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Back home log : 21 - 22 april 2012

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 21:19 pm
by Ray Lalleu
  • *** SAT. 21 APR. 2012 *** ( back home, + - 0,2 kHz)

    6295,0 2224-2250* SPACEMAN, v.strong, ID over "Radar love", 2241 instrum mx, g's

    6980,0 2227-2247 LASER HOT HITS, mx, IDs

    6256,1 2232-2410 FOCUS INT %, weak \sometimes undermod, pop, tk. 2243 Walking on sunshine

    4015,0 2238-2240 LASER HOT HITS %, rec of Laser 558 "live from the North Sea".

    6924,7 2413-2425 UNID, e.weak, mx, 2415 Pop-corn?, 2419 Walk don't run?, 2420 ID?+@?, f/out
    [cf R. STRANGE OUTPOST 7 ]

    *** SUN. 22 APR. 2012 ***

    6980,0 0729-1423 LASER HOT HITS %, Morse QRM, f/down to e.weak-sunk in noise

    6980,0 1656-2010 LASER HOT HITS, long under ham traffic. 1844 rec Caroline 558, around 2000 IDs.

    7265,0 0731-0734 HAMBURGER LOKALRADIO, rec parts in E, 0733 ID+@ in G, still rec w. pop-rock

    6200,0 0735-0737 R. ORANG UTAN, \PLC, pop mx, ID+@

    5820,0 0737-0828 ORION R., \fading, PLC, mx, ID, SM2012, ID, mx, 0827 D song and ID

    6305,0 0828-0828 UNID, \strong PLC, D mx [ cf GHOST R. ]

    6233,8 0831-1027 UNID, \PLC, ut.QRM on low side, G songs, 0858 sunk, 0913 v.weak on 6233,9 [ cf DELTA ]

    6095,0 0836-0842 R. SCOTLAND, 0839 ID in E, c'/d, CCR song, 0842 ID, tk about KBC, mx.

    6005,0 0843-0859 R. 700, \strong PLC, in G, mx, 0859 ID in G, JID

    9480,0 0845-0849 UNID, mx, some crude 70s rock. [ cf GLORIA ]

    9480,0 0908-0908 R. GLORIA INT, // 6005 and 6140 kHz (a few seconds shifted)

    6005,0 0900-0907 R. GLORIA INT, \strong PLC, in G, mx, 0907 rock "Gloria", // 6140

    6140,0 0900-0906 R. GLORIA INT, strong clear, mx, ID, //6005 and 9480

    6304,2 0852-0912 UNID, \PLC, mx, ment' Osaka (not ID), Rose garden, fine mx. [ cf GHOST ]

    6205,0 0915-0919 UNID, v.weak \QRM from ut. IS (playing short tones), mx. [ cf MISTI ]

    6045,0 0920-0959* XVRB, powerful, Mike Wilson p' US pop-rock from 50-60s. 0956 c'/d annt, till next week, instrum.

    6095,0 1000-1421 KBC, powerful, Turkish march, jingles, ID.. 60s mx, Good day sunshine by George Martin orchestra, KBC Import ad, etc. 1420 DJ own email, ID, S&G"Mrs Robinson".

    6296,0 1026-1026 UNID, weak \strong PLC, mx [ cf NEUTRON R. ? ]

    6280,0 1027-1027 R. MERLIN INT %, \strong PLC, mx, hl

    6930,05 1244-1850 IMR R., e.weak\almost sunk > weak1425 Because the night 1658 All night long, 1658 ID.

    9480,0 1253-1300* R. GLORIA INT, in E, mx, ID+POB+@, next program May 27th, bye bye.

    6306,6 1300-1410 UNID, sunk under PLC (other sunk traces on 6255,1 - 6240,0 - 6510,0 )

    6303,0 1300-1303* UNID, e.weak \under PLC, mx, in E, " --- Radio" ID ? and off.

    6290,0 1305-1434 UNID, \PLC, bits of mx, maybe seagull noise ?? [ cf RAINBOW ]

    7265,0 1429-1434 HAMBURGER LOKALRADIO %, in G, long talk, political comment ?

    6325,1 1632-1638 UNID, e.weak mx

    6305,0 1641-1726* UNID, v.weak \SSB splash upside, polka, 1643 op sings along, 1723 g's Delta-Pluto

    6310 L 1642-1645 UNID, mx in LSB, QRM w. 6305 stn, 1645 JM Jarre??(from his worst, don't want to know)

    6374,9 1716-1718* UNID, mx, sudden off.

    6306,8 1827-2115 BOGUS/GHOUL, \mushy carrier, rock, much tk: many rpts, World Finance, TX and X-rays.

    6324,0 1837-1941* R. UNDERGROUND, mx, live IDs, JIDs, 1837 Lou Reed?, 1852 D accordion, 1927 alr."c'/d"

    6240,0 1858-1949 SLUWE VOS R., weak, pop, Mr BlueSky, ID, California dreaming, rock ID.

    6374,9 1911-1951 R. CAROLINE INT, \squeezed fax & Morse ut., mx, JID.

    6420,0 1919-1952 R. MUSTANG, instrum, Hey Jude, ID+@, mx.

    4015,0 1930-2057 LASER HOT HITS, \strong RTTY on 4020, mx, D.Ross, ID, Supertramp?, pop, ID...

    3995,0 1935-1939 R. 700, good, pop, JID in G.

    6330,2 1942-1945* UNID, D song ( ) , 1944 end of c'/d annt over same song, bye bye. [ cf ASCONA ]

    6255,1 2016-2116 R. MI AMIGO (from UK \old jingles), 2019 Troggs"Wild thing, 2116 Village People worst

    6325,3 2022-2103 UNID, mx, strong \mod low at times. (2109 gone)

    6925,0 2349-2411 UNDERCOVER R., good \noisy, ut.splash on lowside, mx, clear IDs+@, unclear annts, 2405 from the middle of nowhere, 2410 many e-QSLs just sent, remaining lot next week.

    mx=music, tk=talk, D=Dutch, E=English, G=German, F=French, it.=Italian, rpt=report, v.=very,
    e.=extremely w.=with, c'/d=closing down, M/W=man/woman, g'=greeting, ut=utility, a=approx.
    ID+@=ID+e-mail address, J=jingle, PLC=PowerLineComm'(noise), \=but, %=guess, hl=hotline
    SM2012=Summer Meeting 2012. [ between sq. brackets : best fit ID, thanks quick logs ]
