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LOG , 5 - 8 MAR. 2012

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2012 10:46 am
by Ray Lalleu
  • *** MON. 05 MAR. 2012 ***

    6925,1 0602-0609 R. FREE EUPHORIA, v.weak \noise,atmos, mx, ID (@,hl no copy). 0608 annt, lost

    4015,0 0610-0658* LASER HOT HITS, 0631"Laser on the go" smartphone ap. 0634rpts 0645 Baker Street

    4015,0 1914-2244 LASER HOT HITS, mx, IDs+@, 2000 FSN, het on 4012. Bad overall.

    6970,0 0700-0710 LASER HOT HITS, just faded in, still noisy, up to good.

    6970,0 1602-1755 LASER HOT HITS, weak. 1717 ID by Stewart Ross.

    6959,6v 0702-0710 ATLANTIC R. %, f/in, then blank carrier (also on 6-7-8 March).

    6310,1 0717-0752 UNID, same as Sat/Sun, f/in, nonstop mx, 0749 Dirty old town. From S.England?

    6305,0 1535-1541 UNID, mx, "We are the world". [ cf OSAKA ]

    6925,0 1550-1608 UNID, e.weak, oldies, IDs + ..freeradio@hotmail (lacks basic ID) [cf COOL AM]

    6375,0 1658-1704* BLACK BANDIT %, C&W, tk in D, D C&W. Windstorm background, sudden off.

    6300,2 1747-1757 R. FLYING DUTCHMAN, mx, g's, IDs over"Black is black and else. 1757 ID by child

    6295,0 1820-1854 R. FSM, nonstop mx. 1851 ID, g' UKdxer, bye. 1854 rock, bad processor? or SSB?

    6305,1 1848-1902* UNID, \fading, D songs, 1900 Cairo splatter! tk, ment'Rob and Delta?Telstar?

    6375,3 1853-1903* POLARIS R., rock/hard rock. 1903 ID. 1903'39*

    6373,9 *1904-1909 WIZARD R., *1904'28 instrum mx, rpt to Polaris, 35W, snow. 1909-1912 carrier

    6375,4 1909-1913 POLARIS R., "Barracuda", ID, rpt to Wizard (under het!), 1912 clear, rpt.

    6375,3 1923-1925* POLARIS R., mx, ID, c'/d, bye 1925 mx bit, JID+@, 1925'35*

    *** TUES. 06 MAR. 2012 ***

    4015,0 0618-0658* LASER HOT HITS, clear \fading. mx, IDs, 0652 Florence &the Machine. 0657'55*

    4015,0 1928-2008 LASER HOT HITS, mx, D.Mason, ID. 2000 On the border, het 4019,9. (22h blackout)

    6970,0 0708-0731 LASER HOT HITS, quick f/in \RTTY on 6969,5. 0730 clear, ID.

    6970,0 1620-1924 LASER HOT HITS, noisy. 1924 Martin Scott.

    6085,0 0732-0740 PUR R. 1, ID in D, mx.

    6305,1 1611-2009 R. MERLIN INT, low power? \PLC, mx, many IDs 1926 Walkin on sunshine.

    6310,0 1632-1632 UNID : that's a "number" station !

    6295 U 1857-1919 FSM/FLYING SPAGHETTI MONSTER, uneasy to clarify!, techno, IDs. 1914 carrier help

    6295 U 1935-1957 FSM again, known instrum: sounds bad. Canned+live IDs+@ 1957 cheerio

    *** WED. 07 MAR. 2012 ***

    4015,0 0605-0658* LASER HOT HITS, f'/in, rather poor till s/off 0657'53*. mx, tk, OEM, ID.

    4015,0 1818-2343 LASER HOT HITS, commercial ad?, ID, mx.

    6970,0 0659-0700 LASER HOT HITS, just faded in, 0700 strong, ID by D.Simpson.

    6970,0 1630-2043 LASER HOT HITS %, \fading, traffic, ut.QRM. mx.

    6300,0 1633-1638* UNID, v.weak \PLC, occ.ut, hum till 1636. mx, tk in D, IDs no copy, bye, jingles

    6374,6 1805-1841 R. CAROLINE INT, v.weak \close hum. mx, JID. (1932 only the QRM carrier)

    6374,6 2041-2138 R. CAROLINE INT, still bad conditions. 21h nonstop? 2135 IDs (also in F)

    3935,0 1821-1826* UNID, v.weak. Disco "Whole lotta love, other song, and off.

    6325,1 1838-1931* UNID, v.weak > good, D mix of mx, 1922 R.Stones"..rainbow". I missed the c'/d.

    6300 U 1930-1942* FSM, in USB, still poor mod for mx, IDs, c'/d.

    6305,2 2024-2046 R. MERLIN INT, tk, ID+@, Irish songs then pop-rock. (In fades:noise, traffic)

    3935,0 2320-2345 UNID, e.weak + few weak peaks, pop mx (+tk never in a peak)

    *** THURS. 08 MAR. 2012 ***

    4015,0 0600-0658* LASER HOT HITS, e.weak > f/up, mx, tk about facebook, ID, rpt. 0657'51*

    4015,0 *1758-2100 LASER HOT HITS, s/on *1757'50, hets 4010,0 & 4019,9. Pops, IDs, rpt fr.BULG.

    6970,0 0702-0712 LASER HOT HITS, quick f/in \noisy ut low side. IDs, A la vie.., On the border

    6970,0 1620-2148 LASER HOT HITS, mx, tk, ID

    6305,2 1100-1130 R. MERLIN INT, weak \PLC, mx, ID.

    6305,2 1613-2028 R. MERLIN INT, weak\PLC > good > f/out. Rock, many IDs+. 2025 Camouflage.

    6325,7 1724-1751 R. RAINBOW/CAROLINE INT, long tk: "one planet", IDs+@, mx.

    6325,7 1814-1820 R. SIN FRONTERAS INT (via Rainbow/Car.) IDs (some in spanish), andean mx.

    6325,8 1922-2125 R. RAINBOW/CAROLINE INT, repeat long tk: "one planet", IDs+@, mx.

    6925,0 1735-1738 UNID, e.weak > trace, IDs " - - - Radio", mx. (yes on 43m) [ cf COOL AM ]

    6294,7 1822-1822 LASER 558 (UNID relay), (1744-1752 blank) [ cf R. DIPPIE ]

    6240,1 1828-1921* SLUWE VOS R., pops, annt in E (no copy), 1919 ID+@, H.RisingSun part, off.

    mx=music, tk=talk, D=Dutch, E=English, G=German, F=French, it.=Italian, rpt=report, v.=very,
    e.=extremely w.=with, c'/d=closing down, M/W=man/woman, g'=greeting, ut=utility,
    ID+@=ID+e-mail address, J=jingle, PLC=PowerLineComm'(noise), \=but, %=guess, hl=hotline
    [ between sq. brackets : best fit ID, thanks quick logs ]


Re: LOG , 5 - 8 MAR. 2012

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2012 15:26 pm
by Caroline
Hello Ray,

again lot of thanks for such logs of us there! :D
Power was different, between 100 and 150watts.

Best wishes to you and go on so!!! :veryhi
R.Caroline International.