Log : 24 - 30 SEPT. 2012
Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2012 23:00 pm
- Sad events here, so several main pirate time slots missing (and still late).
About PLC, look in the November 2012 issue of Practical Wireless. A radio-amateur discovering that PLC devices are a plague outside of the amateur bands and that HE is the one disturbing the SW all around his home. Look at the scope of the PLC signal: strong spikes 100 times per second.
* * * * * MON. 24 SEPT. 2012 * * * * *
4026,0 0500-0615 LASER HOT HITS, strong > \some fading, mx, tk, ID+@+facebook
4026,0 2031-2035 LASER HOT HITS, \fading, noisy, ID, mx, tk
6966,5 0503-0658 LASER HOT HITS, e.weak \atmos, strong traffic on 6969U, Black is black, IDs
6966,5 1602-2017 LASER HOT HITS, v.weak \ut.bursts > weak \"flame thrower" ut. mx, tk, 2017 Martin Scott
6070,0 0505-0645 R. 6150 test %, \Toronto % is stronger with tk and humour. R6150% : mx heard at times.
6070,0 1600-2030 R. 6150 test %, e.weak \occ. RTTY on 6065, splash. mx, tk, 2030 it's RNI with "H.Rising Sun"
6325,7 0557-0653 R. MERLIN INT, fair > weak. 0558 prob. J.Frost, ID, pops, 0650 Let it be, Imagine, My sweet lord
1395,0 0620-0635 R. SEAGULL, v. weak > f/out, ID, Substitute, rock, "Pan European audience" (hardly...)
6305,0 1656-2039 R. OSAKA, various D mx and a few US songs, IDs. Good progr. mix in that style.
6324,9 1811-1903 UNID, 1813 "Ring of fire" 2 min after Osaka!, rock, 1832 Suzy Q, Get it on, The wall [ cf SKYWIRE ]
6289,25 1815-1829 R. RAINBOW INT + COOL AM, both IDs+@, mushy carrier, sounding strange to bad, mx, Peace tk
6280,0 1839-2041 TOO MANY IDs! = NO ID ! Hard to hear \mushy carrier, noise from 6275. Maybe a member of Pirates for Peace or just playing recordings from such stations. 1840 DX bulletin (Asia, Australia...). 1908 Chris Lobdell, ment' Borderhunter, Blue Ocean, etc.. 1937 DXing Cumbra. 1957 "R. Fox 48". 2002 "R. Casablanca@gmail" then "Flying Dog R." ID +@GR.com ? 2007 programme seems a 58 min loop.
6240,1 1848-1900 UNID, v.weak\occ. noisy ut., Balkan mx, some tk at 1849. [ cf R. VERONIKA ]
* * * * * TUES. 25 SEPT. 2012 * * * * *
6070,0 0500-0635 R. 6150 test %, \CFRB stronger, maybe RNI tape played by R.6150 \splash from 6060
6070,0 1928-1951 R. 6150 test %, mx, tk, RNI IDs.
4026,0 0501-0503 LASER HOT HITS, strong-clear, tk about antenna, ann' 4015 and 6980 (obsolete)
4026,0 1933-1940 LASER HOT HITS, noisy, traffic around 4022, but f'/up. ID, mx.
1395,0 0505-0544 R. SEAGULL, tk, ID, mx, (had to "null~" Irratia R. on 1386), 0544 f/out.
6966,5 0546-0633 LASER HOT HITS, \squeezed: blipon L, Morse on U (both fading but it.traffic right on!) mx,tk, ID. 0632 tk: Samsung Galaxy SII
6966,5 1843-1954 LASER HOT HITS, weak \sp. traffic 6970U. mx, tk, IDs.
6085,0 0609-0701 HCJB ?, in G, news, contacts, 32 countries Europe, religious comments. mx : not rocking !
6284,0 1724-1836* R. ALTREX, e.weak\PLC, bit of drift. mx, ID, some excerpt with Heili heilo.
6281,0 *1836-1910 R. ALTREX, escaping splash from 6289,3. rock.
6325,8 1730-1851 GALAXY R. %, \PLC,atmos, custom medley, 1848 ghostly ID, Rammstein ?
6325,8 1903-1923* GALAXY R., \het from 6328,0, Morse. 1905 ID " ----- Galaxy R.", mx. 1923 sudden off.
6289,3 1824-1902* PIRATES FOR PEACE, Give peace a chance, mx, bad mod, noisy, sudden off.
6289,3 1924-1927 R. SVOBODNE, in Ukrainian? sepulchral ID and tk: democracy, Ukraine. 1925 P.f.Peace ID+@
6289,3 1941-1941 R. RAINBOW, ID, transmitting for P.for Peace, mx.
* * * * * WED. 26 SEPT. 2012 * * * * *
6966,5 0500-0556 LASER HOT HITS, \fading,atmos. mx, tk, IDs
6966,5 1655-2041 LASER HOT HITS, weak \ut.on 6970 > v.weak, mx, tk, ID, hl.
6070,0 0502-0640 R. 6150 test, usual mix with Toronto, "Tommy" and annt at 0559+0601.
6070,0 1652-1930 R. 6150 test %, \RTTY on 6064,6 at first ! mx.
4026,0 0505-0555 LASER HOT HITS, strong \fading, ID, time, "if you listen in SW, it cab be any time", hl, phone tk: ISP prices. 0551 tk: antenna added by user for cellular phone.
4026,0 1840-1857 LASER HOT HITS, weak \loc.noise, mx, tk, ID.
6085,0 0711-0713 BNL ROCK R., back on Kall relay (after coughing up again? )
6300,0 1648-1714 UNID, Funky town, pops and blanks, Funky town again, Don't bring me down. [ cf M.CARLO ]
6285,1 1714-1726* R. OME JAN, D mx, IDs (in E and G), g's, Till the next time, 1-2-3-testing, off
6290,6 1930-2050 CAROLINE/RAINBOW, \noisy, many ut's in/out, many IDs+@, mx, tk: CZ in 1968, muffled
* * * * * THURS. 27 SEPT. 2012 * * * * *
4026,0 0502-0504 LASER HOT HITS, good \fading,atmos, ID, from 1st of Sept, "here in the Midlands"..
4026,0 1917,2122 LASER HOT HITS %, 1917 weak \it.traffic on 4020U, ut. 2122 clear \bit of RTTY, mx.
6070,0 0505-0636 R. 6150 test, "Tommy" new stn annt, but Canadian humour still stronger here.
6925 U 0507-0509* UNID from USA, \het from 6928,5. Strange mx. [ cf UNID on HFUnderground ]
6966,5 0509-0642 LASER HOT HITS %, \atmos, sp. traffic on 6965U, mx, tk
6966,5 1914-2120 LASER HOT HITS, \blipping ut., mx, 2120 ID.
6085,1 0558-0635 BNL ROCK R., strong \fading, 5 kHz het. rock, ID.
6323,95 1909-1925 R. ZODIAC, \PLC, mx, ID, g's, 100W carrier, IDs, mx, g's.. later PLC gone, noisy ut. now.
* * * * * FRI. 28 SEPT. 2012 * * * * *
6925 U 0238-0401 Dr. BENWAY replaying a KIPM program: The legend of Tiamat, in 2 parts, sth like telling a strange dream, with background of alternative music, obsolete ID+@. Fair > weak. 0358 Dr Benway ID.
6070,0 0501-0616 R. 6150 test %, under Canadian st. and splashes as usual, soon under PLC..
4026,0 0503-0624 LASER HOT HITS, strong peaks, rpt, Wallace Collection "Daydream", rpt, tk, mx.
4026,0 2108-2116 LASER HOT HITS, \fading, some atmos, mx, tk: noisy power supplies, long skip, ID, OEM, mx
6967,5 0551-0612 LASER HOT HITS, v.weak, 1 kHz higher \still annoying blips on 6965.
6967,5 1945-2150 LASER HOT HITS, v.weak \het at times, mx, ID.
6085,1 0600-0621 BNL ROCK R., (cold start?), IDs, rock.
6305,25 1925-2025 R. LOWLAND, splashins widely, D instrum mx, later 60s pop, IDs
6285,5 1931-2147 FOCUS INT, mx clear enough, duo tk: low mod, it's a Radio 355 tape! 1957 ID, more mx.
6940,0 1941-1943 UNID, mx, tk, ann' CCR Bad moon rising. [ cf IMR ]
6295,0 1947-2011* R. PO--[WERLINER] INT, \splash from Lowland, D mx, ID, "2 more records", some 60s RnB and off.
6326,4 2012-2024 UNID, rock, blanks, audio breakdown? [ cf ASCONA ]
3929,95 2027-2030 R. BATAVIA, mx, ID in E+G.
6292 U 2117-2133 R. PYTHON ???? can't catch that name! Strong, mx, ID, time in NL, @pirateradio.at etc...
6292,0 2138-2138 UNID, good peaks, mx.
* * * * * SAT. 29 SEPT. 2012 * * * * *
6967,5 0618,1045 LASER HOT HITS %, 0618 v.weak \much atmos, 1045 e.weak, mx
6285,5 0619-0634 FOCUS INT, good \atmos, ID, hl, Caroline-Mi Amigo story. 0622 Clash. (and 1042 R.Stones)
6285,5 2129-2222 FOCUS INT, mx, tk, ID. 2130 Fink a fink... 2138 ID.
6085,0 0624-0635 BNL ROCK R., \het from 6090, atmos. mx from Santana ?, IDs (and 1043 mx \PLC)
6070,0 0629-0629 R. 6150 test %, usual V.weak mx under Canadian humour.
4026,0 0630-0633 LASER HOT HITS, weak\some fading and atmos. mx, ID+@.
4026,0 2148-2200 LASER HOT HITS, \atmos, mx, tk, ID+@
7265,0 0637, 1041 HAMBURG LOKAL R. %, 0637 World of radio(Asia,S.Am., Europe...), 1041 \atmos, mx
6095,0 1044-1044 KBC %, v.strong, R&R
6942,5 2112-2115 IMR R., \much atmos, strong OC 6938,0 RRTY 6948. mx, IDs, pops.
6525,0 2120-2123 UNID, "Rocking all over the world". [ cf PINK PANTHER ]
6305,0 2124-2132* UNID, v.strong, mx, D song ( ) last words and off. [ cf CUPID R. ]
6295,0 2128-2300 WITTE REUS, strong \atmos, pops, 2214 H.California, 2227 Soleil soleil, 2231 ID w; Lady Vampirella, Blue Panther and Rony(?), "Dragon" filler mx (again at 2300 ID)
6207,0 2140-2258 BLUESTAR R., strong, Life is life, pop-rock, Blueberry Hill... 2257 ID+@, D song
3955,0 2149-2305 BNL ROCK R., \splash fr.3965. Born to be wild, G. rock, rock.. 2305 ID.
3995,0 2155-2204 UNID, blues, C&W.
6300,0 2206-2245 ANTONIO R., weak \much atmos. mx, 2210 Crunchy Granola, unclear ID, good hl, 2232 ID+@
6240,0 2234-2259* ARTEM's world music (via ?), mx, tk in E w. accent, Natacha Atlas, etc. 2259 last words, off
* * * * * SUN. 30 SEPT. 2012 * * * * *
6285,5 0647-0958 FOCUS INT, R.Caroline tape, 0906 ID, duo tk, mx
6285,5 1501-2059 FOCUS INT, v.weak > \PLC > fair, mx, 1502 ID, 1812 Caroline tape, (1928 Focus ID added over)
6205,25 0651-0705 R. ORANG UTAN, v.weak, "Ghostbusters" ?, live ID, mx.
6085,0 0653-0956 BNL ROCK R. %, Nirvana, Cream, etc...
6085,0 1430-1511 BNL ROCK R., \strong PLC, mx, ID, rock.
6070,0 0654-0707 R. 6150 test %, under Canadain stn as usual.
6070,0 1955-1955 UNID, some C&W, tk, then Beatles "8 days a week".
6005,0 0655 euro-song, 0708 R. BELARUS (news in G), 0927-0957 in G and G versions of pops
6005,0 1433-1516 R. 700, in G, mx, JIDs in G, G song, "Israelites", tk in G.
6967,5 0656-0704 LASER HOT HITS, ID+@, e-mail now working, mx, 0704 Daddy cool.
6967,5 1436-2016 LASER HOT HITS %, e.weak > weak \occ. traffic, splash. mx, tk.
6400,6 0659-0709 UNID, v.weak \atmos, muffled, D mx, 0702 ID no copy ..N.of NL.. [ cf WALDMEISTER ]
6295,0 0903-0957 R. CONDOR, v.eak > e.weak, tk in D, hl, IDs, mx.
6239,5 0906-1000 UNID, e.weak, A.Stewart"Knock on wood", 0916 Rhythm of the night ?, 1000 ---dot-com [cf ZEEWOLF ]
6300,2 0909-0911 UNID, e.weak \ut. on U side, het on L side, PLC. song "Radio waves" [ cf ALTREX ? ]
6095,0 0918-1510 KBC, powerful, ads Age2Blue(?), KBC Import, mx, 1427 Ron O'Quinn show
6045,0 0919-0956 R. ICEMAN, powerful, D.Straits, ad RadioWorldShop. 0954 ID, F.Gall "Ella".
6305,15 0927-0957 UNID, e.weak pops \PLC, hard to hear.
6200,0 0933-1001 BORDERHUNTER R., fair \PLC, G song, tk, ID+@, rock, brass mx
6252,0 0958-1000* UNID, strong \PLC, Chinese rock?, sudden off, back with OC, off again. [ cf STRESS R. ]
6210,0 1350-1420 UNID, v.weak \PLC, mx, G.Bécaud"Nathalie", H.of the Rising Sun [ cf SLUWE VOS ]
6210,0 1507-1509 SLUWE VOS R., ID, hl, mx
6942,5 1439-2013 IRISH MUSIC R., mx, IDs, The midnight hour, I'll be there
6305,0 1500-1500 UNID, e.weak \strong PLC, mx [ cf FOX 48 ]
6239,4 1503-1506* UNID, tk in E, quiet mx, then off. [ cf VICTORIA ]
6306,6 1810-2057 BOGUSMAN, long chats, mx, shy IDs, studio needing work
6289,2 1811-1811 UNID, \splash, mx. [ cf P. FOR PEACE ]
6255,0 1813-1944 R. TELSTAR SOUTH, strong \het, typical, ID, "Telstar" instrum, TV themes, memories
6240,0 1945-1954 UNID, \ut's, atmos, mx, tk (in ?), R. ---- Int, gmail, 1954 tk, sudden off [ cf R. BOHEMIA ]
6525,0 1958-2011* PINK PANTHER R., comedy, jingles, ID+@, mx parts, Staying alive, g's, c'/d, bye bye, cartoon mx.
4026,0 2025-2056 LASER HOT HITS, mx, ID+POB, rpt, mx
mx=music, tk=talk, D=Dutch, E=English, G=German, F=French, it.=Italian, rpt=report, v.=very,
e.=extremely w.=with, '=..ing, c'/d=closing down, M/W=man/woman, g'=greeting, ut=utility,
ID+@=ID+e-mail address, J=jingle, PLC=PowerLineComm'(noise), \=but, %=guess, hl=hotline
> =becoming/then, [ between sq. brackets : best fit ID, thanks quick logs ]