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Sounds in Kiev [10.07.2012 - 14.08.2012]

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2012 00:48 am
by ulx2


22.30 - 6305,0 - Black Bandit Radio - 55445


20.25 - 6205,0 - Radio Spaceshuttle Int'l - 44333
20.40 - 6240,0 - UNID (Bulgarian official station relay, tent.) - 44444
20.52 - 7600,0 - Lightning Radio (tent.) - 34433
21.15 - 6304,9 - Radio Ronin Shortwave (tent.) - 43333
22.00 - 6260,6 - Radio Underground (tent.) - 34322
22.22 - 6910L - Baltic Sea Radio - 44444
22.43 - 6325,0 - Summermeeting Radio - 44344


00.45 - 6735,0 - Radio Cool AM - 144x1-34422
19.48 - 6290,4 - Radio Ronin Shortwave - 44444
20.16 - 6525,0 - Mustang Radio / Radio Tidal Wave - 55444
20.28 - 6925,0 - Radio Python (tent.) - 25432
20.42 - 6306,6 - Radio SWR (tent.) - 34433
22.10 - 6930,0 - Radio Trans Europe - 35433
22.17 - 6317,6 - Black Bandit Radio - 55444
22.21 - 6207,0 - Sluwe Vos Radio (tent.) - 34333
23.03 - 6940,0 - IMR - 35433


00.19 - 6920L - Baltic Sea Radio - 45444
20.49 - 6319,8 - Radio Caroline Int'l / Radio Rainbow Int'l - 45444-55444
20.55 - 3935,0 - Radio Batavia (tent.) - 35322
21.04 - 6525,0 - Radio Pink Panther (tent.) - 34322
23.25 - 6255,0 - Radio London (via Telstar South, tent.) - 35433


19.45 - 6304,0 - Radio Magic AM (tent.) - 35433
19.57 - 6325,0 - Radio Ronin Shortwave - 45444


21.49 - 6325,0 - Radio Ome Jan - 34333-43444
22.07 - 6307,0 - Radio Powerliner Int'l - 44444
22.14 - 6320,0 - Black Bandit Radio - 55445
22.19 - 7600,0 - Lightning Radio (tent.) - 25422


21.15 - 6300,0 - Radio Golfbreker - 43443
22.44 - 6306,0 - Radio Powerliner Int'l - 34433-44444
23.05 - 6280,0 - Radio Tarzan - 44444


22.16 - 6300,2 - Radio Flying Dutchman - 34343-44343
22.20 - 6565,0 - Radio Powerliner Int'l - 33333
22.34 - 6240,1 - Radio Flying Dutchman - 35333-45333


22.42 - 6940,5 - Polaris Radio - 34433
23.00 - 3904,9 - Radio Alice - 44444


22.00 - 6925,0 - Trans Europe Radio - 45434
22.09 - 6565,0 - The Voice of The Dark Woods - 45434
23.05 - 3905,0 - Skyline Int'l Radio - 44444
23.11 - 6925U - Baltic Sea Radio 35443
23.18 - 6940,0 - IMR - 35433
23.32 - 3905,0 - Radio Alice - 44344


21.55 - 6565,0 - Radio Powerliner Int'l - 45344
23.00 - 6305,0 - TRX Radio - 45434
23.06 - 3930,0 - Radio Batavia (tent.) - 35232


22.20 - 7600,0 - Lightning Radio (tent.) - 35333
22.31 - 6565,0 - Radio Powerliner Int'l - 35333


19.40 - 6319,6 - BNA Radio - 44333
20.11 - 6285,0 - Radio Black Arrow - 35333
22.00 - 6315,0 - Radio Weerklank - 45243
22.19 - 6940,0 - IMR - 35233


21.00 - 6300,3 - Radio Golfbreker - 44444
21.44 - 6905,0 - Radio Pogo International (tent.) - 44444
22.18 - 6300,0 - Radio TRX - 53444
22.28 - 6260,0 - Black Bandit Radio - 55445
23.00 - 6940,0 - IMR - 35433


20.50 - 15060,0 - Trans Europe Radio - 45433
21.03 - 6451,2 - Radio Lowland - 45433
23.48 - 6290,0 - Radio Osaka - 34333
23.54 - 6980,0 - LHH (tent.) - 35333
23.57 - 7600,1 - Lightning Radio - 33433


19.50 - 6210,0 - Radio Hekla - 44433
22.30 - 6210,0 - Radio Hekla - 44344

Each frequency is in kHz and may differ from exact value on +- 200 Hz, time and dates are UTC. Reception was mostly in conditions of strong local QRM. Many thanks for the help with identification and contact information to all members of Iann's chat.

QTH: Kiev, Ukraine
RX: Degen DE-1103
ANT: Outdoor wire (10-15 mtrs)

Best wishes!


Re: Sounds in Kiev [10.07.2012 - 14.08.2012]

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2012 21:27 pm
by Caroline
Hi dear Alexandr,

thanks again for any further log of us there!!!!!!!!!!! :)

Hope, you are ok and best wishes to you from us,
Radio Caroline/Rainbow International. :veryhi