Log : 01 - 07 of OCTOBER 2012
Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2012 23:16 pm
- About PLC, look in the November 2012 issue of Practical Wireless. A radio-amateur discovering that PLC devices are a plague outside of the amateur bands and that HE is the one disturbing the SW all around his home. Look at the scope of the PLC signal: strong spikes 100 times per second.
* * * * * MON. 1st OCT. 2012 * * * * *
4026,0 0454-0455 LASER HOT HITS, \fading,atmos, mx, tk, "Laser" on next song (daytime : gone)
4026,0 1846-2001 LASER HOT HITS, \loc.noise, mx,tk, 1956 ID
6070,0 0643-0756 R. 6150 test %, usual Canadian QRM on 6070 and splashesfrom around
6070,0 1600-1951 R. 6150 test, difficult, maybe a Caroline tape, 1947 the "Tomy" annt, 1948 Brown sugar.
6967,5 0743-0750 LASER HOT HITS %, good peak then deep fading, Morse QRM on 6968, mx, tk
6967,5 1917-1927 LASER HOT HITS, \splash from 6973 Galei Tsahal, 1926 ID, OEM, FSN, ID
6085,0 0752-0758 BNL ROCK R., \het from 6090 US preacher, mx, 0758 ID, "all over Europe"
6305,0 1533-1614 R. OSAKA, \PLC, R&R,gospel,D song,C&W... 1613 ID+@
6295,0 1534-1547 R. FOX 48 ??, \strong PLC, We love the pirate stns, 1541 D? song, 1543 ID not sure (1554 gone)
6302,4 1852-1854 UNID, mx, 1854 "Satisfaction" (muffled), (1903 gone)
6295,0 1854-1855* UNID, "the last/lost(?) pirate from the NL", then tk in D and off.
6289,4 1855-1900* R. RAINBOW %, \PLC, mx, sudden switch off
6310,15 1900-1903* UNID, \het 6309,0 carrier, mx from Santana ?, switch to 6300,2 [ cf V.O.T.N. ]
6300,2 *1903-1937 UNID, fading down \splash from 6305, Santana(?) going on, then low, breaks.. 1937 Dexys MR
6305,1 1903-1909* UNID, blank, 1904 instrum, 1909 sudden off, *1910 carrier back on 6305,05 till 1911*
6239,9 1927-1930* UNID, mx, instrum mx, sudden off. [ cf NACHTPIRAAT ]
6240,0 1939-1946 SLUWE VOS R., \fading,hiss, mx, 1942 ID+@, strong but still a hiss.
* * * * * TUES. 2 OCT. 2012 * * * * *
4026,0 0623-0629* LASER HOT HITS, weak-clear \fading, tk:4015-6980, "More mellow mx w.M.Anderson", sudden off
4026,0 2012-2257 LASER HOT HITS, strong \bit of loc.noise, mx, ment' D.Norris,4026,6915,POB, mx, IDs..
6967,5 0630-0634 LASER HOT HITS, \Morse on 6968,occ.noisy-ut, mx, tk:Olympics (no song about that)
6967,5 2007-2009 LASER HOT HITS, weak,difficult, mx,"here in the Midlands", bank holyday, ID
6085,0 0635-0641 BNL ROCK R., \fading,noise,het 6090. rock: Rammstein?, 7 nations army, ID
6070,0 0637-0639 R. 6150 test, \some PLC,QRM,splash. annt of new stn, over "Tommy"
6070,0 2033-2043 R. 6150 test, annt of new station in G+E+D, new launch date : 21st ofOctober
6325,8 1721-1739 R. CAROLINE INT, mx, IDs
6316,0 1722-1741 UNID, v.weak \mushy carrier,atmos,RTTY on L side. D songs, mx.
6300,2 1726-1726 UNID, mx (W singer in E). (1731 gone) [ cf VOTN ?? ]
6285,0 1722-1733 R.Z. BOOMERANG, strong+peaks, pops, testing-1-2, IDs. (1741 gone)
6210,0 1728-1738 UNID, v.weak, rock, 1736 Little Richard ?, pop. [ cf AC-DC ]
6306,8 1734-1744 R. N...(New Wave), e.weak, Man of action, NE of NL, .....48@gmail.com
6290,6 2002-2020 PIRATES f.PEACE, \ut,occ.fax. mx, ID over "Give peace a chance", 2011 modern SE Europe mx
3955,0 2248-2323 BNL ROCK R., \light mod, non stop rock, regular IDs. 2250 "My generation"
3995,0 2300-2335 LIFE FM, relay of FM 93.1 from Cork/Ireland, news, Irish abroad, weather, mx, Cork life
* * * * * WED. 3 OCT. 2012 * * * * *
6070,0 0519-0634 R. 6150 test %, v.weak \splash,Canada often stronger. mx, 0522 P.Floyd"Money
6070,0 1606-1958 R. 6150 test, weak \noisy,atmos,etc. 1941 annt for 21st October 9 o'clock CET (1956 again), mx
4026,0 0523-0629* LASER HOT HITS, weak-strong \fading, mx, IDs
4026,0 1943-1952 LASER HOT HITS, almost clear, occ. fading, mx, Kate Bush, ID+@, etc..
6967,5 0606-0630 LASER HOT HITS, weak-v.weak \atmos,bit of het. mx, 0609 ID,OEM,FSN, laser effects
6967,5 1615-2000 LASER HOT HITS, weak \hiss,6973 splash, crossing carriers, occ.ut. IDs,mx, FSN ad.
6085,0 0611-0631 BNL ROCK R., strong \bit of noise, S&Garf."Mrs Robinson", ID, Santana"Oye como va", @gmail
6289,4 1856-1900* R. RAINBOW %, pops, no tk, sudden off. [ alt. ID PIRATES f. PEACE ]
6266,4 1901-1911* R. PYTHON, \fading. E comedy song, fluent E tk, IDs (then PLC, @ no copy) more mx, off.
6281,8 1912-1912 UNID, mx, blank and shifts elsewhere (maybe to 6284). PYTHON ?
6284,0 1912-1939 R. PYTHON, mx, mx, 1921 'twas Nina Simone, ID, humourist, 1939 Dragon filler mx (1954 gone)
6319,6 1923-1953 R. CAROLINE INT, fair > worse, mx, boxed IDs and slogans
6933 L 2333-2339 UNID, v.weak \atmos,noise,bibibibips. kind of it. opera mx, 2339 blank, low tk? and lost.
* * * * * THURS. 4 OCT. 2012 * * * * *
6967,5 0645-0733 LASER HOT HITS %, weak-v.weak \fading,atmos,occ.Morse, mx, tk (later ut.bursts, traffic...)
6967,5 1727,1937 LASER HOT HITS, 1727 mx, tk: wages, ID, mx. 1937 mx
6085,0 0651-0817 BNL ROCK R. %, strong \fading, mx, rock, 0817 Riders on the storm
6070,0 0652-0818 R. 6150 test %, mx under Canadian stn and splashes from Vatican 6075 in Arabic
6070,0 1716-2051 R. 6150 test %, strong peaks \noisy,splashes. Laser 558 tape. 2015 Police \other stn a few Hz away
6095,0 0805-0811 TRANSPORT R., powerful, in D, R&R, ID, contacts, road traffic news
6305,0 1336-1410 UNID, e.weak > trace, mx. [ cf MISTI ]
6292,0 1337-1355 UNID, e.weak \loc.noise, traffic on 6292,7USB. Charlie Brown, Plastic Bertrand. [ cf MONTECARLO ]
6285,05 1343-1405* UNID, weak \fading,loc.noise, mx, 1345 tk, mx, 1403 Scorpions. [ ALTREX ]
6292,0 1508-1518 UNID, \loc.noise,occ.fax, She's a lady. 1512 \strong PLC. 1518 Fox on the run. [ ALTREX ]
6285,0 1712-1714 UNID, Tyrol-like song, song in G. (1725 gone) [ cf OSAKA ]
6305,6 1723-1725 UNID, strong \RTTY underneath, Whiter shade of pale, pop. (1730 gone). [ cf LUXEMB. ]
6295,3 1840-1927* R. LUXEMBURG, \drift to 6295,5, Morse on 6298. mx, D mx, 1922 ID, instrum, v.strong peaks
6289,3 1841-1854 UNID, strong, splashing. 1841 Haddaway"What is love (, 1854 rock. (1901 gone)
6207,2 1855-1935 UNID, mx, first unknown ut.QRM, later atmos. [ cf MUSTANG ]
3905,1 1940-2052 UNID, fair \odd fades, nonstop mx, 1940 Four Tops, 1952 Beatles.
4026,0 1943-2137 LASER HOT HITS, fair > strong, Driver's seat, LHH stream schedule, mx, IDs
6305,2 2009-2024 UNID, strong \ut.QRM,bursts, I want too break free, 2012 Ghostbusters (2027 gone)
* * * * * FRI. 5 OCT. 2012 * * * * *
4026,0 0604-0606 LASER HOT HITS %, mx, e-mail from Guernsey.
4026,0 1824-2148 LASER HOT HITS, strong peaks, mx, FM 95,2 later some fading. (also 2415)
6070,0 0612-0750 R. 6150 test, "Tommy"+annts new stn at 0659 and 0746, but Canada stronger, Vatican splash
6070,0 1547-1548 R. 6150 test %, mx, DJ, laser effect, ZZ Top.
6085,0 0613-0750 BNL ROCK R., easy \also splashes from Arabic voice on 6075 around 0655, rock, IDs
6967,5 0617-0643 LASER HOT HITS, weak \noisy,atmos, strong Morse on 6968, occ.ut... mx, ID
6967,5 1550-1948 LASER HOT HITS, \noisy,fading mx, tk, IDs, ann' 4015 & 6980, "bank holyday" (also 2127)
6304,9 1542-1543 R. OSAKA, \PLC, IDs, song "Osaka", prob. c/d (1549 gone)
6239,6 1557-1605 UNID, e.weak, v.difficult, mx, tk, 1605 f/out.
6942,5 1731-1949 IMR R., pops, slogans, IDs, ( \fading,noise,some atmos around 1945 ), also 2127
6925,0 1732-1739 TRANSEUROPE R., in E, instrum mx, ID+@, low power, mx (1800 gone)
6324,9 1740-1817 UNID, v.weak \PLC at times, pops, 1805 Walk like an Eg., 1814 Black velvet (1837 gone) [ cf ROZ ]
6307,2 1746-1853 R. CITY, pops, IDs, M+W tk, www.RadioCity... also unknown language
6240,0 1748-1814 UNID, v.weak, accordion, brass mx, 1809 Le chapeau de Zozo(instrum) [ cf ZOMERZON ]
6240,0 1846-2040 UNID, e.weak, pops, 19.36 CCR songs
6240 a 2109-2132* UNID+UNID, \hum: maybe 6240,0 and 6240,1 mx, 2129 accordion, 2132 end of hum
6240,0 2132-2138 UNID, e.weak-trace \blipping ut.
6289,1 1808-1854 R. RAINBOW & COOL AM, drift 6289,3 \fading, 1818 Stray Cats, mx, IDs. (Also 2011, same ??)
6264,3 1820-1822 UNID, v.hard to hear, mx \QRM: tk on 6260,0
6263,5 2106-2125 UNID, e.weak \so-so mod, Greek mx
3905,0 1825-1833 UNID, v.weak, mx, 1826 ID no copy "from the N.of NL", mx, mx.. [ cf R. ACTIVITY ]
6274,9 1839-2104 UNID, weak \fading > e.weak, tk in D+E over mx, 1910 Final countdown, "small power" [ cf ROZ ]
6294,5 1931-1944 UNID, strong-v.strong, mx, tk (1933 in G), "High energy", rock, P.Floyd"The wall [ cf BOOM.]
6300,8 1952-2044 UNID, strong \var. hets, mx, 2016 on 6300,7 Questo paradiso, 2029 ment' DrTim [ cf SALL.B. ]
6303,1 2039-2043 UNID, 80s mx, 2042 tk in D, ann' Duran Duran
6210,0 2047-2141 UNID, e.weak, mx, 2053 short tk, 2057 S.Blue"Venus", 2100 Morning has broken, 2116 S&Garf. "Sound of silence", 2119 f/out, 2121 f/back, 2139 J.Bond theme "Live and let die" [ cf R. NEW WAVE ]
6206 U 2048-2112 OVER 60° R., e.weak\ut.QRM, mx, tk, IDs(clear one at 2053), 2112 harmonica
3955,0 2415-2425 BNL ROCK R. %, rock.
* * * * * SAT. 6 OCT. 2012 * * * * * strong PLC on 6MHz around 1000-1430
4026,0 0651-0735 LASER HOT HITS, \fading, good peaks, ID, OEM, mx
4026,0 1602-1925 LASER HOT HITS, up to strong \some weak ut.QRM at times, mx, 1736 ID
6967,5 0653-0740 LASER HOT HITS, weak, mx, tk, 0653 \Morse QRM, synthe, 0739 ID, ann' 6910 (also 1023 e.weak)
6967,5 1942-2048 LASER HOT HITS, v.weak \atmos, splash, mx, ID, anorak mx, instrum mx...
6070,0 0655-1000 R. 6150 test, strong \some weak QRM, LaserHH offshore tape, 0741 new stn start for Oct.21st
6070,0 1259-2207 R. 6150 test, 1338 DexysMR, 1600 strong, 1735 new stn 21 Oct, 2204 LaserHH on the N.Sea
6085,0 0657-1030 BNL ROCK R., easy, rock, 0733 J.Hendrix, ID, 0810 Heart of gold, 1000 splash from KBC
6085,0 1259-1735 BNL ROCK R., 1308 ID, 1338 Sweet home Alabama, 1559 Venus, 1730 My generation, ID
6095,0 1000-1559* KBC, powerful, C&W rock at first, later R&R, pop, blues...
6296,0 1002-1025 UNID, e.weak mx under strong PLC. [ cf ALTREX ]
6280,0 1003-1006 UNID, weak, mx and some slowing tk in E under strong PLC. (1012 gone)
6209,7 1007-2104 R. MARABU, strong \weak at times, PLC. pop-rock mx, tk in E+G, 1400 all IDs in a row
6204,95 1008-1010 BORDERHUNTER R., ID over instrum mx. (1021 gone)
6200,3 1021-1029 UNID, v.weak \PLC, rock, 1029 tk,mx on 6200,35
7265,0 1024,1413 HAMBURG LOKAL R. %, v.easy, talk programin G, 1413 tourism in Paris (in G)
6325,0 1340-1406 UNID, \strong PLC, yodl, ID?? over mx, tk (in D?) [cf NACHT PIRAAT]
6325,0 1415-1532* N.M.D. Radio, D mx+60s pop-rock, 1442 Man of action, spelled ID. 1531 IDs, c'/d and off.
6305,0v 1345-1554 OME JAN R. ??, drift to 6304,8 \strong PLC at first, later some QRM, sounding not clear. mx, IDs quite unsure, last hour: mx, much tk (in D) by W, 1547 ID sounding like "bettina radio" ?? then phone tk w. man.
6285,4 1345-2033 FOCUS INT, strong peaks > strong, rock, pop, tk, IDs. 1538 Culture Club, ID, Jumping Jack Flash, ann' P.Floyd. 1555 ID+@. 1613 Free Radio Archive, with Jerry Philips (offshore & mx)1842 Rock the casbah, 1952 Who do you love, 2001 ID, still Free Radio Archive (duo tk).
6275,0 1353-1359 UNID, v.weak mx under PLC (1407 gone)
6942,5 1409-1412 IMR R., \loc.noise, v.noisy ut. mx, W DJ, ID+@ (laso at 1940 \atmos, mx, DJ, ID)
6937,5 2037-2135 IMR R., mx, jingles, pop, soul, R&R, IDs 2133 Rare Earth"Get ready, 2135 f/out (trace only)
6289,2 1518-1555 UNID, strong \some splash from Focus, D song, waltz, polka [ cf MUSTANG ]
6266,6 1520-1525 XTC SW, weak > v.weak, rock, ID, ..QSL...(no more copy), pop.
6240,0 1527-1527 UNID, classic choir, probably religious stn WYFR via Taiwan
6324,9 1604-1610 UNID, \fading, D song, yodl, schlager, D mx medley
6274,9 1615-1709 UNID, e.weak \muffled, D mix of mx, tk in D, 1708 Rare Earth"Get ready", 1709 off or f/out?
6324,9 1710-1838 R. BLACK POWER, strong, 1710 ZZ Top, 1724 "Mana mana", H.California, non stop, 1838 ID, CCR
3920,0 1738-1755 UNID, e.weak \3915 ut.noise, only tk, 17.38 "..dot-com" then duo (phone?) tk, 1746 under Arabic stn
3905,1 1745-1753 UNID, mx, 1752 Cream, 1753 I shot the sheriff
6300,9 1839-1907 MUSTANG, strong, "Trains & boats & planes", 60s pops, 1901 \6300,2 het, 1902 ID.
6275,0 1844-1858 R. UNDERGROUND, Dragon back. tk: Radio DF equipment, rpts, \much splash QRM, 1851 ID
6266,1 1849-2031 UNID, weak \1908 PLC again, rock, pops, 2012 "Your body my body", disco non stop
6300,2 1901-1926* UNID, het under Mustang, accordion,small drift, 1926 on 6300,1 it. song, blank and off
6255,0 1911-1957 R. TELSTAR SOUTH, typical mx and tk, 1918 I put a spell on you, 1957 Animals"It's my life
6240,0 1918-1930 SLUWE VOS R., weak \PLC at first, Doors long v., 1921 ID+@, more mx.
6399,9 1931-1936 R. ZODIAC, 1932 ID, "London calling" for Andy, rpt, mx, boxed IDs.
6324,7 1945-1950 UNID, \low mod,noisy, D? song in E, next song... (1959 gone)
6300,1 1950-2139 GOLFBREKER, weak \fading,atmos D song "De Wiervoden(?)" allo, tk, ID over, then nonstop D mx
6239,5 2056-2103 R. ZEEWOLF INT, Fortunes"Caroline, D tk, amateur.. ID? 20W, tnx Gino, clear ID, mx
6423,15 2105-2110* UNID, C&W songs by W, 2109 bye bye (no ID heard), blank and off. [ cf LOWLAND ]
3905,1 2147-2200* UNID, weak, mx, songs in E, 2200 cuts down the track and off
3955,0 2200-2210 BNL ROCK R., easy \some fading, ID, mx.
* * * * * SUN. 7 OCT. 2012 * * * * *
6910 L 0642-0650 BALTIC SEA R., \6907 noisy ut., IDs, Brand new Cadillac, Route 66, This is BSR, Baltic Sea R.+@
6967,5 0651-0921 LASER HOT HITS, v.weak \atmos, ID, mx
6967,5 1452-2030 LASER HOT HITS, weak\loc.noise > v.weak, mx, tk, IDs
6285,5 0653-0751 FOCUS INT, strong. recordings : end of Caroline 558. 0713 ID+@+hl, Rock the casbah, mx, IDs
6285,5 0925-1325 FOCUS INT, strong, mx, duo DJ, unfiltered drums splashing widely.
6285,5 1457-1923 FOCUS INT, strong \occ. fax QRM, noisy mod??. mx, rock, IDs, hl, @. 1923 ship story
6259,9 0657-0752 R. WAVES INT, weak > strong \ut L side, 0700 ID, 0712 "Radio waves" song, F songs, 6259,8 now
6216 a 0700-0737 UNID, defective TX, bad mod, mx. [ cf KING SW ]
6209,7 0701-0738 R. MARABU, strong \het,ut.,6210U traffic in russian, mx, tk in G, many varied IDs
6209,7 0950-1515 R. MARABU, strong peaks, mx, tk in G and E, regular IDs, 1510 comedy?
6209,7 1725-1940 R.MARABU %, mx, 1930 Romeo & Juliet.
6205,25 0702-0753 R. ORANG UTAN, weak > v.weak \splash from Marabu, Walking on sunshine, mx, tk, ID+@
6400,5 0717-0741 UNID, v.weak \noisy, ut's. instrum & D mx. 0739 6400,6 reggae, Mickey polka [ cf WALDM. ]
6450,5 0722-0743 UNID, v.weak squeezed sp.traffic/noisy ut., hard to hear, pops, oldies [ cf POLARIS ]
4026,0 0746-0750 LASER HOT HITS %, rec. of Caroline 558 (POB in Spain)
4026,0 1947-1950 LASER HOT HITS, tk, ID, FSN,OEM ads. Strong-clear \some fading.
6085,0 0756-1029 BNL ROCK R. %, strong \fading, Born to be wild, rock, pops
6085,0 1316-1530 BNL ROCK R., pops, 1526 ID.
6070,0 0757-1006 SKYLINE R. GERMANY, strong \later fading, 0802 ID, progressive rock, 1005 ID+POB Neede
6070,0 1030-1036 R. 6150 test %, recording from Laser Hot Hits on MV. Communicator
6070,0 1530-2028 R. 6150 tests %, weak > strong, recordings from offshore Laser Hot Hits (mx, IDs, ads...)
5800,05 0835-0858 UNID, e.weak\noisy, Speedy Gonzalez, medley?, tk (in G ??), 8.56 R&R (Route 66?) [ cf LORD R. ]
9480,0 *0900-0918 MV BALTIC R., Man of action, ID in E+G, then in G, "Santiano"in G, more mx and tk in G
12257,1 0910-0918 WRI %, trace, then e.weak tk disturbed by permanent blipping ut on U side.
6300,0 0924-0943 MISTI R., e.weak \splash from Focus, R&R, E.Cochran, 0939 live IDs+@, Oh when the saints...
6262,1 0945-0950* R. WAVES INT, weak \weak mod, mx, ID, 0948 f/up, mx, 0950 cuts down, blank and off
6095,0 0951-1522 KBC, v.strong, first tk about transports, later C&W, pops, 1517 g's Giovanni, See see rider, ad.
6045,0 0953-1000* HAMBURGER LOKAL R., powerful, very good mod ), in G, jazz, Beatles mood, 0959 ID+web site
7265,0 1000-1003 R. GLORIA, strong, G.L.O.R.I.A. rock, ID+@, known voice, ann' Stone the Crow.
6305,0 1036-1318 R. WAVES INT, +/-0,1 drift, strong peaks, "Country Music USA", tk in F, ad PirateRadioSales, 1226 Donovan"Mellow yellow, IDs, RUEIL address, Martha Reeves, 1253 Nino Ferrer"Le telefon", 1257 song-ID, C&W...
6295,1 1041-1108 R. OME JAN, v.weak \noisy, mx, Dylan"Hurricane", ID over mx, small drift upwards
6200,4 1043-1113 UNID, e.weak +weak peaks, mx,~C&W, tk in E, ment' Batavia, Marabu splash (1120* approx)
6300,6 1059-1107 UNID, audio on/off, mx, blanks, Dire Straits, D mx.
6276,5 1108-1113 UNID, "I got you babe" (Sony&Cher, blank then reggae v.), 1111 blank, many hets around
6293,1 1125-1140 R. SCOTLAND INT, slow rise of mx mod, 1128 tk, back from MW?, ID, F songs, g's Iann.
6268,0 1134-1141 RAMM R. %, \ut. bursts around, Rammstein rock tracks.
6292,0 1230-1325 R.POWERLINER INT, v.weak \Focus splash, PLC, mx, D mx, jingle, pop, 1320 ID+hl, mx.
6300,0 1251-1300* MISTI R., e.weak \PLC, e.weak mx, 1259 ID+@, off.
6270,2 1305-1312 UNID, weak+f/up, mx, songs in E [ cf LUXEMB. ]
6271,4 1325-1330 UNID, mx, drifting to 6271,5 mx. [ cf LUXEMB. ]
6240,0 1313-1346* SLUWE VOS R., weak +peaks, Nights-white satin, ID+@, Walk-wild side, c'/d, I'll be back
6303,0 1348-1356* R. RPT v.POWERLINER, mx, IDs of both stns, 1354 Romeo Papa Tango, bye bye
6299,95 *1357-1401* R. ZODIAC, Roll over Beethoven, rep. to Powerliner, ID, in D, 1401 ID and off.
6289,8 1402-1409* UNID, D or G songs, het from Focus, no ID. [ cf MAZDA ? ]
6304,95 1411-1415* QSO, Powerliner for Zodiac or reverse? mx, tk in D.
6525,0 1415-1435 PINK PANTHER R., e.weak \noisy, mx, Beach Boys, ID+@ just above noise level
6525,0 1643-1934 PINK PANTHER R., v.weak, 60s pop in a row, D song, ID, \fading , mx, 1934 accordion.
6937,5 1436-1936 IMR / IRISH MUSIC R., v. weak \loc. noise, Ti amo, ID, pops, W DJ, Eloise, etc...
6300,6 1549-1559 SALLANDSE BOER, mx, 1556 "amateur .. Sallandse Boer .." in D, ment' DrTim, 1559 off?
6305,3 1619-1719 R. LOWLAND, \6307U traffic,hets at times, mx, ID, Rose garden, Pretty woman, Splendid"radio pirate", 1636 ID, low power, SM2013, C&W, mx, 1717 \above noise, 6305,2 now, mx.
6240,0 1720-1922* ONDA CALIENTE, v.weak \fading,squeezed between ut's. In F but IDs often with thick foreign accent so the name sounds like Ambassador ! F alternative mx, lyrics in F or E. Clear IDs after 1900.
6267,9 1924-2021 RAMM R., hard rock from Rammstein, IDs in E+G, 2010 deep fade.
6310,05 1950-2031 DELTA R., mx, jingles, slogan "6-3-1-zero SW, 1959 JIDs, strong now, R&R, 2016 deep fade, back.
6250,0 2004-2008* UNID, strong almost clear, D song, Caroline jingles, 2008 messing before s/off.
6240,1 2009-2033 F.R.VICTORIA, strong \occ. fax, tk in E, El condor passa, ID, quiet mx, 2033 f/down
6250,0 2021-2022 UNID, v.strong, R&R (young Elvis?), part of other track, sudden off (later weak OC)
mx=music, tk=talk, D=Dutch, E=English, G=German, F=French, it.=Italian, rpt=report, v.=very,
e.=extremely w.=with, '=..ing, c'/d=closing down, M/W=man/woman, g'=greeting, ut=utility,
ID+@=ID+e-mail address, J=jingle, PLC=PowerLineComm'(noise), \=but, %=guess, hl=hotline
> =becoming/then, [ between sq. brackets : best fit ID, thanks quick logs ]