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Ray Lalleu
Hardcore Gold Piratear
Hardcore Gold Piratear
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Back home, log 4 - 5 DEC.

Post by Ray Lalleu »

  • *** DIMANCHE 04 DECEMBRE 2011 *** Back home

    6325,0 1725-1807 R. OSAKA, strong. D songs, House of the rising sun, ID, Orange blossom special...

    6255,0 1729-1730 R. TELSTAR SOUTH, typical, Booker T, '60 guitar...

    6374,8 1736-1810 UNPREDICTABLE R., weak, almost clear. mx+tk in ? 1746 Great balls of fire 1749, 1809 IDs in E

    6550,0 1739-1827 R. RISING SUN, v.weak. 1750 J.Cocker"Unchain my heart, then girlie pop. 1826 ID

    6970,0 1756-1827 LASER HOT HITS, weak \noisy. ID 1827 "Searchin'"

    6930,0+ 1757-1828 I.M.R. %, drowned in noise, 1828 mx, DJ ann' Chuck Berry.

    6304,5 1759-1801* UNID, e.weak,wobbling, splash fr.6295. 1801 ID Radio... in E, off [cf TINA ]

    6385,3 1810-1821 UNID, v.weak, D mx [ cf GRUTTE PIER ? ]

    6305,1 1933-1945 UNID, v.weak, first under PLC, then clear: accordion. (not heard at 1955)

    3905,1 2037-2131 UNID, e.weak to good, nonstop pop mx. 2127 QRM carrier back&forth.

    3995,0 2043-2045 UNID, "Staying alive", etc..

    3897,7 2128-2144* UNID, e.weak nonstop mx [ cf R. EVROPA ? ]

    *** LUNDI 05 DECEMBRE 2011 ***

    6970,0 0731-0735 LASER HOT HITS, 0710 trace, 0731 f/in, bad fading, Gary Drew.

    6970,0 1617-2007 LASER HOT HITS, US songs. 2007 under terrible splash from 6985 (Egypt?)

    6970,0 2443-2457 LASER HOT HITS %, v.weak, fading, traffic. Dust in the wind, etc.

    6300,0 1618-1840 R. OSAKA, pleasant D mix of mx, many short IDs, a few longer ones, well.

    6219,6 1706-1735 UNPREDICTABLE R.?, synthe voice IDs+@, Morse QRM, 1730 Great balls of fire

    3905,0 2000-2003 UNID, e.weak mx, only by peaks, then lost (seemed from Europe).

    mx=music, tk=talk, D=Dutch, E=English, G=German, F=French, it.=Italian, rpt=report, v.=very,
    e.=extremely w.=with, c'/d=closing down, M/W=man/woman, g'=greeting, ut=utility,
    ID+@=ID+e-mail address, J=jingle, PLC=PowerLineComm'(noise), \=but, %=guess, hl=hotline
    R&R=Rock and roll, C&W=Country and western

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