Logs, 7 - 10 Nov.
Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2011 08:54 am
- *** LUNDI 7 NOVEMBRE 2011 ***
4026,0 0602-0659* LASER HOT HITS, 0642 special 20 min Offshore jingles etc.. for Stuart Allen
4026,0 1832-2202 LASER HOT HITS, std: mx, DJ, IDs.
6970,0 0700-0715 LASER HOT HITS, late f/in, 0714 ID by S.Ross over "Maybe tomorrow"(title?)
6970,0 1647-1952 LASER HOT HITS, end of the low power weeks ?
6990,6 1648- LIGHTNING R. %, almost clear channel, v. weak mx (also 2158 but traffic)
1395,0 1658-1732 R. SEAGULL, 1702 news in E by FSN, ID, ship Jenni Baynton, mx.
6290,6 1733-1747 R. CAROLINE INT %, good \splash, PLC and IDs not very clear, mx.
6325,0 1827-1834 UNID, v.strong, carrier *1740. D songs, C&W. Could be BLACK BANDIT.
6295,0 1916-1922* UNID, mx 1918 "Rhythm of the night" (title?), fades to a trace and s/off.
*** MARDI 8 NOVEMBRE 2011 ***
4026,0 0600-0633 LASER HOT HITS, 0633 Beatles medley with drumbox added(
4026,0 1917-2340 LASER HOT HITS, weak, 1917 Radar love, 1922 R.London souvenir. 2340 S.Ross
6970,0 0634-0720 LASER HOT HITS, trace+v.weak peaks (and RTTY 6973), then 0656 real f/in.
6970,0 1638-2328 LASER HOT HITS, std, ut.QRM.
6325,0 1629-1656* UNID, strong, splashing, mainly C&W. 1656 big noise, breakdown! B.BANDIT ?
6305,0 1630-1924 R. OSAKA, 1703 Reggae night,1715 Adamo in F, then D mx and IDs+@.
6920,1 1639-1640* UNID, instrum mx, blank and off.
1395,0 1752-1758* R. SEAGULL, rock, ID, ann., bye bye (for a while?) (weak st. in E then heard).
6325,1 2043-2100 UNID, e.weak, 2046 in E, 60s pop, 2055 Nena"99.." 2058 on/off het.
3930,0 2334-2345 R. BATAVIA, ID, www.RadioBatavia.tk, synthe mx, P.Clark"Downtown", f/out.
*** MERCREDI 9 NOVEMBRE 2011 ***
6930,0 0540-0543* UNID, e.weak tk
6970 a 0545-0557 jamming ?
4026,0 0547-0659* LASER HOT HITS, tk about R.Seagull on the Jenni Baynton. Het on 4024,5.
4026,0 1929-2104 LASER HOT HITS, strong \fading. mx, DJ ID, slogan.
6970,0 0659- LASER HOT HITS, good power again for sure.
6970,0 1942-2110 LASER HOT HITS, somewhat cornered.
6325,0 1658-1701* DE WITTE REUS, goodbye, Born to be wild, RXradio(at)gmail, bit of yodl, s/off
6305,0 1702-1712 UNID,mx (D mix), PLC came on. (not at 1718)
6240,0 1712-1718 R. CAROLINE INT, mx and JIDs.
6450,1 1719-1725 BAKEN 16, v.weak(+PLC), JID (Cucaracha tune), Big Ben above next record.
6990,5 1725-1735 LIGHTNING R. %, e.weak, mx, "--- Radio", f/out&in.
6324,6 1737-1745* R. PLUTO?, mx, Walk don't run, tk (rpt, 20W, ID unsure), then undermod.
6421,9 1746-1812 R. DUTCHWING, mx,IDs(g'? Pionier in D), 1753 F.Grignard"Ring..,C&W, Los Bravos,
6482,2 1758-1806 UNID, D songs, 1805 blank. (not at 1814)
6484,6 1814-1816 UNID, D song, D brass mx. (not at 1915)
6474,6 1917-1923 UNID, D mx /sp. traffic on 6470U, ut. on U side. (not at 1940).
6324,5 1932-1941 UNID, D song C&W style, audio kickup, then carrier hickup, blank.
6307,2 1957-2050 R. CAROLINE INT, relay Artem's music, added IDs. QRM from 6305U.
6305 U 1957-2026 R. PANDORA ? FREE R. CHANNEL ? in E, strong het from 6307,2, juddering mx.
6219,8 2030- UNID, mx speed trapped at 150 bpm, quickly f'/out
6320,2 2038-2045 UNID, 1st undermod, 2039 raising the mod, \ut.splash, f/down. (not at 2050).
3930,0 2053-2115 R. BATAVIA, ru song 60s sound, 2057 long ID, "Mexico", D mx.
*** JEUDI 10 NOVEMBRE 2011 ***
6325,2 0125-0135 UNID, collected sounds patchwork, ann. US accent "..pirate radio..SW.."
4026,0 0540-0659* LASER HOT HITS, str. 0629 sponsored show, Captain of your ship, offsh. jingles
4026,0 1932-2122 LASER HOT HITS %, /RTTY right on 4026. 2122 same RTTY, promo OEM.
6970,0 0539-0659 LASER HOT HITS, trace, 0646 f/in, RTTY 6973, spitting ut, engine QRM right on!
6970,0 1636-2114 LASER HOT HITS, strong \RTTY 6973, usual format.
6220,2 1638-1809 R. MERLIN INT, 60/70s album pop, soon almost nonstop mx.
6305 U 1659-1716 UNID, strong, messing with one R&R track, kickup. 1711 Morse QRM.
6310,0 1756-1808 COOL AM, e.weak, mx+tk, only 1st ID copied with hotmail address.
6421,9 1810-1821 UNID, speeding bpm, quiet song, unquiet pop, SSB QRM, G? songs row.
6469,0 1913-1915 UNID, e.weak (undermod) mx, quickly lost.
6303,3 1924-1928 UNID, e.weak tk and mx, 1928 under het from 6305,1, 1929 both lost.
6320,2 2058-2112* UNID, v.weak medleys: pop+drumbox, then bpm medleys
6300,0 2356-2420 BLACK BANDIT R., v.strong, songs, g' Alex/Kiev, ID, C&W, g' Peter/Kalix..
6937 a 2406- UNID, v.weak mx in AM?, quickly lost.
6925,0 2410-2417 UNID, v.weak mx in AM, breaking fading, SSB traffic in F soon swamping it.
mx=music, tk=talk, D=Dutch, E=English, G=German, rpt=rpt, v.=very,
w.=with, c'/d=closing down, M/W=man/woman, g'=greeting, ut=utility,
ID+@=ID+e-mail address, J=jingle, PLC=PowerLineComm' noise, %=tent.