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LOG : 24 - 26 FEB. 2012

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2012 22:12 pm
by Ray Lalleu
  • *** FRI. 24 FEB. 2012 ***

    6930,1 0803-0952 IRISH MUSIC R., Adele, mx+tk, 0813 JID+ID, 0952 Irish mx

    6930,0 1315-1835 IRISH MUSIC R., v. weak > weak, mx, tk

    6959,6 0951-2104 ATLANTIC R., (blank around 0810), nonstop mx, IDs: 1430+1501, drifts 6959,9

    6970,0 0806-0951 LASER HOT HITS, mx, rpt, T.James ann' all the DJs. (1315 blank)

    6970,0 1545-2105 LASER HOT HITS, weak, weak mod (not std for LHH), DX bull., mx

    6300,1 0953-1000* UNID, v.weak \PLC. 0956 Knock on wood, 0958 Radio ---man, mx, 1001 c'/d and off

    6295,0 0953-1006* R. SHADOW, v.weak \PLC, mx, Romeo&Juliet, clear IDs

    6305,0 1317-1359 R. OSAKA, v.weak \PLC, mix of mx, incl. 60/70s easy listening, 1359 ID

    6294,9 1549-1605 R. ALTREX, v.Weak \PLC, D mix of mx, 1601 ID, c'/d, laughing...

    6321 U 1605-1614 R. FOX 48, v.diff. \PLC, ut.QRM. rock, ID+@ by M+W, "Caroline"

    6315 a 1615-1734 UNID in SSB ? quite unclear, water noise or bird noises?

    6300,7 1719-1719 R. BONOFOX, accordion, ID+@ in E + D.

    6374,8 1721-1746 CAROLINE/RAINBOW, mx, different IDs at different times, tweety QRM

    6300,0 1724-1728* Z. ASCONA, ID+@+hl, c'/d, ment' Bonofox. 1728'36" off

    6300,6 1727-1734* R. BONOFOX, mx, reply to Ascona, ID in E, g's Ascona, True North Tina.. Bye.

    4015,0 1736-2204 LASER HOT HITS, het from 4010 at first. tk: travels 2049 A la vie a l'amour

    3905,1 1942-2351 SKYLINE, strong \fading, pops, 2057 ID by Henk, g's, much mx.

    6299,0 1950-2048 UNID, strong \PLC, songs in E+tk, 2028 \bad PLC, then f/down and sunk. [cf ROZ]

    6425,05 1958-2042 ELVIS AM, v.strong +peaks! , ID, g's, rock, techno. 2041 bad PLC, M.Jackson.

    6304,0 2040-2048 UNID, sunk in PLC noise. [ cf SHUTTLE ? ]

    3995,0 2050-2053 R. 700 %, 60s pop in G and in E.

    6307,5U 2204-2258 R. TROPIQ, rock, pops, islands' mx, audio problem.

    6304,0 2208-2208 UNID, e.weak \still the weaker PLC, ID with "Echo" (or spelled).

    6295,0 2212-2235 Z. ASCONA, e.weak, mx, 2220 tk, 2221 ID+@, mx. 2235 v.bad QRM

    6290,0 2222-2232 R. SPACESHUTTLE, e.weak+weak peaks \occ.Cairo splatter, Fax. mx, ID+@

    6295,0 2242-2251 R. SPACESHUTTLE, POB, IDs, mx, \fax, PLC. 2248 50/60s mx, IDs.

    6925,4 2353-2353 UNID, e.weak, then covered by traffic.

    *** SAT. 25 FEB. 2012 ***

    6930,0 0751-0911 IMR, mx, tk, 0805 ID

    6930,0 1421-1531 IMR, mx, 1531 ID by W voice, New Order"Blue Monday"

    6959,6 0752-0941 ATLANTIC R., long tk (duo, no mx, ment' BBC) \traffic QRM. Later mx, 0941 ID

    6959,6 1420-1532 ATLANTIC R. %, mx, 1430 gospel. (2008 : blank)

    6970,0 0753-0933 LASER HOT HITS, \noisy, mw+tk, 0911 ID by M.Scott, 0933 SW news

    6970,0 1417-1532 LASER HOT HITS %, mx (also 2007 with POB 293...)

    4015,0 0757-0800 LASER HOT HITS, weak \noisy, ID + cities of Europe.

    4015,0 2010-2041 LASER HOT HITS, fading, mx, IDs.

    6306,1 0814-0942 R. ALTREX, v.weak \PLC, pop-rock, f/down 0915 g's, ID

    6095,0 *0900-0945 KBC, powerful, 0859'32 carrier, 0900'18 audio middle of Rosko annt. C&W, R&R.

    6286,0 0942-0943* UNID, mx, sudden off.

    6300,0 1350-1354* UNID, weak \PLC, retro mx, Dutch? song in E, sudden audio off, then s/off

    6295,2 1355-1449* MIKE R., \PLC, nonstop pop/instrum mx. 1447 ID, testing, c'/d, bad PLC!

    6325,1 1432-1505 UNID, v.weak, rock, Don't down, Sweet H.Alabama. 1505 IDs? [cf T.EUROPE]

    6295,0 1450-1452 R. OSAKA, OC then reply to Mike R.

    6305,05 1506-1543 R. OSAKA, junior D song, tiki mx, ID, accordion..

    6297,3 1507-1524 R. FLYING DUTCHMAN, mx parts, IDs.

    6425,1 1511-1600 UNID, e.weak>weak, pop Supertramp, Police, row of R&R.

    6510,0 1527-1530 UNID, e.weak \PLC, mx. [ cf RISING SUN ]

    6295,0 1533-1542 R. FLYING DUTCHMAN, tk over mx, ID.

    6300,1 2004-2005* UNID, e.weak, ..bye bye, mx and off.

    3905,1 2015-2130 SKYLINE, C&W, polka, Ma Butterfly (ID over), D mx.

    6300,1 2046-2046 UNID, sunk in noise [ cf WITTE REUS ]

    *** SUN. 26 FEB. 2012 ***

    6959,6 1800-2033 ATLANTIC R., (0652-0803 blank), 1800 strong, ID, Like a rolling stone, etc.

    6970,0 0653-0802 LASER HOT HITS, mx, FSN ad, ID, ..

    6970,0 1807-2033 LASER HOT HITS, On the border, 1832 Laser goes DX, 2033 tk:Caroline/R.Revenge

    6220 v 0658-0905 SLUWE VOS R., under ut.QRM, later V.>E.weak. 0658 Race w.the devil. mx, IDs.

    6085,0 0702-0738 PUR R. 1, Master Internet ad, ID in G+D, pop.

    4015,0 0707-0723 LASER HOT HITS, clear \fading, pop, ID, MW news, PL398BT review.

    4015,0 1825-2128 LASER HOT HITS, mx, rpt, 2015 Many rivers to cross, ID

    3904,8 0718-0728 POLARIS R., weak, pop, canned ID, Ma Butterfly, rock.

    6307,5U 0731-0804 R. TROPIQ, medleys in USB. 0733 ID over mx. weak > e.weak.

    6200,0 0736-0905 R. ORANG UTAN %, Supertramp, 0757 Ferry cross the Mersey, 0807 tk over (no copy)

    6930,1 0751-0809 IMR %, mx.

    6239,4v 0752-0906 FRSH, // 7600, mx+IS before 0800, good > fair, mx, drift to 6239,2.

    7600,5 0752-0802 FRSH, //6239, strong \noisy, 0801 ID.

    9480,0 0800-0800 EMR, ID, Mike Taylor, via MV Baltic R., mx

    6325,4 0908-0908 UNID, \SSB QRM, mx, mx.

    ---------- Sunny Sunday ! --------------

    6374,7 1750-1750 R. CAROLINE INT, ID, mx. (trace around 1820).

    6510,0 1752-2011 R. RISING SUN, weak (always best at sunset!), pop-rock, 1759 ID.

    1395,0 1840-1850 ENERGY POWER AM (Dublin), f/up&down, pops, 1847 JID.

    1512,1 1945-2003 UNID (NL?), D mx, v.speedy tk \other stations on the channel.

    6304,8 2022-2029 CUPID R., strong \PLC, rock, mx parts, g's ID. 2029 Sudden f/down, then trace

    3935,0 2123-2135 R. MI AMIGO (UK), in E, euro mx, Lois ad in D, ...

    6307,5U 2131-2155 R. TROPIQ %, Beatles, C'est la vie, mx parts, folk mx, latino mx.

    mx=music, tk=talk, D=Dutch, E=English, G=German, F=French, it.=Italian, rpt=report, v.=very,
    e.=extremely w.=with, c'/d=closing down, M/W=man/woman, g'=greeting, ut=utility,
    ID+@=ID+e-mail address, J=jingle, PLC=PowerLineComm'(noise), \=but, %=guess, hl=hotline
    [ between sq. brackets : best fit ID, tnx quick logs ]


Re: LOG : 24 - 26 FEB. 2012

Posted: Wed Feb 29, 2012 00:44 am
by Caroline
Hi Ray,

thanks a lot again for 2 logs of us there, :D
you really seem to be a great listener of free radio!

Go on so and
best wishes to you,
R.Caroline International.