Log 25 - 27 Nov.

Logs from pirates on shortwave.
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Ray Lalleu
Hardcore Gold Piratear
Hardcore Gold Piratear
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Log 25 - 27 Nov.

Post by Ray Lalleu »

  • <pre>

    *** VENDREDI 25 NOVEMBRE 2011 ***

    4015,0 0600-0648 LASER HOT HITS, clear. 0636 ID, FSN news

    4015,0 2200-2203 mx, ID.

    6970,0 0708-0730 LASER HOT HITS, bits of audio, real f/in at 0723 tk: euro crisis

    6970,0 1501-1706 LASER HOT HITS, noisy. Typical. 1705 ads FSN+OEM, p' Emylou Harris

    6325,1 1504-1605* UNID, v.weak. D songs. 1514 annt in D. S/off 1605 approx [cf PTS ]

    6315,5 1529-1614 R. CAROLINE INT, mx, IDs+@ using reverb. S/off around 1645

    6307,0 1802-1818 UNID, e.weak \PLC. mx+tk 1811 "--- Radio" 1817 Fox on the run.

    6305,0 2150-2157 UNID, e.weak \PLC. mx+tk

    3905,1 2159-2243 UNID, mx D mix. 2214 I got the power. 2217 Kids in America [cf SKYLINE ]

    3925,0 2205-2223 trace

    *** SAMEDI 26 NOVEMBRE 2011 ***

    6930,3 0100-0105 UNID, v.weak. mx, annt in sp.? , mx.

    6970,0 0758-1756 LASER HOT HITS, weak, noisy. Early f/out.

    6305,1 0800-0931 UNID, D songs & tk. 8.54"..delta echo.. Belgian time..", list with numbers 06.... then much QRM from F fishers on 6307,3. [cf PTS ]

    6300,3 0801-0932 UNID strong to v.weak, mx Honky tonk women, Venus, rock, pop. [cf PAARDEN.]

    6325,0 0803-0828 R. PLUTO, J.Jett"I love R&R, rock, mx. 0827 ID+@, mx.

    6320,0 0900-0906* UNID, maybe Misti p' a Pluto recording p' a Misti recording...

    6319,7 0907-0908 UNID, carrier, gap filling mx [ cf ZEEWOLF ]

    6289,7 0911-0932 UNID, v.weak mx, fax QRM, 0932 on 6289,6. [cf ALTREX ]

    6214,9 0912-0930 UNID, v.weak mx. [cf KING SW]

    6324,8 0931-0931 UNID, mx. [ cf ZEEWOLF ]
    6095,0 1239-1557* KBC, v.strong, pop, R&R, 60s mx. 3' early off w/out annt.

    6305,0 1244-1357 UNID, weak\PLC. D songs. 1251, 12554 D tk, "piraten", 0-6... [cf PTS]

    6220,2 1246-1745 R. MERLIN INT, mx, IDs, contacts. 16.13 J.Frost. (2016 trace)

    6930,1 1301-1757 IRISH MUSIC R., pop, IDs, DJ. (1342 het 6931,6. 1757 hiss)

    6295,0 1348-1358 UNID, noisy, PLC. mx, 1350 maybe D song. [cf R. ARCADE?? ]

    6325,0 1600-1600 UNID, gap filling mx (not at 1605).

    6310,0 1600-1621 UNID, v.weak, songs(latino, retro, russian?) 1616 "---.com" by W [cf T.ZEMLI]

    6305,0 1606-1633 UNID, weak, D songs (mainly pop). [cf PTS ]

    6305,0 1734-1844 UNID (same?), D songs, hets around 6304 at times.

    6304,0 *1735-1740* UNID messing with mx in the sideband of the 6305 station.

    6304,1 1810-1833 UNID D songs, fading down (1844 still a trace).

    6305,0 1952-2014 UNID (same?), nr 06.. (over D mx), meeting chat (memories?), 1957 D song(+ ID in D), more D song, rock. [cf PTS ]

    6325,0 1614-1845 WITTE REUS, strong, mx & tk, confusing ID & g's (to Artem, Steve Underground, etc...) 1635 ID as White Giant, Cool AM relay coming up. 1703 ID: COOL AM, blues session, later pop mx. 1807 D tk about Cool AM. IDs White Giant, Witte Reus. 1831 on 6324,9 now, ZZ Top.

    6240,0 1634-1635 R. CAROLINE INT, mx, JID.

    6255,0 1742-1744* R. TELSTAR SOUTH, pop, tk: Scotland. Sudden off.

    4015,0 1747-2117 LASER HOT HITS, strong. Typical. 1820 D.Simpson. 2017 DX progr. 2048 Marco rpt

    6422,3 1803-2043 R. ALICE, strong-good. D songs, few ann. 1846 "low power", 2006 ID.

    6300,0 1834-1842 UNID, v.weak at best. Blue suede shoes, R&R medley, undermod tk, D song.

    6323,0 1946-1951* UNID, mx only (\traffic in sp. on 6320 U).

    6398,0 2003-2039 UNID, strong \fax QRM ON L SIDE. mx, 2005 Supertramp ?

    3905,0 2023-2047 UNID, weak\atmos. jazz, King of the road, ID?, All right now [cf U BOAT 66]

    *** DIMANCHE 27 NOVEMBRE 2011 ***

    4015,0 0658-0804 LASER HOT HITS, weak mx, noisy ut on 4012.

    4015,0 1939-2008 LASER HOT HITS, duo in studio, playing with reverb.

    6200,0 0700-0843 R. ORANG UTAN, mx, live IDs. 0734"House of... 0746"Kids in Am.

    6220,2 0702-1650 R. MERLIN INT, v.weak>>0708 strong>slow decrease, mx+tk, then mx only?

    6282,0 0744-0942 R. SHADOW, 0736 good carrier, 0744 mx, radar love, weaky, 0838 ID, pop..

    6970,0 0738-1937 LASER HOT HITS, all day weak, noisy. Laser Goes DX. mx+DJ. 1933 Finnish? by W

    6985 a 0739-1401* WCS - RWI, strong. Anniv. in F & E. C&W, F songs.

    6304,9 0801-0802 UNID, mx /Wake up/(title?), then blank. (Not at 0808)

    5820,0 0806-1011 ORION R., good. D song, Splendid"Radio pirate, g' R.Tina 1010 ads AM-Forum+OEM

    6214,8 0822-0841 UNID, mx, cornered(engine QRM 6213 - RMI 6220) [cf KING SW ? ]

    6325,0 0828-1047 UNID, Ventures? tracks, D songs, R&R tracks. (Not at 1103) [cf MISTI ]

    6095,0 *0900-1420 KBC, v.strong, 2" early start, R&R, 60s pop mx, Emperor Rosko.

    6930,1 0904-1935 IRISH MUSIC R., weak, pop, occ. C&W, DJ. 1523 ID. 1923 f/down, 19.35 f/out

    6960,0 0908-0912 GERONIMO SW, V.strong, fake hospital radio st., rock, ID+@, POB.

    9480,0 0915-0934 E.M.R., mx, ID+@, plug English for kids.

    12257a 0922-1230a WR INT, strong clear, "nostalgia radio", rock, later Motown sound.

    6254,8 0943-1018 UNID, v.weak \PLC, lost under noise. [ cf SAXONIA ]

    6045,0 0947-1000* R. ICEMAN, V.strong, rpts, Shadows medley, c'/d ID, next in a few weeks.

    6005,0 1001-1100a R. GLORIA INT, ann. a repeat, "Gloria" rock, ID, synthe //9480? delay?

    9480,0 1054-1100* R. GLORIA INT, mx, ID "every 4th Sunday, repeat 4th dec.

    6305,0 1012-1020 UNID, weak>v.weak, D songs, 1016 D tk, info@---jare.nl [cf TOP R.]

    6450,0 1022-1143 R. UNIVERSE, Massachusetts, J.Tull?, 1027 IDs+@, low power, Woundered Knee...

    6291,9 1032-1033 R. ALTREX, v.weak, mooh!, QRM R.Scotland: splash from 6285, then flattened

    6285,1 1032-1033* R. SCOTLAND INT, strong, mx, splash over Altrex.

    6290,1 *1034-1036* R. SCOTLAND INT, strong, rock, 1036 ann. c'/d, see you later. (Altrex gone too)

    6279,8 1038-1048 R. ALTREX, v.weak, mooh! ID again, this freqency not clear

    6239,9 1040-1046* HOT R. PLUS, new? W+M in D, ID (HOT or HET?), mx, weak \PLC. Sudden off.

    6303,0 1103-1120* UNID, pop, My lady d'Arbanville, R.Stones... off w/out ID.

    6302,0 1357-1357 UNID, strong, not at 1400, stinks

    6550,0 1403-1745 R. RISING SUN, T.Lopez, pop, D mx, gap fill, jazz. 1712 ID, new holiday QSL

    6320,0 1420-1502 R. ZODIAC, ID, hl, hello Doc... rock, Doors, Hendrix, R.Stones, shuddering

    6422,5 1423-1746 R. UNCLE SAM, strong, got a SK050 yesterday, email c/o DrTim, 30W, D mix

    6305,1 1455-1501* UNID, mx, off w/out ID.

    6315,2 1550-1605* UNID, e.weak, synthe mx, c'/d, IDs too weak, drifting. [cf FLYING DUTCHMAN]

    6304,0 1555-1557* UNID, mx, D mx, het from 6305.

    6305,0 1557-1600 UNID, mx. (1606 not there, trace on 6305,4) [cf PAARDENKRACHT ]

    6384,4 1608-1711 UNID, mx, Booker T(wobbling), W.Tell slow rock v., waltz.. [cf UNDERGROUND ]

    6255,0 1634-1921* R. TELSTAR SOUTH, typ. memories, oldies. 1646 Connie Francis, 1749 Popcorn

    6325,0 1651-1748 R. ALTREX, v.weak, drifts>6324,8, mx, mooh, ID 1703 Here comes the sun.

    6320,0 1658-1708 R. OSAKA %, v.weak, "Classic oldies", 1704 ID no copy (maybe Osaka)

    6320,0 1748-1755 R. OSAKA, weak, Penny lane, Turn turn turn, ID+gmail

    6237,3 1750-1752 UNID, M+W talking, "piraten"??, bye-bye, then sounds Arabic.

    3905,1 1944-1955* SKYLINE R. INT, C&W, "Skyline Country Time", g' Wadloper etc.., c'/d

    6423,0 1958-2002 UNID, weak-V.weak \PLC, already Xmas carol ?

    1395,0 2247-2303 ENERGY POWER AM %, in E, pop mx, QRM from E? Europe (not Tirana).

    mx=music, tk=talk, D=Dutch, E=English, G=German, F=French, it.=Italian, rpt=report, v.=very,
    e.=extremely w.=with, c'/d=closing down, M/W=man/woman, g'=greeting, ut=utility,
    ID+@=ID+e-mail address, J=jingle, PLC=PowerLineComm'(noise), \=but, %=guess, hl=hotline
    R&R=Rock and roll, C&W=Country and western


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