Log : 11 - 17 JUNE 2012
Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2012 16:30 pm
- * * * * * MON. 11 JUN. 2012 * * * * *
6980,0 0458-0555 LASER HOT HITS, mx, ID, ment' stream and fqs
6980,0 1632-2113 LASER HOT HITS, \ut.noise, atmos - later traffic on 6980 LSB
4015,0 0500-0558 LASER HOT HITS, v.weak \deep fades, 0557 laser effects, jingle, Mike Andrews.
4015,0 2000-2103 LASER HOT HITS, Vweak > fair, 2103 ID by Mike Andrews
6930,0 1625-2112 IMR R., e.weak \atmos > fair \strong atmos, noisy ut. on 6925. mx, W DJ, IDs, Flashback.
6305,2 1803-1822 R. ALTREX, weak \atmos, pop, DJ shouting, "allo doc", ID, rock, 1822 strong PLC back
3905,0 1917,1956 UNID, e.weak at peaks ! with mx, mostly a trace. [ cf R. DOKKUM ]
6300,0 1927-1954* UNID, (1927 \v.strong PLC). 1938 \some PLC, Plaisir d'amour(instrum), D mx. [ cf LUXEMB. ]
6319,6 1945-2105 R. CAROLINE INT, instrum. mx, JIDs, later mx + ID \PLC
3934,9 2050-2125 R. RAINBOW, e.weak, Reveille rock, IDs+@, fades, tk better heard than mx.
7600,1 2115-2121 UNID, v.weak \strong PLC, mx, mx from S.Asia?, 2121 ID? (under PLC)
* * * * * TUES. 12 JUN. 2012 * * * * *
4015,0 0458-0609 LASER HOT HITS, v.weak \e.weak at fades, loc.noise, mx, tk, 0544 ID, OEM, FSN
4015,0 1947-2215 LASER HOT HITS, v.weak, mx, tk, 2213 Que calor la vida, ID+@
6980,0 0532-0605 LASER HOT HITS, v.poor \bad fading, atmos, 0605 FSN, OEM, fading up
6980,0 1825-2050 LASER HOT HITS, 1825 noisy (maybe in Laser 558 recording), later std LHH, 2031 M.Andrews
6294,9 1816-1934 UNID, bpm mx \ hum, soon strong PLC, some D mx, 1843 clear \v.weak now [ cf NACHTPIRAAT]
7600,1 1826-2030 UNID, mx, under PLC > other background noise > e.weak
6315,1 1838-1840 UNID, signing on ? with mx (very short), then on-off-on.. blank only.
6450,0 1845-1904* UNID, \it. traffic on 6446 USB, accordion. [ cf GROTE VERSIERDER ]
6300,0 1853-1901* UNID, weak, mx and long blanks between tracks
6720 L 1906-1933 UNID, mx, animated by W+M voices, 1908 ID "- - - - International", bits of mx, "Freak 97" ?
6910 L 1916-2027 UNID, Boney M songs, incl' Rasputin alt. take, other mx, Hurrah Holiday.. (2032 gone)
3930,0 1937-2210 R. BATAVIA, e.weak +peaks, mx, 1944 IDs, 2052 On the border.
6295,2 1948-2048 WITTE REUS, strong, in D (in E: 1949 gd ev' & g's, 2025 hl). mx, 2025 Moonlight shadow.
3934,8 2008-2052 UNID, e.weak \noisy, some tk and mx barely audible.
* * * * * WED. 13 JUN. 2012 * * * * *
6980,0 0456-0458 LASER HOT HITS, clear \bit of fading, mx, tk, IDs+@, hl.
6980,0 1617-2058 LASER HOT HITS, v.weak > weak \atmos, mx, ID, tk.
4015,0 0459-0503 LASER HOT HITS%, e.weak \loc.noise, mx
4015,0 2040-2115 LASER HOT HITS%, \noise on the band, mx.
6285,0 1903-2055 R. SEAGULL relayed, \noisy fq, atmos, Cairo scratching, 1915 ID by W, 2046 strong hum
6209,9 1916-2010 UNID, \mushy carrier, pop-rock, tk, 2005 gd ev', rpt /Sweden, 2010 The Wall [ cf SLUWE VOS]
6290,6 1932-2042 B.N.A. (w. "Radio" before or after), mx, IDs+@hotmail. (2056 gone)
6796 V 1940-1948* UNID, e.weak \fast drift 6796,1 > 6795,6 various QRM, mx (oriental ?)
3903,0 2016-2017* UNID, mx, then a trace (w. modulation) on 3905,0 at 2017 and 2039
3930,0 2022-2124 R. BATAVIA ?, Mexico, ID not quite sure but w. Bonanza theme, mx, 2124 Kids in America
3934,8 2028-2142 R. RAINBOW, e.weak +rare peaks, v.long tk, some mx also after 2100, 2140 ID.
3903,9 2117-2121 UNID, D mx then synthe mx \het from 3905,0.
3902,0 2125-2151 FOX 48, unusual good \(bit of traffic on 3898 USB), mx, multi-IDs, We are the pirate stns,
* * * * * THURS. 14 JUN. 2012 * * * * *
6980,0 0457-0600 LASER HOT HITS, strong, mx, JID, tk, facebook, repeat w. Silver machine etc.
6980,0 1650-2110 LASER HOT HITS, e.weak > weak, 1841 ID+POB, reggae.
4015,0 0500-0555 LASER HOT HITS %, v.weak, almost clear > trace. mx, tk.
4015,0 2104-2106 LASER HOT HITS, fading, mx, IDs+@.
6305,5 1650-1655* UNID, v.weak+peaks \PLC, quiet songs . . . . . [ cf OSAKA ]
6285,3 1657-1727* UNID, fading up\PLC, mx, long blanks.
6305,1 1722-1727 UNID, v.weak \strong PLC, mx, D mx. . . . . . . . [ cf OME JAN ]
6304,0 1814-1818 R. VENDOR, mx, ID from the middle of the NL, accordion.
6295,1 1816-1817 R. OME JAN, D mx, ID, c'/d now, ID+@, hello doc, 300 W.
6450,3 1819-1925 UNID, v.weak, D mx, 1850 \PLC now, 1923 D mx. [ cf GOLF VICTOR ]
6720 L 1826-1848* UNID, mx in LSB, 1828 sounds like H.California, 1846 tk (unknown lang.) then off.
6730 L 1830-1835 UNID, w. mx in LSB
6940,0 1831-2110 IRISH MUSIC R., e.weak > weak, mx, IDs, jingles, tk
6300,5 1851-1912 UNID, We will rock you, No woman no cry, happy Xmas (!), MW review, rpt, mx...
6288,9 1853-1913 UNID, e.weak \under Cairo scratching, some mx. . . . . [ cf ALTREX ]
6285,0 1855-2016 R. SEAGULL relayed, weak-v.weak \PLC at first, mx, tk 1903 ID.
6660 L 1926-1953 UNID, mx, some reggae, Clapton ??, Dire Straits"Sultans... (alt take?)
6290,6 1938-2015 R. CAROLINE INT, D mx, mx, ID, JIDs+@
7600,1 2000-2122 UNID, e.weak \traffic QRM +some peaks almost clear, nonstop mx.
6710 L 2009-2012 UNID mx (parts of tracks) in EC way, *not* the usual angry replys but a "bravo" reply
3934,9 2017-2102 R. RAINBOW ?, e.weak, mx, 2019 ID not quite sure.
* * * * * FRI. 15 JUN. 2012 * * * * *
4015,0 0604-0608 LASER HOT HITS %, mx, tk, maybe M.Scott?, e.weak.
4015,0 1815-2151 LASER HOT HITS, trace > fair, mx, tk, 2151 JID.
6980,0 0610-0618 LASER HOT HITS, weak \fading, mx, tk, ID, JID.
6980,0 1607-2008 LASER HOT HITS, ID, mx, 2008 Mystery Year.
6304,9 1601-1719 R. OSAKA, v.weak \PLC, mx, tk, 1606 and 1704 IDs
6940,0 1604-2236 IRISH MUSIC R./IMR, \noisy, Beatles, rock, I&T.Turner, Troggs, 2031 w. IDs now (and atmos)
6324,9 1650-1655 UNID, \PLC, mx, "Africa", tk over mx but more noise, mx again. (1703 gone)
6294,9 1705-1957 R. RAINBOW INT, mx, 1708 tk about Russia and democracy, mx. 1838 tk about democracy, but a strong carrier came on and flattened the end of the message. mx again, 1924 Supertramp, ID.
6320,0 1710-1718 UNID, (already a trace from 1656), mx \PLC, 1718 off?
3920,0 1724-1726 trace, with modulation, and lost.
6320,0 1819-1822 UNID, weak \fading, mx. . . . . . . [ cf TRANSEUROPE ]
6305,1 1823-1823 UNID, accordion (1827 gone) . . . . . [ cf OME JAN ]
6284,9 1824-2130 R. SEAGULL relayed, v.weak \mushy carrier, splash from Rainbow6295 at first, D football hymn, mx, W DJ, 1926 now on 6285,0 mx, 2055 \traffic on 6280U, 2113 R.SEAGULL ID, "Good vibrations"(reprise)
6306,5 1828-1833* SWR R., report to Z. OME JAN with full ID of that one too, very confusing!
6305,1 *1834-1838* Z. OME JAN, report to SWR R. with full ID of that one too, very confusing!
6210,0 1850-1852* R. QUINTUS, ID, c'/d in a few min, accordion, ID, ment' R. AC-DC, kcs, bye, 1852'40" blank
6209,9 1853-1902* UNID, was under Quintus, v.weak \ut.QRM, bassy sound. 60s offshore stns history, incl' jingles and short takes, 1902 sudden off. (also: 1857 stronger carrier on, 1858 w. mx? and gone).
6240,0 1904-2246 SPACEMAN, v.strong, Major Tom g's to stns/lisnrs far away, rock-blues (later D mx) background
6305,1 1918-1924 R. OME JAN, strong, "auf kurz welle" ID in G, D mx
6315,4 1936-2053 CAROLINE-RAINBOW, \PLC, known mx loop(Alpert, Winchester cath.) , + added tk (muffled voice)
6306,5 1952-1956 R. SWR again, IDs, again tnx for rpt, tnx again, accordion, instrum mx
6510,0 1959-2043 UNID, \v.disturbing ut.QRM, mx, 2040 Tom Dooley, 2043 Kinks"Lola [ cf PINK PANTHER ]
3905,1 2010-2159 SKYLINE INT R., weak > good, Rolling Stones special, some tk, g's, and IDs.
3934,9 2012-2027 R. RAINBOW, e.weak, also Caroline Int JID, mx
3934,9 2103-2158 UNID, e.weak, SW news, seems a relay of "Laser goes DX" from Laser Hot Hits.
6420,0 2044-2219 R. TIDAL WAVE, strong, mx, 2123 ID first noted as "R. Sailaway"! (over "Purple rain").
6304,1 2114-2245 R. UNDERGROUND, instrum mx, tk, ID+@, SM2012, SM2012... tk, mx, ID+@, 6304,2 at the end
6210,0 2131-2142 R. SPACESHUTTLE, weak \light mod, IDs+@yahoo, secret location Scandinavia, rock, c'/d
4890,0 2143-2202 R. U-BOAT 66, mx, ID with sonar sounds, Amsterdam or Italy ??, Walk on the wild side.
6315,4 2203-2243 CAROLINE-RAINBOW, light mx, sepulcral tk about democracy, IDs.
6260,0 2208-2245 R. FLYING DUTCHMAN, strong, Artem relay?, then ID, pop and D mx on 6260,2 now.
6525,0 2220-2242 UNID, \bad fading, nonstop pops, 60s pop, modern C&W [ cf PINK PANTHER ]
7600,1 2009,2228 UNID, e.weak \v.noisy, atmos.. mx. (2229 a strong chinese stn came on 7600,0)
6910 L 2234-2237 UNID, mx in LSB \bit of ut.QRM, some atmos. "La mer" instrum.v., sp. guitar, etc..
* * * * * SAT. 16 JUN. 2012 * * * * *
6980,0 0701-0717 LASER HOT HITS, fading down, recording from Caroline 558, then LHH own progr. \it.traffic 6983L
6980,0 2205-2205 LASER HOT HITS, mx, tk, ID.
6305,1 0705-0718 R. OME JAN, good peaks \much fading, PLC, ID, Hurrah holiday, mx, D mx. (0740 gone)
6214 a 0814-0831 KING SW, first clear ID here for years! and @hotmail, maybe in NBFM? best on sides of AM mode
6305,1 0831-0834 UNID, v.weak \PLC, R&R, accordion. . . . [ cf OME JAN ]
6516,15 0835-1318 UNID, weak \fading, noisy > e.weak, Apache, "free mx on SW", Shadows again, mx, D mx.
6516,15 1841-2047 UNID, weak mx, 1846 Doors"Waiting for the sun". [ cf MUSIC XPLOSION ]
6525,0 0842-1323 UNID, v.weak mx > trace
6525,0 1839-2153 UNID, v.weak mx, Simon &Garfunkel, rock, 2153 CCR [ cf PINK PANTHER ]
6300,2 1010-1031* UNID, e.weak, tk, mx, 1029 CCR"Bad moon rising", tk and off.
6280,1 1012-1031 R. MERLIN INT, good peaks \noisy ut. splash from 6275, mx, ID, ad for DrTim News, mx.
6095,0 1015-1316 MIGHTY KBC, v.strong, mx w. DJ, C&W, 50-60s mx, 12.37 charleston (rock v.), Jr Walker
6300,1 1240-1306 UNID, e.weak mx > trace . . . . . [ cf LUXEMBURG ]
6448 a 1850-1851* UNID, mk and tk in SSB, could not clarify it before switch off.
6396,9 1852-1859 R. WAVES INT %, v.weak, repeat w. F songs: Aznavour"Emmenez moi, Nougaro"Cécile, ...
6295,2 1900-1941 UNID, D mx (accordion, Fink a fink kind of song, Tino Rossi kind of song...) [cf ASCONA ]
6285,0 1904-2105 R. SEAGULL relay %, mx, tk, web adresses, not quite clear here.
6240,05 1910-2110 UNID, v.weak > fair, nonstop accordion then other instrum. mx (\het 6241,3 now). [cf MOONLIGHT ]
6205,3 1917-2027 R. ORANG UTAN, \str.6209 faxQRM, pops, tk in D and E, 2025 ID+@, c'/d, Walk like an Egyptian
6307,15 1937-1940 CAROLINE-RAINBOW, mx, ID.
6255,1 1948-2211 R. TELSTAR SOUTH, offshore story: Britain R., Swinging R. England, by Horace "bring back".
6316,2 2028-2102* R. BLACK BANDIT, no ID but typical C&W, messing with tracks, voice, stormy background...
6940,0 2048-2205 IMR, \traffic QRM, atmos, Loco-motion, IDs, mx.
7600,1 2051-2207 UNID, v.weak mx \fades
6306,4 2059-2103* UNID, \B.Bandit splash till 2102, said c'/d,
3934,9 2115-2141 R. RAINBOW, v.weak+peaks \atmos, IDs+@, mx, "Hey Jude", "She's a rainbow", ment' LHH
3905,0 2126-2218 UNID, weak \atmos, Walk don't run, many D songs, 2216 ID, hl, - - - radio@hotmail.
4015,0 2142-2221 LASER HOT HITS, clear \some atmos, tk about Laser 558, A.Parson'sP., Laser...
6306,4 2147-2209 UNID, mx, 2150 ID: R. - - - INT, tk in E, 2209 gd m' to UKdxer . . . . [ cf POWERLINER ? ]
6910 L 2155-2204 UNID, nonstop mx in LSB \noisy ut. on 6905 . . . [ cf BALTIC SEA ]
* * * * * SUN. 17 JUN. 2012 * * * * *daytime: very weak except 1230
6306 a 0108-0112 UNID, "Don't bring me down", mx, (probably the same at 0123 below)
6306 V 0123-0145 UNID, D mx, ID and @ with "talk"(?) in the name, small frequency shifts, Hocus Pocus
6266,0 0738-0938 R. WAVES INT %, tk but e.weak, 0817 F songs Renaud+V.Paradis, B.Lavilliers, A.Bashung, then under PLC, with D.Balavoine at 0859, then down to a trace and occ. traffic QRM.
6265,8 1218-1244 R. WAVES INT %, repeat Renaud, Lavilliers, Bashung, also "Triangle des Bermudes, 6265,7 at end
6215 a 0738-0738 something... . . . . . [ cf KING SW ]
6205,1 0739-0739 UNID, mx. [ cf R. ORANG UTAN ? OME JAN ? ]
5820,0 0740-0822 ORION R., weak, mx, 0819 song "Tina"then ID, ad (AM-Forum??), G song ?
6980,0 0827-0827 LASER HOT HITS %, e.weak \loc? noise, tk, ann' 6980, mx
6980,0 1945-2205 LASER HOT HITS, v.weak \traffic QRM > weak, mx, tk, ID
9480,0 0830-0841 EUROPEAN MUSIC R., weak \fades, AM no LSB, Back to 70s & 60s, later mailbox
6085,0 0844,0934 PUR R. 1 %, v.weak, mx
6095,0 *0900-1353 MIGHTY KBC, just v.strong, ID, rock, many oldies, 1352 prob. Rosko in many languages
6280,0 0916-0925 UNID, good \fading, pops w. Dave Simpson. (0939 faint trace) [ cf GERONIMO ]
6303,9 0940-0950 UNID, v.weak > e.weak \PLC, pops
6300,0 1217-1235 trace, sunk under PLC
6240,0 1233-1241 UNID, strong \fade, "Dragonslayer", song in E, mx... (1248 gone) [ cf SPACEMAN ]
6292,1 1235-1244 R. FLYING DUTCHMAN, mx, ID, g's to Gino, D song... down to a trace at 12.44
6304,9 1343-1346 UNID, e.weak, tk and mx, and lost.
6295,1 1347-1347 UNID, e.weak tk (maybe cold start of Reflections Europe, later on 6295,0)
6210,0 1458-1530 SLUWE VOS R., v.weak \odd fade, mx, ID+@, mx, IDs, 1525 tk in ??
6940,0 1515-2205 IMR R., e.weak \many fades, mx, 1921 still ghost ID, then v.weak > clear at last
6285,3 1911-1917* UNID, on-off several times, sometimes w. techno mx. 1917 : real off ?, no ID
4015,0 1923-2255 LASER HOT HITS, "So happy together", ID+@, mx, later occ.traffic QRM, atmos
6319,6 1928-1954 R. CAROLINE INT, start problem, then mx, JIDs+@, D mx...
6306,4 2145-2256 R. POWERLINER INT, weak \fading, IDs no copy, football, 2157 c'/d, 2209 ID, 2248 Star wars?
6255,0 2154-2250 R. TELSTAR SOUTH, strong, memories: R. MI Amigo, Canned Heat, Woodstock
6910 L 2200-2223 UNID, \utQRM on 6905, mx, then long tk (Donald Duck alike), later mx again.
5799,6 2213-2247 R. MI AMIGO, mx, ID+@, hl, mx some tk
6295,1 2248-2257 R. OME JAN, "On the border", mx, ID+@.
mx=music, tk=talk, D=Dutch, E=English, G=German, F=French, it.=Italian, rpt=report, v.=very,
e.=extremely w.=with, '=..ing, c'/d=closing down, M/W=man/woman, g'=greeting, ut=utility,
ID+@=ID+e-mail address, J=jingle, PLC=PowerLineComm'(noise), \=but, %=guess, hl=hotline
> =becoming/then, SM2012=ad for Summer meeting 2012.
[ between sq. brackets : best fit ID, thanks quick logs ]