LOG 06 to 12 AUG. 2012
Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2012 22:01 pm
- * * * * * MON. 06 AUG. 2012 * * * * * mobile, + - 2 kHz
6980 0627-0735 LASER HOT HITS, good > fading, mx, tk, ID
6980 1928-2056 LASER HOT HITS, v.difficult \image from 7880 ut. here, traffic.. mx, tk, ID.
6070 0635-0740 R. 6150 test, \splash, Vatican 6075, Toronto? underneath. 0740 "Tommy" + annt "new stn"
6070 1713-2103 R. 6150 test %, weak > good, RNI tape, including jamming from UK in 1970
6265 1741-1945 R. ALTREX, weak/v.weak \noisy, atmos, mx, 1912 many IDs, 1914 "In the army now"
6280 1921-2016 UNID, difficult, pop, rock, 1925 annt with fq, ID no copy
6290 1939-2101 DELTA R. (UNID which one), drumbox mx, later D songs. 2045 ID, JIDs.
6200 1946-2103 DELTA R. (E. part of NL), strong, synthe mx, 1954 ID, tnx rpt, ... 2046 instrum. mx, 2103 D song
6325 2010-2101 UNID, \image from 7225 here, mx, tk [ cf RAINBOW-CAROLINE]
* * * * * TUES. 07 AUG. 2012 * * * * *
- - - - - mobile on morning (+ - 2 Khz) :
6980 0715-0808 LASER HOT HITS %, good > weak \image from ut 7880 here, mx, 0720 tk: Mebo II
6070,0 0717-0808 R. 6150 test %, v.weak+ peaks \stn underneath, 07017 Bridge over troubled water.
- - - - - back home on evening (+ - 0,2 kHz) :
6305,5 1701-1709 UNID, v.weak, D songs
6070,0 1707-1955 R. 6150 test %, v.weak, mx, tk, 1919 offshore history (c/d of Veronica and RNI).
6980,0 1713-2140 LASER HOT HITS, \under F hams at first, later fading. 1907 JID, mx, 2140 ID+@
6325,2 1719-1722* UNID, e.weak \PLC > fair, mx, 1721 accordion, off no ID. [ cf SWR NL ]
6288,0 1722-1735 UNID, v.weak +very short peaks, mx, blanks, 1727 D song, etc. [ cf B.BANDIT ? ]
6305,0 1729-1735 UNID, v.weak \PLC, songs (D ? songs), no tk. [ cf POWERLINER ]
6265,1 1736-1736 UNID, e.weak, mx. (Also : 1828-1840 only a trace). [ cf ALTREX ]
6240,0 1832-1851 R. ALTREX, e.weak \occ. fax, songs, mx, 1848 tk and sings over mx, IDs 1850 mooh! (maybe 2002*)
6289,0 1836-1837* UNID, strong, was talking in D and E, synthe mx and off.
6289,3 *1837-1840 BOOMERANG or SWR in QSO, mx, both names, which one speaking ?
6319,5 1908-2021 R. CAROLINE INT, weak \PLC, mx from S.E. Europe, 1958 JID, 2021 ID+@
6280,1 1910-2135 UNID, strong\fading > weak\low mod, pops, 2031 ..end of ID, mx [ cf COSMIC ]
3931,7 2003-2019 UNID, v.weak \occ. traffic (vocoder), mx, tk over, Internet address (no copy), then mx only [ cf ROZ ]
6524,9 2022-2131 MUSTANG, strong-v.strong, pops, 2058 tnx, IDs, Pony next, 2119 synthe-disco-spacey
6935,0 2034-2036 UNID, e.weak, mx, tk (low mod or flattened by other carrier?), 2036 lost
6935,0 2104-2119 UNID, e.weak, D mx, accordion, sudden short IDs over ("Radio -- --"). (2133 gone)
6289,7 2121-2135 DELTA R., weak +odd strong peak, "Relax" and freeze mx, 2135 hello Dino, ID, H.California.
6205,0 2124-2142 UNID, mx, 2124 was tk' in E, Driver's seat. [ cf WITTE REUS ]
6305,0 2309-2312 UNID, mx with sudden audio breaks. [ cf POWERLINER ]
* * * * * WED. 08 AUG. 2012 * * * * *
6070,0 0652-0658 R. 6150 test, \other stn underneath, splash, 0658 new stn annt over "Tommy" theme (+2003 D song)
6980,0 0655-0655 LASER HOT HITS, \fading, Morse on 6983. mx, tk, IDs
6980,0 1930-2037 LASER HOT HITS, \traffic on 6979L, FSN, OEM, ID, mx
6319,6 1910-2124 R. CAROLINE INT, pops, IDs, JIDs.
6280,1 1911-2201 R. MERLIN INT, strong \noisy ut.6275, pops, 2000 mx & stealth IDs, 2136 clear ID, 2201 c'/d ID.
6425,4 1922-2047 UNID, strong \bit of PLC, D songs, polkas, no tk. [ cf G.V.]
6940,0 1927-2036 I.M.R., \fading, pops and soul mx, W DJ, 1929 quick ID
7610,0 1933-1945 R. GERONIMO SW, very strong, mx, ID, Dave Simpson show, IDs, POB, long ad for BDXC
6324,6 1948-1951* UNID, v.weak, "Reveille rock", one more track and off.
6308,0 1952-2030 R. POWERLINER INT, strong, D-instrum-pop mix, 2028 ID over "Devil in disguise", said c'/d
6290,0 1958-2001 UNID, \splash from Merlin, pop, 2001 In the year 25-25. [ cf GRENSSTAD ]
6306,7 2030-2042* DELTA R., first as a het, 2038 rock, 2040 ID, rep. to Powerliner, more mx and off.
6308,0 2042-2048 POWERLINER %, strong, pop mx.
6308,0 2106-2110 POWERLINER %, strong, in D+E, "Powerliner" once and "Delta" many times, g's to Gino.
6306,7 2117-2124 DELTA R. again, in D, QSO with Powerliner
6289,4 2111-2116* UNID, mx, and off.
6305,5 2127-2128 UNID, mx, then ment' Delta, Powerliner, SWR. [ cf SWR NL ]
6300,0 2202-2203 UNID, mx, then a C&W track. [ cf TRX ]
* * * * * THURS. 09 AUG. 2012 * * * * *
6980,0 0531-0746 LASER HOT HITS, v.weak+weak peaks \atmos, occ. Morse. 0557 ID by Ian Lawrence.
6980,0 2110,2143 LASER HOT HITS, v.weak \ut.background, mx, 2110 laser effects, 2143 "Laser Int"
6070,0 0534-0748 R. 6150 test %, \splash from 6060 and 6075, stn underneath, PLC. RNI tape
6070,0 1925,2142 R. 6150 test %, mx, 1925 \splash from around, 2142 \noisy, PLC
6315 v 1926-2015* WERKLANK, 6315,4 down to 6313,5 then up to 6316,2 D songs, accordion, 2003 IDs and pop, c'/d
6306,5 1929-2027 UNID, strong \hum. rock, 1929 Bad to the bone, 1951 American woman [ cf SWR ?]
6281,4 1944-1958 UNID, drift to 6281,6, pop, 1958 Lou Reed ? [ idea : LUX . ]
6320,0 *2015-2020* R. POWERLINER INT, 2015 blank, 2016'40" mx, ID, rpt for Werklank in D, mx, off
6290,0 2022-2124 UNID, \ut. over low side, In the year 25-25, pop, synthe, Blues Bros, ID Full stop??, N.pole??, 2107 bit of drift to 6289,9, 2123 c'/d annt (far from the mike), bye bye, mx [ cf GRENSSTAD ]
6282,9 2024-2030 UNID, pop (parts), 2030 brass mx on 6283,1 [ idea : LUX . ]
6240,05 2030-2040 UNID, weak \occ.fax and traffic, Dylan"Like a rolling stone", ID over (no copy), 60s pop, You don't know(?), 2037 Sweets for my sweet, etc... [ cf R. KILOHERTZ ]
6320 a 2112-2126 R. POWERLINER INT, strong \atmos, mx jammed by tech chat in D, QSO with Zodiac, ID+@
* * * * * FRI. 10 AUG. 2012 * * * * *
6070,0 0610-0634 R. 6150 test %, \splash from 6060, stn underneath. RNI tape
6070,0 1540-1543 R. 6150 test, \PLC, annt "new stn" over Tommy theme. (also 1920 mx)
6980,0 0616-0639 LASER HOT HITS %, \fading, mx, tk
6980,0 2011-2118 LASER HOT HITS, ad for LHH sweat shirts, Laser goes DX (Caroline ships), 2118 mx \noisy
6290,1 1921-2036 WITTE REUS, strong \PLC, mx, tk, g's, ment' Lady Vampirella, 1942 ID, 2024 Focus
6210,0 1924-1935 UNID, \gluing PLC , pops, tk over "Here comes the sun", I&T.Turner"Proud Mary. [ cf R. AC/DC ]
6300,3 1941-2038 UNID, \stinking ut.noise, PLC, D mx, 2023 & 2038 tk (no copy, too much noisy) [ cf GOLFBR. ]
6300,3 2142-2150 UNID, R&R (Elvis?), "Good night sweet heart (?). [ cf TRX ]
6425,0 1949-1954 UNID, \gluing PLC, quiet mx [ cf TRANSEUROPE ]
6450,5 1955-2022 UNID, 1955 rock. 2021 on-off-on-off : QSO with short turns (AM mode) [ cf READYMIX ]
6915 v 1959-2153 UNID, drift down/up, messing, many kinds of mx, 2128 F singer Barbara in G?
6940,0 2001-2140 IMR R., \fading, mx, tk, 2119 ID
3905,0 2025-2029 UNID, v.weak at best, synthe mx [ cf DOKKUM ]
6250,0 2112-2115 UNID, mx under loc.noise and PLC
6905,0 2122-2152 UNID, e.weak (low mod), accordion, 2124 ID "-- -- Int", break, 2133 back, 2137 spelling ---WR---, 2139 same kind of ID, by W, mx. 2152 mx, then lost. [ cf R. PACO ]
6200,0 2143-2145 UNID, pop but a chinese? st. on the fq.
* * * * * SAT. 11 AUG. 2012 * * * * *
6980,0 0558, 0800 LASER HOT HITS %, weak > e.weak \atmos, mx
6980,0 2151-2155 LASER HOT HITS, rock, FSN, Laser Int, mx
6070,0 0603-0756 R. 6150 test %, \PLC, 6060 splash, Toronto? on fq
6070,0 2220-2225 R. 6150 test %, \fading, Black night, R. Caroline Int with phone campaign, mx
6095,0 0907-0920 KBC %, R&R.
6290,0 2113-2129 UNID, synthe mx (80s)
6285,0 2115-2202 R. OSAKA, strong, D song, ID, various mx, D mx.
6280,3 2115-2158* UNID, weak mx, occ. tk. (no copy). 2158 hum with chinese stn on 6280,0 then off. [ cf COSMIC ]
6451,2 2130-2251 UNID, strong, blues, '60 guitar, C&W, instrum, 2205 D mx time. [ cf LOWLAND ]
6940,0 2138-2205 IMR R., 2140 Pretty woman, 2150 ID, Sweets for my sweet, Judy in disguise
7600,1 2208-2213 UNID, e.weak mx [ cf LIGHTNING ]
6290,0 2217-2232 R. OSAKA, accordion, ID, 2229 Plaisir d'amour (instrum v.)
* * * * * SUN. 12 AUG. 2012 * * * * * sampling listening!
6925 U 0409-0430 UNID, e.weak mx at best \deep fades, atmos, occ. ut. [ cf RML ? ]
6205,2 0751-0755 UNID, e/weak, \PLC, mx [ cf ORANG UTAN ]
6175,4 0756-0822 CRAZY WAVE R., v.weak \PLC, first mx and no copy tk, ID at 0817, then mx and IDs
6070,0 0826-0902 R. 6150 test %, v.weak > e.weak \PLC, mx (also 1442 e. weak mx)
6070,0 1920-2127 R. 6150 test, 1934 annt new stn (over Tommy theme), R Caroline tape.
6306,3a 0828-0948 UNID, e.weak \ PLC, mx, tk, strong het 6306,9 at 0922-0927 approx. [ cf ALTREX ]
6980,0 0830-0920 LASER HOT HITS, \G traffic on 6979 L, later e.weak.
6980,0 2028,2118 LASER HOT HITS %, weak \strong ut.noise
9480,0 0838-0900* MV BALTIC R. ?, strong \PLC, Rolling Sones special.
12257a 0842-0858 WR INT, v.weak > fair \PLC, mx, tk, 0854 ID, 0858 jazz
6095,0 0901-0942 KBC, strong, rock, pops, ID, ad KBC Import. (also 1356-1400)
6280,2 0905-0946 UNID, v.weak, R. Caroline rec', "Goodbye Caroline", W DJ, 0915 audio break, 0929 mx
6210,0 0932-0944 BORDERHUNTER, strong > weak! live tk over mx, IDs
6294,8 0946-0948* UNID \PLC, mx, blank and off.
6280,2 1404-2108* COSMIC R., v.weak + odd peaks. pop mx, tk, 2107 clear ID at last, over "Hush", blank, off.
6301,6 1940-1954 UNID, \noisy ut, traffic, drift to 6301,8, D version of "Milord",
6306,5 1951-1955 UNID, v.weak, synthe mx [ cf VAKANTIE MAN ?]
6450,4 2020-2238 R. MERLIN INT, pops and IDs, S.Shaw"Always sth, Booker T, Mott the H., 2238 ad for DrTim
6940,0 2028-2241 IRISH MUSIC R., pops, soul mx, D.Ross "Stop in .., 2116 ID, mx
6240,2 2111-2113* UNID, S&G "The sound of silence", then off. [ cf MORNING STAR ]
6287,2 2241-2248 BLACK BANDIT R., mx+tk, 2242 Scorpions "Wind of change", 2246 ID, g's, stormy background
mx=music, tk=talk, D=Dutch, E=English, G=German, F=French, it.=Italian, rpt=report, v.=very,
e.=extremely w.=with, '=..ing, c'/d=closing down, M/W=man/woman, g'=greeting, ut=utility,
ID+@=ID+e-mail address, J=jingle, PLC=PowerLineComm'(noise), \=but, %=guess, hl=hotline
> =becoming/then, [ between sq. brackets : best fit ID, thanks quick logs ]