5 1023-1030 UNID, e.weak, instrum mx, tk, 30 W ?, bye bye, mx. [ cf ZEEWOLF ]
6205,1 0952-0955* UNID, mx, ID= R.*.I., ment' Borderhunter, going lower than 6200, bye [ cf R.SCOTLAND INT]
6525,0 1007-1007 UNID, e.weak \PLC, mx (1345 gone) [ cf PINK PANTHER R. ]
6525,0 1910-2016* PINK PANTHER R., weak \fading, mx, unusual tk: 'one hour antenna", g's..., IDs, @, c'/d bye
6247,8 1010-1023 R. WAVES INT %, fair-good, C&W, ID not well heard,
6215,0 1016-1024 UNID, e.weak +small peaks, mx.
6160,6 1020-1020* UNID, in D, bye bye, part of D song and off. [ cf SALLANDSE B. ]
6219,3 *1030- 1031 UNID, \fading, mx, tk ... (QSO round ?)
6324,4 1231-1231 R. UNDERGROUND, ID over mx (War of the worlds ??).
6306,5 1232-1356 BOGUSMAN, \spashes from L side, tk usual shy IDs, mx, comments.
6284,9 1235-1250 R. OSAKA, e.weak, mx, other ID (no copy) till 1246 then row of Osaka IDs+@, off at 1250 approx
6210,0 1258-1403* UNID, weak \PLC, rock, 1340 Your tiger feet, H.Rising Sun, 1403 short ID and off. [ cf AC-DC ]
6284,9 1310-1401 R. LUXEMBURG, pops, 1357 ID.
6324,9 1314-1359 UNID, weak \fading, Obladi oblada, They're coming to take me away ah ah, barkings
6937,5 1350-2125 IMR / IRISH MUSIC R., v.weak, mx, tk, IDs, 1924 Ch.Trenet "La mer" in E.
6260,2 1457-1504 PAARDENKRACHT, \low mod ?, allo allo, parts of D mx, ID, D mx...
6290,15 1500-1500 UNID, v.weak, quiet mx (1504 gone)
6289,4 1859-1900*, R. RAINBOW %, visiting a ship, tk, mx, sudden off.
6305,0 1900-1909 UNID, \atmos, Dragon filler mx, rpt /Sweden, 1908 tk in D+E, g's, soft rock [ cf W. REUS ]
6910 L 1915-1935 BALTIC SEA R., (OSTZEE R. in G), Route 66, Johnny B.Goode, Judy in disguise, etc..
6324,8 1939-2012* BLACK BANDIT R., strong, rock, accordion, Chinese pop?, 2011 ID, c'/d
6303,9 1946-1952 R. UNDERGROUND, JID, ann' BZN (why D stn never do that?), 1950 SW stns heard, ID+@ ...
6255,0 1953-1959 R. TELSTAR SOUTH, Tequila, Golden Boys, ID, Children from Pirea, early 70s "Kung Fu Chop"
6265,8 2000-2020 UNID, e.weak \atmos, splashes. Greek? mx, drift to 6265,9
4026,0 2022-2129 LASER HOT HITS, 2127 \atmos, ID Laser Int, hl, @, mx.
3495 L 2025-2258 Yet another R. CAROLINE !, good \atmos, movie theme, When a man loves a woman, strange mx, Brother Four ?, Turn turn turn, 2039 JID, 2042 part of Old man river, Rain drops falling on my head, 2052 JID, H.Mancini"Pink Panther", J.Bond theme, etc.. 2104 JID, Lili Marlene, , jazz, Kwai River, more movie themes... 2258 song in Italian about R. Caroline !
3490 L 2029-2029 UNID, weak \atmos, mx from Greece or Balkan. (2032 gone)
mx=music, tk=talk, D=Dutch, E=English, G=German, F=French, it.=Italian, rpt=report, v.=very,
e.=extremely w.=with, '=..ing, c'/d=closing down, M/W=man/woman, g'=greeting, ut=utility,
ID+@=ID+e-mail address, J=jingle, PLC=PowerLineComm'(noise), \=but, %=guess, hl=hotline
> =becoming/then, [ between sq. brackets : best fit ID, thanks quick logs ]