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Logs, 11-12-13 NOV

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2011 22:14 pm
by Ray Lalleu
  • *** VENDREDI 11 NOVEMBRE 2011 ***

    6970,0 0754-0848 LASER HOT HITS, cornered between RTTY 6973 and spitting utility.
    6970,0 1654-2223 LASER HOT HITS, not clear (SSB traffic, and everlasting RTTY)

    6985,0 1655-1932 R. WAVES INT, 1657 ID in F, "Country Music USA" in E, dubbed in F. 1720 Michel Polnareff"Radio", 1751 QRM outband F hams on 6983L, 1928 Nena"99..". f/out (1950 trace only).

    6310,0 1659-1713 UNID, v.weak up to fair, R&R, 60s pop (not at 1717). [cf FOX 48]

    6305,0 1800-1804* UNID, v.weak, mx. [cf FOX 48]

    6310,1 1805-1828 R. FOX 48, mx from Norvegian composer Grieg, 1809 ID, techno, instrum...

    3905,1 1832-2342 SKYLINE R. INT ? (usual, pops, only nonstop mx heard).

    4026,0 1839-2234 LASER HOT HITS, IDs, offshore jingles(1842, 1852). 1942 TTY right on 4026.

    6307,0 1854-1902 UNID, v. weak mx, 1857 ann. in E no copy and f/out at 1901'50".

    6325,0 1904-2021 R. OSAKA, 60s pops, IDs. After 1930 D songs, IDs. 2021 f/down in noise.

    6307,2 1911-1915* R. SKYWIRE, laughR&R, "Don't bring me down, off at 1915'45" [IDed Nov.16]

    6305,0 1950-2017 R. TROPIQ, R&R medley and songs, IDs over not easy, says 6304, 40 or 50? watts.

    6295,0 2024-2042 R. FOX 48, f/in&out in noise, mx, IDs, 2042 Fox on the run.

    6219,7 2045-2059 R. CAROLINE INT, e.weak, 2046 ID, "bad contact", almost lost, Morse QRM.

    6240,1 2051-2140 R SPACESHUTTLE INT, pops, finnish? mx, ID, strange ID, occ. strong peak.

    6325 a 2110-2128 UNID, bad mod, Paolo Conte, accordion, D african troopers song?, Peggy Sue

    6315,3 2115-2138 UNID, blank, 2128 opera?, blues (in ?), 2136 blank and f/out, s/off?

    6299,6 2117-2117 UNID, e.weak, tk with reverb.

    6400,3 2142-2148 UNID, mx, rock (finnish?), C&W, D songs.

    6985,0 2150-2211 R. TROPIQ, Elvis, ID, 60s guitar (strong peak), Tequila, .. I put a spell on you

    6925,1 2158-2212 R. MUSTANG, v.weak, mx, ID, low power, said c'/d but more mx.

    6990,5 2203-2212 LIGHTNING R. %, e. weak mx close to Tropiq and other QRM.

    6930,0 2214-2228 UNID, good-strong, medley incl. "Baker Street".

    6305 a 2318-2343 R. POWERLINER INT, ID and mx cornered betweel traffic and ut.

    6295,1 2321-2345 UNID, weak to v.weak, rock, blues.

    *** SAMEDI 12 NOVEMBRE 2011 ***

    6305,0 0806-0818 R. PLUTO, (0743 trace) v.weak, songs in E, 0817 ID 15' left, "Hot stuff".

    6970,0 0745-0859 LASER HOT HITS, still RTTY 6973, Radar love, 1452 mystery year.
    6970,0 2119-2206 LASER HOT HITS, still RTTY but getting stronger.

    6985,0 0745-0900 R. WAVES INT, ID, Spendid"Radio pirate, Nena"99.., F rock"Antisocial.
    6985,0 1453-1455 R. WAVES INT %, strong, accordion"Viens boire un petit coup.., On oublie tout(?)

    4026,0 0751-0758 LASER HOT HITS, replay (phantom rpt on 6055), strong peak. Also 1550, ID, letter
    4026,0 2120-2259 LASER HOT HITS, mx, ID, RTTY QRM.

    6220 a 0759-0818 UNID, US-W-singer, So happy together, noisy splashes, Mungo J. [cf MISTI]

    6375,5 0810-0937 UNID, mx, D songs, mini drift, (RTTY, PLC up).

    6930,1 0852-0859 IRISH MUSIC R., Bad moon, ID, tacaboom, R.Stones"Get off my cloud. Also 1451.

    6325,1 0936-0936 UNID, strong, D song

    6305,0 0936-0936 UNID, weak, W singer.
    6295,0 1123-1132 UNID v.weak "California dreaming, in D, acc.on, shifts 6295,2 D song

    6305,0 1125-1132 UNID v.weak peaks, 6301 het, mx, annt in E ment' 6305 and Laser 558.

    6301,0 1127-1128 UNID, mx, pop then accordion (maybe side step from 6295 ?)
    6325,1 1309-1509 UNID "---- Holland"(1315 ID), v.weak, low mod, mini drift, 1501 C&W, no tk

    6305,0 1318-1323 UNID, J.Jett, We are/+We love the pirate st., "Caroline, tk over. (not at 1327)

    6305,0 *1329-1509 UNID (same?), v.weak, f/In&Out, D songs (blank at times)

    6220,2 1331-1333* UNID, mx, Vicky Leandros??, sudden off at 1333'30" (breakdown?) [cf MERLIN]

    6210 a 1334-1340* UNID, songs in E, IDs over (not copy), s/off 1340'30" [cf MONTECARLO]

    6220,2 1340-1350 UNID, '60 guitar(Shadows, Johnny &Hurricanes..) nonstop.

    6288,0 1350-1355* JAMPIE WESTERBEK, D mx, D tk, allo allĂ´...(6288 a, QSO? 1404 ... 1436)

    6298 v 1413-1555 R. ALTREX, Dust in the wind, mooh!,mx, IDs, drifting to 6297,7

    6216,1 1418-1516* UNID, e.weak, mx, 1513 blues and off. [cf SPACESHUTTLE ?]

    6205,0 1421-1430 R. FSM, trace up to weak, mx, ID, coldish W singer, brr!

    6550,0 1447-1450 UNID, v.weak mx, no tk. [cf RISING SUN]

    3930,0 1541-1555 UNID, v.weak, fading, mx 1545 "It's summertime"

    6290,6 1558-1615 R. CAROLINE INT, /occ. ut., splash. mx, IDs.
    6290,6 2051-2054* R. CAROLINE INT, e.weak, mx, ID, s/off 2054'43"

    6219,0 2055-2103* UNID, "Logical song, mx, tk in E but ut.QRM, and off. [cf RAINBOW]

    6547,9 2106-2204 UNID greek?, weak, mx,tk,mx,tk.. 22.04 v.weak.

    3935,0 2121-2307 R. RAINBOW, pops, mailbox, ID "Rainbow on Laser Hot Hits", Vamos a la playa :-((

    6324,8 2142-2242 R. CENTURION, test, D+E, deep fading 2227"Pop-corn, 2232 IDs, Neede box, CQ...

    6310,2 2200-2202* R. PAARDENKRACHT, strong, mx, ID, s/off at 2201'49"

    6985,0 2207-2254 UNID, v.weak, portorican 60s pop, ID Radio ..(Crac! atmo), R&R, pop, latino

    6305,2 2226-2258 R. MAZDA, strong, D songs, Going back to Arizona, ID+hl+@, gd ev'...

    6325,1 2256-2257 R. FOX 48, ID by M+W, mx, v.weak.

    6324,8 2308-2320 R. CENTURION again, Pop-corn, CQ, ID, brass polka, ID...

    6305,0 2309-2335 UNIDs : false AM + true AM, both with mx (would be a strange RX intermod).

    *** DIMANCHE 13 NOVEMBRE 2011 ***

    6924,8 0448-0450 UNID, AM, weak mx, atmos, s/off ?

    6924,8 0458-0507* CAPTAIN MORGAN SW, Capt.Sensible"Wot", ID, mx, "Spirit in the sky", ID+@, off

    6925,1 0508-0512* UNID, AM, v.weak, mx, an other version of "Wot"

    6970,0 0452-1023 LASER HOT HITS, usual format and everlasting RTTY on 6973

    6985,2 0751-1025 R. WAVES INT, clear, C&W,ID+POB, Splendid, pop, Country Music USA (F comments)..

    6309,9 0755-0755 UNID, weak mx [cf SONIC ]

    6310,4 0804-0840 UNID, "Blue monday", weak, bit of drift and fading. [cf SONIC]

    6303,1 0755-0756 R. PLUTO, switch to 6300,0

    6300,0 0756-0806 R. PLUTO, weak, 0757 ID, 6-3-Oh-Oh said last record.

    6200,0 0759-0906 R. ORANG UTAN, 0759 KISS, 0903 Hang on Sloopy, ID, It's a heartache.

    5815,0 0800-0857 ORION R., "Crunchy granola, 0850 D song, 0854 IDs (?+E), ment. 6255, KBC.

    4026,0 0802-0802 LASER HOT HITS (usual)

    6240,0 0842-0857 MISTI R., funky mx, ID+@, occ. hets. (not at 9.06)

    6095,0 0900-1044 MIGHTY KBC, V.strong, Turkish march, DJ, "I'm free", 1005 Cocaine, DJ, CCR...

    6294,9 0915-1028 R. ALTREX, IDs and moohs, over mx from Artem ? v. weak, f/In&Out.

    6300,0 0919-0921* R. PLUTO, v.weak, ID+CQ, going stand by, mx.

    6375,3 0921-1043 UNID, RTTY everywhere around, nonstop D songs.

    6930,1 0925-1022 IRISH MUSIC R., mx with DJ

    12257,2 0938-0953 WR INT, strong\fading, dance, DJ, ID+@+hl.. Baby I don't care, by W, rpt from Germany, deep fading, facebook, 200 W ??, Happy jack, tk: NY, D.Ross...

    6305,2 1012-1056 R. MAZDA % (on quartz!), strong, nonstop D songs.

    6220,3 1015-1016* UNID, fair, mx, sudden off at 1016'29". [MERLIN bad start?]

    6260,9 1029-1038 UNID, v.weak, D "piraten" song, mx parts, D songs. [cf PERFEKT]

    6240,6 1032-1109 UNID, v.weak, mx & tk, 1034 ID+@ (no copy), later PLC.

    5815,0 1049-1055 UNID, e.weak, mx+tk, This is R. Sky.. ??? [or RX intermod ??]

    6299,1 1057-1107 BOOMERANG %, strong, 1057-1059 synthe ( ) 1106 "Pop-corn, Reveille rock.

    6284,8 1100-1108 R. ALTREX, e.weak mx, 1104 ID (under PLC).

    6220,0 1110-1114 R. MERLIN INT, fair/fading, PLC. mx, ID, c'/d bit of a problem. Also 1515 ID.
    6425,1 2003-2009 UNID, polka, waltz..(parts), then shaggy mx, \SSB traffic on U side.

    6510,0 2009-2018* R. RISING SUN, mx, "House of.., IDs+@, bye bye, IDs by W+M, blank, off.

    6539,9 2018-2216 UNID greek? st., mx and strong tk, small drift, signal up to strong.

    6930,1 2027-2031 IRISH MUSIC R., mx, ID as IMR Radio, strong peak.

    6970,0 2028-2116 LASER HOT HITS, strong \atmos, 2116 f/down a bit, \traffic and RTTY

    6324,9 2037-2101 UNID, medley of classic and modern mx. (not at 2103)

    4026,0 2050-2224 LASER HOT HITS, rpts, G.Drew, 2156 strong it. SSB on 4030U, later on 4020U.

    3905,0 2054-2058* UNID, weak, quiet mx, 20.57'50" slow s/off. [cf U-BOAT 66]

    6925 V 2106-2120 UNID speedy drifter down to 6919,8 stop, up again to 6920,5, e.weak mx.

    6305,0 2121-2222 R. POWERLINER INT, strong, CCR, Blue Hotel, dance, pop, ID+hl+@, f/out.

    6220,2 2128-2132 UNID, strong, retro song, Andrew Sisters?, f/out. [cf MERLIN ]

    3905,0 2140-2158 R. RAINBOW, weak \fading, mx, IDs many languages, also R 66 or R. 76 ?

    4015,3 2152-2233 R. MI AMIGO, UK E (MiAmigoFanClub in D), IDs+JIDs+hl, 70s pop mx.

    6932,5 2236-2243 UNID, v.weak, mx and tk, " ..Fox-Trot.."

    mx=music, tk=talk, D=Dutch, E=English, G=German, F=French, it.=Italian, rpt=report, v.=very,
    e.=extremely w.=with, c'/d=closing down, M/W=man/woman, g'=greeting, ut=utility,
    ID+@=ID+e-mail address, J=jingle, PLC=PowerLineComm'(noise), \=but, %=guess, hl=hotline


Re: Logs, 11-12-13 NOV

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2011 10:27 am
by Caroline
Hello Ray,

many thanks for such 3 logs of us!!!!!!! :D

We see, you have done great there! =D>

Best wishes,
Radio Caroline International
. :veryhi

Re: Logs, 11-12-13 NOV

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2011 16:27 pm
by Dave Jones
Hi Ray,
Thanks for the mention of WR International in your logs for 13th November.
Have a good weekend.