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Weekend stay log, 2 - 4 DEC.

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2011 21:34 pm
by Ray Lalleu
  • Weekend stay log, frequencies +- 2 kHz

    *** VENDREDI 02 DECEMBRE 2011 ***

    6970 1606-1740 LASER HOT HITS, mx, 1721 G.Drew ann' 95.2 MHz. Soon hard too hear.

    6300 1640-1648 R. OSAKA, ID, said "non-stop music", D mix. (not at 1659)

    6240 1642-1703 R. CAROLINE INT, weak, pop, synthe mx, ID.

    6295 1646-1655 UNID, mx from movie O'Brother? and other C&W (1654 strong QRM 6294)

    6294 1654-1701 UNID, carrier, then parts of mx, "Hush". And lost (off?)

    3905 1704-1720 SKYLINE R. INT, mx, incl. opera at 1706. 1718 ID, 1720 off?

    6930 1728-1737 UNID, mx, sub-audible het. fading, 1736 Man of action, f/out.

    3905 1956-2133 SKYLINE INT R. again, strong, D mix, IDs. 2126 "Lola".

    3900 2000-2033 R. ZODIAC, strong peaks, mx, ID, hopes to be international 2016 She's not there

    6300 2037-2042 R. BOOMERANG, v. difficult, 80s pop. 20.42 ID in D.

    3995 2050-2105 UNID, pop mx nonstop.

    *** SAMEDI 03 DECEMBRE 2011 ***

    6970 0730-1146 LASER HOT HITS, 0901 ID in E, then in sp. by W (boxed). Also later, early f/down

    6930 0902-1146 I.M.R., weak, mx, IDs. 1122 Yellow river. And later (1821 Irish song).

    6295 0909-0918 TOP R., fair\fading. Jingle bells, Wonderful world. ... ID.. Sugar sugar.

    6305 0918-1012 R. ALTREX, weak>v.weak. Kinks, F.Domino?, 10.03 ID.

    6215 0928-1010 UNID, trace (much SSB traffic around), then weak mx heard. [ cf KING SW ]

    6095 0929-1127 KBC, powerful, Coast to coast Country by Emperor Rosko, later Dave mason.

    6325 1046-1111 UNID, v.weak to trace, noisy. D mx, 1102 tk. [ cf ZEEWOLF ]

    6293a 1147-1148* UNID, "Major Tom" and off.

    6305 1420-1422 UNID, jazz (railroad like). [ cf OSAKA ]

    6305 1610-1640 UNID, D songs (QRM from image 7205). [ cf OSAKA ]

    6220 1614-1614 UNID, mx, disturbed by SSB traffic.

    6550 1620-1636 R. RISING SUN, ID, Pink Floyd "Money", mx...

    3905 1822-2150 SKYLINE INT R., D songs and pop mx. 1827 ID in D. 2147 "Driver's seat".

    *** DIMANCHE 04 DECEMBRE 2011 ***

    6220 0737-1105 R. MERLIN INT, 0746 ID by J.Frost, Nights in white satin. 1008 biggest TX !

    6200 0747-0909 R. ORANG UTAN, D mix, 0818 ID. 0909 OTH QRM

    6970 0804-0948 LASER HOT HITS, mx, ID by G.Drew at 0918.

    6958a 0808-0925* UNID, rec. of XVRB:R&R, R&B, DJing DJ, ID at 0814. Off w/out ann. [ cf MALTA ? ]

    6095 0900-1229 KBC, powerful. mx, tk in D, IDs, later Rosko.

    6930 0902-1041 I.M.R., rap? mx with John, . 1041 Hendrix "Purple haze", W DJ.

    9480 0904-0913 R. GLORIA, in G., ID+@ at 0913, JID, mx.

    6288 0911-0912 UNID, "Telstar", D instrum mx.

    6325 0913-1036 R. ALTREX, mx, 0949 mooh! 10.00 op singing the ID, mx. 1035 ID, v.weak.

    12257 0934-1032 WR INT, strong clear \deep fading, mx, IDs. 0955 Andrew Sisters"Company B".

    6307 0936-0941* R. FLYING DUTCHMAN (E ID), D ID different, "Black is black", g's in E, c'/d.

    6045 1011-1058 R. PLATLAND? PFALZLAND?, powerful, in G, rock, G pop, duo tk, reading a list, ID+@,, pop again.

    6005 1023-1023 R. JOYSTICK %, pop mx, tk in G.

    9480 1026-1031 MV BALTIC R., mx, ID in G and E over "Man of action".

    6305 1230-1232 UNID, v.weak, pop mx, Internet "". [ cf TINA ]

    6310 1307-1307 UNID, mx. [cf SONIC ]

    6298 1309-1312 UNID, strong, "Show me the way", pop.

    mx=music, tk=talk, D=Dutch, E=English, G=German, F=French, it.=Italian, rpt=report, v.=very,
    e.=extremely w.=with, c'/d=closing down, M/W=man/woman, g'=greeting, ut=utility,
    ID+@=ID+e-mail address, J=jingle, PLC=PowerLineComm'(noise), \=but, %=guess, hl=hotline
    R&R=Rock and roll, C&W=Country and western


Re: Weekend stay log, 2 - 4 DEC.

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2011 23:54 pm
by Caroline
Hi Ray,

lot of thanks for such log of us at 02-12-2011, great again!!!!!!!!! :D
Power has been again 120watts from here in the northeast part of Czech Republic.
