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Logs from South-West of France - August 3 to 5

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2012 20:29 pm
by Toutatis
Here are the logs of the weekend :

Friday 3rd August

6280 1936 44444 Radio Luxemburg
6450 2016 54444 Radio Lowland
6525 2023 54544 Radio Mustang
6540 2039 55544 Radio Boomerang
6565 1945 44433 Radio Powerliner
6575 1951 45433 Sundown Radio

Saturday 4th August

6095 1220 55545 KBC Radio - via Media Broadcast
6285 2032 45444 Radio Black Arrow
6980 0647 35433 Laser Hot Hits

Sunday 5th August

6045 0935 55545 Hamburger Lokalradio - via Media Broadcast
6095 0940 55455 KBC Radio - via Media Broadcast - 1559 : end
6140 0906 55545 MV Baltic Radio - via Media Broadcast
6200 0822 22422 Crazy Wave Radio
6214 0652 35332 Unid - King SW ? very bad modulation
6240 1706 44333 Flying Dutchman
6287 1655 45343 Radio Luxemburg
6290 0837 45444 Unid
6305 0923 45444 Radio Shadowman - 0934 : end
6980 0625 44343 Laser Hot Hits
7265 0801 45333 Radio Gloria Int. - via MV Baltic Radio - Göhren - Germany
7630 0736 45434 Free Radio Victoria
9480 1000 45434 Radio Gloria Int. - via MV Baltic Radio - Göhren - Germany
12257 0639 25422 WR International - 0851 : 45434 - 1100 : news - 1104 : end

Good listening.

Re: Logs from South-West of France - August 3 to 5

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2012 21:32 pm
by Dave Jones
Hi Michel,
Glad to see that WR International made it through to you again this week. Thanks for the mention in your logs, looks like we down on or luck with the conditions this morning.
Have a good week,