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Log : 18 - 24 JUNE, 2012

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2012 20:04 pm
by Ray Lalleu
  • * * * * * MON. 18 JUN. 2012 * * * * *

    6980,0 0455-0554 LASER HOT HITS, 0455 v.weak \noisy, long tk, 0551 good+strong peak \atmos, mx, tk, ID

    6980,0 1826-2006 LASER HOT HITS, \fading,atmos later traffic QRM, mx, IDs, FSN...

    4015,0 0458-0548 LASER HOT HITS, weak \fading,atmos, 0501 ad for the CDs of the programmes, ID

    4015,0 1851-2200 LASER HOT HITS %, e.weak at first, 2200 I want to hold your hand (reprise)

    6299,8 1813-2221 R. MERLIN INT, \some PLC, IDs(E+F+G), hl, Blue monday, Heart of gold, Mr Bluesky(reprise), Romeo &Juliet, 1942 R.Caroline history, mx.

    6293,8 1815-1920* R. ALTREX %, e.weak \PLC, splash from Merlin, mx, tk, drift to 6293,5

    6314,6 1842-1848 UNID, some techno mx with light drums.

    3904,9 1852-1855* UNID, e.weak \PLC, mx, tk and off.

    6324,7 1901-1903 UNID, mx sunk under ut.QRM, then lost under PLC.

    6209,7 1920-1943 DELTA R., weak \PLC, mx, D mx, Radar love, kleine test, IDs in D or G, OK Klaus, S.W. NL, ...

    6315,3 1934-2225 UNID, e.weak \PLC,atmos, mx, 8 IDs no copy (dull W voice), --shortwave@gmail

    3934,9 2027-2200* R. RAINBOW ?, e.weak \atmos, mx, ID quite unsure, 2200 tk and off.

    3900,15 2202-2226 POLARIS R., \some ut.QRM,atmos, mx, JID, mx, ID in D+E, 2213 Nina Hagen?

    * * * * * TUES. 19 JUN. 2012 * * * * *

    4015,0 0530-0612 LASER HOT HITS %, e.weak \loc.noise, quiet pop, ment' 4015.

    4015,0 2035-2155 LASER HOT HITS, strong \atmos,fading, slogan ID, mx, tk, ID+@...

    6980,0 0613-0638 LASER HOT HITS, good > e.weak \some atmos, later ut.QRM, tapes ? 0631 FSN, 0638 Laser

    6980,0 2023-2133 LASER HOT HITS, \atmos, 2121 mx, JID, ID, v.quiet mx

    6290,6 2027-2054 UNID, v.weak mx \Cairo cracklings+-30kHz till 2059 (but stn gone before that). [cf METROPOLIS]

    6205,0 2028-2140 BLUESTAR R., Kinks, g's to Gino, ID, KISS, anorak mx, tk in D, g's again..

    3934,9 2037-2155 R. RAINBOW, v.weak \atmos, fades, mx, ID+@, ment' LHH many times, DX news, L.Armstrong

    7600,1 2122-2132 UNID, v.weak > e.weak \too much loc. noise, mx.

    6910 L 2133-2139* UNID, mx, \traffic on 6910 L too

    * * * * * WED. 20 JUN. 2012 * * * * *

    6980,0 0459-0558 LASER HOT HITS, good \atmos > v.weak, mx, tk, IDs

    6980,0 1842-2140 LASER HOT HITS %, v.weak \noisy, atmos, mx, tk

    4015,0 0500-0548 LASER HOT HITS, good use of weak to e.weak signal \some fading, loc.noise, mx, IDs+@, G.Drew

    4015,0 2002-2153 LASER HOT HITS, v.weak at first \atmos, fading, mx, 2126 ID, Smoke on the water

    7600,1 1844-1849 UNID, v.weak \atmos, nonstop? mx

    3900,2 2004-2106 UNID, e.weak > v.weak, nonstop v.quiet mx (except R&R by Elvis? at 2020)

    3930,1 2012-2043 UNID, e.weak > v.weak \atmos > trace, D songs

    3934,9 2013-2155 R. RAINBOW, trace > 2112 e.weakmx, 2122 ID+@, mx

    6307,2 2026-2037 R. RAINBOW, \atmos, mx, pops, bpm mx, IDs+@.

    6300,15 2028-2138 R. MERLIN INT, Beach Boys"Barbaran, Good vibrations, ID, Beatles, 2130 ID, Dadoo ron ron.

    3930,15 2107-2154 R. BATAVIA, v.weak \atmos,D song, Yellow river, Bonanza+ID (w. story), Sound of silence

    6289,9 2131-2136* UNID, D accent, Baby come back, \occ. faxQRM, tk again and off.

    6315,0 2230-2238 STRESS R. (aka B.BANDIT), strong, tk to R.TrueNorth, 3 steps to heaven, mx, tk

    6307,2 2232-2237 UNID, strange drums mx

    6910 L 2234-2237 BALTIC SEA R., La macarena, ID, more mx.

    * * * * * THURS. 21 JUN. 2012 * * * * * atmos

    4015,0 0504-0552 LASER HOT HITS, weak-clear \fading, mx, tk, ID, rpts, ID+@, Guess book

    4015,0 1936-2146 LASER HOT HITS, e.weak > weak-fair, mx, tk, IDs

    6980,0 0506-0600 LASER HOT HITS, good > weak \ut. drifting across, IDs, facebook, 0542 rec. from White..?, rock

    6980,0 1801-2133 LASER HOT HITS %, fair \many atmos > strong, mx, 2129 tk: tape machines, Detroit Spinners

    6300,0 1802-1913 R. LUXEMBURG, \many atmos, D song, little test, instrum mx, D.Summer ?, IDs, rock

    6308,0 1831-1854 UNID, retro 20s songs, other mx, ID+@ for rpts (no copy). [ cf FOX 48 ]

    6910 L 1856-2131 UNID, nonstop weak mx \atmos, utQRM ~6905, occ. traffic [ cf BALTIC SEA ]

    6306,0 1912-2000* R. FOX 48, fair \bad fading, ut.bursts, much atmos, rock, IDs(by W+M), We *are* the pirate stns, We love the pirate stns, IDs+@

    6290,6 2001-2137 UNID, v.weak \atmos, occ.faxQRM, pops [ cf BEST R. ]

    6940,0 2010-2152 IMR R., v.weak, mx, tk, slogan, ID, more mx.

    3934,9 2025-2145 R. RAINBOW, e.weak \atmos, pops, tk quite unclear, 2055 ID copied at last

    6260,0 2102-2150 R. SPACESHUTTLE INT, e.weak \atmos, ut bursts, pops, bpm mx, IDs no copy, 2148 good ID

    6720 L 2121-2150 UNID, \cracklings, nonstop Greek mx (some w. Django R. mood). (2232 still there)

    7600,1 2153-2153 UNID, e.weak \atmos, mx.

    * * * * * FRI. 22 JUN. 2012 * * * * *

    6980,0 0357,0453 LASER HOT HITS, 0453 ID \v.strong sp. traffic on 6983 U

    6980,0 2238-2332 LASER HOT HITS, 2328 "I want to hold your hand" (reprise)

    4015,0 0400-0452 LASER HOT HITS, weak, clear > v.weak \fades, ID by Mike Andrews, 0450 OEM, FSN

    4015,0 2300-2303 LASER HOT HITS, tk about Atlantic 252 (w. many IDs), then LHH ID, M.Scott.

    6516,15 1329-1334 MUSIC XPLOSION %, e.weak \PLC comes above, mx

    6516,15 2233-2237 MUSIC XPLOSION %, ZZ Top"Gimme all your loving", then soft rock.

    6940,0 1613-1622 IMR %, e/weak, "Sweets for my sweet" and other 60s pop songs, soon sunk in noise.

    6940,0 2239-2415 IMR, mx, quick IDS, "Nobody ..." slogan, W DJ.

    6260,1 1627-1641 UNID, \v.strong PLC, "Michaela", Dire Straits, D songs parts, yodl. [ cf OME JAN ]

    6260,05 2152-2219 R. OME JAN, ID+@ above "Hair", mx, "Paranoid", quiet mx.

    6299,4 2141-2148 UNID, \het from 6300, mx, quick f/out

    6299,9 2148-2230* UNID, D mx, Dire Straits, 2222 OC above?, 2224 ID no copy, Neede, e.weak now [ cf CENTURION ]

    6304,0 2148-2148 UNID, mx (2150 gone)

    6289,9 2152-2353 WITTE REUS, about Woodstock 1969, w. Lady Vampirella

    6240,0 2158-2158 UNID, v.strong mx (2210 gone).

    6216,25 2159-2256 R. ALTREX, v.weak, nonstop mx, (2215 het from 6215), 2256 tk, ID, mx.

    6207,9 2200-2214* SLUWE VOS R., weak, 2209 ID under "Camouflage", Get back... 2214 c'/d, 2214'40*

    6315,4 2213-2250 R. CAROLINE INT, tk in slavic language, mx, distorted ID, JID+@. (Also heard 2410,2419)

    6383,4 2231-2231 R. UNDERGROUND, known voice, gd m' Artem, D song.

    6306,0 2247-2353 R. FOX 48, mx, IDs after 2335

    6300,0 2306-2306 UNID pop

    6399,8 2313-2320 TOP R., e.weak \fax QRM, soft rock, jingles, ID+@, "Radar love".

    6734,9 2322-2412 COOL AM R., v.weak \traffic QRM, ID+@, mx, instrum mx.

    6240,1 2339-2340 R. BNA, mx, ID+@, "Broadcast Name Anonymous" too.

    6295,0 2450-2500 UNID (US ?), R&R (Chuck Berry ?), then nonstop blues. [ cf CAPTAIN MORGAN ]

    * * * * * SAT. 23 JUN. 2012 * * * * *

    6307,2 0708-0725 R. CAROLINE INT, bpm mx, JID, v.weak and soon sunk under PLC

    6980,0 0714-0722 LASER HOT HITS, weak > v.weak \ut. crossings, mx, JID, instrum mx (later trace or e.weak only)

    6980,0 1850-2038 LASER HOT HITS %, v.weak \RTTY QRM, later traffic QRM too.

    7265,0 0718-0813 HAMBURG LOKAL R. %, long tks in G, interview, later comments. [ planned transm.]

    6208,2 0751-0810 UNID, e.weak \PLC, mx, address with "..AM dot.."0757 Donna Summer ?

    9510,0 0815-0852 R. CITY, strong +peaks, known voice, 60s mx, S.Lord Sutch"The ripper", too many mp3/de-mp3 ??

    6295,1 0852-0854 R. OME JAN, v.weak, D mx, tk amateur, ID, mx (0904 gone)

    6085,0 0855-0910 PUR R. EINS, in G, mx, tk, ID, fq, news in G, 0910 Michael Jackson.

    6095,0 0901-1507 MIGHTY KBC, v.strong \fading, 9.01 false start, Rosko's C&W very rock! 1245 60s pops

    6516,15 0911-0913 MUSIC XPLOSION %, e.weak/v.weak mx \PLC

    6940,0 1240-1850 IMR R. %, trace > e.weak, bit of mx heard under noise

    6940,0 2033-2138 IMR R., v.weak > fair \atmos, it. song, IDs, pops

    6298,0 1708-1710 UNID, v.weak > fade, accordion, D song.

    6290,05 1711-1712 UNID, v.weak \occ. fax QRM, D mx, D song. [ cf R. VENDOR ]

    6205,25 1714-1721 R. FOX 48 %, e.weak, mx, then "We love the pirate stns", instrum mx.

    6299,7 1807-1845 R. MERLIN INT, strong, "99 red balloons", ID, mx, Sugar baby love, IDs... (1913 gone)

    6310,0 1816-1947 UNID, weak \squeezed, "Blue eyes", rock, G.Thorogood? 1905 ID no copy, QRM came on, mx.

    6320,0 1831-2106 MUSTANG +OME JAN guest/QSO??, strong +peaks, 1839 IDs OME JAN over"You're simply the best", 1842 (and 2027) ID MUSTANG ment' OME JAN, 1912 I got the power, accordion, 2106 ID OME JAN

    6305,0 1859-1912 POWERLINER, good \squeezed, 1910 ID, testing new antenna (maybe still on, strong at 1946)

    6304,9 1959-1959 R. ZODIAC, IDs, ment' Powerliner (maybe QSO-rpt).

    6240,25 1914-2134 F.R. VICTORIA, pops, 1932 Boney M, ID, S.McKenzie, "El condor pasa", drift>6240,15, hum 6240,0

    6289,8 1948-2044 UNID, weak, tk,blues, hum, 1955 J.Airplane, rock, 2025 ID no copy, 2041 tnx Michel [cf W.REUS ]

    6295,0 1958-1958 UNID, accordion. ( Seems there were some QSO attempts ??)

    6298,0 2001-2010 R. FOX 48 %, "We love the pirate stns", mx, rock.

    6247,6 2011-2045 R. CAROLINE INT, mx and tk, v. disturbed by fax QRM, only a JID got through.

    6210,0 2014-2151 TANTE VOEK (VIKING R.), mx, g's in E (not fluent), messing at times, 2136 own ID.

    3905,0 2052-2152 R. ALICE, \moisy, D mx (Country style), 2105 ID+@ with echoes on "Alice".

    3934,9 2056-2153 R. RAINBOW, e.weak at best, mx, tk, 2102 ID+web, 2153 IDs, said c'/d

    4015,0 2057-2102 LASER HOT HITS, weak \fades, RTTY on 4018, 2100 LHH crew, ID, OEM, FSN

    6295,0 2132-2148 R. POWERLINER INT, mx, 2147 IDs.

    6245,0 2133-2155 UNID, stronger than Victoria, blues-rock, some D country, later jingle, the Who. [cf R. EUROPA ? ]

    6950,0 2138-2146 R. TRANSEUROPE, W pop singer, gd ev', rpt, IDs+@, g's, ID+@, Kinks"Lola".

    * * * * * SUN. 24 JUN. 2012 * * * * * no daytime listening

    6304,6 1854-2132 R. MERLIN INT, strong, pops, blanks, IDs+contacts, studio problems?, 2132 multi ID

    6280,2 1859-1918 COSMIC R., mx, JIDs not easy to understand, 1905 only clear ID.

    6290,9 1903-1904 UNID, v. weak mx, then blank. [ cf ASCONA ]

    6211,8 1908-1913 SLUWE VOS R., \het from 6210, accordion, brass mx, IDs+@, soft rock.

    6516,15 1919-2130 MUSIC XPLOSION, non stop accordion, 2130 accordion + fireworks noise

    6525,0 1920-1955 PINK PANTHER, weak/v.weak, 1924 U-I-U-A-A (D song), 1930 ID+@, ment' Paardenk., Troggs

    6940,0 1937-2129 IMR R. %, e.weak/v.weak \strong ut.QRM, The last time, Pretty woman, P.Smith, Troggs...

    6980,0 1944-2120 LASER HOT HITS, weak \noisy, mx, tk, ID...

    6289,8 2004-2005 UNID, C&W (2017 gone)

    6246,7 2019-2037 R. BNA, mx, row of IDs+@ (tnx, not easy to copy), occ. fax QRM, mx.

    6220,0 2041-2118 UNID, weak > quickly e.weak, mx.

    3934,8 2041-2100 LASER HOT HITS (relay ??), e.weak +odd peak, 2046 LHH ID, mx, more tk but no copy.

    4015,0 2051-2056 LASER HOT HITS, \noisy, tk about recent holidays, ID+POB, mx.

    6210,05 2108-2113 R. OME JAN, strong, D mx, ID+@, g's to gino, 60s guitar, ID...

    6920 L 2121-2124 BALTIC SEA R., "If you want to ba my lover", ID, Baccara"Yes Sir.." with full intro.

    mx=music, tk=talk, D=Dutch, E=English, G=German, F=French, it.=Italian, rpt=report, v.=very,
    e.=extremely w.=with, ', c'/d=closing down, M/W=man/woman, g'=greeting, ut=utility,
    ID+@=ID+e-mail address, J=jingle, PLC=PowerLineComm'(noise), \=but, %=guess, hl=hotline
    > =becoming/then, SM2012=ad for Summer meeting 2012.
    [ between sq. brackets : best fit ID, thanks quick logs ]


Re: Log : 18 - 24 JUNE, 2012

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2012 21:45 pm
by Caroline
Hi Ray,

lot of thanks for such logs of us there again!

Programmes this time had been in Polish language from our side.

Best wishes and hope till next,
Radio Caroline International.