Log : 21 - 27 May 2012
Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2012 21:23 pm
- Still a week late, but big logs...
* * * * * MON. 21 MAY 2012 * * * * *
6980,0 0454-0551 LASER HOT HITS, usual format, long RTTY QRM on 6977.
6980,0 1648-1941 LASER HOT HITS, 1648 QRM from traffic on 6979LSB, 1941 RTTY again on 6977
4015,0 0456-0555 LASER HOT HITS, weak > trace with mod. 0530 rpt from Spain.
4015,0 1952-2036 LASER HOT HITS, v.weak > good \atmos.
6304,9 1650-1942 R. OSAKA, fair +good peaks \later: atmos, nonstop fine D+pop mix 1930 c'/d IDs, SM2012, bye
6325,0 1843-1844 UNID, pop mx till 1844, then carrier (1846 still there, 1848 shifting around 6324)
6319,5 1911-2025 R. RAINBOW, R.Stones"We love you", tk: democracy, IDs, mx, getting unclear, 2025 s/off ?
6710 L 1914-1940 UNID, oriental mx and tk, traffic QRM.
6250,0 2003-2044 UNID, v.weak \atmos, PLC, occ. fax QRM. mx, pop mx.
3934,8 2028-2036 R. RAINBOW, e.weak, mx, IDs.
* * * * * TUES. 22 MAY 2012 * * * * *
4015,0 0458-0550 LASER HOT HITS, weak-clear > v.weak\noisy, 0540 ID, ad for OEM
4015,0 1833-2135 LASER HOT HITS, v.weak > strong.
6980,0 0459-0548 LASER HOT HITS, strong \noisy, 0536 tk: other DJs, 0544 FSN, OEM.
6980,0 1840-2121 LASER HOT HITS, 1840 Anorak Hour (end), mx, IDs, 2121 strong\fading "Rhythm of the night"
6300,0 1834-1903 UNID, \fading, noisy QRM, plus strong PLC most of the time, 1837 ID no copy, D songs.
6324,7 1843-1904 UNID, strong \strong PLC most of the time, mx (D sauce), 1904 messing. [ B. BANDIT ? ]
6725 L 1935-1940 UNID, prob. Greek mx, tk, 1939 Greek mx again, 1940 off ?
5815,0 1943-2051 UNID, \noisy ut.QRM, mx, DJ tk in E (british way) (2111 flattened by ut). [ cf R. NOVA rec. ]
6324,8 2030-2120 R. FREE EUROPE/FREE WORLD (by R.Rainbow), mx, tk about Ukraine, Belarus, Russia (lack of) democracy, IDs in E, also IDs with sepulchral voice in slavic(?) language(s).
3934,9 2054-2135 R. RAINBOW, e.weak, mx, IDs+@.
3905,0 2100-2123 UNID, e.weak, phantomatic tk (maybe with "@hotmail")
6304,7 2113-2119 UNID, mx (D song then Greek? mx). [ cf KANIBAL ]
7600,1 2122-2132 UNID, e.weak \noisy, atmos, traffic! mx, a few words at 2128, mx again.
* * * * * WED. 23 MAY 2012 * * * * *
4015,0 0507-0545 LASER HOT HITS, weak, f/down but clear, 0543 ID+contacts, Tony James.
4015,0 1903-2143 LASER HOT HITS, weak \het on 4010, rpt (Kenwood TS480), 2141 complains about rain
6980,0 0546-0557 LASER HOT HITS, good \occ. Morse, mx, IDs.
6980,0 1646-2053 LASER HOT HITS, v.weak\loc.noise > good \much atmos, mx. (2427: clear, tk: 100W stereo FM)
6255,1 1907-1912* R. TELSTAR SOUTH, quite typical programme, 1909 break, came back, 1912 break again.
5800,1 1916-1921 R. NORDSEE INT, good \v.disturbing atmos, pops, JIDs, 1921 "RNI"+full ID.
6923,9 1925-2140 UNID, e.weak \v.disturbing atmos, mx, D like songs, 2120 weak peak, rock. [ cf FOX 48 ]
6319,6 1953-2035 R. CAROLINE INT, fair \atmos-strong PLC, mx, some unclear IDs (Rainbow?), 2003 JID.
3934,8 2008-2151 R. RAINBOW, e.weak \v.disturbing atmos, mx, IDs+@, 2030 Spirit in the sky.
6324,6 2017-2023 UNID, hard to hear mx under atmos (+soon under strong traffic), 2023 lost.
6920 L 2036-2139 BALTIC SEA R., strong>v.weak, orient mx (+2049 We love..), pops, 2125 ID+@ (2330 Lambada, ID)
* * * * * THURS. 24 MAY 2012 * * * * *
6980,0 0502-0525 LASER HOT HITS %, strong \some noisy ut.QRM, Kinks"Lola, mx.
6980,0 1814-1954 LASER HOT HITS, \some noisy QRM just under, mx, much tk tonight. (2254 mx, tk)
4015,0 0503-0522 LASER HOT HITS %, mx, tk, clear then loc.noise rising.
4015,0 1924-2055 LASER HOT HITS %, weak mx & tk, 2013 and later \disturbed by spanish traffic on 4013 USB.
6304,8 0702-0718 UNID, weak \some PLC, song in F, mx, jitter 6304,9 and blank periods
3995,0 1926-2013 RADIO 700 %, good peaks, G or D song, bit of tk, One for you one for me, mx.
6304,7 1932-2001* UNID, \traffic QRM, PLC, mx, D mx.
3934,9 2004-2104 R. RAINBOW %, e.weak, mx, some tk.
6306,5 2014-2039 SWR Radio (from NE NL), \some traffic and PL, pops, 2022 ID, g's, 2031 Blondie"Call me.
6950,0 2041-2105 IMR Radio, IRISH MUSIC R., fair, pops, IDs, still ann' 6930. (also 2254: strong).
6920 L 2045-2105 BALTIC SEA R. %, pops, orient mx, (also 2254-2301 Lambada, mx)
* * * * * FRI. 25 MAY 2012 * * * * *
6944 U 0532-0533* UNID, latino mx, disrturbed bt Morse, and off.
6980,0 0535-0554 LASER HOT HITS, \fading, noisy, Sam' Fox, tk, ID, mx (also 2256 ID, tk)
4015,0 0541-0550 LASER HOT HITS, v.weak > e.weak, loc.noise, mx, OEM,FSN, ID.
4015,0 2101-2343 LASER HOT HITS, \atmos, mx;tk, ID.
6323,7 2038-2116 R. UNDERGROUND, g's to U-BOAT66, Katbush, JID, tnx to Sylvania
6307,5u 2040-2117 R.TROPIQ %, USB \CPL,atmos, blues, ID? no copy, w.fq. 2117 now e.weak \much atmos
6291,8 2053-2127 UNID, \atmos, mx, 2127 "Israelites", fading down. [ cf NACHTPIRAAT ]
6281,7 2053-2053 R. ALTREX %, weak, v.disturbed, mx from the B-52's
6240,2 2054-2342 FOCUS INT, strong \atmos, v.bad mx modulation, duo tk (good voices), pops, rock.
6207,1 2056-2056 R. CAROLINE, mx, JID.
3905,1 2058-2231 SKYLINE INT R., \atmos, D mix, ID at 2206 only, 2218 On the road again, 2231 ZZ Top
3934,8 2058-2116 R. RAINBOW %, e.weak + weak peaks, mx, R&R, pop-rock.
6215,0 2129-2137 UNID, nonstop ZZ Top, Who are you, Can't buy me love (traffic QRM), Year 25-25 [cf SLUWE V.]
6394,5 2138-2201 R. UNDERGROUND, mx, ID, D song...
6549,9 2140-2202 R. RISING SUN, pops, It's a heartache, 2201 ID+@, mx
6920 L 2145-2429 BALTIC SEA R., \bad Morse QRM on 6919, often so-so mod, orient mx, pops, rock...
6949,9 2147-2256 UNID, pops, tk in E. [ cf IRISH MUSIC R. ]
6930,0 2150-2204 UNID, v.weak \much atmos, mx, some tk, many breaks after 2200
4024,2 2210-2230 UNID, stronger than LHH, pop, hard rock.
6324,6 2232-2234* UNID, v.weak, mx, then song about "Radio"? by M and girlie, sudden off. [ cf CENTURION ? ]
6305,5 2235-2236 UNID, mx, song (D?). (2243 blank). [ cf THE FARMER ? ]
6299,9 2237-2239 UNID, tk: hl given in D, mx. [ cf GOLFBREKER ]
6300,4 2244-2244 UNID, mx.
6939,9 L 2245-2336 OVER 60° R. ?, \atmos, mx, bits of tracks, IDs no copy then 2331 ID not very sure.
6925 L 2247-2417 R. FOX 48, \splash from Baltic Sea, rock, blues, pop, IDs+@, "We are the pirate stns"
7600,0 2258-2323 UNID, e.weak, mx, 2301 v.short ID (no copy).
6930 L 2350-2350 (at least 2 stations talking) [ cf OVER 60° R. ]
6930 L 2405-2420* OVER 60° R., \splash from Baltic Sea, blues-rock, tk in E, mx, v.weak 2419 IDs, bye bye
* * * * * SAT. 26 MAY 2012 * * * * *
6980,0 0531-0930 LASER HOT HITS %, a Caroline tape? \it. traffic on 6985 L, then v.weak \atmos, noisy
6285 L 0534-0540* UNID, \atmos, mx, ID sounds like "Eurostar" from the N of NL.
6240,3 0535-0935 FOCUS INT, strong>good, good voices (duo), bad mx modulation, what a mess
6240,3 1209-1435 FOCUS INT, tape from offshore Laser ?, then same mx mess (also evening well past 2200)
6925 U 0607-0650* UNDERCOVER ., mx and long tk, surprising mix od Bush years patriotism and free radio tk.
4015,0 0614-0617 LASER HOT HITS, e.weak, mx, FSN, Laser effects, OEM, mx.
4015,0 2107-2201 LASER HOT HITS, fair > strong, mx, ID, tk.
6085,0 0727-0936 PUR R. 1 %, fair > weak \PLC, mx, tk in G (E too), prob. PUR R. 1 back after a week blank
6205,1 0912-0924 UNID, e.weak > trace \PLC, barely audible mx.
6181,5 0918-0918 UNID, trace \PLC, some talk barely heard
6095,0 0920-1445 KBC, v.strong, ID, KBC ad, Emperor Rosko, C&W, etc.
6950,0 1212-2123 IRISH MUSIC R., e.weak >trace> weak, mx, tk, IDs+@, 1943 W DJ
6305,0 1431-1434 UNID, v.weak mx \PLC
6281,0 1628-1730 R. FREE EUROPE ?, v.weak \atmos, PLC, mx, IDs no copy, 1719 tk: democracy
6270,0 1637-1730 Radio TRE, it. FM radio relayed by UNID, mx, tk, IDs not intended for SW! 1702 news
6300,05 1722-1728 UNID, v.weak \PLC, atmos, tk, mx, Twist and shout, then Stray Cats ?
6304,9 1800-1859* R. KANIBAL, \occ. traffic QRM, D mx, pops, 1856 allo amateur.., IDs, c'/d
6316,2 1859-1900* UNID, D song, s/off at 1859'50".
6295,0 1900-1926* R. FOX 48, v.weak \atmos, ut bursts, mx, ID, D? songs...
6280,0 1903-1932* Radio TRE, it. FM radio relayed by UNID, now strong but so-so audio.
6307,2 1914-1950 R. BOHEMIA INT, "from Czechia", v.weak \traffic,atmos, mx, rpts, IDs in E
7600,1 1945-2136 UNID, v.weak, mx, 2130 S.Asia mx ?
6210,0 1951-2215 R. TELSTAR SOUTH, Memories: offshore stations from the 60s, usual instrum background
6289,05 2029-2033 R. SCOTLAND INT, v.strong, Dady cool, ID testing new TX, web site..
6260,0 2033-2052 UNID, difficult \splash from Cairo, later from Focus and f/down, pops. [ cf NACHTPIRAAT ]
6300,0 2048-2052 BLACK BANDIT %, rock-blues, player jumps, op shouts, then C&W [ or FOX 48 ? ]
3904,9 2055-2200 R. ALICE, rock, soft rock, F song, JID+@, D songs, now on 3904,8
3934,9 2056-2109 R. RAINBOW, e.weak, mx, IDs just above noise level, tk: democracy.
6940,05 2112-2118 R. SCOTLAND, v.strong old TX and 48m antenna for 43m, instrum mx, s/off 2118'23"
6940,0 *2118-2123* R. BLACK ARROW, strong, Hocus Pocus, 2121 bye bye, 2122 tk in D, ID ?, off at 2122'53"
6920 L 2120-2136 UNID, loop with cajun/acadian mx (by Michel Fugain?) [ cf BALTICSEA ]
6933 L 2138-2138 UNID, extra-extra weak! ad for FSN and then lost.
6306,5 2146-2206 R. SWR (from NE of NL), IDs, In the summertime, Get it on, g's, 2205 v.gd m'
6290,4 2206-2211 CUPID R., mx, ID, low power 35 watts, c/d soon
6314,2 2250-2250 BLACK BANDIT R., v.strong, accordion, IDs in G
6300,0 2251-2259 UNID, mx, c'/d annts, g's to UKdxer, SM2012+@, bye, no ID heard
6294,0 2254-2259 UNID, D song.
* * * * * SUN. 27 MAY 2012 * * * * *
6980,0 0617-0809 LASER HOT HITS, in phase with the stream for Sunday morning, out of phase for rain
6980,0 1535-2214 LASER HOT HITS, usual format, 1540 ID.
4015,0 0633-0638 LASER HOT HITS %, deep fade, mx, tk, some jingle, mx, f/up again
4015,0 2150-2203 LASER HOT HITS, mx, tk, laser effect, "Laser", mx
6206,4 0618-0712 R. ORANG UTAN, weak \PLC, D mix of mx, 0644 tk in D+E, ID+@
6240,3 0617-1038 FOCUS INT, good >weak \bad mx mod, later PLC, DJ duet, 0649 ID+hl+@
6240,3 1504-2230 FOCUS INT, still bad mx mod.
6085,0 0625-0908 PUR R. 1, is well back, 0628 ID+@ in E and postal address in NL.
5820,0 0701-0854 ORION R., Crunchy Granola, ID,rock,OEM,SM2012.. 0756 ut.QRM, 0759 D program
7265,0 0800-0913 R. GLORIA INT, PLC free!, pops, DJ in G, 0913 // 6005 w. small time shift
6005,0 0853-0914 R. GLORIA INT, mx, 0912 ID+@, 0914 // 7265 w. small time shift
6305,1 0811-0938 UNID, e.weak \PLC, mx incl' D songs, some tk. 0938 \hets too. [ cf OME JAN ]
6300,0 0812-0830 UNID, v.weak \PLC, Let's dance, 0823 QRM on 6300,4 [ cf ANTONIO ]
6300,4 0823-0938 UNID, e.weak \PLC, het with 6300, D mx (waltz). (0956, 1028: trace) [ cf GOLFBREKER ]
6279,8 0831-0843 UNID, v.weak \fades,PLC, traffic. Nonstopmx. [ cf LUXEMBURG ]
6280,0 0831-1034 Radio TRE % (it. FM radio relayed by UNID), v.weak \PLC, mx, 1030 tk in it., ads.
6295,0 0839-0843 UNID, e.weak \PLC, mx
6265,1 0843-1006* R. WAVES INT, fair \PLC, fades, pops, 0855 ad, 0917 Aznavour, 1006 Country Music USA
6267,4 1007-1036 R. WAVES INT %, v.weak, bit of drift, mx, 1036 tk \sunk under PLC.
6265 v 1505-2000 R. WAVES INT, F songs, ad: Country Festival, 1958 Aznavour"Emmenez-moi, Nougaro"Cécile
6140,0 0904-1000* MV BALTIC R., v.strong, pops, 0920 ID, news in G, 0941 Beatles songs, DJ in G.
6045,0 0905-0959 R. ICEMAN, v.strong, 60s pops and IDs, later D songs/pops
6095,0 0908-1522 KBC, v.strong, pop-rock, IDs, ads KBC Import.
5815,1 0930-1040 UNID, e.weak \noisy, D mx, tk in E, mx, 0953 Dirty old town, 0955 ..gmail..
9480,0 1002-1005 R. GLORIA INT, repeat, just like at 0800, mx, DJ in G.
6293,4 1028-1029 UNID, e.weak \sunk in PLC, tk, quick lost.
6311,2 1453-1655 R. PANDORA, v.weak\PLC >fair, mx, tk in E. 1546 on 6311,1 SW pirate news, 1627 Blowin in the wind, 1635 tk: R.Fax, 1643 JID, then about 1967, R. Mi Amigo, ad for Suzi Wafels.
6950,0 1525-2221 IRISH MUSIC R., v.weak \fades,etc.. 60s soul, tk, later mx, M+W duo tk, IDs
6255,1 1608-1622 R. GERONIMO, strong \PLC background, rock, IDs, Eisenach box.
6307,2 1627-1640* UNID, v.weak \PLC, in G ?, dot-nl, pops, "Radio - - - Central"(?), off.
6300,0 1653-1658 UNID, e/weak - trace \PLC,splash from 6295. Some mx heard.
6279,8 1712,1856 UNID, 1712 pop W singer. (1856 blank)
6550,0 1859-2043 R. RISING SUN, weak/v.weak, mx, 1901 jingle, ID+@, laugh, Jefferson Airplane,...
6924,8 1907-1944 UNID, \atmos, Tom Tom Club,.., 1916 JID no copy, 1935 Bette Davis eyes [ cf AMBASSADOR]
6908 L 1921-2047 UNID, pops, 1923 long break, 1931 ut.QRM up to strong ut.QRM at 2047. [ cf BALTIC SEA ]
7600,1 1939-2053 UNID, v.weak \atmos, mx. (also at 2216, 2320 v.noisy)
6302,5 1947-1953 UNID, D pop, some techno mx, accordion. (1956 long blank)
6310,0 1947-1954* BLACK BANDIT %, strong, 60s pop then C&W.
6315,0 1952-2012 UNID, up to strong, D song, W.Indies mx, accordion... (2017 gone)
6264,8 2000-2021 R. CAROLINE INT, \"birdie" QRM, mx, 2021 JID.
6209,9 2002-2025 R. TELSTAR SOUTH, typical, IDs, instrum background, memories: cassette machines.
5815,0 2005-2011 UNID, \noisy, pops, tk in E, jingle "Non stop music".
6285,1 2013-2104 SLUWE VOS R., pop-rock, IDs, Bang-bang, Dreamer, Ride my see-saw, J.Cash?
6374,9 2029-2036 R. KILOHERTZ, \hum on 6374,6 strong RTTY on 6378, Troggs"Wild thing, ID, pops.
6383,5 2036-2106 R. UNDERGROUND, tk, IDs-JIDs+hl, retro song, day log on 48mb.
6734,9 2043-2108 COOL AM %, weak >e.weak, mx.
6304,6 2053-2233 UNID, strong \occ. traffic, 2nd stn ?, Turners"Proud Mary, duo tk in D, mx, polka,.. [cf W. REUS ]
5800 v 2113-2317 R. MI AMIGO, mx, tk (tipsy voice), 5800,1 then 5799,7kHz. 2317 ID, gd m'
3904,7 2119-2202 R. LIKEDEELER, weak, mx, tk in G, 2143 hl, Get it on, 2149 ID c'/d, etc..
3934,9 2123-2150 R. RAINBOW, e.weak >v.weak, mx, g's to DrTim, ID+@, mx (2202 gone)
6920 L 2210-2223 BALTIC SEA R., \noisy, mx, IDs, 2210 Sweet Caroline
mx=music, tk=talk, D=Dutch, E=English, G=German, F=French, it.=Italian, rpt=report, v.=very,
e.=extremely w.=with, '=..ing, c'/d=closing down, M/W=man/woman, g'=greeting, ut=utility,
ID+@=ID+e-mail address, J=jingle, PLC=PowerLineComm'(noise), \=but, %=guess, hl=hotline
> =becoming/then, SM2012=ad for Summer meeting 2012.
[ between sq. brackets : best fit ID, thanks quick logs ]