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Log , 28 May - 3 JUN.

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2012 17:30 pm
by Ray Lalleu
  • * * * * * MON. 28 MAY 2012 * * * * * much PLC noise

    6980,0 0615-0648 LASER HOT HITS, good > weak \it. traffic on 6985 LSB, mx, tk, IDs

    6980,0 1714-2125 LASER HOT HITS, v.weak > noisy, "laser" effect, ID, mx...

    4015,0 2007-2307 LASER HOT HITS, good \noise burst > strong, ID, 2307 ads FSN, OEM (morning : trace)

    6265,0 0617-0734 R. WAVES INT, C&W, 0630 \strong sp. fishers 0635 ID, 0734 Country Music USA, now on 6264,8

    6240,3 0618-0736 FOCUS INT, still bad mx mod, 0632 ID+@, 0644 ID, She'd rather be with me, 0736 Relax (grr..)

    6240,3 1708-2251 FOCUS INT %, still bad mx mod, 2006 Relax (grr..), 2120 tk: R.Atlantis (2304 gone)

    6085,0 0622-0634 PUR R. 1, ID in E, 0634 tk in G, bad audio contact

    6302,6 1704-1706 UNID, v.weak \PLC, mx.

    6289,1 1706-1712 UNID, e.weak > trace \PLC [ cf LUXEMBURG ? ]

    6289,1 1826-2023 UNID, e.weak \occ. fax QRM, mx, tk, 2020 ..c'/d.. tk in D, over accordion, ut.QRM (cf SUNDOWN ?]

    6309,1 1708-1709 UNID, e.weak \PLC, Paranoid, shifts

    6312,7 1710-1715 UNID (same), Paranoid, other mx, drifts to 6312,9, then shifts again (to 6308,1 ?)

    6304,9 1813-1901 R. KANIBAL, \PLC on/off, You and me(Woundered Knee), tk \traffic, D mx, 1844 ID

    6319,6 1837-2003 R. CAROLINE INT %, \strong PLC, sounds like but no ID really heard. (2008 gone)

    6280,2 1831-1855* UNID, mx sunk in strong PLC

    6255,2 1857-1900* R. ASCONA, \PLC s/off, ment' MonteCarlo R., ID+@, bye bye, D song w. hickup and off.

    7600,1 2011-2302 UNID, e.weak, mx barely to noise level

    3905,0 2026-2116 COOL AM R. ?, e.weak, The wall, unsure ID "", mx, 2103 ID?, 2114 S&G

    3934,9 2050-2119 R. RAINBOW INT, e.weak, peaks w. mx, 2053 ID, 2118 vocoder QRM.

    6920 L 2126-2133 BALTICSEA R. %, mx in LSB, 2128 latino mx.

    * * * * * TUES. 29 MAY 2012 * * * * *big PLC on-off..

    4015,0 0453-0540 LASER HOT HITS, v.weak>e.weak \fading, loc.noise, mx, IDs.

    4015,0 1954,2023 LASER HOT HITS %, e.weak > fair, Hang on Sloopy, tk.

    6980,0 0455-0610 LASER HOT HITS, poor \fading-atmos-traffic QRM-noisy.. > good\fading. mx, tk, IDs

    6980,0 1618-1938 LASER HOT HITS %, v.weak \loc.noise-atmos and strange effect from ut. underneath.

    6305,1 1824-1930 R. ALTREX, v.weak, mx, B52's, moohs!, tk-no copy, Pop-corn, Gainsbourg-Birkin 6305,0

    6280,2 1828-1930 CO---- R. "in the UK", weak \PLC on/off, mx, IDs, 1846 Lola, Jackie Wilson (DJ?) [ cf COSMIC ]

    6919,9L 1931-2009 BALTIC SEA R. %, not typical, \atmos, noisy ut. bursts, mx, some tk, 2007 Cucaracha

    3934,9 2014-2045 R. RAINBOW, e.weak \noisy, mx, no details, only ID well heard.

    6250,0 2022-2042 UNID, weak, mx, 2038 This is Radio ------ International, more mx.

    * * * * * WED. 30 MAY 2012 * * * * *

    4015,0 0502-0540 LASER HOT HITS, weak > v.weak \noise bursts, loc. noise, mx, 0538 clear JID

    4015,0 2037-2208 LASER HOT HITS, v.weak \fading, mx, 2055 tk: bad weather in April, 2208 ID.

    6980,0 0504-0545 LASER HOT HITS, good \fading, mx, IDs, also @ and facebook, 0544 OEM, FSN

    6980,0 2012-2217 LASER HOT HITS, \atmos, 2213 bad recording from Caroline 558

    6320,1 1850-1922 R. SON---- ?, \PLC, begins with breaks-blanks, mx, 1905 ID?, g's, more mx. [ cf SONIC ]

    6305,0 1855-1955* NIGHT PIRATE, v.weak \PLC, atmos, mx, tk, IDs "from the N. of NL", 1921 Yesterday man

    6294,6 1938-1943 R. BNA, \PLC, mx, 1942 distorted ID+@ (later 6290,6)

    6290,6 1957-2045 R. BNA, \QRM from 6285USB at first, mx, IDs+@, anonymous jingles of course...

    6285 U 2002-2007 UNID, pop mx in USB, QRM with Radio BNA. [ cf GEOSTAR ]

    3934,9 2021-2036 R. RAINBOW, v.weak \noisy, mx, good ID on a peak.

    6920 L 2050-2051 BALTIC SEA R. %, southern Spain gypsies mx, and off?

    6290,6 2210-2222 R. BNA, D or G mx, Radio BNA, BNA Radio, Broadcast Name Anonymous, occ. fax QRM

    * * * * * THURS. 31 MAY 2012 * * * * *

    6925,0 0142-0159* R. RONIN SW, v.weak \atmos, brasilian traffic, mx, ID, California dreaming, ID [tnx HFU]

    4015,0 0458-0458 LASER HOT HITS %, weak, tk, "Nobody ..." slogan, mx

    4015,0 2212-2308 LASER HOT HITS, good \fading, noise, ID+@, Mystery year, mx

    6980,0 0500-0500 LASER HOT HITS, good +strong peak, mx, JID.

    6980,0 1556-1648 LASER HOT HITS %, v.weak > good \F hams traffic on 6983LSB

    6980,0 2141-2310 LASER HOT HITS %, \some traffic QRM, mx, tk

    6304,9 1557-1557 UNID, \strong PLC, D or G song. [ cf OSAKA ]

    6305,1 1649-1649 UNID, \strong PLC, mx. [ cf OME JAN ]

    6267,0 1650-1650 UNID, \good, PLC on-off.., mx, "Camouflage" [ cf B.BANDIT ]

    6950,0 2142-2143 IRISH MUSIC R., \far away traffic, mx, ID.

    3934,9 2147-2158 R. RAINBOW, e.weak, mx, tk, only the ID well heard!

    6309,6 2158-2202 UNID, e.weak, hard to hear: mx (2137, 2210 traces)

    6920 L 2201-2209 BALTIC SEA R. %, mx, soundtrack from F movie, latino mx.

    * * * * * FRI. 01 JUN. 2012 * * * * * portable +/- 2kHz

    6295 1725-1725 UNID, mx, a few seconds, and lost.

    6980 1730-2020 LASER HOT HITS, \traffic, noisy at first, mx, tk, 2011 ID, Mystery year. 2019 Venus

    6950 1909-2022 IRISH MUSIC R., v.weak \noisy, 1910 Laser (recording?), 1947 ID, 2022 Eloise, (2300a s/off)

    4015 1913-2038 LASER HOT HITS %, \noisy, mx, tk.

    3905 1914-2042 SKYLINE INT R., weak > good, D mx and pop, IDs, 1943 ID with BLACK EAGLE.

    3930 1915-1936* R. BATAVIA, e.weak > v.weak \noisy, mx, ID, D mx. 1933 anorak mx, many IDs+web.

    6320 1950-2043 UNID, mx, 2004 tk in it., then "Eurovision song contest 2012" (said in E), mx, tk

    6306 1956-2026 UNID, e.weak mx \QRM from image fq. [ cf PYTHON ]

    6550 2008-2051 UNID, mx \image QRM [ cf PINK PANTHER ]

    6240 2030-2050 F.R. VICTORIA, pop oldies, If I were a carpenter, Dire Straits, D.Ross"Stop.., ID+@

    3935 2039-2041 R. RAINBOW %, tk, ID?, anorak mx.

    6920 2310-2400 BALTIC SEA R., mx in SSB, 2325 ID.

    * * * * * SAT. 02 JUN. 2012 * * * * * portable +/- 2kHz

    6980 0707-1500 LASER HOT HITS, weak > trace > v.weak \loc.noise, mx, tk, 0903 JID. (also 1950 mx)

    6095 1049-1314 KBC, powerful, Rosko's Coast to coast country, diluted by KBC studio around 1300

    6305 1317-1332 UNID, v.weak \loc.noise, mx, 1332 e.weak.

    6950 1320-1617 IMR Radio, v.weak, ID+JID at 1323, later much mx. 1617 loc.noise. (1951 mx,tk)

    6295 1350-1405 UNID, strong, rock. 1357 Born to be wild. 1405 blank

    6304 1418-1430 R. VENDOR, free radio ---, mx, 1429 ID (unsure) from the NL on 6-3-Oh-4, D country song

    6300 1420-1420 UNID, e.weak mx.

    6325 1422-1427 UNID, strong pop or C&W (1431 gone)

    6930 1433-1458 ANTONIO R. ?, weak, D mix of mx, 1458 ID (unsure) (1503 gone)

    6940 1441-1507* BLACK ARROW, rock, skiffle?, F song, 1506 ID as B.A., c'/d, Boney M medley.

    6280 1512-1518 UNID, e.weak, Bend me shape me (reprise), non-stop mx. (1523 gone) [ cf LUXEMBURG ]

    6210 1519-1559 SLUWE VOS R. ?, v.weak \traffic QRM, D and pop mx, 1555 R.Stones, 1559 said c'/d

    6210 1630-1634 UNID, v;weak \fades, v.quiet mx [ cf SLUWE VOS ? ]

    6290 1530-1532 QSO, in E, at least 2 stns in SSB and a 3rd one in AM, quick talk only.

    6307 1534-1534 UNID, tk.

    6303 1604-1604 UNID, Radio --- (too weak, hets everywhere around 6300 !)

    6295 1607-1628 UNID, stronger than others \beating, in E (D accented), mx, g's to Sweden, gd ev', mx

    6305 1953-1955 R. MERLIN INT, Dirty old town, ID+"broadcasting in international waters"

    6292 1956,2020 UNID, 1956 D mx \atmos, 2020 hello Gino [ cf FLYING DUTCHMAN ]

    6280 2000-2039 UNID, v.weak mx, often hard to hear.

    6210 2001-2044 UNID, 2001 D songs, 2024 rock"maru maru", blues \atmos, "You can't hurry love", some tk

    4015 2003-2010 LASER HOT HITS %, v.difficult (also 2219)

    3905 2004-2040 UNID, mx, 2004 some C&W, 2015 hum, tk, ID ?, 2040 CCR [ cf ALICE ]

    3930 2005-2042 UNID, v.weak, mx, 2042 "Free radio" jingle. [ cf BATAVIA ]

    6285 2022-2039 R. TELSTAR SOUTH, with a record from offshore era?, then typical voice and tk+mx

    * * * * * SUN. morning 03 JUN. 2012 * * * * * portable +/- 2kHz

    6280 0125-0132 R. MERLIN INT, ID, Man of action, tk: Seagull, JID Caroline 259, rec' Irish Nova, "Layla"

    6980 0604-0812 LASER HOT HITS, rpt, ID+@+POB, mx, later mx, occ. traffic QRM. (also around 1200)

    4015 0606-0610 LASER HOT HITS %, v.weak, mx, tk.

    6280 0612-0933 R. MERLIN INT, strong > sunk, hello to Iann/FFrance, ID, mx, tk. later noisy, traffic QRM.

    6280 1118-1223 R. MERLIN INT, \noisy, ID, mx.

    6207 0620-0746 R. ORANG UTAN %, v. weak \traffic QRM, mx.

    6215a 0746-0751 UNID, \noisy, rock, jingle, more rock [ cf KING SW ]

    5820 0752-0853 ORION R., strong > fading > noisy, Paranoid, ID, tk in D and G, ment' Tina, etc. D mx.

    6295 0805-0855 UNID, \loc.noise, traffic. D songs. [ cf OME JAN ]

    6005 0858-0900 R. 700, in G, news? by W, JID (in G), then at 0900 annt in E (sunk in loc.noise) [ cf JOYSTICK ]

    6095 0901-1224 KBC, 60s pop, rock, 0920 KBC schedule (incl' Transport R. in D). 1224 rock "Gloria

    6140 0906-0923 MV BALTIC R., in G, rock, web spelled E way, ID in G, news, mx: Eric Burdon.

    6930 0927-0935 GERONIMO SW, strong peak, mx, ID+POBs, JID, ad BDXC, mx...

    6950 1116-1221 UNID, trace +e. weak peaks \traffic. mx [ cf IMR ]

    9480 1120-1221 R. GLORIA, mx, ID+@ in G, tk about dances (waltz is not in NATO spelling...), mx

    6450 1222-1222 UNID, v. weak mx [ cf UNCLE SAM ]

    [ ----- end of portable time, time to fold down ---- ]

    * * * * * SUN. evening 03 JUN. 2012 * * * * * back home, +/- 200 Hz

    6300,0 1711-1722 R. MYSTERO GHOST PLANET, in E, Whiter shade of pale, Jefferson Airplane

    6303,0 1722-1728 R. MYSTERO GHOST PLANET," radio..", "Susanee", 1728 ID, Janis Joplin.

    6280,3 1712-1842 R. MERLIN INT, \ut.splash from 6275, pops, 1724 ID+post address, 1838 e.weak

    6280,3 2125-2256 R. MERLIN INT, \splash from 6285, pops, IDs, 2132 Whiter shade of pale

    6950,0 1715-1721 IMR Radio, v.weak, soul, 60s pop.

    6950,0 2154-2220 IMR Radio, strong, soul, 60s po.

    6324,0 1833-1833 UNID, \under strong PLC, mx. [ cf UNDERGROUND ]

    6323,8 2110-2121 UNID, Captain sensible"Wot, long blank, 2121 "Wot" again [ cf UNDERGROUND ?]

    6306,5 1835-1835 UNID, \under strong PLC. [ cf SWR ]

    6284,7 1836-1841 UNID, mx [ cf BOGUSMAN ]

    6284,6 2122-2215 UNID, pop, B-52's, tk: media and marxism, 2131 humour (2150 again) [ cf THE GHOUL ]

    6255,0 1838-1842 GERONIMO SW, strong, rock, ID, J.Hendrix Voodoo child.

    6301,9 2117-2121* UNID, undermodulated, tk in E.

    6209,9 2128-2257 R. TELSTAR SOUTH, \hum on 6209,8 ?, offshore story with long tape (and movie?) part, God save the queen.. 2233 Paranoid, no more hum, ID.

    3934,9 2143-2149 R. RAINBOW %, Green fields, tk, other 60s jazzy mx

    6980,0 2155-2220 LASER HOT HITS, mx, tk , ID.

    7600,1 2157-2220 UNID, e.weak, hard to hear music. [ cf LIGHTNING ]

    mx=music, tk=talk, D=Dutch, E=English, G=German, F=French, it.=Italian, rpt=report, v.=very,
    e.=extremely w.=with, ', c'/d=closing down, M/W=man/woman, g'=greeting, ut=utility,
    ID+@=ID+e-mail address, J=jingle, PLC=PowerLineComm'(noise), \=but, %=guess, hl=hotline
    > =becoming/then, SM2012=ad for Summer meeting 2012.
    [ between sq. brackets : best fit ID, thanks quick logs ]
