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Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2012 06:57 am
by Ray Lalleu
  • * * * * * MON. 30 JUL. 2012 * * * * *

    6070,0 0457-0559 R. 6150 test %, RNI tape, other stn underneath, also squeezed at times

    6070,0 1835-2030 R. 6150 test %, weak > good > het, mx & tk, probably RNI tape

    6980,0 0500-0841 LASER HOT HITS, e.weak +v.weak peaks, LHH ID, Dave Simpson JID, 0840 good \fading, IDs

    4015,0 0503-0547 LASER HOT HITS, e.weak loc.noise, mx, ID...

    4015,0 1920-2028 LASER HOT HITS, \loc.noise, mx, tk, rpt, ID, JID

    6300 a 1841-1910 R. OME JAN, \noise ut. on 6298, tweety on 6302. D songs, 1854 occ. awful noise, 1906 ID in G, hets

    6288,4 1845-1856 R. LUXEMBURG, pops, drift to 6288,5 then jump to 6284,1

    6284,1 1856-1905 R. LUXEMBURG, pops, 1857 ID, drift to 6284,2 (1910 gone)

    6264,8 1846-1945 R. ALTREX, weak \noisy,PLC,het from 6263,1. D songs, instrum(Oldfield?), 1936 ID.

    6289,9 1858-1904* UNID, v.weak, instrum mx (M.Oldfield ?), off without annt.

    6309,9 1932-1944* UNID, good, mx, 1942 "Pop-corn", 1944 off without annt.

    * * * * * TUES. 31 JUL. 2012 * * * * *

    6070,0 0550-0629 R. 6150 test %, strong > good \Toronto? QRM almost equal, RNI tape, 0619 "Tommy", annt new stn

    6070,0 1948-2144 R. 6150 test %, "Tommy", annt new stn, RNI tape. (also 1500-1545 e.weak \sunk in PLC)

    4015,0 0553-0553 LASER HOT HITS %, e.weak \loc.noise, mx, tk.

    4015,0 2000-2158 LASER HOT HITS, v.weak > good (with a small loop), pops, tk, IDs, 2153 long tk and ID.

    6980,0 0556-0558 LASER HOT HITS, fair \fading,bit of RTTY on 6986, mx, tk, ID, stream and fqs

    6980,0 2042-2044 LASER HOT HITS, e.weak, loc.noise, mx, ID.

    6305,0 1504-1534 R. OSAKA, fair \deep fading, Birdie song, it. song, D mx, 1526 ID

    6205,0 1916-1944 R. SPACESHUTTLE, v.weak \under splashes at first, mx, tk, IDs, hello Ome Jan, rock, IDs

    6286,0 1937-1947 R. BLACK BANDIT, v.strong splahing widely, C&W, tk: Ome Jan, known V., accordion, tk, C&W

    6279,8 1939-1939 UNID, strong, tk, mx (1943 gone)

    6305,1 2023-2034 CUPID R., strong, mx, 2032 live ID, g's, rpt from Ukr, mx ~techno.

    6510,0 2025-2310 UNID, \fading, non stop D songs (some drum mx or euro mx at times). [ cf RISING SUN ]

    6525,0 2027-2139 UNID, strong > v.strong, mx, 2030 gd ev', tnx rpt Catalunya, no ID heard., mx, mx... [ cf MUSTANG ]

    6935,0 2038-2133 UNID, weak \fading, mx, yodl, 2129 ID -- -- INTERNATIONAL, , mx. [ cf SHORT WAVE R. INT ?]

    6290,1 2142-2206 R. OME JAN, strong \fading, Riders on the storm, pops, Elvis or alike, 2205 ID, Black Betty.

    3905,0 2147-2151* UNID, e.weak (trace at 1950), mx, ID (no copy), -- -- AM@hotmail, mx, 2151 sudden off [cf DOKKUM]

    6565,0 2310-2320 UNID, non stop mx. [ cf POWERLINER ]

    * * * * * WED. 01 AUG. 2012 * * * * *

    6070,0 0605-0819 R. 6150 test %, RNI tape, bad SAH (Toronto? underneath), 0818 annt in G 6070 kHz and E,\PLC

    6070,0 1925-2213 R. 6150 test %, strong \splash QRM, Ode to Billy Joe, rock, (RNI tape?), "Casanova" (adv?)

    4015,0 0616-0621 LASER HOT HITS, e.weak \loc.noise, OEM ad, JID, mx, ID+@, mx

    4015,0 1945-2204 LASER HOT HITS, v.weak > fair \atmos,RTTY on 4018, mx, tk, FSN,OEM,ID+@, mx, RTTY goes on

    6980 morning nothing at all

    6980,0 1929-2140 LASER HOT HITS, weak, mx, ID unclear with "radio", DJ names, 2012 Laser, mx, later \atmos.

    6940,0 1927-2210 IMR ??, \Noisy ut., humon/off/on..., traffic, later atmos, W DJ, mx, 2016 Internet in "tk".

    3905,1 1947-2203 SKYLINE INT R., \atmos, pops, 2018 ment' Zeewolf, ID, mx again.

    6291,1 2005-2023 UNID, \fading,atmos, mx, ID,g's, Rasputin, 2021 Soldiers..heroes, rpt, Major Tom [cf B.ARROW ]

    6306,0 2124-2132 R. SPACESHUTTLE, pop-rock, ID

    6306,0 2149-2202 R. SPACESHUTTLE, mx, IDs (was under pop on 6305,0 at 2148)

    6288,6 2126-2132 UNID, e.weak mx > trace on 6288,7.

    6524,9 2134-2207 UNID, strong +peaks, mx, 2145 tnx rpt, more mx. [ cf MUSTANG ]

    6735,0 2142-2210 UNID, v.weak \atmos, mx, maybe some tk. [ cf COOL AM ]

    6291,25 2151-2202 R. BLACK ARROW, mx, hello Terry .. Alfred .., ID, "Angie", mx..

    * * * * * THURS. 02 AUG. 2012 * * * * *

    6980,0 0500-0730 LASER HOT HITS, weak +fair peaks \atmos. mx,tk, ID

    6980,0 2004,2100 LASER HOT HITS %, 2004 : under G traffic on 6979 LSB, 2100 : mx

    6070,0 0503-0725 R. 6150 test %, RNI tape \later Vatican on 6075, later PLC

    6070,0 2010,2116 R. 6150 test, 2010 "Tommy" and "watch out .." annt, then RNI ID over Man of action. 2116 mx

    4015,0 0505-0543 LASER HOT HITS, ID, duo tk with 2nd voice far from mike. 0541 weak \fading, occ.loc.noise,

    4015,0 2016-2050 LASER HOT HITS %, weak \atmos, RTTY on 4018, mx, tk

    6300,2 1448-1502 R. MERLIN INT, \v.disturbing PLC, mx, IDs.

    6290,3 1917-1922 UNID, rock, 1922 splash from 6285 (1927 gone)

    6285,0 1920-1943 UNID, rock and D mx, In the year 25-25, Reveille rock (wrong speed at start!)

    6279,9 1925-1958 UNID, strong, splashing \6275noise, Knock on wood, ou-i-ou-a-a, accordion [ cf BLACK POWER]

    6205,0 1926-1926 UNID, D singer with accordion.

    6206,0 1944-2058 SLUWE VOS R., weak \atmos, pops, IDs, g's(Gino,Andy,UKdxer), 2006 Scorpions"Wind of change

    6935,0 2000-2003 UNID, e.weak \atmos, drumbox mx, some tk

    3929,9 2012-2117 R. BATAVIA, \atmos, scratching ut. splash, mx, ID+@, "The best.." ! , ID+web

    3905,0 2034-2044 UNID, e.weak \atmos, some mx heard under atmos (2118 a trace only)

    6291,25 2050-2057 BLACK ARROW, strong \stinking noise under "The sound of silence", later \fading,atmos. 2054 ID, instrum mx, ID in D or G, "House of the rising sun".

    6290,0 2109-2112 CUPID R., strong-v.strong, IDs, pops, You really got me, Tommy.

    6290,5 2120-2132 CUPID R., strong-v.strong, IDs, ID+@, CCR, 2132 M.Oldfield mx(?)

    6315,0 2120-2132 UNID, pop-rock, ID -- -- Radio, D song, instrum. mx, etc... [ cf OLDTIMER ]

    6304,9 2255-2257 UNID, \some CPL, Jimi Hendrix, then rock-blues. [ cf ZODIAC ] (2307 gone)

    6920,5 2300-2305 UNID, strong, mx. [ cf POLARIS ]

    * * * * * FRI. 03 AUG. 2012 * * * * *

    6980,0 0458-0600 LASER HOT HITS, strong > fair, mx, ID, tk

    6980,0 1730-2050 LASER HOT HITS %, mx and tk under a noisy ut.

    6070,0 0502-0603 R. 6150 test %, strong > fair \splashes,cochannel QRM,later PLC, RNI tape, 0602 ment' R.Seagull

    6070,0 1629-1839 R. 6150 test %, weak \PLC,side QRM. 1838 RNI tape

    6735,0 1635-1932 COOL AM R., e.weak \PLC,fading, pops, tk, 1926 jingles, IDs+@, Man of action.

    6735,0 2140-2143 UNID, v.weak, Pretty flamingo, "We are RDF (??), Pirates for Peace (?) "

    5800,4 1655-2120 UNID, e.weak > v.weak \loc.noise, D mx, 1826 then mx+tk in D (and shout) [ cf OVR ]

    6940,0 1729-2214 IMR R., e.weak>v.weak\atmos, pops, W DJ, 2050 Cream, Thin Lizzy 2211 soul, 2213 ID

    6279,9 1830-1932 UNID, Born to be alive, synthe, Sound of silence, 1919 Born in the ghetto, S&Garfunkel [ cf LUXEMB.]

    6268,5 1903-2100 UNID, trace > e.weak, drift to 6268,1 some mx heard after 1930

    6305,5 2010-2059* UNID, D mx (2010 mexican style), with het from 6306,5

    6306,5 2010-2135* UNID, under 6305,5 till 2059, then solo but still quite unclear [ cf OME JAN ]

    6285,0 2012-2012 UNID, mx, NYC feathered (2021 gone)

    6210,0 2015-2102 UNID, e.weak, mx at first, then long tk (maybe a far away stn or a TX intermod)

    6450,0 2022-2047 R. LOWLAND, v.strong \hum, mx, live ID, Monkees"A little bit.., 2038 on 6450,05 approx

    6525,0 2024-2047 UNID, v.strong, pops, D song. [ cf MUSTANG ]

    6540,0 2027-2047 R. BOOMERANG, strong > v.strong, I put a spell on you, pops, D song, A.Brown"Fire", testing, ID

    6565,0 2032-2140 UNID, strong, Ashes to ashes, pops, 2044 "Paris latino", mx, mx. [ cf POWERLINER ]

    6575,0 2033-2049 UNID, fair \fading,splash, J.Dutronc"Il est 5h..." 2044 No milk today [ cf SUNDOWN ]

    3905,0 2106-2109 UNID, mx with bad mod (already sooner) (2116 gone)

    6290,4 2122-2134 UNID, pops, 2123 g's to Boomi, c'/d, 99 luft ballons, g's.. 2127 G hard rock,.. [ cf BLACK ARROW ]

    6304,9 2136-2136 UNID, mx

    * * * * * SAT. 04 AUG. 2012 * * * * *

    6980,0 0650-0748 LASER HOT HITS, weak \loc.noise, mx, tk, "Stewart Ross is coming on", > v.weak, mx

    6980,0 1445-1509 LASER HOT HITS %, e.weak mx, tk

    6980,0 1927-2100 LASER HOT HITS %, weak \atmos, mx

    6070,0 0653-0656 R. 6150 test %, weak \PLC, RNI tape

    6070,0 1947-2007 R. 6150 test, weak \PLC, ID by "Tommy"+"Watch out.." annt, then RNI tape

    7265,0 0657-0831 HAMBURGER LOKAL R., G.Hauser WOR, 0659 IDs in E+G, jazz program, tk in G, 0806 fussbal

    6300,2 0750-0801 UNID, e.weak \PLC, mx, Kinks"Sunny afternoon", mx [ cf WALDM.]

    6265,0 0802-0832 UNID, 0802 v.weak mx \PLC, soon f/down to a trace. [ cf ALTREX ]

    6305,1 1336-1502 R. MERLIN INT, weak \PLC, mx, IDs, "Owner of..", "She's not there", ZZTop, 1456 IDs by J.Frost, followed by M saying it was DJ Nelly, (not the first time I hear such nonsense).

    6095,0 1339-1505 KBC, strong, mx, tk, JID, KBC Import ad, R&R.

    6940,0 1911-2128 IMR R., \noisy,atmos, mx, ID, then much mx, 2123 disco "Your body.."

    6924,9 1913-1934 UNID, \noisy,atmos, mx, IDs+address by W at 1916(no copy),1925(same),1933(worse) [cf PACO ]

    6924,9 2015-2058 UNID, e. weak, mx, 2058 still same ID no copy (2121 gone) [ cf PACO ]

    6319,6 1919-2008 UNID, mx and jingles, sounds like R.Caroline Int, but no ID heard. [ cf BNA R. ]

    6305,1 1935-1955* UNID, e.weak-v.weak \PLC,atmos, mx

    6294,1 1936-1955 UNID, e.weak \PLC,atmos, mx (under 6295 at 1955)

    6295,0 1955-2008 UNID, \het, mx, Yellow sun of Ecuador :-( , 2008 no het.

    6285,1 2009-2011 UNID, fair +peaks \atmos, mx, tnx to Alex\UKR. [ cf BLACK ARROW ]

    6915,1 2013-2127* UNID, \atmos, mx, IDs+@ (never copy), Alpha Tango .. low power .. bye cheerio [ cf PYTHON ]

    6314,0 2130-2149 UNID, rock, accordion, Mickey Mouse polka, messing with tracks and mike, allo.. [ cf WERKLANK]

    6305,5 2132-2133 R. SWR, c'/d ID, goodbye, mx (2138 gone)

    6290,0 2134-2143* UNID, "Yellow sun.." again :-( again [ cf GRENSSTAD ]

    6255,0 2135-2226 R. TELSTAR SOUTH, typical with pops, memories, IDs, 2223 School's out

    6314,6 2153-2204* R. WERKLANK, \fading, atmos, drift to 6315,05, D or G songs, 2202 c'd ID

    6305,05 2204-2230 UNID, v.weak\PLC,atmos,fades, mx, Do wah Diddy, Mr Tambourineman [ cf ANTONIO ]

    6325,0 2214-2230 UNID, v.weak \atmos, D mx, talking very low, test-1-2, etc... 2228 ID (no copy). [ cf N. PIRAAT ]

    * * * * * SUN. morning 05 AUG. 2012 * * * * * home, + - 0,2 kHz, short times

    6980,0 0620-0746 LASER HOT HITS %, fair > weak \fading, some atmos, mx, long tracks

    6070,0 0632-0734 R. 6150 test %, strong\fading > v.weak\PLC, RNI tape

    7630,2 0746-0958* F.R.VICTORIA, strong, D songs, euro mx, R&R. 0954 ID+@ in E+G, c'/d, last song in G, bye.

    7265,0 0828-0832 R. GLORIA %, \some atmos, it. or euro pop, tk in E, Moody Blues... (AM but no LSB).

    6005,0 0834-0839 R. 700 %, pop, long tk in G

    6290,1 0840-0845* \PLC, mx, 0844 I saw her standing there (reprise), sudden off. [ cf SHADOWMAN ]

    6305,1 0903-0911 UNID, e.weak-fair, 0908 meesing with rock track, 0911 synthe-voiceless M singer [cf SHADOWMAN ]

    6301,0 0905-0905 UNID, v.weak mx.

    6140,0 0912-0950 MV BALTIC R., strong, mx, 0913 ID, Nachrichten, 0945 "Angie".

    6095,0 0914-1007 KBC, strong > v.strong, rock, rock, rock.

    9480,0 *1000-1008 R. GLORIA INT, ID, tk over mx, usual relays, "Gloria" rock, schedule, Switzerland, Jesus-Christ.

    * * * * * SUN. evening 05 AUG. 2012 * * * * * + - 2 kHz

    6940 1854-2055 IMR, noisy > good, Pretty woman, Lucy in the sky.., Beach Boys,...

    6980 1857-2055 LASER HOT HITS %, long sunk in noise, later atmos, 2034 tk:Scotland, 2055 Bette Davis eyes.

    6315 1900-1930 UNID, D songs (problem of image with simple portable setup) [cf 6314 DELTA ]

    6280 1906-1908 UNID, \noisy, mx [ cf COSMIC ?]

    6240 1909-2027 UNID, v.difficult, mx, tk, IDs+@ (no copy), sounds like R.Carol.Int [ cf CAROL. INT ]

    6305 1932-2041 R. MERLIN INT, pops, IDs+@, often W voice.

    6255 1946-2050 R. TELSTAR SOUTH, > strong, ID, typical mx background, pops and talk. 2050 CCR.

    6208a 2012-2056 BOGUSMAN %, mx and long chats.

    6290 2043-2053 R. FOXFIRE, difficult, Funky town w. accordion, 2047 ID+@, g's to B.Arrow.

    6200 2330-2333 DELTA R., ID, hl, mx, mx, hl

    6925 2350-2410 UNID, e.weak, mx and tk.

    mx=music, tk=talk, D=Dutch, E=English, G=German, F=French, it.=Italian, rpt=report, v.=very,
    e.=extremely w.=with, ', c'/d=closing down, M/W=man/woman, g'=greeting, ut=utility,
    ID+@=ID+e-mail address, J=jingle, PLC=PowerLineComm'(noise), \=but, %=guess, hl=hotline
    > =becoming/then, [ between sq. brackets : best fit ID, thanks quick logs ]

    A few weeks off now. Full week 32 and maybe light following weeks : wait September.
