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Log, 6 - 9 dec.

Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2011 23:25 pm
by Ray Lalleu
  • *** MARDI 6 DECEMBRE 2011 ***

    6970,0 0715-0736 LASER HOT HITS, only buzzing till 0733, then quick f/in, Moonlight shadow

    6970,0 1516-1719 LASER HOT HITS, strong \fading. Early f/out.

    6288,0 1108-1111* UNID, accordion.

    6299,0 1520-1621 R. RAINBOW, test new site/antenna, drift to 6299,2 IDs in E (and F at 1612)

    6290,6 1617-1650 R. CAROLINE INT, mx, IDs, fax QRM.

    6310,0 1628-1639 UNID, v.weak, reads a list with numbers (many 2-6-2, 2-6-1). Air traffic?

    6219,2 1640-1755 R. CAROLINE RAINBOW ID at 1640, then only RAINBOW, drifting to 6219,0.

    *** MERCREDI 7 DECEMBRE 2011 ***

    6970,0 0718-0800 LASER HOT HITS, buzz, then f/in suddenly at 0729. Noisy.

    6970,0 1555-1756 LASER HOT HITS, noisy.

    6325,0 1400-1702* R. OSAKA, weak>good. 1410"Kalamazoo". 1616"Big bad John".

    6299,0 1546-1546* UNID, off at end of song.

    6219,0 1611-1627 UNID, mx, pop. 1626 het from 6218,4 (1636 tk, on which station ?)

    6218,4 *1626-1803 UNID, stronger, mx. 1645"Tonight","I heard.. grapevine"(long), rock, C&W.

    6219,6 1636-1803 UNID, D songs, 1705"De piraten danz", f/down, het from 6220,0 too

    *** JEUDI 8 DECEMBRE 2011 ***

    4010,0 0042-0046 UNID, latino songs

    6925 u 0100-0107 UNID, v.weak, songs. 0104 trad british or irish song

    6970,0 0820-1754 LASER HOT HITS, mostly good, but noisy after 1700.

    6219,6 0822-0956 UNID, D songs, trace till 1200. (Same as yesterday?)

    6325,1 1553-1556 UNID, rock. (already instrum mx at 1350). UNPREDICTABLE R. ??

    6325,9 1559-1639 UNPREDICTABLE R., mushy IDs. 1631 ID, Great balls of fire, @ still mushy.

    6305,0 1556-1700 R. OSAKA, "jet-engine" ut.QRM, better at end.

    6301,4 1602-1651 UNID, nonstop polka. 1649 tk, ID+@ but v.weak now, and lost. [cf ROCKFELLER]

    *** VENDREDI 9 DECEMBRE 2011 ***

    6924,7 0040-0100 UNID, v.weak \bad fading, SSB QRM. mx, tk.

    6970,0 0756-1915 LASER HOT HITS, mostly good, noisy at 1915. 1600 Laser Goes DX, repeat.

    6305,0 1115-1120 UNID, G songs, long blank.

    6304,7 1421-1427 UNID, D or G songs (1st one rock played with accordion)

    6324,9 1422-1616* R. ALTREX, e.weak>v.weak. pop-rock, "I fought the law", IDs: 1547, 1607.

    6300,0 1517-1700* R. OSAKA, D mix of easy mx, good ID rate.

    6294,7 1520-1523 UNID, strong. pop, The Who. (not at 1538)

    6219,0 1525-1932 HIT MIX TEAM %, D songs, mushy IDs, then pop and // to 3930

    3930V! 1729-2510 HIT MIX TEAM %, 3929-3931+wobbling, D songs, then pop //6219, 2148 weak ID.

    6374,8 1554-1558 UNID, v.weak \bad fading,ut.QRM mx, ann. at 1556 (1610 carrier till 1611'50").

    6255,1 1618-1725 R. TELSTAR SOUTH, excerpts of 60s offshore stations.

    6324,6 1701-1724 UNID (carrier at 1655). D mix of mx. [cf UNDERGROUND ]

    3905,4 1809-1841* BAKEN 16, g' Underground, Sall.B., Skyline waiting for the fq.

    3905,1 *1841-2319 SKYLINE INT R., strong, death annt over merry accordion... then D mix.

    6240,0 1858-1920 R. CAROLINE INT, weak \noisy, seems muffled.

    6305,0 2016-2126 R. TROPIQ, ID in E by W, 60s pop-rock medleys

    6325,9 2150-2235 R. CAROLINE INT, v.strong peaks! live E tk, not the PL one, g's, mx.

    6600,0 2205-2229 UNID E.Europe? 2205 song, 2229 talk, both with strong jamming.

    6300,0 2236-2259 UNID, e.weak \ut.QRM, mx, (maybe from Asia).

    3924,7 2310-2447 SALLANDSE BOER ?, typical bad voice, D mx sounds well.

    3931,0 2310-2510 UNID, drifting to 3930,2 only mx heard.

    6925,0 2452-2506* UNID, v.weak mx, fading, 2506 This is Radio..., and off

    mx=music, tk=talk, D=Dutch, E=English, G=German, F=French, it.=Italian, rpt=report, v.=very,
    e.=extremely w.=with, c'/d=closing down, M/W=man/woman, g'=greeting, ut=utility,
    ID+@=ID+e-mail address, J=jingle, PLC=PowerLineComm'(noise), \=but, %=guess, hl=hotline


Re: Log, 6 - 9 dec.

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2011 00:43 am
by Caroline
Hi Ray,

many thanks for such 3 logs of us again!!!!!!!!!! :D :D
Power had been again 120watts here from Czech Repubic. :-$

Best wishes,
Radio Caroline International.