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Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2005 11:17 am
by Dave
Tower Radio heard this morning, strong signal,Freq 6280 to 6332 actual freq 6306.
Fantastic use of the band.
R Underground who signed on hours before were inaudable due to this excessive splash.
When is this going to stop.


Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2005 11:22 am
by Dave
wnkr wrote:Tower Radio heard this morning, strong signal,Freq 6280 to 6332 actual freq 6306.
Fantastic use of the band.
R Underground who signed on hours before were inaudable due to this excessive splash.
When is this going to stop.
Correct that the splash is even wider than I said going down to 6265!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What the F**K????????????????????????????????????????????

what can i said

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2005 14:05 pm
by guest
hello tower is good receveid here from 6260 to 6340 with there hifi broadcast
even on 12611 khz they got a to big signal [second harmonic] :shock:
its nice of them that they don`t think they are alone on 48 meters and that they leave some band space for other pirates
:( :( :( :(

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2005 18:00 pm
by Guest
So what!!!

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2005 20:10 pm
by caveman
splatter or not - I love TOWER & VERONIQUE
or will someone do another blacklist :badgrin:

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2005 20:30 pm
by Guest
Hello, I heard the Tower also.
And indeed, it is very important for every pirate to realise that your signal must be correct in every behaviour, like bandwith and modulation.
It is of course very stupid to drive secondery and other harmonics!
That only wakes up the folks from AT! :shock:

Don't mess it up for your collegue pirates!
:arrow: never the less the show was tippicaly TOWER good :!:

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2005 16:00 pm
by tower fan
he wnkr,Sorry but wnkr is wanker.greeting tower fan. :idea: :twisted:


Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2005 17:13 pm
by silentkeyradio
Dave is right
Sidebands of that width are unacceptable and it is so easy to sort it out.


Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2005 17:18 pm
by tower fan
he knuppel,Die jongens van de tower zitten niet met 50 watt hoor.
En ja mijn engels is niet zo goed,maar daarom in mijn eigen taal.
Volgens mij hebben ze een paar kw,daarom die bandspreiding.

groeten tower fan :P

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2005 17:24 pm
by kobus
hello tower , good recieve heir in the pub. ga zo door friends.

Good free radio/bad free radio

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2005 22:59 pm
by Dave
kobus wrote:hello tower , good recieve heir in the pub. ga zo door friends.
I think that I am pissed off with moaning year in and year out about our Dutch friends(not all, there are some exceptions,Alfa lima etc ).Plus all the suggestions about moving to a new band etc, just waste my time , we did this sort of thing in the early 90's when we moved to 76metre band(no it's not a Dutch invention!!)Within 6 months the band had been taken over by high power idiot stations, so we moved to 5.8 Mhz.
Surprise, Surprise they moved there too. ANYONE IN MAINLAND EUROPE GOT A ORIGINAL IDEA???? .
Kobus stay in the Pub! Also invite all of the other idiots to join you, it's my round, it might be worth it! Because doing a show for the weekend surely isn't worth it at this moment in time.
Stations like Radio Underground went on air on Sunday only to have their signals wiped out by Tosser, sorry TOWER. They were not only on before Tower, but they had also taken the time to inform people via the internet that they would be on at that time!
Even after I have said all that I still find myself speechless over the ridiculous situation !!!!!!!!
It wouldn't be so bad but people like John from Radio Orion have spent a lot of time and no doubt some money trying to set up a system where by OP's can advertise the fact that they are on the air so as to avoid this problem, it seems they waste their time!!!!

Re: Good free radio/bad free radio

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2005 23:29 pm
by Guest
wnkr wrote:I think that I am pissed off with moaning year in and year out about our Dutch friends(not all, there are some exceptions,Alfa lima etc ).Plus all the suggestions about moving to a new band etc, just waste my time , we did this sort of thing in the early 90's when we moved to 76metre band(no it's not a Dutch invention!!)Within 6 months the band had been taken over by high power idiot stations, so we moved to 5.8 Mhz.
Surprise, Surprise they moved there too. ANYONE IN MAINLAND EUROPE GOT A ORIGINAL IDEA???? .
Kobus stay in the Pub! Also invite all of the other idiots to join you, it's my round, it might be worth it! Because doing a show for the weekend surely isn't worth it at this moment in time.
Stations like Radio Underground went on air on Sunday only to have their signals wiped out by Tosser, sorry TOWER. They were not only on before Tower, but they had also taken the time to inform people via the internet that they would be on at that time!
Even after I have said all that I still find myself speechless over the ridiculous situation !!!!!!!!
It wouldn't be so bad but people like John from Radio Orion have spent a lot of time and no doubt some money trying to set up a system where by OP's can advertise the fact that they are on the air so as to avoid this problem, it seems they waste their time!!!!
I totally agree!!


Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2005 20:26 pm
by jan
Hello everybody

WNKR, you don't have to shout, we are not blind :wink:

For Tower fan who dosn't read english very well
>Volgens mij hebben ze een paar kw,daarom die bandspreiding.<

Die bandspeiding waar jij het over hebt, heeft te maken met oversturing van de ontvanger, zet een verzwakker tussen de ontvanger en antenne of een kleinere antenne en de bandspreiding door oversturing is weg.
Mijn ontvangers gaan ook over de nek bij signalen groter dan S9+50dB zoals radio 10gold op de MG, maar dat was in dit geval bij de Tower zeker niet het geval.

I think they are running a few KW, thats why the Splatter
The splatter where you are talking about, is the result of intermodulation distortion in your receiver, place a attenuator between the receiver and the antenna and the intermodulation distortion is gone.
My receivers can't handel signals larger then S9+50dB, they produce then strong intermodulation products, like reception from radio 10gold on the mediumwave, but that was it in the case of Tower certainly not.

>I think that I am pissed off with moaning year in and year out about our Dutch friends(not all, there are some exceptions,Alfa lima etc )<
It is better to reverse that, there are some exceptions who don't care about the others but only care for their self, just like common life.
I hope it will be better next time.[-o<

greetings jan

PS, Wide band broadcast is for the FM not for shortwave and mediumwave ](*,)


Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2005 21:14 pm
by JoJo
Are You sure about the the result of intermodulation distortion in your receiver? I guess the problem is still at the transmitter, otherwise stations like Radio Netherland who use more power must do the same here? It's the kind of modulation, To much negative modulation gives splatter.

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2005 21:49 pm
by jan
Sorry readers only in Dutch just explaination for JOJO

Hallo jojo,

Ik was misschien niet helemaal duidelijk.
Dat probleem van Tower is inderdaad een probleem van zijn zender/modulator/insturing.
Ik wees "Tower Fan" op een ander probleem dat door een zeer sterk signaal intermodulatie in de ontvanger geeft.
Met mijn Murphy B40 ontvang ik radio 10GOLD, zonder verzwakker tussen de antenne en ontvanger, met ongeveer S9+60dB maar ik hoor hem dan ook gemoduleerd door de andere zenders naast 1008khz tot +/- 50khz ernaast.
Dit komt door oversturing van de tweetraps Hf versterkertrap van de B40.
Moderne (communicatie) ontvangers hebben geen hf versterker meer, het signaal word rechtstreeks via een oktaaffilter,( dat is een vast ingesteld filter, heeft echter ook zo zijn beperkingen), aan de mixer aangeboden en hebben dan ook minder tot geen last van dit probleem.
Door een verzwakker voor de Hf versterker te schakelen word oversturing voorkomen en dus geen intermodulatie meer.
Ik kan het nog wel verder uitleggen, maar dan wordt een nogal lang verhaal.

Groeten jan