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LOG : 25 AUG. - 02 SEPT. 2012

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2012 21:32 pm
by Ray Lalleu
  • * * * * * SAT. 25 AUG. 2012 * * * * * Back home, + - 0,2 kHz

    6319,6 1955-2021 R. CAROLINE INT, \atmos, mx, IDs, also using R. Rainbow IDs

    6289,5 1959-2102 PIRATES FOR PEACE, mx, ID+web site, tk: democracy (E. Eur. language) (2202 same? 6289,3)

    6266,2 2006-2126 UNID, weak, UK way, pops, tk in E, IDs (no copy), hl 07504...678... 2041"3 steps to Heaven, Ode to BillyJoe, JethroTull, Don't let..misunderstood, ..Supertramp, 2122 tk: N.Z.Bc'..2126 Boats&Trains&Planes [ cf M.A.R. ]

    6255,0 2006-2127 R. TELSTAR SOUTH, typical, incl. "Black night", IDs, Children from Pirea (back ground)

    6245,5 2007-2127 FOCUS INT %, good, tk over "All you need is love", 60s offshore history, pops

    6206,5 2008-2015 UNID, v.weak \atmos,fades, 2010 ska, 2014 ID+@: sth like "G-R-Radio" (2020 gone)

    6280,2 2023-2104 COSMIC R., "Caroline goodbye" and story, giosy jazz, JIDs, "Loving awareness" slogan, mx

    6300,4 2046-2046 UNID, strong, song "Après toi", more pop [ cf. LUXEMB. ]

    6940,0 2053-2053 IMR %, \ut.QRM on low side, pop mx

    6914,9 2054-2054 LASER HOT HITS %, mx, tk

    6300,0 2156-2201 UNID, tk (in ?), mx, rock. [ cf FOX 48 ]

    6925 U 2204-2215* UNID, strong in USB, phone tk in E by M+W duo or more, various comments, 2211 pop part and ID+@ ( ----- pirate, bye bye, instrum track and off (then someone else whistling).

    * * * * * SUN. 26 AUG. 2012 * * * * *

    6935 U 0408-0419 UNID, e.weak \atmos, occ.ut.QRM, mx, tk in E, radio.. , 0418 ..5-5-8.., then lost.

    6070,0 0422-0652 R. 6150 test %, v.weak, mx, ment' North Sea, \other stn underneath w. much tk

    6070,0 1405-1836 R. 6150 test, offshore tape as usual, 1836 "new stn" annt over Tommy theme \squeezed

    6915,0 0640-0921 LASER HOT HITS, e.>v.weak, mx, laser effects, tk, 0921 ID (later: sunk in loc. noise)

    6915,0 1535-2340 LASER HOT HITS, e.weak > v.weak > strong \atmos at 2300. mx, tk, IDs

    6304,7 0642-0924 R. MERLIN INT, strong \deep fades, some PLC, filling mx, 0827 Doors, 0847 ID, 0924 Focus

    6266,25 0645-0801 UNID, weak > v.weak, mx, tk, 0655 "RCF"?, 0756 Major Tom, 0759 ID "Radio -- -- SW"

    6266,25 0818-1538 UNID, trace, bits of e.weak mx at times

    6266,25 1712-1726 UNID, v.weak, mx, tk (UK way), 1718 If I had a hammer, Green green, ann' P.Frampton, ID no copy

    6266,25 1827-2130 UNID, weak, recordings of R.Caroline (clear IDs) but own station IDs still quite unclear!

    6266,25 2307-2355 UNID, \some atmos, mx, 2321 and 2350 ID+contacts, still no copy! [ all : cf MERSEYLAND ALT R.]

    6245,5 0647-0918 FOCUS INT, strong, GB offshore history w. recordings, tk, Focus IDs.

    6245,5 1330-1526 FOCUS INT, strong peaks, pops, IDs, now in the 70s offshore era

    6245,5 1728-2133 FOCUS INT, still pops, IDs, hl, more offshore stories.

    6205,25 0648-0754 UNID, v.weak, "Down by the river side", quick > trace with bits of mx at times.

    6280,0 0801-0849 R. GERONIMO SW, v.strong ! > some fading later. ID, Dave Scott playing progressive rock

    6295,0 0814-0817* UNID, v.-e. weak \PLC, splash from Merlin, "The final coutdown" and off.

    6205,0 0823-0918 BORDERHUNTER R., \PLC, R&R, 0826 ID+@, 0903 ID, > v.weak \PLC now. (0927 gone)

    6295,0 0848-0848 UNID, e.weak mx.

    6255,0 0850-0927* UNID, \PLC, ut., ads: e-mail F.R. drop, BDXC, 0925 POB, $1, Reveille rock, bye [ cf DEVALON ]

    6240,1 0857-0903 UNID, non stop D (or G) songs. (0919 gone)

    6235,4 0857-0919 UNID, \noisy, PLC, D songs. (0927 gone) [ cf DELTA Gd ]

    6140,0 0904-0913 R. GLORIA INT %, v.strong, pops, (I missed the ID, but usual voice).

    6095,0 0905-1528 KBC, v.strong, pops, prob. Rosko at first.

    6045,0 0906-0914 R. ICEMAN, v.strong, "Judy in disguise", ID, etc.

    6210,0 1325-1403 UNID, e.weak on peaks!, mx, 1402 Madness (same as 6206,5 on Sat. ?) [ cf AC/DC ]

    6925 U 1338-1353 UNID or THE PIRATE SHOW (IDs), much phone tk, humorist, mx from S.Asia?

    6305,5 1439-1447 UNID, e.weak, mx, tk, 1445 "Then he kissed me" (reprise) (1453 gone) [ cf FOX 48 ]

    6319,9 1412-1509 KTL, v.weak \deep fading, 1425 Man of action, 1435 testing, ment' Zodiac, IDs Kilo Tango Lima, 1449 calling het on 6319,7 but goes on. 1506 tk, ment' Baken 16, 1509 off ?(then s.o. e.weak tk on 6319,5 for 2 min)

    6319,9 1511-1521* BAKEN 16, v.weak, long tk in D, ment' Baken 16, 1521 JID (Cucaracha tune)

    6319,5 *1521-1525 UNID, e.weak, trying again, but under PLC here.

    6940,0 1530-1953 IMR R., fading up > fair \loc.noise, pops, soul, IDs, later \ atmos.

    6208,0 1834-1940 SLUWE VOS R., mx, ID, D song & accordion. 1940 feathered ones.

    6319,6 1838-2003 R. CAROLINE INT, mx, IDs, bpm mx.

    6304,7 1838-1856 R. MERLIN INT ?, (1826blank), The final countdown, 1856 flattened by 6306,8

    6306,8 1856-1907 UNID, strong +v.strong peaks, rock, Hocus Pocus, 1905 long blank (1912 gone)

    6304,7 1912-2314 R. MERLIN INT, blank, 1913 mx, 1941 Smoke on the water, 2000 and 2129 IDs multi, 2314 ID

    6525,0 1841-2005* PINK PANTHER, weak \atmos, splash (from?), pops, odd accordion track. 2004 IDs+@, off

    6535,0 1842-1847 UNID, pop mx, then tiki mx. (1850 gone)

    6280,2 1914-2041 UNID, weak \atmos, PLC, pop, rock, Louie Louie, Scarborough fair, etc [ cf COSMIC]

    6255,0 1939-2318 R. TELSTAR SOUTH, strong, typical, IDs, pops, memories: R. London.

    6324,0 2303-2314 R. UNDERGROUND, ID, mx, D mx. (2326 gone)

    6290,0 2305-2347 R. POWERLINER INT, strong, songs, RnB, F.Gall"Ella", I'm a rock, ID, Magical mystery tour

    6735,0 2328-2337 COOL AM R., e.weak \PLC,atmos, rock, ID, Who"My generation", Black night(drowned in atmos)

    * * * * * MON. 27 AUG. 2012 * * * * *

    6915,0 0649-0836 LASER HOT HITS %, weak \fading,atmos > e.weak, mx (also around 1730 mx, strong loc.noise)

    6915,0 2027-2118 LASER HOT HITS, clear \some atmos, mx, 2046 ID, rpts from Per E. et Alvaro L., mx.

    6266,25 0650-0824 UNID, weak > v.weak \fading, mx, tk, ment' Jackie North, 0828 sweat shirts, 0834 Dexys [ cf MAR ]

    6070,0 0653-0831 R. 6150 test %, fair \QRM6075 > e.weak \PLC, mx

    6070,0 1725-2210 R. 6150 test %, het 6075 at first, mushy carrier, Laser 558 tape

    6305,5 1722-1728 SWR NL, mx, tk in D, ID in D, tnx rpt. Then strong PLC here.

    6305,5 1841-1848 UNID, nonstop instrum mx (also 1927: was talking) [ cf SWR ]

    6280,2 1723-2002 UNID, mx and offshore history: Caroline 259, 70s (RNI epoch), in native E. [ cf COSMIC ]

    6315,0 1733-1902 UNID, v.weak > e.weak \PLC, often drowned, maybe a break? 1733 rock, later mx. [ cf IWPR ]

    6315 L 1918-2021 UNID, rock, mx, some tk, messing with mx

    6315,0 2021-2208 UNID (same), now in AM low mod, seems v.weak, 2037 in LSB (short), \atmos growing. [cf IWPR ]

    6325,8 1829-2003 UNID, \fishers 6322U, RTTY 6928. 1829 Scorpions, mx, tk in G, 1916 dog barking [ cf CAROL. INT ?]

    6284,0 1848-2031* R. ALTREX, v.weak, moohs!, "We love..", blues, 2004 IDs, c'/d, tnx rpt, more mx.

    6255,0 1905-2125 R. TELSTAR SOUTH, tk: R.London, 60s pop, typical, \storm building up somewhere

    6299,9 1933-1936* UNID, mx, tk, ment' SWR several time, not a clear ID, and off. [ cf NACHTPIRAAT ]

    6305,5 *1936-1939* UNID, QSO-like, in D.

    6305 U 2035-2103 UNID, in AM at first, strong peaks, mx, SSTV at 2050, 2055 and 2103 (2105 gone)

    5785,0 2210-2219* BLUESTAR R., good, D song, g's, ID, switch to 4890

    4890,0 *2221-2226* BLUESTAR R., good \faint het, mx, g's ID, atmos growing up, switching

    6205,0 2228-2232* BLUESTAR R., found here, same filler mx, strong \v.slight 6200 het, switch to 5785

    5785,0 *2232-2239 BLUESTAR R. *, brass mx, g's, D song, (but I switch off).

    * * * * * TUES. 28 AUG. 2012 * * * * *
    6070,0 0728-0732 R. 6150 test %, quite weaker than Kal-Krekel 6005 and 6085. "The final countdown", tk, mx.

    6070,0 1624-1828 R. 6150 test %, offshore Laser Hot Hits tape (NY address), then Caroline 3-1-9, 9-6-2 kHz.

    6085,0 0731-0731 UNID, strong, Sabrina "Boys ..."

    6305,0 1620-1702* R. OSAKA, \some atmos, mainly D songs, 1631 Brown sugar, 1655 g's, IDs+@, Osaka song..

    6315,0 1702-1833 UNID, e.weak \noisy,ut.QRM,PLC. mx, 1805 odd v.weak peak, strange mx. [ cf IWPR ]

    6304,7 1810-1812 UNID, all tracks annt, DJ shouting titles, Caroline-Mi Amigo, pips, PLC s/on [ cf MERLIN ]

    6915,0 1815-2208 LASER HOT HITS, rpts, ID+@, e-mail issues, mx, 2009 FM DX news, FM RSLs.

    6305,5 1833-1837 UNID, \PLC,atmos. D songs, "Paloma blanca" (D version). (1850 gone) [ cf SWR ]

    6319,6 1851-2022 R. CAROLINE INT, \PLC, faint 6315 het, ID+@, Balkans mx (and tk?), also Rainbow ID.

    6285,0 1858-1920 UNID, e.weak \PLC, some mx heard. 1903 ID "Radio -- --" (reverb, too weak) etc. [ cf IWPR ]

    6730 L 1922-1924 UNID, e.weak mx, then lost.

    6734,9 1956-2020 UNID R., e.weak \traffic 6733U, tk over "House of the Rising Sun" (reprise), mx, IDs no copy, 2008 Driver's seat, 2012 Tainted love, 2016 bubble ut., 2020 A.Brown"Fire. [ cf STARCLIPPER, relay ]

    6734,9 2204-2211 COOL AM R., weak, mx, IDs+@, mx.

    5805,0 2023-2034 UNID, \hum (V.close carrier), strange mx hardly above noise, IDs(?) with reverb. IWPR ??

    6300,0 2158-2230 UNID, weak-v.weak \atmos, mx, IDs ~"Radio"with reverb. [ cf R. WILD PIG ]

    * * * * * WED. 29 AUG. 2012 * * * * *

    6070,0 0450-0637 R. 6150 test %, \other stn only a few hertz away with tk and mx, 0637 Caroline 319 tape.

    6915,0 0455,0633 LASER HOT HITS %, 0455 e.weak \up side under ut., 0633 \fading, atmos, tk, mx, C&W

    6915,0 1953-2108 LASER HOT HITS, \noisy, atmos, mx, ID, rock, mx.. still that disturbing noise.

    6952,9 1948-2110 LASER HOT HITS, v.weak \ atmos, ut.burts, not //, FSN, OEM, ID, You don't know, 2008 tk : R.jackie, Caroline N & S, instrum mx, facebook, 2110 duo tk M+W in back.

    * * * * * THURS. 30 AUG. 2012 * * * * *

    6915,0 0428-0520 LASER HOT HITS, reggae, ID, stream schedule, @, mx.

    6915,0 1609-2044 LASER HOT HITS, \some noise and atmos, mx, quick "Laser" IDs, 2044 "Hot stuff".

    6070,0 1607-1920 R. 6150 test %, \atmos, pops w. DJ, probably one more offshore tape.

    6304,9 1602-1739 R. OSAKA, mainly D songs, 1702 ID, then more mixed mx.

    6304,9 1913-2058 R. OSAKA, good \atmos, brass track, pop, D songs.. 2058 ID, "Roxane".

    6280,0 1621-1636 UNID, v.undermod at first, 1625 normal mod "Camouflage", D songs. (1656 gone)

    7600,1 1728,2046 UNID, 1728 e.weak mx \atmos. 2046 e.weak \v.disturbing noise, rock.

    6284,05 1917-1951 R. ALTREX, v.weak \atmos, ut.bursts, Kids in America, Ready for love, 1932 ID.

    6319,6 1943-2058 R. CAROLINE INT, \noise, ut., atmos. mx, IDs

    3905,0 1952-2032* UNID, v.weak \difficult. D mix mx, "These boots.."(reprise), 2030 N coast of NL. [ cf WILLEM ]

    6734,9 2035-2105 UNID, e.weak, mx, 2041 ID no copy, 2052 Led Zeppelin, 2100 weak \PLC, rock. [ cf COOL AM ]

    6930,1 2319-2330 IMR R., \noise, some atmos, song it.kind, ID, pops, 2329 Don't touch that dial!, "Eloise".

    * * * * * FRI. 31 AUG. 2012 * * * * *
    6070,0 0507,0646 R. 6150 test %, weak \splash, "All night long", 0646 \6075 side QRM, 6070 spot on QRM

    6070,0 2013-2107 R. 6150 test, mx, 2102 Blue Oyster Cult (annt at 2107).

    6915,0 0648-0700 LASER HOT HITS, weak > v.weak, mx, tk, ID.

    6915,0 1918-2217 LASER HOT HITS, 1918 ID, 2217 FSN, OEM, mx.

    6286 V 1352-1449* Z. LUXEMBURG, drifting 6285,4 up to 6287,0 v.weak. mx, 1429 "testing", 1431 ID, 1448 IDs.
    6516,1 1657-1710 UNID, weak \Korea 6518 het, D mx, accordion. [ cf MUSIC XPLOSION ]

    6930,1 1702-2216 IMR R., v.weak > weak, mx, tk, 2023 JID, ID+@, 2025 DJ Karen.

    6530,0 1919-1926 UNID, strong, pop, instrum.

    6535,0 1956-1956* UNID (same?), low mod just before blank and switch off.

    6284,0 1928-2101 R. ALTREX, weak \atmos, blues programme, 1953 ID.

    6255,0 1939-2102 R. TELSTAR SOUTH, typical memories tk over 60s instrum tracks, movies, offshore nostalgia...

    6550,0 1957-2053 MUSTANG R., v.strong, mx, g's, ID in D and E, "low power", still v.strong.

    6304,9 2002-2049* UNID, mx, IDs+@, alpha tango, 2044 ID+@ .. from the NL, bye, mx and off. [ cf PYTHON ]

    6315,4 2035-2050* UNID, mx (Captain sensible?), more mx, sudden off.

    6315,4 2055-2109 UNID, mx (incl' latino mx).

    6210,0 2213-2224 HEKLA R., pops and IDs (can't catch @).

    * * * * * SAT. 01 SEPT. 2012 * * * * *

    6915,0 0640-0826 LASER HOT HITS, 0647 "I'm so glad", D.Simpson, 0802 ID, 4015 in works?, M.Scott jingle.

    6915,0 1951-2321 LASER HOT HITS, mx, tk, 2153 ID.

    6070,0 0652-0827 R. 6150 test, "new stn" over Tommy theme, weak \noisy, splash.. (2021 Bridge over...)

    6205,0 0756-0756 UNID, mx under strong PLC. [ cf MISTI ]

    6210,5 1105-1254 R. MARABU %, mx, annt in G \strong PLC, better at night

    6210,5 1923-2203 R. MARABU, \overmod?, funky, P.Floyd, tk in G, 2016 ID, Marabu song, @, more mx.

    6095,0 1109,1256 KBC, JID :"KBC Weekend special". 1256 rock.

    7265,0 1110-1253 HAMBURGER LOKAL R., jazz, tk in G., 1250 ID.

    6319,6 1918-2021 R. CAROLINE INT, mx, 1934 ID+@

    6300,0 1919-1919 UNID, strong \traffic on 6300 U. (1928 gone)

    6290,1 1920-2052 R. LOWLAND, good > strong, euro-pop-D mix, some tk, 2007 ID+@, 2028 ID+rpt

    6255,0 1921-2156 R. TELSTAR SOUTH, strong \occ. fax, So happy together, Those were the days, Mungo J., Big L.

    6278 v 1929-2031 R. WAVES INT, some drift (and maybe slight switch at first), C&W, IDs+postal addr.

    6930,1 1952-2322 IMR R., \traffic 6925 U at first, mx, soul mx.

    6305,0 2022-2325 SPACESHUTTLE R., g's to lisnrs, IDs+@ or POB, 2154 Voyage voyage.

    6565,0 2035-2320 R. POWERLINER INT, s/on ?, 2039 live IDs, H.Rising sun, Down on the corner, Gainsbourg/B.

    6279,9 2053-2055 R. WAVES INT %, back? around 6280, Aznavour "Je me voyais déjà".

    6239,9 2057-2335 WITTE REUS, 'from the N. of Holland", mx mix, ID uncatchy but 2331 "Lady Vampirella" and @

    7600,1 2140-2150 UNID, e.weak \atmos, unknown mx only.

    * * * * * SUN. 02 SEPT. 2012 * * * * *

    6279,7 0703-0711 R. WAVES INT %, weak \atmos,PLC, C&W, tk: Australia, NZ.

    6280,0 0746-0826 R. WAVES INT, weak, F singers: E.Piaf, Sheila,Ch.Aznavour, ID in F+E. 0808 strong peak.0826 ID.

    6210,5 0706-1311 R. MARABU, strong (splashing) \fading > weak. mx, tk in G, 0707 small ID, 0743 Hush

    6210,5 1742-2101 R. MARABU %, rock, P.Floyd"The wall".

    6205,2 0707-0803* UNID, v.weak \Marabu splash, mx, tk, ID "Radio ----", 0741 Sweet Caroline, 0803 bye [ cf DR BUIS ]

    6285,05 0747-0818 R. OME JAN, Knocking on Heaven's door, ID, 0755 ID by W, 0809 euro-it pop

    6915,0 0758-0817 LASER HOT HITS %, v.weak \noisy, then flattened by strong carrier. (Also 2040: noisy, mx)

    9480,0 0810-0815 R. GLORIA INT, strong, in G+E, ID 0813 says "the SW are bad, listen through web" and breaks! Back at 0814 with mx. (prob. till 0859).

    9480,0 *0900-0901 MV BALTIC R., strong, s/on with Man of action, ID+contacts in G, // 6140

    6140,0 0901-0914 MV BALTIC R., strong, //9480, ID+web in E, birthday, Beatles"Birthday". 0914 rock.

    6300,0 0853-0911 UNID, v. weak > trace under slight PLC, Great balls of fire, Peggy Sue, La bamba. [ cf MISTI ]

    6095,0 0902-1309 KBC, strong, C&W, ads Truck News Mag, KBC Import. 1104, 1309: Rosko.

    6070,0 0902-1049 R. 6150 test %, v.weak at best, pop-rock, tk, 0918 Roxane.

    6045,0 0903-0916 UNID, strong, mx, duo W+M tk/speech about Olympic games in G [ cf HAMBURGER LOKAL ]

    7265,0 1050-1100* R. GLORIA INT, no LSB, strong, mx, ID, memories of Gloria on 227m in the 70s. 1058 rpt fr. Belarus

    6305,0 1055-1100 UNID, trace w. some mx [ cf FOX 48 ]

    6280,0 1055-1100 UNID, weak \PLC, disco, mx

    6525,0 1732-1736 R. PINK PANTHER, v.weak \PLC, mx, ID+SMS hl, tnx rpt.

    6310,0 1738-1738 UNID, mx, D mx.

    6305,1 1739-2032 UNID, recording of R.London: jingles, mx, chart ... [ cf R. MERLIN ? ]

    6264,9 1741-1741 UNID, v.weak \utility like a noisy mopad.

    6237,8 1742-1742 UNID, pop mx

    6325,0 1850-1905 UNID, good \noisy ut. D song, instrum, 1905 Mr Tambourineman. [ cf OLD TIMER ]

    6319,6 1852-1931 R. CAROLINE INT, weak, difficult, mx, 1906 Far East mx ?, 1931 ID.

    6289,4 1855-2204 PIRATES FOR PEACE, instrum mx from 60s, 1911 ID+@, etc, in a 90 min loop.

    6275,0 1858-1920 UNID, v.weak or low mod?, mx, instrum filler, tk sounds like traffic over the stn, but at 1914 maybe an ID in Spanish? and at 1917 annt with fq, mod test, pirateradio@... [ cf PYTHON ]

    6266,3 1920-2207 M.A.R. %, daytime trace then 1920 e.weak mx, tk, pops, 1945 junior or W 2nd voice, contacts, e.weak mx for a while, 2153 peaks, progr. in the UK way with M+W DJs.

    6255,5 1924-2201 THE GHOUL, strong peaks, no proud ID, mx, chat, 1951 DifferentRadio@yahoo-co-uk.

    6239,9 1927-2121 SLUWE VOS R., weak, 1927 Baccara, 1930 ID, mx, mx...

    6275,0 1955-2005 UNID, strong, s/on & off w. "Camouflage", already blank at 1949. 2003 R&R

    6205,0 2028-2028 BORDERHUNTER, Blondie "call me", ID, accordion.

    6310,0 2034-2120 UNID, strong, R&R, "caroline newsbeat", parts, D? song about Ost Berlin, 2048 "non stop music programma" more D? song, 2103 This is Radio YOUNGFUROPA (???), classical mx, 2110 long blank, 2112 annt in D ?
    , noises, parts of tracks...

    7600,1 2041-2047 UNID, e.weak mx [ cf LIGHTNING ]

    6279,9 2051-2052 UNID, mx, quickly lost [ cf SHUTTLE ?? ]

    6275,0 2055-2119 R. POWERLINER INT, mx, Bowie"Ashes to ashes, mx, 2119 ID, said 1 more instrum before c'/d

    6300,0 2159-2204* UNID, strong, mx, blank and off. [ cf TRX ]

    6900 L 2339-2343 UNID, weak \noisy,atmos,traffic. accordion, mx

    mx=music, tk=talk, D=Dutch, E=English, G=German, F=French, it.=Italian, rpt=report, v.=very,
    e.=extremely w.=with, ', c'/d=closing down, M/W=man/woman, g'=greeting, ut=utility,
    ID+@=ID+e-mail address, J=jingle, PLC=PowerLineComm'(noise), \=but, %=guess, hl=hotline
    > =becoming/then, [ between sq. brackets : best fit ID, thanks quick logs ]


Re: LOG : 25 AUG. - 02 SEPT. 2012

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2012 21:05 pm
by Caroline
Hi Ray,

thanks a lot for 3 further logs of us there!!

Radio Caroline International. :-$