Logs : 25 JUNE - 01 JULY
Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2012 17:15 pm
- * * * * * MON. 25 JUN. 2012 * * * * *
6939,9 0250-0335, R. JAMBA INT, v.weak \atmos, mx, 0252 ID, jazz, more IDs (not so clear), f/down 03.24 : 30 W ?
6940,0 0455-0510 UNID (US?), v.weak > e.weak, atmos, op singing, mx, 0505 ID ?
6980,0 0459-0556 LASER HOT HITS, v.weak > e.weak \noisy, strong Morse on 6983, mx, 0556 "Laser"
6980,0 1656-2111 LASER HOT HITS, e.weak > noisy, traffic > fair, mx, IDs.
4015,0 0541-0547 LASER HOT HITS, v.weak, 0544 "the weather ... this is BBC1. On BBC2... , M.Scott, "We 've got, Luxembourg jingles, 0546 "Laser Hot Hits is mighty".
4015,0 2004-2025 LASER HOT HITS%, \noisy, DJ ann' Echo &the Bunnymen, Bon Jovi, mx.
6304,8 1647-1819? UNID, weak \PLC at times, 1647 "..sponsored by Witte reus", mx, D mx, 1737 promos [cf OSAKA]
6304,7 ?1843-2029* R. OSAKA INT, fair \PLC at first, J.Hendrix, nonstop mx, 1930 Nonstop jingle, then Shadows and ID not clear, 1939 "Bonne nuit. Je parle français un tout petit peu", mx, ID+@ in E, "Voulez-vous", 1944 IDs+g's to Michel/France, 1950 TV theme, 2002 ID+@, 2028 c'/d, young laugh, Bip roadrunner noise.
6300,5 1739-1746* UNID, v. weak mx, shifts on 6300,2 then D songs, 1746 sudden off (or shifts far away?)
6930 L 1755-1815 UNID, v.weak \various ut.QRM, non stop mx, 1815 off? [ cf WILLEM ]
6425,0 1822-1915 UNID, weak \PLC at times, mx, tk, 1837 "A Duro", "Isabelle"(girlie), 1855 "Voulez-vous" [cf BUURTSUPER or BRAVO SIERRA ]
6425,0 2047-2113 UNID (same?), weak +short peaks > sunk in noise, 2047 "Over and over again"(?)
6920 L 1900-1910 BALTIC SEA R., \strong it.traffic on 6920U, Baccara, La lambada, ID-@(seagulls), then clear mx
6319,5 1934-2046 BEST R., dance tacboom, tk in F, M.Jackson death 3 years ago, quick chart, 2034 ID, ann 2040(!)
6319,5 2243-2250 BEST R., tk in F, ID, facebook, mx
6289,8 1916-1927 MUSTANG R., strong, c'/d, ID, gd ev', R&R, 1922 Super Nanny, 1927 D mx.
6300,2 1952-1952 UNID, accordion? under the noise. [ cf ALTREX ? ]
3934,8 2006-2024 UNID, e.weak, mx, tk
3934,8 2120-2134 LASER HOT HITS, e.weak +peaks, pops, 2125 "Can't explain", 2129 OEM ad, 2132 ID+POB
3905,1 2010-2023 UNID, mx, 2020 hum from stronger carrier, 2222 clear, O.Redding then C&W.
6279,9 2030-2038 UNID, weak \mushy carrier, noisy ut. on 6275, mx hard to hear. (2046 blank) [ cf ALTREX ? ]
6239,9 2040-2045* UNID, strong \fax QRM, D mx, tk over polka, "test zender", "bye bye", tones and off. [ cf FRIELOO ]
6720 L 2049-2049 UNID, \ut.QRM, mx.
7600,1 2053-2105 LIGHTNING R. %, weak +pe aks \noisy, atmos, mx, sth short between tracks
6305,1 2245-2255 UNID, accordion [ cf OME JAN ]
* * * * * TUES. 26 JUN. 2012 * * * * *
6980,0 0541-0557 LASER HOT HITS, \some atmos, mx, JID, 0556 Jefferson Starship annd.
6980,0 1815-2132 LASER HOT HITS, \noisy at first, 1859 Caroline 558 ID, 2050 M.Andrews, 2132 ID
4015,0 0544-0552 LASER HOT HITS, \fading > e.weak, much tk (Bogus like!), 0551 mx again.
4015,0 1855-2027 LASER HOT HITS, v.weak, mx, 1857 ID+@, tk about 5-5-8, FSN?, mx.
6304,6 1802-2135 R. MERLIN INT, \PLC > strong, Owner.., ID, ZZTop, 1903 RMI, 2101 Israelites, 2135 contacts, cartoon
6280,0 1804-2136 R. TARZAN, \PLC at first, D mx, 1835 IDs and various tracks, 1926 many D songs (2103 ID)
6720 L 1811-1812 UNID, \PLC, mx, messing with player.
6289,8 1824-1847 R. ALTREX, v.weak \occ. fax QRM, mx, 1846 ID
6291,9 1904-1959* UNID, v.weak \occ. fax QRM,later PLC. mx, maybe Altrex?
6300,1- 1914-1915* UNID, strong
6293,1- 1916-1917* UNID, strong \slight het, mx (continued on 6310,1-)
6310,1- 1917-1923 UNID, strong, same mx, v.strong peak, M+W duet rock singers [cf BOOMERANG ]
6207,15 1927-2046 MAGIC R., \slight 6210 het, PLC at times, mx, jingles, clear JIDs at last, overmod at times ?
3934,9 2010-2122 CAROLINE-RAINBOW, mainly Rainbow IDs+@, mx, 2018 Hey Jude.
7600,1 2052-2100 LIGHTNING R., \various noises, mx, 2055 ID "This is Lightning" (after "On 7-6-zero-zero" ?).
6290,0 2102-2136 WITTE REUS, D mx, 2109 ID and tk, Dragonslayer. D mx.
6375,0 2124-2134 R. TIDAL WAVE, tk, "stop smoking" (OK! better voice!), IDs in E+D, @hotmail, g's for rpts, int.mx
6585 L 2127-2130 UNID, strong in LSB, tracks of classical piano mx.
* * * * * WED. 27 JUN. 2012 * * * * *
6980,0 0510-0600 LASER HOT HITS, strong > fading, 0551 ID Laser Int, from Friday night live on stream
6980,0 1853-2051 LASER HOT HITS, \traffic QRM, atmos, noisy! later fair, mx, ID
4015,0 0512-0548 LASER HOT HITS, weak > v.weak, mx, ID.
4015,0 1914-2154 LASER HOT HITS, v.weak > fair, the Who, ID, sweat shirts, Shocking Blue, Bee gees
6304,9 1552-1555 R. OSAKA, weak \PLC, D song, ID, F song (les Poppies, not the hit)
6300,0 1905-1910 UNID, v.weak \loc.noise, ut. on 6296, mx. (1910 off ?)
6319,5 1942-2113 R. CAROLINE INT, distorted IDs, JIDs, "piraten" songs,
6305,3 2039-2108 R. GOLF VICTOR, D mx, many IDs in E, N.coast of NL, low power, tnx rpts, 2107 gd night ID, c'/d
6300,3v 2039-2130 UNID, drift > 6300,7 > 6300,5 D song, polkas, 2100 hl nr in D, no more tk heard. [GOLFBR.]
3934,8 2118-2153 R. RAINBOW, e.weak, 2120 long tk with IDs incl., 2123 JID Caroline too.
6070,0 2136-2242 R. 6150 %, p' an offshore no name test, ann' 729 kHz (must have been first Laser test)
* * * * * THURS. 28 JUN. 2012 * * * * * v.active atmos
6070,0 0451-0608 R. 6150 %, \QRM Vatican 6175, mx, tk in D or G, 0500 ZZ Top
6070,0 1828-2229 R. 6150 %, \squeezed, 1905 some tk over Man of action and other mx, 1953 Beatlesshow on 729 test with address: MMI in NYC, again early Laser test taped ?
6980,0 0455-0558 LASER HOT HITS %, ut.QRM at first, 0556 better, mx, ann. XTC, "Whole Lotta love".
6980,0 1850-1856 LASER HOT HITS, v.weak \atmos, mx, IDs,@,sweatshirts, POB. (2225 Hendrix, FSN, ID, Sloopy)
4015,0 0458-0605 LASER HOT HITS, weak > v.weak, mx, tk, ID+facebook+...
4015,0 1913-2028 LASER HOT HITS, e.weak and f/up, ID, tk ,mx
6310,0 1822-1825* UNID, v.weak, mx, off without annt.
6290,1 1830-1843* UNID, e.weak \fax QRM, speech and crowd replies, Hitler (or maybe Hynkel parody by Chaplin?)
6940,0 1847-2221 IMR R., v. weak \atmos, mx, tk, ID at 1901.
3934,8 2028-2106 UNID, e.weak \v.active atmos. 2103 Ebony & ivory ??
6900 L 2222-2238 UNID, \noisy ut. on 6895, mx in LSB, "God only knows"(reprise), "Voulez-vous" [ cf BALTIC SEA ]
* * * * * FRI. 29 JUN. 2012 * * * * *
6070,0 0458-0648 R. 6150 test %, mx, much splash (fr.Vatican 6075 saying c/d on July 1st), Man of action, tk in D, pops, v.hard to hear and much weaker (here) than Kall on 6005 and 6085.
6070,0 1707-1708 R. 6150 test %, still too hard to hear, Man of action, What's now my love. (2320 RNI tape?)
6980,0 0509-0647 LASER HOT HITS, \some atmos, tk "E. part of NL", ID, mx, ... JID
6980,0 1730-2217 LASER HOT HITS, mx, tk, 2004 time pips, mx, tk, 2217 ID+@.
4015,0 0514-0520 LASER HOT HITS, v./e. weak, mx, tk, ID, ment' Stewart Ross.
4015,0 2036-2043 LASER HOT HITS, weak \atmos, mx, 2041 SW 4015 and 6980 (and MW ???), ID.
6305,0 1701,1711 strong carrier
6210,5 1702-2219 FOCUS INT, IDs+hl+@, Luxembourg 208 story, mx (retro, anorak, pop, rock..)
6298,0 1711-1713 UNID, v.difficult: noisy ut. on 6297 \PLC here !, mx, tk and lost.
6425,0 1722-2137 UNID, e.weak \PLC, noise, D mx, 1800 Whiter shade of pale, non stop pop-dance mx. [cf BS ]
6940,0 1725-2216 IMR R., weak \noises, Tobacco road, Leader of the pack, 1958 tk about R. Seagull ?, 2006 J.Mayall blues, 2215 ID by W.
6304,8 1801-1853 NIGHT PIRATE, v.weak \PLC, D mx, 1847 Pop-corn, 1850 said 20W, ID in E, D tk (19.30 same stn?)
6284,8 1854-2156 BOGUSMAN %, \strong traffic QRM at first, 1933 typicak tk, 2156 tk and mx.
5895,0 1902-2320 R. NORD REVIVAL, strong, Que sera sera, ID in E, mx, from end of the 50s (but no R&R), tk in Sw.
6315,5 1927-1929 UNID, \v.noisy, PLC, mx, rock.
6245,0 1935-1943* SLUWE VOS R., c'/d, IDs+@, mx, parts of mx, anthem, ...
6949,9 1959-2033* R. TRANSEUROPE, good \atmos > strong, pop, accordion, ID+@, synthe (, instrum, guitar
3934,9 2044-2113 UNID, e.weak, mx, tk.
3905,1 2044-2221 SKYLINE INT R., strong, mx parts, Funky town, pops, 2111 ID, g's to "UBOAT66 from Italy"
4890,0 2050-2107* R. U-BOAT 66, v.weak \deep fades with much noise, mx, piano jazz, 2107 sonar noises, ID, off.
6320,0 2114-2121 UNID, weak +peaks \some PLC, pops.
6306,6 2116-2203* SWR R. (NE of NL), pop, g's Terry, IDs, Sierra Whisky Romeo, Mr Tambourineman, c'/d, tk: balun
6383,4 2131-2214 R. UNDERGROUND, \strong Morse on 6379, mx, ID, g's.
6320,0 2320-2334 R. POWERLINER INT, weak \atmos, mx, g's, Hush or Call my name?, 2330 ID.
* * * * * SAT. 30 JUN. 2012 * * * * *
6925,0 0225-0301* CAPTAIN MORGAN SW, Jumpin' Jack Flash, op singing, Miss toilet paper rationing, signal f/down, short off at 0201, Captain Sensible"Wot, 0245 ID+@ by W voice, Spirit in the sky, 0253 IDs, noise builds up.
6210,5 0304-0306 FOCUS INT, mx, ID, tk about R.Luxembourg. 0721-0822 weak > v.weak \PLC, 0822 Sabrina, ID.
6210,5 1255-1705 FOCUS INT, v.weak\PLC, 1300 hl, 1403 ID. 1925-2112 QRM from Viking 6207, v.hard to hear.
6070,0 0307-0312 R. 6150 test %, \splashes, RNI tape. 0724-0739 v.weak \PLC, (0811 sunk for the daytime)
6070,0 1706-2238 R. 6150 test %, weak > good \ut.QRM ! offshore tapes from Caroline 199, R. Delmare.
5895,0 0313-0318 R. NORD REVIVAL %, splash from 5890, jazz singer, retro song, tk in Sw?, Elvis (not R&R !)
5895,0 2135-2235 R. NORD REVIVAL, strong fading, mx from 1960 approx, talks in Sw? about R. Nord.
6085,0 0722-0812 PUR R. 1, weak \PLC, mx, tk in G, ID, 0737 Agnes
6005,0 0726-0810 UNID, weak \PLC, G song, mx, 0810 \strong PLC (still at 1304-1310).
6980,0 0730-0821 LASER HOT HITS, good peak w. ID, ann' Mr Mister, then deep fade for hours (1404 v.weak peak)
7265,0 0814-0820 UNID, tk programme in G about somme European subject, w. E inserts. [HH LOKAL planned]
6095,0 1302-1402 KBC, just good \PLC background > strong, 60s mx, Buddy holly, ID, KBC ad, 60s pops
6940,0 1406, 1650 UNID, v. weak mx \noisy, 1650 atmos [ cf IRISH MUSIC ]
6289,9 1653-1750 UNID, v.weak \PLC, atmos, ment' Misti, IDs no copy, in D, "Sympathy", Let it be, c'/d
6305,0 1710-1749 UNID, \PLC,atmos, mx, IRL mx, ID no copy, later \het [ cf FOX 48 ]
6325,0 1720-1720 UNID, e.weak \PLC,atmos. talks
6310 U 1729-1732 UNID, blues, 17.32 off ?
6390,5 1739-1747 UNID, weak +peaks, "Triangle des Bermudes, F singer Eddy Mitchell, F song again
6304,0 1749-1749 UNID, het with 6305,0, mx.
6255,0 1751-1923 GERONIMO, strong +very strong peaks, mx, ID, tk in E, much mx.
6289,1 1912-1959* CWR, v.weak \atmos, mx, tk, IDs (LHH like), "CWR" IDs, bye
6207,0 1926-2113 R. VIKING, disturbing Focus, ID and tk by Tante Voek. [ shifts not seen ]
6325,0 1929-2000 R. FOX 48 %, e.weak, \atmos, mx, never better.
6307,5U 1939-1952 R. TROPIQ %, mx in USB, 1944 almost clarified, but lost at 1952.
6305,0 2010-2252, UNID, e.weak < weak \atmos, 2113 Hendrix, Let's go to S.Francisco, 2252 Tom Jones [cf W.REUS ]
6255,0 2117-2127 R. TELSTAR SOUTH, strong \atmos, typ. format, tk about R. MiAmigo, short takes
6450,2 2127-2134 UNID, non stop mx [ cf UNCLE SAM ]
3905,0 2143-2220 UNID, v.weak \atmos, 2147 I&T.Turner, 2149 ID+& by M+W, no copy, 2154 hum till end [cf ALICE]
3930,0 2202-2210 UNID, e.weak, D mx, other mx? [ cf BRAVO SIERRA ]
4015,0 2223-2233 LASER HOT HITS, G.Drew: ID+@+web+ fqs, mx.
* * * * * SUN. 01 JUL. 2012 * * * * *
5820,05 0700-0842 ORION R. %, fair, s/on "Crunchy granola", 0715 I&T.Turner"Nutbush.. 0809 polka
6005,0 0702 news in G, 0718 W singer, 0809 sermon, later mx, 1624 jazz (tk in G), Barbra Streisand.
6070,0 0703-0810 R. 6150 test %, weak > e.weak, RNI tape (1038 only a trace)
6070,0 1614-2145 R. 6150 test %, v.weak > weak \ut.QRM, RNI tape (ID at 1623)
6085,0 0705-1037 PUR R. 1, in G, tk, IDs, mx.
6195,0 0706-0818 BLUESTAR R., G song, rock, Nights in white satin, Red Chili?, ID, g's, D mx
6205,3 0707-0720 ORANG UTAN %, v. weak \PLC, mx, reggae, 0720 Whiter shade of pale
6210,5 0708-0842 FOCUS INT %, v.weak > e.weak \PLC, 0821 Suddenly you love me. (later : sunk > RTTY > trace)
6210,5 1613-1944 FOCUS INT, e. weak > weak, 1650 @+hl+ID, 1717 Madness, 1932 het, 1944 fades
6390,3 0710-1030 R. WAVES INT, v./e.weak \PLC, F songs, Nougaro, J.Dassin, ID, Renaud+V.Paradis, 6390,2.
6980,0 0714-0837 LASER HOT HITS, v.>e.weak\ut.QRM, M.Scott p' "Romeo &Juliet"(daytime lost, 2338 Laser558)
6266,7 0823-0826 UNID, e.weak with trace of mx
6304,7 0826-1600 R. MERLIN INT, strong > v.weak > good again. 8.27 multi-ID. mx, g's, IDs
6400,5 0833-0835 UNID, e.weak mx (under PLC) [ cf WALDMEISTER ]
6240,1 0840-1035 UNID, weak \PLCs~, D songs icl. "Hei Marike" (?) [ cf OME JAN ]
6095,0 0908-1305 KBC, strong, 0910 tk in D, ID+@, ment' Transport R., pops, 1305 fading, Rosko ?
6140,0 0920-0941 UNID, strong \PLC background > fading, progr. in G, Rolling Stones show [cf MV BALTIC ]
6525,0 1032-1032 UNID, e.weak \noisy, PLC, mx barely heard
6240,1 1604-1612 R. OME JAN, e.weak + weak peaks, Let's twist.., Owner of.., IDs(bit shy), Wake.. Susie, Everly ?
5895,0 1625-2147 R. NORD REVIVAL, v.weak > good \strong Morse 5900 > strong, E ID, Sw tk, 1960 mx
6289,15 1634-1648 CWR, v.weak, ID, All right now, ID+hl, rock, c'/d, mx
6305,4 1720-1724 UNID, v.weak, mx, +dot-com, deep fade, het. [ cf RMGP ? ]
6304,0 1721-1721 trace, maybe same as yesterday ?
6300,6 1853-1853 UNID, D mx. (1855 gone)
6319,5 1856-2118 R. CAROLINE INT, 1856 some messing at start, JIDs, mx, also CAROLINE+RAINBOW ID.
6255,0 1902-2135 R. TELSTAR SOUTH, offshore story incl. D/Belgian side with R. Mi Amigo. 2122 Nescafé ad.
6305,0 1915-1925 Z. ASCONA ?, D mx, ID not quite sure
6305,0 1942-1954* R. OSAKA, D songs, 1953 ID and off.
4015,0 1946-2116 LASER HOT HITS, e.>v.weak \noisy, mx, 2116 ID.
6280,1 1955-2134 R. MERLIN INT, IDs+slogans+hl, mx, 2006 Tainted love.
6305,0 2008-2015 R. OME JAN, ment' offshore history, shy IDs, D mx (2051-2140 more D mx by UNID stn)
6383,5 *2018-2039 R. UNDERGROUND, mx, SW news, ID+@, JID.
6940,0 2040-2139 IMR R. %, v.weak \atmos, mx, 2139 a few words, Troggs"Wild thing" (2337 v. weak undermod mx)
6240,0 2053-2215 R. POWERLINER INT, weak \atmos, various ut.QRM, difficult IDs, mx mix, g's, 2207 good @
3934,9 2105-2110 R. RAINBOW INT, e.weak \v.noisy, ID almost guessed.
3934,9 2148-2157 LASER HOT HITS, DX news by LASER H.H., mx background, 2156 LHH ID then RAINBOW ID !
3904,8 2157-2205 R. UNDERGROUND, blues, tk in E, today's stns, incl. Phoenix (? not heard), JID, 2204 hum.
6305,3 2216-2223 UNID, more D mx by UNID stn.
6304,0 2333-2333 UNID, more D mx by UNID stn [ cf UNDERGROUND ]
6239,5 2346-2347* R. UNDERGROUND, standing by for Powerliner
6240,0 *2348-2348 prob. Powerliner replying, mx. Enough !
mx=music, tk=talk, D=Dutch, E=English, G=German, F=French, it.=Italian, rpt=report, v.=very,
e.=extremely w.=with, '=..ing, c'/d=closing down, M/W=man/woman, g'=greeting, ut=utility,
ID+@=ID+e-mail address, J=jingle, PLC=PowerLineComm'(noise), \=but, %=guess, hl=hotline
> =becoming/then, SM2012=ad for Summer meeting 2012.
[ between sq. brackets : best fit ID, thanks quick logs ]