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Logs from South-West of France - October 6 & 7

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2012 09:30 am
by Toutatis
Summer is really over, and the propagation of the middle of the day is better now.

Saturday 6th October

4890 2011 35433 U-Boat 66
6070 1950 45544 Radio 6150 - old recording of Laser 558
6095 1454 55545 KBC Radio - via Media Broadcast
6210 1906 34433 Radio Marabu
6240 1920 34433 Sluwe Vos Radio
6255 1936 34433 Radio Telstar South
6266 1841 34433 Unid
6285 1428 35433 Focus International
6300 2003 45444 Radio Golfbreker
6400 1926 42432 Radio Zodiac

Sunday 7th October

6070 1647 44444 Radio 6150 - old recording of Laser Hot Hits (offshore)
6095 1033 55545 KBC Radio - via Media Broadcast
6205 0657 44433 Radio Orang Utan
6210 0713 45444 Radio Marabu
6214 0724 34442 Unid - bad modulation - tent : King SW
6240 0841 35433 Radio Nora - 0858 : end
6260 0736 45433 Radio Waves Int. - 6262 kHz at 0836 - 6305 kHz at 1020
6285 0755 45544 Focus International
6295 1022 35422 Radio Omejan
6300 0916 24422 Misti Radio - 10 W
6305 1627 44444 Radio Lowland
6400 0817 24422 Radio Waldmeister
6450 0825 24422 Radio Polaris
6525 1609 35433 Radio Pink Panther
6967 0937 45433 Laser Hot Hits
7265 1000 45544 Radio Gloria Int. - via MV Baltic Radio - Göhren - Germany
9480 0800 44544 Radio Gloria Int. - via MV Baltic Radio - Göhren - Germany
9480 0900 44544 MV Baltic Radio - Göhren - Germany
12257 0945 45544 WR International - 1005 : end
15070 1618 23422 Blue Star Radio

Good listening.

Re: Logs from South-West of France - October 6 & 7

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2012 15:59 pm
by Dave Jones
Hi Michel,
Thanks for the mention of WR International in your logs for this weekend 07/10/12.
Hope you have a good week.

