Log : 10 - 16 SEPT. 2012
Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2012 21:49 pm
- Hi,
still late, and more and more UNIDs (not only for me, I checked with other logs)
* * * * * MON. 10 SEPT. 2012 * * * * *
4026,0 0501-0544 LASER HOT HITS, good > some fading, \some atmos. 0540 phone call about DVD movie.
4026,0 1922-2121 LASER HOT HITS, IDs, mx.
6965,0 0545-0656 LASER HOT HITS %, \het from 6960 strong carrier, 0545 Cream"I'm so glad", mx, tk.
6965,0 1534-1958 LASER HOT HITS, mx, tk, 1534 \ut. bursts, 1648 \6960 het, 1956 \traffic, stream schedule
6070,0 0658-0701 R. 6150 test %, tk, "My cherie amor", \PLC, splashes from R.Vatican in Arabic.
6070,0 1905-1945 R. 6150 test %, mx, tk, Caroline tape. (also 2114 James Brown)
6325 a 1900-1902* OLDTIMER R., ID, bit of mx and off.
3955,0 1907-1925 R. 700 in G, JID, pops, 1928 Bette Davis eyes
3905,0 1908-1919 UNID, v.weak \noisy, mx, 1919 "-- -- Radio, from the N.-(W?) of NL". (1925 gone) [ cf WILLEM ]
7600,1 2053-2058 UNID, v.weak \noisy,atmos, nonstop mx. [ cf LIGHTNING ? ]
6284,0 2102-2110 R. ALTREX, v.weak, ID, mx, tk, whistling, testing-1-2... 2108 ID, "Take me to the matador"
6255,1 2110-2124 R. TELSTAR SOUTH, \v.tiring ut.QRM, ID, anorak mx, Those were the days, etc...
* * * * * TUES. 11 SEPT. 2012 * * * * *
4026,0 0500-0535 LASER HOT HITS, good \traffic 4021U in sp., mx, ID+@, 0535 \some fading, loc? noise.
4026,0 2015-2042 LASER HOT HITS, mx, tk, IDs.
6070,0 0536-0722 R. 6150 test, \almost clear, offshore tape, "Tommy" annt (6170! in E), 0722 almost strong !
6070,0 2013-2055 R. 6150 test %, strong \atmos, parts of Caroline incl. "Music Explosion" jingle (or the reverse?)
6965,0 0538-0557 LASER HOT HITS, v.weak \bad fading, Laser Goes DX. (0717 under sp.traffic 6965U)
6965,0 2008-2044 LASER HOT HITS, weak \atmos,6960 het. mx, 2044 Mike Andrews.
6304,5 1855-2006 R. SWR, weak \PLC phased out!, atmos, occ.traffic. mx, ID, only 10 W, 1955 tnx rpts, 1958 bye
6290,1 1915-1918* UNID, D song, sudden off.
6208,0 1919-1940 UNID, v.weak, mx, long blanks, messing, breaks??.
6290,4V 1948-2010 R. LUXEMBURG, mx, blank, 60s mx, 2001 ID, accordion, No milk today, 2010 ID (on 6291,25)
6280,3 1948-2011 UNID, strong, pops-drumbox mx, 1953 " -- -- SW" jingle, 2002 Dont bring me down. (2018 gone)
6239,0 2045-2059* SLUWE VOS R., mx, IDs+@live.nl (RxReports), 2158 now c'/d, "I'll be back" and off.
* * * * * WED. 12 SEPT. 2012 * * * * *
6070,0 0448-0457 MUSIC EXPLOSION, strong, mx, 0453 in D ..non stop.. "This is 6070 Music Explosion" .. the time is 7 o'clock, R.Stones"The last time", \some fading, Caroline recording.
6070,0 0530-0625 R. 6150 test %, \squeezed: 6075 QRM & splashes, Caroline tape (D.Straits, Nights in white satin)
6070,0 1520-2215 R. 6150 test %, strong + peaks \some fading and splash, Caroline tape: trio chatting, visiting ship
4026,0 0450-0537 LASER HOT HITS, good > f'/down, mx, tk, ID.
4026,0 1914-1944 LASER HOT HITS, weak \noisy, IDs, mx tk:Samsung Galaxy S II (also 2229 mx)
6965,0 0600-0605 LASER HOT HITS, strong \fading, het from 6060 f'/up a few min later. mx, ID.
6965,0 1925-2232 LASER HOT HITS, mx, FSN,OEM, JID, tk, 2053 Dexys MR, 2232 tk: Caroline & Ross Revenge
6305,0 1517-1519 UNID, weak \loc.noise, accordion, instrum mx. [ cf OSAKA ]
6300,2 1910-2053 UNID, strong \PLC, occ.traffic 6300U, nonnstop accordion and D songs. [ cf GOLFBREKER ]
6940,0 1924-2222 IMR R., strong, C&W, ID, "Ti amo", "Put your hands...", ... mx, tk.
7600,1 2225-2225 UNID, e.weak mx
3955,0 2228-2232 BNL ROCK R., ID, mx, mx.
* * * * * THURS. 13 SEPT. 2012 * * * * *
6070,0 0509-0636 R. 6150 test, 0509 strong, 0552 back to usual weak & QRM, Caroline tape, 0634 "Tommy" annt
6070,0 1706,2152 R. 6150 test %, 1752 strong \splash, (1918 no signal), 2152 usual \het, Mi Amigo JID.
6965,0 0512-0557 LASER HOT HITS, \fading, mx, tk, ID.
6965,0 1851-1925 LASER HOT HITS, v.weak at first \atmos, 1851 Blue monday, 1919 ID, tk: Caroline North
4026,0 0512-0551 LASER HOT HITS, \fading, mx, tk, ID.
4026,0 1854-2200 LASER HOT HITS, \noisy, mx, tk, 1906 classical mx, 1912 ID.
6085,0 0559-0616 BNL ROCK R., strong, rock & pop mx, boxed IDs. (still at 0953 but weak).
6305,0 1709-2039 R. OSAKA, much various light mx, almost no tk, 1929 ID+@
6210,0 1710-1840 UNID, weak \fading > v.weak\PLC, rock, 1732 AC/DC, 1838 ID (under strong PLC). [ cf AC-DC ]
6284,0 1730-2039 R. ALTREX, v.weak \atmos. mx, 1827 live ID. Later PLC, occ.traffic, e.weak \noisy
6240,4 1734-1738 UNID, pops [ cf LUXEMB. ]
6242,5 1830-1832 UNID, C&W"lonesome me", 1832 euro W singer "Après toi"
3955,0 1855-1914 R. 700, in G with at 1914, but at first maybe a relay, sth like R. FORFUNTEN ???, pops
6300,0 1955-2001 SALLANDSE BOER, D mix, 1958 larsen, ID (not proud), tk in D, 2001 off??
6300,0 2002-2009 POWERLINER+R. TURBO, strong, rep. in D to Sall.B., IDs "in cooperation"
6240,1 2010-2040 UNID, most boogie and blues.
7600,1 2033-2038 UNID, e.weak \atmos, mx
6289,4 2148-2155 CAROLINE-RAINBOW, strong, overmod, Here comes the sun"
6300,0 2148-2157 SPACESHUTTLE, mx, ID+@yahoo.
* * * * * FRI. 14 SEPT. 2012 * * * * *
4026,0 0455-0541 LASER HOT HITS, good \some fading, mx, tk: Olympics, 0539 ID (Cities of Europe)
4026,0 1856-2034 LASER HOT HITS, mx, ID, OEM, FSN, Mike Andrews... 1908 theme from Benny Hill.
6070,0 0456-0659 R. 6150 test %, \R.Vatican splash at times. Caroline 259, sounds like a patchwork of recordings
6070,0 1537-1716 R. 6150 test %, strong \bit of PLC or splash, mx, mx.
6965,0 0500-0535 LASER HOT HITS %, weak \6060 het and/or Morse, later atmos. mx,tk
6965,0 1543-2236 LASER HOT HITS, v.weak at first, rock, 1712 ID by D.Simpson, "I'm so glad"
6085,0 0700-0710 BNL ROCK R., Highway to hell, 0710 ID.
6205,0 1548-1610 UNID, e.weak, mx, 1610 now under strong PLC
3905,1 1652-2231 SKYLINE INT R., e.weak at first, pops(only a few D or G songs), 1837 tk over Les Poppies (F junior singers): tnx rpts, 1850 tk in D over Irish song, 2010 ID, tk to R.Marconi
6940,0 1709-2235 IMR R., \occ. multitones ut, long local? "mopad" noise. mx, tk, IDs IMR or full name
6305,0 1812-1833* UNID, \occ. traffic, Morse, pops, 1826 "It's Radio -- -- c'/d in 8 min"+details, uncatchy! [ cf PYTHON ]
6290,6 1815-2001 RAINBOW-CAROLINE, weak \low mod, then good IDs, later muffled, mx.
6324,4 1909-1956 UNID, \ut. messing around, various pops, 1944 H.California(reprise). [ cf SWR ]
6305,8 1926-1934* UNID, weak \6308 het, v.disturbing splash from 6300,9. mx.
6300,9 1931-1958 UNID, strong +peaks, splashing wide, "Sugar sugar", 1943 blank, trumpet+drums [ cf MUSTANG ]
6210,0 2002-2009 UNID, e.weak mx (already sooner but hard to hear)
3932,1 2012-2037 M.R...., v.weak \much hiss, mx, tk, unclear IDs over mx, J.Airplane, Band on the run. [cf MRF ]
6255,0 2039-2047 R. TELSTAR SOUTH, strong, pops, IDs, Your tiger feet, instrum mx.
6545,0 2048-2050 UNID, mx, mx. [ cf POWERLINER ]
6734,9 2052-2104 UNID, e.weak\PLC,atmos, Animals"Dont let.., tk, White room, more Cream [ cf COOL AM ]
6289,2 2107-2115 R. RAINBOW, tk ID, drifting upwards
6305 U 2109-2114 UNID, drumbox mx in USB, 2112 SSTV, 2114 more mx.
6300,0 2228-2234 UNID, song, song tralalala, song... [ cfPOWERLINER ]
* * * * * SAT. 15 SEPT. 2012 * * * * *
6965,0 0634-0832 LASER HOT HITS, weak \6959,6 het, Morse on 6968, then OTH ?, then traffic 6965 U, almost clear at times, 0804 mx, tk, ID, Daddy Cool. (also 1155 trace under ut's, 2114 weak \atmos)
6085,0 0639-0833 BNL ROCK R., non stop rock, regular boxed IDs
6085,0 1153-1316 BNL ROCK R., weak \PLC, non stop rock, regular boxed IDs
6070,0 0642-0808 R. 6150 test, \usual QRM, Caroline on the North Sea, 0808 "Tommy" and annt: new stn
4026,0 0646-0650 LASER HOT HITS %, weak, clear, mx, mx. (also at 2353, some fading).
7265,0 0834-0836 and 1149-1306 UNID in G, 1149 jazz till 1300 then tk, must be HAMBURG LOKAL R.
6095,0 1151-1316 KBC, powerful, ID, mx, annt (tk about DRM at 1900 ??), later R&R
6305,0 1308-1500 R. OSAKA, weak \strong PLC, mx, tk, D mx.
6279,8 1500-1510 R. WAVES INT %, \strong PLC, C&W, tk(F accent).
6207,0 2036-2048 UNID, strong +peaks, Let's dance, Yellow River, Living doll, instrum, ~rap. [ cf BLUESTAR ]
6239,9 2048-2128 R. WAVES INT, \PLC, F song, ID in F+E, mx, 2128 now e.weak on 6240,0
6255,0 2051-2052 R. TELSTAR SOUTH, mx, known Golden Boy voice, ID, Your tiger feet. (2127 gone)
6320,3 2053-2123 UNID, \PLC at first, pops, 2120 rock on 6320,25
6525,0 2102-2130 PINK PANTHER R., weak \PLC at first, mx, D or G song, 2129 IDs+@, more mx
6925 L 2105-2113 UNID, rock_blues, bit of latino mx, RnB, Elvis? [ cf R. TROPIC ]
6925,0 2133-2144 UNID, blanks, mx, short breaks, some R&R,song "Goodbye my love" it.style [ cf R. TROPIC ]
6940,0 2113-2131 UNID, \fading, noisy. soul, mx. [ cf IMR ]
7600,1 2115-2120 UNID, e.weak, non stop mx.
6289,3 2124-2127 RAINBOW+CAROLINE INT, \mushy carrier, comment in E about E.European countries, IDs
6990 a 2337-2351 UNID, v.weak \noisy, better in LSB or USB than in AM, "Paroles paroles", mx, mx
* * * * * SUN. 16 SEPT. 2012 * * * * *
4026,0 0650-0817 LASER HOT HITS, clear, mx, ID+@, 0817 e.weak Dragonslay
4026,0 1747-2040 LASER HOT HITS, clear, mx, ID, tk...
6259,7 0654-0709 UNID, e.weak \atmos, traffic 6261U, drifting around, mx, 0709 "spacey" mx
6240,3V 0657-0933 R. WAVES INT, e.weak > strong, Polnareff jingle, drifting to 6239,9 then 6240,1 again, Splendid (part), 0804 now strong \PLC, Aznavour "Je me voyais déjà", later often drowned in strong PLC, Country USA.
6240,2V 1045-1246 R. WAVES INT, now clear \fading, "Radio Waves" song, IDs, C&W, 1246 on 6240,1
6085,0 0658-1054 BNL ROCK R., rock, boxed IDs. 819 Highway to hell, 1050 Sunshine of your love, Nirvana
6070,0 0659-1054 R. 6150 test, Route 66, annt new stn over Tommy theme, Caroline 558.
6965,0 0701-0929 LASER HOT HITS, weak, IDs, tk, mx, 0836 splash from Mike R.
6965,0 1621-2055 LASER HOT HITS, v.weak \mx, tk, IDs. 1726 the "mopad" again, local noise ?
9480,0 0809-0834 E.M.R., AM no LSB, strong, mx, IDs, soon PLCand fading. 0834 mailbox
6950,0 0836-0841 MIKE R., strong, wide splash, IDs, mx: synthe+drumbox FM youngster "music" splashing
6095,0 0915-1025 KBC, powerful, ads Truck News Magazine, KBC Import, C&W rock, Truck news headlines
6304,0 1026-1043 UNID, e.weak, mx +"cloc" noises, M+W tk (movie?), more mx. [ cf DELTA ]
6205,0 1031-1055 UNID, non stop D songs (italian style). [ cf BORDERHUNTER ]
6300,3 1246-1246 UNID, \PLC, accordion, more accordion [ cf GOLFBREKER ? ]
6940,0 1620-2055 IRISH MUSIC R., \still that "mopad" noise, mx, tk, ID.
6275,0 1623-1635* UNID, songs, 1624 maybe Tom Jones. 1634 "lalala" song on 6275,6. [ cf LUXEMBURG ]
6208,0 1630-1800 R. ARMADILLO, \occ. 6209,8 het, fading, mx, mainly rock, 1731 ID, "lazy" reply all email Xmas time
6208,0 1930-2120 R. ARMADILLO, Pink Panther, ZZTop, 2009 live check of 48mb, falde ID of 6240, then correct ID and relaying Victoria from RX for about 5 min. 2021 own @, allow several months for reply!, more mx, 2120 chatting
6265,7 1635-1636* UNID, weak, F singer, sudden off.
6305,0 1643-1700 UNID, v.weak \noise,splash, mx, tk in G, jingle:Wonderful weekend, 1700 list of stns? [cf BERMUDA ]
6280,0 1738-1742* UNID, v.weak \fading,traffic, mx, sudden off
6325,9 1743-1952 R. CAROLINE INT, \noisy,v.strong Morse on 6324, ID, mx, 1925 better, mx, duo tk, no more ID.
6300,9 1928-1937 MUSTANG, strong, drumbox+singer, 1932 IDs, c'/d, messing, Funky town, accordion.
6255,0 1931-2120 R. TELSTAR SOUTH, strong \PLC, M+W duo (from movie?), known voice, Bumble bee, ..ID..
6280 1953-2000* UNID, "This is a test bc on ... SW band" many times, soft rock, 2000 off without ID
6240,2 2005-2120 F.R. VICTORIA, strong, pops, ID, g's, mp3 rpt ? B.Davis eyes, rock, ABBA ...
6325,0 2025-2025 UNID, accordion, accordion.
mx=music, tk=talk, D=Dutch, E=English, G=German, F=French, it.=Italian, rpt=report, v.=very,
e.=extremely w.=with, '=..ing, c'/d=closing down, M/W=man/woman, g'=greeting, ut=utility,
ID+@=ID+e-mail address, J=jingle, PLC=PowerLineComm'(noise), \=but, %=guess, hl=hotline
> =becoming/then, [ between sq. brackets : best fit ID, thanks quick logs ]