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LOG , 9 - 11 MAR. 2012

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2012 21:28 pm
by Ray Lalleu
  • Bad local conditions, so many UNIDs. Careful check with other logs gave a lot of more or less probable IDs, but there's still a lot of UNIDs (and a few IDed too :-) not seen elsewhere.

    *** FRI. 09 MAR. 2012 ***

    6970,0 0735-0757 LASER HOT HITS, weak \fading, het 6974,5. 0749 strong peak

    6970,0 1647-2002 LASER HOT HITS %, v.weak \noisy, early f/out.

    6930,0 0739-0757 IRISH MUSIC R., weak +strong peak, soul mx, IDs.

    6930,0 1644-2017 IRISH MUSIC R. %, v.weak +peaks, 1840"Reach out.., 2015 Crocodile rock

    6307,2 1553-1621 R. ALTREX, v.weak \PLC sunk. 1618 ID, c'/d, bye bye 1621 mx

    6300,5 1555-1634* R. BONOFOX, v.weak \PLC, mx, tk+IDs, 1607"Radio Gaga, 1620 occ.het 6300

    6325,0 1602-1602* UNID, \PLC, mx, last few seconds.

    6300,0 1624-1641* UNID, stereo w.Bonofox, weak \PLC, mx,tk,g's Gino, 1640 jingles, ID? PUR R.

    6299,4 1829-1831 R. UNDERGROUND, techno v. of Trabadja la moukere! gd ev', ID (1839 gone)

    6924,9 1833-1845 UNID, e.weak. 1840 "---- Radio, www... " 1843 ID? again. [ cf COOL AM ]

    4015,0 1835-2300 LASER HOT HITS, mx,tk,IDs. 2008 V.Paradis"Joe le taxi". 2139 summer pop

    6305,2 1838-1838 UNID, mx \PLC

    6300,0 1938-2013 WITTE REUS, testing computers, pop D mix, 2003"Africa, f'/down under PLC

    *** SAT. 10 MAR. 2012 ***

    --- Very weak signals, strong PLC (on 48m) day long ---

    4015,0 0754-0928 LASER HOT HITS, repeat from "29 Jan", IDs, mx. 0928 under traffic 4014,5 USB

    6970,0 0758-0926 LASER HOT HITS, \fading, occ.noisy.ut on 6965. Usual fmt.

    6970,0 1318-1646 LASER HOT HITS, v.weak \same occ.roar on 6965, f'up \traffic now.

    6930,0 0800-0926 IRISH MUSIC R., \fading, oldies, W tk, IDs.

    6930,0 1317-1645 IRISH MUSIC R. %, e.weak>v.weak \loc.noise. 1645 Irish?C&W? mx

    6307,1 0840-0930 UNID, e.weak \PLC, some mx "heard", 0848"Gloria. [ cf ALTREX ]

    6300,1 1307-1358* UNID, some traces (mx+tk) \PLC, 1338 drifts (or other stn?) 6299,9.

    6294,7 1309-1332 UNID, \PLC, much tk in E by M+W (PLC prevents any copy), some mx.

    6325,0 1334-1357 UNID, sunk in PLC, bit of drift down, some mx.

    6095,0 1340-1533 KBC, v.strong \some fades at PLC noise level. 60s rock, KBC ad.

    6305,0 1358-1531 UNID(s), traces, 1530 break and back w. some mx+tk. Maybe QSO ?

    6260,0 1359-1409* UNID, \PLC, mx, D waltz and shifts to 6265. [ cf OSAKA ]

    6265,0 *1409-1420 UNID, \PLC, ex 6260, same waltz, accordeon, Beatles. [ cf OSAKA ]

    6299,9 1405-1408 LASER 558 (parts relayed by UNID), tk of "anorak DTI".

    6299,9 1421-1724 UNID (continued??), e.weak sunk in PLC noise.

    6920,0 1523-1544 UNID (no PLC on 43m !), non-stop pop. (1552 gone) [ cf T.EUROPE ]

    6324,2 1527-1529* R. UNDERGROUND, \PLC, IDs, c'/d, "standing by".

    6420,0 1538-1540* UNID, strong, "Tokyo by night", 1539'45"*. [ cf MUSTANG ]

    6950,0 1545-1552 UNID (blank 6949,7 at first), *1547'30 bassy mx, 1550 few words??, blank.

    6950,0 1607-1630* UNID, v. weak, parts of D songs, sound bassy, sudden off.[cf FLUX AM ]

    6380,0 1557-1602* UNID, e.weak \PLC as everywhere 4.1 to 6.9MHz, mx, sudden off.[cf BPM ]

    6325,0 1605-1605 UNID, mx under PLC. [ cf PLUTO ]

    6910,0 1635-1641* UNID, v.weak, drums, synthe, 1640 few words, instrum mx, off.[cf FLUX AM ]

    6915 L 1638-1644* BALTIC SEA R. in LSB, "Yes sir I can boogie, Lambada, IDs seagulls, 1643'45*

    6307,5U 1650-1723 R. TROPIQ %, rock/blues hard to clarify (PLC *or* weak standby antenna)

    3905,1 1729-1730 SKYLINE %, weak mx.

    3905,1 2132-2323 SKYLINE INT R., strong, pop-rock, 2212 ID \traffic on 3905USB.

    3919,9 2133-2134* UNID, mx, off without annt.

    4015,0 2135-2242 LASER HOT HITS, mx,tk,IDs. More 60s mx than usual. 2242 "99 red balloons"

    3995,0 2200-2241 NORD AM (via R.700), in G, fridge wave mx, 2219 mailbag in G.

    3934,9 2242-2322 R. BATAVIA ?, e.weak \v.noisy, Man of action, 2305 ID??, 2320"Rasputin remix?

    *** SUN. 11 MAR. 2012 **

    --- Strong PLC (except around 1130) on 4.1-6.9 MHz and above 7.4 MHz, relief ant. unsensitive ---

    4015,0 0632-0748 LASER HOT HITS, usual fmt, f'/down with daylight up.

    4015,0 1745-2254 LASER HOT HITS, D. Simpson p' rock, \traffic 4015 USB. Later > strong.

    6085,0 0745-0918 PUR R. 1, good \PLC, pops, 0917 ID in D+G.

    6005,0 0746-0924 R. 700, 0808 ID BELARUS, 0919 Joe Dassin"L'Amérique (Yellow River), ID R. 700

    6925 a 0749-0810 R. PLUTO, v.weak, mx, IDs "low power", 0759 ment' Cool AM, "4 watts". 0816 gone

    6930,0 0751-1016 IRISH MUSIC R., up to fair. 0754 ID by W. (also 1330 v.weak)

    6930,0 1637-2058 IRISH MUSIC R., mx, some tk, 1943 ID.

    6970,0 0752-1017 LASER HOT HITS, mx, 0812 ID, \traffic on 6965 USB.

    6970,0 1635-2058 LASER HOT HITS, mx, rpts, IDs. 2058 f'/down under traffic.

    7600,6 0804-1338 FRSH, strong+peaks \some PLC noise, FRS Magazine, 80s"rock", DX news

    9301,4 1216-1339 FRSH //7601, good \PLC, R.Pluto(UK) from 1982, much DX news, mailbag.

    6325,0 0830-0835 UNID, pop, C&W song in D. (Sunday QSO freq. ? \no talk !)

    6325,0 0851-0900* UNID, hum from 6325,2, 0858 Obladi oblada, off. (then other carrier)

    6307,3v 0830-1015 R. ALTREX, e.weak \PLC, drifts to 6307,0. pop-rock, tk, ID > trace.

    6295,1 0853-0903 R. FLYING DUTCHMAN, v.weak, mx, ID by W.

    6172,0 0904-0909 UNID, e.weak, R&R, accordion, D song. [ cf MISTI ]

    6095,0 0910-1122 KBC, powerful, R&R, pop with Rosko, KBC Import ads.

    6301,0 0925-0937 R. MYSTERO GHOST PLANET (RMGP), v.weak \PLC, IDS, California dreaming

    6295,5a 0958-1014 R. BONOFOX, e.weak \PLC, mx, g's, IDs (copied at last).

    9480,0 1055-1100 MV BALTIC R., Man of action, ID, said had just relayed R. GLORIA INT.

    6295,0 1105-1139 UNID, e.weak \PLC+noise bursts. 1124 techno, 1139

    6510,0 1141-1145 R. RISING SUN, e.weak peak, mx, IDs, back to trace. (also 1937 under PLC)

    6305,3 1146-1148 UNID, mx, hum, then lost. (1149 trace on 6305,0)

    6305,3 1210-1214 SALLANDSE BOER ?, v.weak \strong PLC back, mx, ment' Sall.Boer.

    6326,2 1213-1228 UNID, v.weak mx, sounds like a QSO freq.

    6311,2 1230-1713 R. PANDORA ?, under PLC, slow rise, mx, DX news?, 1647 JID, 3 steps to heaven

    6323,9 1300-1306 R. UNDERGROUND, v/weak \PLC, mx, IDs

    6325,0 1331-1335 R. UNDERGROUND, v/weak \PLC, tk, known voice, JID, D mx.

    6959,6v 1308-1327* ATLANTIC R. %, mx, hush noise, some tk, back to blank, drifting up.

    6300,0v 1525-1742 DELTA R., e.weak>weak \PLC, Scatman, Yes sir... to 6299,7, at last JIDs

    6307,2 1553-1600 UNID, mx, cornered between stronger stns.

    6305,3 1705-1705 UNID, pop-rock, short lived.

    6315,4 1720-1739 UNID, v.weak \roaring on 6320, mx,tk,ID+@ impossible [cf ONDA CALIENTE ]

    4025,3 1752-1811 UNID, "The wall"(reprise), rock, mx, no tk.

    6324,3 1813-1818 R. UNDERGROUND, mx, hl, D song, gd ev', g's to Sluwe Vos, ID, tired.

    6307,2 1926-2100 CAROLINE/RAINBOW, \fading, mx, many IDs of both.

    6240,05 1929-2027 UNID, 1930 ID no copy, long blank, 2009"Nutbush City limits" .. "Change of hooks", hl over D song, My green tambourine, I&T.Turner again. (2029 gone?) [ cf SLUWE VOS ? ]

    3935,0 1953-1959* UNID, tech problems, only short bursts of audio.

    3934,9 2036-2054 R. MI AMIGO ?, mx, 2042 JID (ID??), 2048 Caroline/Mi Amigo annt (2102 blank)

    mx=music, tk=talk, D=Dutch, E=English, G=German, F=French, it.=Italian, rpt=report, v.=very,
    e.=extremely w.=with, c'/d=closing down, M/W=man/woman, g'=greeting, ut=utility,
    ID+@=ID+e-mail address, J=jingle, PLC=PowerLineComm'(noise), \=but, %=guess, hl=hotline
    [ between sq. brackets : best fit ID, thanks quick logs ]


Re: LOG , 9 - 11 MAR. 2012

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 12:03 pm
by CyVice
your 6315,4 1720-1739 UNID
was Onda Caliente indeed.

Re: LOG , 9 - 11 MAR. 2012

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2012 00:17 am
by Caroline
Hi Ray,

thanks a lot for the next log of us there!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

Best wishes,
Radio Caroline/Rainbow International.