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Logs from South-West of France - October 19 to 21

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2012 17:40 pm
by Toutatis
Hi to all,
Here are the logs of the weekend with several stations around 15 MHz this Saturday.

Friday 19th October

6295 1724 35433 Radio Mazda
6301 1917 45444 Radio Mustang
6326 1847 34333 Radio Caroline Int.
6920 1729 45433 Radio Trans Europe
6938 1926 35333 Irish Music Radio

Saturday 20th October

6095 1538 55544 KBC Radio - via Media Broadcast - 1559 : end
6280 1645 35322 Unid
6290 1343 35433 Unid - 1347 : end
6290 1407 44433 Radio Montecarlo
6300 1220 34433 Radio Tower
6449 1704 35333 Studio 52
6525 1744 33432 Radio Pink Panther
6540 1737 35333 Sundown Radio
6920 1605 35433 Radio Trans Europe - 1624 : end
6938 1624 35433 Irish Music Radio
15060 1244 34443 Mike Radio
15070 1324 34433 Radio Trans Europe - 1337 : end
15880 1236 35433 Radio Spaceshuttle - USB

Sunday 21st October

6005 0809 45444 European Music Radio - via Radio 700 - Kall-Krekel - Germany - 0841 : 35433
6005 0900 35433 Radio Joystick - via Radio 700 - Kall-Krekel - Germany
6045 0905 55545 XVRB - via Media Broadcast
6095 0910 55545 KBC Radio - via Media Broadcast
6205 0659 34433 Radio Orang Utan
6214 0735 35432 Unid - King SW ? very bad modulation
6255 0714 34433 Radio Waves Int.
6300 0917 45444 Radio Tower
6423 0924 45544 Radio Scotland
9480 0805 45544 European Music Radio - via MV Baltic Radio - Göhren - Germany
9480 0901 45544 MV Baltic Radio - Göhren - Germany
12257 0721 35433 WR International

Good listening.

Re: Logs from South-West of France - October 19 to 21

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2012 22:51 pm
by Caroline
Salut Michel,

sorry, we still have any big problems with our its great that we can read that you nevertheless
had been able to receive us there!!! :D

Thanks a lot for this and best wishes to you,
Radio Caroline International. :veryhi

Re: Logs from South-West of France - October 19 to 21

Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2012 22:42 pm
by Dave Jones
Hi Michel,
Many thanks for the mention of WR International in you logs for Sunday 21st October 2012, I always look for your log as it lets me know the TX is working OK.
Have a good week


Re: Logs from South-West of France - October 19 to 21

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2012 19:41 pm
by Toutatis
Many thanks Dave and Caroline. Keep shortwave alive !

Best 73's